■ f i.« «fi** MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. Years (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL. XLVII. PRESC O TT WAS WASHED OVER BOARD — — Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. i H ELD TO A N SW E R FOR PORTLAND G IRL’S DEATH I la ----------- 8 ti PORTLAND, Dec. 18. a a a la a * » Huge Wave Strikes Lifeboat n and Second Rescue j» Fails. a DETAILS ARE RECITED a 'a Particulars Received of How Ash­ a land Young Man Lost a His Life. a MARSHFIELD, Dec. 18— C har­ a les N. Prescott, form er Ashland a resident, was among those lost a in the tragedy enacted here Sun­ a day when the steam er C. A. Smith a struck a subm erged rock of the a Held crim inally negligent and severely scored for failing to render assis­ tance, three local boys, Kenneth DeVoe, Howard Zucker and Charles Valen- ga, all under 18 years of- age, whose part in the death of Nora K elleher, 23, have been investigated by a coroner’s ju ry and bound over to the grand jury. Miss K elleher jumped from a machine in which she was riding w-ith the three boys December 12. She was picked up in an unconscious condition and never completely regain­ ed consciousness. She died three days later of a frac­ tured skull. The boys deny any im­ proper advances toward the girl. The tragedy is a ttra c t­ ing wide attention in tills city. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LAUGHSAT H A N G IN G a' a i a a -I a a a Klamath Prisoner Tries on a Improptu Noose and a Laughs. ASHLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1923 Chrysler, Wiping Engines 35 Years Ago In Auto World Today is Next to Ford « MATE IS TERRORIZED a a a a One of Slayers of Box Factory Worker Cowers in Corner. »! KLAMATH FALLS, Dec. 18.— » Pablo Montez, 20, who by his » ; own confession struck the blow » ¡ t h a t killed J. R. Felix, 50, Mex- » a a a a a a a a a a j lean box factory w orker, and who with Damacio Cadena, who escap- north je tty at the entrance to i ed and was captured Friday, and Coos Bay harbor as she attem pt- j ** Alfonso Roygoza robbed their vic- ed to put to sea. i» tim of $360, is no longer a bold ; m urderer. Prescott, deckhand of the tug ’• Oregon, was drowned while the » Montez has fallen victim to the tu g was attem pting to reach the » im aginative powers of his own wreck of the steam schooner C. com patriot and brother-in-crlm e, A. Smith. Prescott was swept from » j Roygoza, who idles away the the deck of the tug and rescued ♦♦ hours in th eir cell by dwelling im m ediately by the men aboard ' upon details of th eir hanging, the life guard boat, and then ! which both now believe will come W’ALTER P, CHRYSLER while he lay half conscious in t h e ! to pass. - Who ran k s second to Ford in the autom obile business? Ask th a t question of th e average car owner and anv one of a dozen small boat, a huge wave washed j Describes Feeling names may come to him him from the boat. He sank at His glib tongue, fortified by try a S 3 22 bT once. descriptive gestures, Roygoza fore A graphic description of the casts Montez’s innerm ost feelings road c o m p an y 2 n ea riSitatfe° io w T ’in K a n s a ^ ^ T o d a ? ^ k T o n ^ o f experience of his crew, which re­ Numerous F actors C ontribute to as the hangm an’s rope tightens the biggest production men in the country. He was one of the sulted in the loss of Prescott, was about his neck. Poorest Duck S hooting m n h u tW? er8 f? f an autom obi,e- And he has been piUHng auto­ mobiles together ever since. auio given by Captan Harvey. When in Y ears. “ Your neck, it goes ‘crack !’ ” Mr. Chyrsler is the man who developed the Bulelr hainmi the tug went to the.C . A. Sm ith, explains the torm enter. W illys-Overland out of a post-war depression and today i’s bund­ waves were dashing over the lum- An unusual scarcity of ducks Montez meanwhile lo w e rs fln ing Maxwells and Chalmers cars. ber vessel. A breaker hit the t u g I , i R sections of Oregon this fall the innerm ost corners of the cell, and tangled the tow line with the has caused sportsm en to take w himpering. He is terrorized. He! steering gear. When Prescott, considerable interest in the dis- j has ceased to plead with th e other who with another of the crew, cussion of lower bag lim its and , Roygoza, he realizes, will not stop w ent to investigate he was wash- the control of autom atic and this awful talk. N othing m atters ! now to Roygoza. It is the end. ed overboard. He was floating on ' pump guns. his back when he was rescued bj j N umerous fa c to rs have contri- (Continued on page three) the coast guard crew, which w a s 1 huted to make this the poorest Movements Indicates Rebels In­ Assult of a Custodian of I’ S. returning with the men from t h e |duck shooting season in years but tend Offensive Against Tam­ Mail is Charge Made C. A. Smith. He was picked up in j tbe im m ediate causes were con- GRAND JU R Y P R A ISE S pico; Woman Killed. « Against B rothers. SHASTA OFFICIALS an exhausted condition. W hile tlnued mild w eather and lack of several of the men were trying rain early in the fall. Mild w eath­ TAMPICO, Dec. 18.— It is re -' PORTLAND, Dec. 18.— Roy, REDDING, Cal., Dec. 18.— The to revive him another breaker er deldyed the southern flight of ported from Mexico City th a t Ray and Hugh D’A utrem ont of struck the life boat and turned the birds, dried up th e lakes and grad jury, reporting to the su- American Charge d ’A ffairs Geo. Eugene, were indicted by the fed- prevented the birds from stopping l’erior court, highly compliment- it over on its side. T. Sum m erlin, has offered (h e eral grand ju ry yesterday on a Ied D istrict A ttorney Jesse W. Prescott was washed out. C har­ over for the usual period. W apato lake in W ashington G arter and his office for the en- friendly offices of the United charge of being the men who held les N ordstrom , veteran member Pacific ‘ gold greatest shooting forcem ent of the prohibition law S tates’ intervention in Mexico” s up the Southern of the coast guards, grabbed him. county, the civil strife. special” No. 13. in Siskiyou tu n ­ Both went out of the boat, but place for canvasbacks in w estern and added th a t as a result of this That a rebel campaign against nel, and in doing so killed Elvyn some one caught N ordstrom ’s Oregon, was entirely devoid of enforcem ent there had been a the federals defending the oil E. Dougherty, mail clerk of Ash­ w ater up to the present week. great decrease in drunkenness foot and dragged him back. land. fields of Tampico is im m inent is Prescott, who was 27 years There has been virtually no duck and crime. indented by the extensive move­ Technically the charge reads The d istrict attorney and the old, is survived by his parents, shooting in the upper W illam ette m ents of governm ent troops. 1000 “assualt and placing in jeopardy Mr. and Mrs. W. G., Prescott of valley where shooting is usually sheriff alike were complimented volunteers are being arm ed to the life of a costodian of the Uni­ Ashland. He had m ate papers for good after October 1. In eastern lo r the efficient and prom pt hand­ aid in the defense of the petro­ ted States m ail.” both the A tlantic and Pacific Oregon M alheur and W arner ling of the P it River bandits’ case, leum belt. A dditional cannon Bail of $25,000 is fixed on each lakes have been at a new low which ended Monday in W illiam oceans. have been mounted along the of the three men, if they are ever level. Probably one-half of the Slater and Philip P eters being shore fro n t to protect the horbor captured. The penalty, if convic­ MARSHFIELD, Dec. 18.— The lakes on Sauvies island and a -1 convicted °f m urder with the pen- from a rebel attack by w ater. It tion is secured on the charge, is lifeboat was driven away from the long the lower Columbia r iv e r , a,tY of life im prisonm ent at- is reported th a t several gunboats i 25 years. The court is not allow stranded ships by two waves, one were dry until the first week in 1tached. have joined the rebels at Vera ed to pass more or less. of which washed overboard two December. Cruz. W hether federal departm ent of But even under the most f av-i NUMEROUS men from the lifeboat. Charles Tampico Objective justice agents have evidence th a t UMATILLA COUNTY N ordstrom , one of the oldest orabte circum stances duck shoot-i The opinion is growing th a t has not been made known to the coast guard men on the coast, ing has been on the decline. G er-' Tampico, instead of Mexico City, public was not revealed following PENDLETON, Dec. 18.— Trap­ ■was one and C. N. Prescott, of the man carp introduced into the Co­ will be the eventual, goal of the the retu rn of the indictm ents be­ T ug Oregon, who had been w ash­ lum bia liver many years ago have pers and hunters are applying to rebels. fore Judge Bean. ed overboard and picked up by dstroyed virtually all the wapato the county agent for strychnine American Woman Killed th e lifeboat crew, was the second. and other n atural duck foods and and inform ation about the best One suspect is in jail and oth­ UNABLE TO IDENTIFY P rescott was almost helpless from flashing autom obile lights have methods of hunting, trapping and er arrests are expected im m ediate­ STRANGER AT SALEM th e cold w ater and • had been frightened the ducks and kept poisoning coyotes as they never ly for th e killing of Mrs. Ear- picked up with his arm s tightly them from descending in the W il­ have in previous years. The bounty for coyotes is not h ard t, American woman m urder­ SALEM, Dec. 17.— Salem police wrapped about a two-by-foiir lam ette valley. ed a t Tula Saturday morning, ac­ paid under the new law, and have attem pted to identify a man scantling. W hen the breaker hit The few localities which re­ cording to reports received here. who entered the city hall S atu r­ money has not been available, ex­ the lifeboat. Nordstrom was hold­ main favorable to duck shooting Mrs. E arh ard t lived in the vicin­ ing him, and went overboard with are feeding places kept up and cept by private subscription, to ity of Tula for many yars and day aftrnoon, apparently fn quest him . Prescott, being helpless. controlled by private clubs. The match state and federal funds for wsa popular with all classes of of inform ation, The man cannot . .. . . . . . . x employing trained h u n ters and talk or w rite, and all efforts to sank. Nordstrom being a good only opportunity th e ordinary* , , ... t. 1 trappers. As a result, coyotes are residents. Her m urder is a ttrib u ­ elicit his name or address proved swimmer, kept above w ater unti» h u n ter has to get a mess of ducks said to be present in g reater num ­ ted to Peons, whose motive was futile. He is about 50 years old rescued. is along the coast or along some bers on the range than for some robbery. and fairly well dressed. The flyway during a storm. years. stran g er had a small am ount of Rebels Defeated DE MOLAY HEADED W ith exterm ination Of the money, but nothing th a t would TAMPICO, Dec. 18.— The fed­ BY A DENVER MAN . ducks threatened the advisory TACOMA LETS CONTRACT establish his identity. I committee of the Biological Sur-j FOR $1,1 »5,559 HOTEL erals inflicted a crushing defeat upon the rebel forces at San- KANSAS CITY, Ma., Dec. 17.— j vey is this month m eeting at marcos, capturing 200 prisoners, BRIDE COMMITS SUICIDE; Roy E. Dickerson, Denver, Colo-1 W ashington, D. C. and consider- TACOMA, Dec. 18.— C ontract ILL HEALTH IS CAUSE rado, has been appointed Director I ing reduction of the duck bag for the construction of Tacoma’s acording to advices reaching Mex­ of Program and Activities for th e lim it from 25 to 15; control of civic hotel, Hotel W inthrop, was ico City. PORTLAND, Dec. 18.— Mrs. O rder of DeMolay, according to I autom atic and pump guns and awarded yesterday by the trustees Hazel Oblander, 2 6, a bride of an announcem ent from the office taxing of private clubs to obtain of the Citizens’ Hotel corporation COMPLETE 22 MILES less than a year, killed herself SEWER AT LONGVIEW in a bedroom, shooting herself of Frank S. Land, Grand Scribe, a fund for the purchase of pub- to P ra tt & W atson, Tacoma con- a t National H eadquarters in this lie shooting grounds. All of these tractors, at $1,195,559. through the head. Nervousness LONGVIEW, W ash., Dec. 18 — city. W ithin the last five »years he m easures are of vital in terest to and depression caused by ill W ork on the hotel will sta rt The first u n it of Longview sewer health is the reason for her sui­ has made detailed surveys of this state. early next week. T hat the hotel cide according to coroners evi­ system is nearing completion and every phase of boy life in six will be furnished and open by dence. may be finished this month. All American cities of various sizes, April 1, 1925, a t the latest, was business buildings are connected includng San Antonio, Pasadena TEACHERS HACK PLAN DF GOVERNOR P IE R C F I prediction of the architect with the system and w ater is be­ FIREMAN KILLED BY an d Colorado Springs. AN EXPLODING BOILER ing drained off streets efficiently. SALEM, Dec. 18.— The Marion AGED WOMAN DIED W hen complete, this unit will SEATTLE CLEANING UP; IN ASHLAND SUNDAY KIRBY, Wyo.,Dec. ■ 18.— Low County School Principals’ assoc­ give Longview 22.4 miles of sew­ 4« ARRESTS ARE MADE w ater in a boiler is believed re­ ia tio n at a meeting here Saturday The death of Lydia Anna Smith er pipe, 14.54 miles of which will sponsible for the accident in SEATTLE. Dec. 18.— Forty ar-i Ment_ On record indorsing Cover-, occurred December 16, 1923 at be sanitary sewer and 7.86 storm which G. L. Davis," firem an, was . . . . . . „ .. n° r Pierce’s move to obtain legis- 266 Third street. Mrs. Sm ith has sewer. rests had been made up to Friday . . . , .A. killed and A. W. Schultz, an en­ « u* u ou o* • v, - , latlon Prohibiting the advertising not lived in Ashland long and night by Sheriff Starwich and his . gineer, was m ortally injured when . • , i of cigarettes in the newspapers or little is known about h er here. U. 8. WILL NOT GIVE their Burlington^engine exploded. deputies as the resu lt of 71 in-1 „ ..... . . | on billboards in this state. Sh was 70 years’, 9 m onths and RECOGNITION TO RUSSIA dictm ents returned yesterday by I F. A. Fagan was elected a del- 11 days old. WASHINGTON, Dec. 18.— Ef- MOTHER INSTALLS HER th e King county grand ju ry which Relatives came to Ashland from forts of the Soviet Russians to bid to represent the Marion DAUGHTER IN OFFICE has been investigating a lle g e d ! . ... x . - , , .county association at the annual K lam ath Falls, the form er home for recognitions and the resump­ DUNSMUIR Dec. 18.— An in­ vice conditions in this city. „ ¡m eeting of th e Oregon State of Mrs. Smith and retu rn ed to tion of cordial relations with the teresting event at the installation Teachers’ association to be held in K lam ath Falls th is m orning with United States met with failure. of officers of Fidelity Chapter, 20 CENT TURKEY Portland startin g December 27. the body where interm ent will be Secretary Hughes instructed the Order of Eastern Star, occurred made. American at -consul to reveal the The program m e included a advise to Soviet authorities at when the retiring w orthy m atron, CONDON. Or.. Dec. U . - T u r - ' „ „ » h e r addresses, sped», m u ,- ' o V h e 7 'd « « h “ Moscow that “there seems to be M artha Eagles, installed in the keys are going to be 20 cents a leal num bers a n d . discussions of | j . P . Dodge and sona cared f<>r at this time no reasons for neogo- office of worthy m atron, her pound in Condon this Christmas, school problems. J th e body. tlatlons.” daughter, Reubena Sears. E; E BAG FRIENDLY OFFICES OF I FEDERAL JURY INDICTS II. S. E X T E N D E D CIVIC BODIES MAKE REPORT AT LUNCHEON NO. 91 BODY OF PRESCOTT HAS NOT BEEN RECOVERED -------- a ELKS' SHOW GREETED BY B I G HOUSE MARSHFIELD, D ec. a 18.— (Special.) — W. Q. a Prescott, of Ashland and a H ubert Prescott, Of Eu­ 8 j gene, arrived thia a fte r­ a noon to see w hat could be a. done about finding the Reviews by Representatives ~ body of Charles n . Pres- Disclose a Successful ; » cott, first mat« of the tug n Musical Show, “ Ten Thou sand Dollars,’’ Unquali­ Year. , a Oregon, who was drowned n fied Success. Sunday morning while ASHLAND IS GROWING a the tug was standing by a HOME TALENT SHINES a the wreck of the steam er a General Tones of Reports Indicate i » C. A. Smith. They will re ­ a S ettin gs und C ostum es B eautiful; City is Going Steadily Acts E xcellent; to Repeat a main until his affairs are « Ahead. Perform ance T onight. a in order and they are sure 8 The- Tuesday forum-luncheon a th a t everything possible 8 The musical comedy and Elks held today by the Chamber of a has been done to find the n Charity Show, “ Ten Thousand Commerce proved one of the most a body. H ubert Prescott is 8 Dollars,” produced and staged un interesting and valuable of the a a student in the Univer­ 8 der the direction of Mr. and Mrs 8 year, and fittingly so as it is the a sity of Oregon. iC. J. McNaughtan at the Vining a The coast guards say 8 last to be held during 1923. As j T heatre last night, proved to be previously announced, the topic a th a t it is impossible to 8 the most colorful gathering and was “ W hat We Have Acomplished a predict w hether or not the 8 pretenetious display of local ta l­ a body of the dead men will 8 for Ashland in 1923.” !» be found. Storm condi­ 8 ent presented in Ashland for W ith but one exception the), many seasons. tions have so disrupted 8 various civic organizations of the No moment of the entire even­ ¡ 8 ocean currents th a t there 8 city were represented and made I ing lagged, following the prompt 8 is no way of telling which 8 intelligent reports of the aetvi- 8 way the body would have 8 rise of the curtain at 8:15. The tles and accompllshmnts of the usual enthusiasm of the Elks » drifted, they say, 8 year now draw ing to a close. kept the ball rolling and the even­ « » » » « a » # « 8 W. M. W right presided and ing's entertainm ent was fluctu« called on the following for re ­ ated by the “ horseplay” of the ports: Mrs. W. M. W right, presi­ Elks' mysterious clown brigade of dent of the W omen’s Civic Club; funm akers. D. Perozzi, Andy Mc­ Mrs. Louis Dodge, president of Gee, "H an k ” Pace, “ N ash” Mc­ Nair and ' ‘Candy” GeBauer sold the Parent-T eacher association; kisses to their hearts content and Miss Marion Leach, president of the student body of the Ashland their hilarity was npontaneous. Believe Jas. Brady Was Victim High school; Mrs. J. W. McCoy, The plot of the play, easy to of Bullet Meant for follow and speculative as to o u t­ representative of the P. E. O.; J. Another. H. Fuller, secretary of the Lith- come, held many fine places for ians; Fred C. Homes, president of YREKA, Cal., Dec. 18.— Dis­ local talent to display their art. the Chamber of Commerce; Rev., trict A ttorney C. E. Johnson Sat- Mr. McNaughtan deserves praise S. J. Chaney, president of t h e I urd ay announced one theory of for the m anner in which the play M inisterial association. The only the authorities is th a t Jam es B ra­ was produced under so short a • organization not represented by dy, pugilist of OmaJia, Neb., shot time. down and killed In a mysterious an official spokesman was the Every character was good. The Kiwanis club, of which H. K. m anner on the principal street in settings were lavish and gowns Tomlinson is president and who Shastina, suburb of Weed, was the prudently designed. C. J. Mc­ victim of a bullet m eant for an­ is out of town. However, the N aughtan. C. E Hedberg, and other. chairm an of the meeting, who is Miss M argaret Campbel! were A nother theory is th&t the dead a member of the Kiwanis, spoke man killed by a bullet from some­ able to captivate their audieuee, for the organization and gave an one who was held up or thought tho the rem ainder or the cast excellent report of its activities they were being held up and now handled their parts with ease. and plans. The Elks' Jazz Pony chorus, fear to reveaJ connection with the with their fantastic and chic cos Owing to the fact th a t the var­ shooting. tnmes. dimpled knees and rouged Shot Through Neck ious reports were not completed Brady had ju st alighted from lips, filled in numerous places until rath er late it is impossible ! Southern Pacific train No. 53. on with their catchy song hits and to present each In this issue of which he had been beating his way rollicking dances. The Vining the Tidings, but a special article and had walked down the princi­ stage was turned to a Broadway will cover them in detail tom or­ pal street in Shastina. At a dark show-house with the g litter and row. corner a revolver shot was fired A silk in g feature of the re­ and later Brady was found near sparkle of the show girls’ enthu­ siasm. ports of accomplishments and ac­ death on the ground. He was h u r­ Baldheaded first nighters were tivities of the year indicated ried toward a hospital but died able to get their fill of feminine growth and progress in Ashland en route. The fatal bullet passed through daintiness and sat back In their and those present left with a feel­ seat contented for Ashland pre­ ing th a t real achievements have his neck. A third theory Is expressed— sented a real, honest-to-goodness, been accomplished that are al­ th a t Brady was the victim of a bunch of fine looking young ready being felt in the growth and stray bullet— but this Is not given women. developm ent of the city. One of much credence. Probably “ Um-um-da-da” was the best Indexes of the growth of The shooting took place Thurs­ received better than any other the city was revealed in the re­ day night. aet, tho encores were free at all port of Rev. S. J. Chaney, presi­ times and no am ount of applause dent of the M inisterial associa­ HIGHWAY TO NEWPORT was lacking to bring the danc­ tion, which conclusively proved IN GOOD CONDITION ers to their places. th at the populaton has been grow­ The grand opening revue, with ing at a healthy rate. NEWPORT, Dec. 18. The Mrs. Florence Farlow, as soloist Two excellent musical num bers good road boosters of Lincoln gave early impetus to the pro­ by members of the Ashland Musi­ county, a fte r m aking the trip duction. ‘‘The Kiddies Fashion cal Club were features of the from Newport to Corvallis, said Parade,” was cunning and the lunchon. A vocal solo by Mrs. today th a t the highway was hold­ youthful vamps with their feath­ W. R. Henry received a hearty ing up well and th a t the trlfflc er« and frills provoked endless encore, and Mrs. Ray Dlx delight­ has been heavy during the win­ m irth. ed atten d an ts with a piano solo. te r months. The road is well sup­ Eight beautifully gowned mod­ plied with m aintenance rock from els caused the breath to pause Eddyville to the Lincoln county and people to ponder where the HAIR-PULLING CASE IS DISMISSED BY JUDGE line and has been kept up reason­ stunning models came from. Ev­ ably well during the stormy ery costume was unique and ♦ SACRAMENTO, Cal., Dec. 8.— w eather. pretty and fitted to the type that Displaying a hank of hair she al­ No m aintenance rock has been wore it. Mrs. Ura McNaughtan leged had been torn from her placed on the Newport-Toledo designed all costumos In the scalp by Marie Marini, 1526 Sev­ part of the road, and this is the comedy. Dr. Phetteplace featu r­ enth Street, A ndrea Albaro, 1331 worst part of the highway a t this ed as the soloist. Third St., appeared as complain­ time. Mrs. J. W. Shortridge, accom­ ing w itness against Mrs. M artini The road to the valley is good panied by Loveland's Harm ony in the police court. Through In ter­ and the trip from Corvallis to Fiends, was more thnn fine and p reter M artin Morelli the two women told their story, with the Newport can be made In less than the spot light was used effective­ ly. Mrs. Shortridge has an en­ result th a t Judge O. W. Anderson three hours. viable soprano voice and appeared held “ there was battery on the WINNING TEAM HEADED well in her act. p art of both complaining witness BY ASHLAND MENTOR and defehdant,” and ordered the “ The W onderful Girl Revue” . case against Mrs. M artini dismis­ ---------- preceeding the third act of the sed. An interesting account and pja y featured Mrs. Bobbie Bow- slowing story of the football ma- w s M,.„ A1,fc chloo th a t has been worked op IIen8kJ, cn„ He)en HOME FOR AGED IS in the high school at Watertown, PLANNED AT EUGENE South D akota by Coaeh H arry E. Erickson. The song hit, “ Other Roese, form erly of the Ashland Lips” livened the skit to the sa t­ isfaction of the audience. Carl EUGENE, Dec. 18.— Plans for high school, reached the Tidlng’s Loveland, in a genteel and highly a L utheran home for aged in Eu­ office this morning. Four games in eight days is an thusiastic close. gene are being made, it was an­ Repeated Tonight unparalleled record of the W ater- nounced here yesterday by Rev. town high school. According to O. Skilbred, pastor of Trinity the story, th e school has labored (Continued on page 4) L utheran church of this city. under a jinx for many years, but Mrs. Pelle Severson and Ed­ through the untiring efforts of ¡GUARDS HALT CONVICT ward Kjensbeck have donated the coach and a crew of men, the W ,,° ATTEMPTS ESCAPE nearly $20,000 as a nucleus for a high school has won the N orth-, west championship, an unheard ---------- foundation fund of $100,000 for of fact for the state of South SALEM, Dec. 17.— Antonio the home. Dakota. Sasso. alias Tony Sasso, serving a It Is planned to raise th at sum A close taly on the num ber of 15-year sentence in the Oregon during the next year and to erect games played records seven games state penitentiary for aswiult and a sanatarium , cottages and other won, one lost and one tie game, i robbery while armed with a dan­ buildings where aged members of A “picture accompanying the story ! gerous weapon, attem pted to es- thfe church may be cared for. A shows forty eight sturdy players, cape from the institution early to­ mass m eeting was held at the their coach, and captain. day, but was captured by guards local church tonight to discuss before reaching the walls some the campaign. Classified ads hrtng ifemit*. distant* from th« sell hoqse. PRIZE FIGHTER IS i