MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years —- --------- - . . ASHLAND CLIMATE W ithout the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL. XLVII. STATE LIQUOR TO $ 8 7 ,6 8 4 State Prohibition Director Cleaver Files Re­ port. FINANCE HINDERANCE 35 Stills Confiscated; A storia Of- clals Are Critized for Lack o f C ooperation. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. SEAMEN TAKE CHANCE AND DEFEAT DEATH » MARSHFIELD, D ec. 8 « 17.— Chance won for sev­ 8 8 en men left aboard the 8 tt ill-fated steam er C. A. 8 8 Smith, w’hich was driven 8 « ashore on the jetty. 8 » The chance was taken by 8 8 the men at daylight when 8 8 they lowered a lifeboat 8 ‘ ‘ Ten Thousand Dollars ’ ’ « safely and made their way 8 Will Prove Preten­ 8 to the tug Oregon, which 8 tious Offering. tt was standing by. W ith the 8 CAST it seven seamen ^ a v e d the 8 50 PEOPLE I N it survivors num ber 14. 8 tt Nine others remained un- » ! Proceeds o f E ven t WiU B e D is­ pensed by E lk s fo r C harity it acounted for, and are 8 Purposes. tt probably drowned. Those 8 it with C. N. Prescott, m ate ft Tonight is the big night. And j tt of the Oregon who was 8 when “ Ten Thousand D ollars” tt drowned in a rescue a t­ :: starts its two night run a t the it tem pt, m akes th e death 8 ! Vining th eatre tonight, it is pre­ 8 dicted th a t th eatre patrons will tt list 10. The bar is much 8 i agree it is worth every cent of the « « sm oother today. 8 j money. The “ B rother Bills” of ÎÎ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 A sh'and Lodge No. 944, B. P. O. ELKS' SHOW BEGINS TWO NIGHT RUN ASHLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1923 Blind Bantam and Flyweight Friend * ! î ' Ä 5 f ' NO. 90 WOMAN IN HORRIBLE ACCIDENT Car Goes Off Columbia Riv- er Highway—Driver Held Prisoner. IS PAINFULLY BURNED D ripping B attery Acid Burns Un­ til Shoulder Blades and Ribs P rotrude. BANK BANDITS AIDED BY VETERAN RANCHERS tt 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 FLORENCE, Dec. 17.— Jack H erring and Nels Bergram , veteran ranch- ers residing 11 miles from here, are under arrest, after confessing to har- boring the three men who held up and robbed the Florence State Bank last Tuesday.- It is reported in connec- tion with the arrests, al- though unconfirmed, th a t H erring a n d Bergram split 31500 given them by the robbers as a price for the hiding place. Conscience st r 1 c k e n, H erring confessed, caus- ing the arrest of Bergram . The rob b e r s s e c u r e d 38,000 at the time of the holdup and are still at large. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 tt 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 tj 8 8 8 8 8 8 tt 8 8 8 8 8 8 ¡P E N S IO N S TOTAL OVER SIX BILLIONS Payments C o v e r Period From 1790 to the Pres­ ent Date. 539,756 ARE ON ROLLS P en sion ers R ange From War of 1H12 to Recent W orld C onflict. SALEM, Dec. 17. — Activities ASTORIA, Dec. 17.— Mrs. WASHINGTON, Dec. 16— More of the state prohibition depart­ George B. Demer3, a resident of than six and a half billion dollars m ent, created by an act of the Seattle, was seriously, perhaps have been expended by the United 1923 legislature, have resulted in fatally burned as the result of one States in paying pensions to Am­ fines am ounting to 387.6S4.94, of the most harrow ing accidents erican war veterans and other according to a report prepared by Government pensioners since ever recorded in Oregon. W hile jj 1790, the Interior D epartm ent an­ George L. Cleaver, state prohibi­ driving along th e Columbia Riv­ nounced in making public a re­ tion director. The report covers er highway, near Goble, her ma- view of the business of the Pen­ | Elks will toss thousand dollar the period March 15 to December ch'ne ran off the road, plunged sion Office durng the last year. I bills around like so much chaff. 10, and will be subm itted to the over the em bankm ent, overturn­ The total disbursem ents for Much has been said and w ritten governor, who was instrum ental ing and pinning her underneath. pensions up to June 30 totaled about the Elks show since reh ear­ in having the departm ent created. The accident occurred at a 36,606,365,621, of which 36,224,- sals were started about two weeks Of the fines assessed, $87,134.- point where it was not easy for 106,631 has been paid out on ac­ ago, by C. J. McNaughtan, direct­ 94 represented liquor law vio’a- passing m otorists to observe the count of the Cicil W ar and 3105,- ing the production, and Henry tions and 3550 was for narcotic overturned car a t the foot of the Play and Program W ell R eceived; D etached T railer Nearly C ause o f 533,496 on account of the war Enders, Jr.; chairm an of the show drug infractions. Jail sentences steep hank and the woman was with Spain. E ven t Is E xcellen t F inan­ Serious A ccidents on Oyer- committee, say th a t no one will imposed aggregated 12,049 days held prisoner for 12 hours before In the fiscal year 1923 3263 - cial Success. head ('row in g. realize w hat a pretentious offer­ for prohibition law violations and 012,500 was paid out in pensions, the accident was discovered and 390 days for narcotic law viola­ the unfortunate victim liberated The presentation of the comedy, ing it is until they have actually A serious accident was narrow ly compared with 3253.807,583 in seen the colorful production. A tions. While pinned under the car acid averted yesterday on the overhead 1922. “Christm as at Pum pkin H oller,” On June 30, 1923, there were The report indicates th a t state by the P. T .asociation a t Bellview dress rehearsal was held at the form the battery dripped onto her crossing two miles south of Ash­ officers confiscated 4 858 gallons school house Saturday evening th eatre yesterday and it moved face and the upper p art of her land when a Dort sedan owned by 539,756 pensioners on the Gov­ of liquor and 35 stills. Automo­ was greeted with a capacity house with all the sm oothness and pep body and burned her until the E. N. Henz. of St. Cloud, Minnes­ ernm ent’s rolls, compared with biles confiscated from alleged and was well received. The pro- ; of a road attraction, shou’der blades protruded from ota, skidded into a Studebaker en­ 547,015 in 1922. Of these 168,- liquor runners totaled 23. The li­ gram opened with a saxophone ' With fifty people in the cast, the flesh and left some of her closed car, owned by the Central 623 were Civil War veterans, solo by George Barron, which was plenty of pretty girls, attractive Auto Co. of Klam ath Falls, and 264,580 Civil War widows, 68,- quor and stills confiscated in ribs bare. raids have been destroyed, while P ’eartily encored. Miss Lolita j ¿ ance num bers, late song hits and Mrs. Dmers i3 in critical con­ driven by A. F. Black, also of Kla­ 393 Spanish War veterans and . . . . ... , . .¡P ie rso n delighted the audience, m ath Falls. The accident occur­ 13,167 Spanish War widows. Pen­ the autom obiles were libeled, and a farce comedy th a t will bring! dition and is expected to die. with a piano solo and was com- , . .i red about 11 o’clock when the fog sions are also being paid to 4 9 „ , , , laugh after laugh “ Ten Thousand in some instances have been sold pelled to respond with a second I . . was at its thickest during the day. I veterans of the Mexican War and a t auction to satisfy obligations number. i xt o Smith, j . v V. O. N. w i h o I 1 Dollars will bid to please even A wagon, used as a trailer and 40 widows of veterans of the War A num ber of years ago when Pete H erm an, form er bantam ­ contracted by their owners. still continues his allegiance to the most critical th eatre goer. w eight champion was a bootblack, the metal tip of a shoelace struck insecurely fastened to a truck of 1812 with Great Britain. One act which the committee him in the eye. Iiater his vision became affected; then lie went Officers Are Convicted Bellview district, rendered a trom ­ owned and driven by Roy Hessen- During the fiscal year 25,4 52 In addition to the large num ­ bone solo th a t was heartily ap­ have said little about is the E ks stone blind. auer, of Ashland, broke loose from Before th at tragedy occurred, however, Herman discovered Al Civil W ar veterans and 23.9 74 ber of private operators arrested plauded and to an intenspy th a t M ysterious Clown Brigade, with the truck and swerved across the Pettingill, New Orleans boy, tau g h t him all he knew about ring D. Perozzi, Andy McGee, Hank tactics, and started A1 on the road to success as a flyweight. by the prohibition departm ent called for an encore. road on top of the crossing, and widows died, compared witli 25,- Sum ner P ark er was billed fer a Pace, “ N ash” McNair and “ Can- Reports Are U ontridictory; F o r­ during the last eight months, four came to a stop as the tongue of 082 and 21,259 in the previous Pettingill now acts as H erm an's guide about the streets of New Orleans. He w ants to get over big, he says, "for Pete’s sake.” eign Residents Leaving officers have been prosecuted and violin solo, but being out of town | dy” GeBauer. Those prem ier fun- the wagon plunged under the rail­ year. Pettingill has won 86 out of 89 battles in Dixie rings, and in the M exico City. On July 1, 1922, there were ing of the guard. Mr. Hessen- convicted. Total arrests for liquor was unable to retu rn Saturday | m akers will put over a stu n t th a t three he lost gave away weight. He will make his Eastern debut in evening, a fact th a t was d isap ­ auer was driving south and it is pending 82.615 claims of all is a rio t of fun. violations were 472; arrests un ­ Boston, Mass. Jan u ary 4, when he will meet Young M ontreal, of pointing to many. PORTLAND, Dec. 17.— The In­ said th a t he did not stop his ma­ classes. During the year 127,779 The Elks Pony Jazz chorus, the Providence. der the narcotic drugs act aggre­ “ Christm as at Pum pkin H oller" j 1 bevy of p retty girls as fashion chine when he found the trailer ternational News Service says: new claims were filed and 159,- gated nine. proved to be a highly laughable was disconnected. The Minne­ Widely contradictory claims and 727 claims disposed of, leaving l models, the clever kiddies of “ The The first so-called county cam­ farce and the members of the cast U reports are coming out of Vera sota machine, bound for Califor­ 50,667 claims pending on June paign of law enforcem ent a t­ acquitted themselves with < r u it. kiddies Fashion P arad e” , the fea- Cruz and Mexico City relative to nia and ocupied by Mr. Henz and 30, 1923. A force of tem porary tem pted by the state prohibition The audience was held in an up tured soloists, and special act the recent revolution and course a passenger, tried to pass the tra il­ employees, authorized by Con­ departm ent was in Coos county roar from th e opening to the close, people are all up in th eir parts, of events in th a t country. Some of er and in doing bo the rear end of gress, co-operated with the regu­ last May. Two operatives of the A feature of the comedy, although and are eagerly w aiting for the the machine swerved into the Chil­ the reports have the appearance lar force of the Pension Office departm ent operated there for not provided by the au th o r was curtain. oquin stage. of propaganda. It is reported th a t during the year, with the result There are plenty of seats a- F la g s P resen ted L ocal P ost b y , several weeks, with the result the dancing of the Highland fling The driver of the stage saw the The Above Is Topic for Forum - General Angel Florez and Raoul that the work of the bureau has by Mrs. Homer Barron, who p la y -{ vailable for either tonight or to­ th a t fines of 33300 were colTect- tra ile r rolling a t random as he A m erican L egion; New R e­ Luiicheon Tuesday (To­ Madera are preparing to launch approached the brow of the hill been made current, and claims ed. A num ber of offenders were ed the p art of Besty Perkins. Mrs. : mOrrow night. P atrons shou’d cru its Added. m orrow ) Noon. separate revolts against the Obre- Barron and Mrs. Fred Homes, as phone the y in in g th eatre for res- and slowed his machine to a dead and evidence are being considered sent to jail for term s ranging gon governm ent and H urista reb­ Mosetta Peasley, responded with ervationg. The cu rtain on account stop and set the brakes when he as soon as they reach the adju d i­ from 30 to 90 days. Services a t the Salvation Army ‘W hat have you done for Ash- els. was h it by the Minnesota machine cating division. Of the claims dis­ of the jengt|j of the prOgram will hall Saturday evening proved in- land in 1923” is th e title of the The next offensive was at an Irish dance. Much credit for th e successful . .. . o , _ _ ,, which swerved when being brot posed of in 1923 54,463 were F ears are felt in some quarters Newport. The activities in the . rise prom ptly at 8:15 P. M. Pa- teresting and inspirational for topic for the regular forum -lunch- presentation of the play is due to a stop. The front of the stage based on Civil W ar service anil th a t class struggles may ensue coast town resulted in 37 cases, tran s are urged to be in th eir those who attended and are inter- { e° n of the Cham ber of Commerce Mrs. Lloyd Moore, who directed was damaged considerably. Mr. 69,854 on service in the War 16 of which will have the a tte n ­ the production, and who played seat before th a t time. ested in the work th a t is being Tuesday noon at Hotel Ashland, and precicitate a civil w ar and Black was exhonorated from all with Spain. The net proceeds ef the two- done by the arm y here. tion of the courts there during the th e role of Miss Pepperglass, the Tom orrow’s luncheon will be the bolshevism run ram pant. blame it is stated. Foreign residents are leaving ~ „ .. . . . last for th e year 1923 and will The num ber of pension certifi­ F ebruary term . Seven stills were teacher. Mrs. Kenneth McWil­ night event will be dispensed by Colonel Scott presented an A- , , An Informal hearing was held Mexico City. . „ be a review of the accomplish- cates Issued during the last fis­ confisticated and all of the of­ liams, as A unt Hepsy, was a the Elks for charitable purposes, merican flag and Salvation f la g 1 . , this m orning and efforts made m ents of the year. Officers, mem- City Is T hreatened fenders, w ith the exception of scream. as is the annual custom of the or- as the gift of the Ashland Amer- bprs and representatives of civic to patch up the grievances out of cal year was 73,362, of which L ate report received by Tidings those who pleaded guilty, were The double room at Bellview der. court. Nothing definite was set­ 34,961 were for Civil W ar ser­ ican Legion. He explained t h e ; organizations will indulge in re- says: was specially decorated for the • held under heavy bonds. tled and it is probable th a t a long vice and 35,894 on account of the principles and doctrines of the i trospection, and officers of the occasion under th e direction of 33 A rrested at Rend drown out series of suits will be Spanish W ar. Since the beginning flags with a short ceremony. cham ber, W omen’s Civic Club, MEXICO CITY. Dec. 17.— A ci­ instituted immediately. At Bend the operatives arrested I Carl Gottesche and presented a of the pension system the Gov­ Three children were to have Parent-T eacher association, Lith- vilian arm y num ber about 8,000 novel and beautiful appearance, j Charges will probably be prefer­ ernm ent has issued 6,441,165 33 persons, practically all of the been given to the Lord and d e d i-; ians, Kiwanis and all other organ- men is said to be gathered at the red against Mr. H essenauer in pension certificates— 5,313,423 offenders receiving the most calling for much favorable com- I cated to th e Salvation Army, but izations w orking for community gateway of Mexico Cty aw aiting violation of the state law for not to veterans and 1,127,742 to wid­ drastic fines and jail sentences ment. on account of illness of two of the progress, are invited and expected The house was packed, and the orders to seize governm ent a r­ having ¡the tra ile r fastened se­ ows. allowed under the present sta ­ children, Billy O’Day was the on- to respond to th e topic. proceeds from the play together curely. N either of the machines total of 6 7 2 A ccidents A re R e­ ly baby present. Staff Captain Most of the pensioners— 535,- tutes. The newly formed Musical club senals and public buildings. The damaged was insured. with th e receipts of the refresh­ city is defended by 2,000 loyal ported in O regon for 932— live in the United States, Although a num ber of arrests m ent booths, totaled 375.00, ap­ W est preform ed this service. wil1 furnish 8everal excellent mus- solders and the commander Gov­ Week. _ . . . . . x. t • ical num bers and a large and rep- but there are 115 in the CanaJ« w ere made at Astoria, Mr. Cleaver proxim ately 365.00 of which will F o u r children of the Ju n io r age; x x. x , . . TO INCREASE SWITCH ernor Gomez, ha8 declared they . . . . . . resentative attendance is anticipa- Zone, 605 in American insular «aid the campaign was not as net to the Parent-T eacher associa­ and five adults were en isted in ! TRACKAGE AT GERBER , ted. No tickets are being sold possessions and 3.100 in foreign successful as he had hoped, due tion. The booths were presided the Salvation Army as soldier» i in advance and everyone is urged (Continued on page 4) SALEM, Dec. 17.— There were countries. to the apparent indifference dis­ over by Mrs. Ed. Gowland, Mr. Mrs. Scott gave a w onderful j to attend. GERBER, Cal., Dec. 17.— The and Mrs. Carl Gottesche, Mrs. A. six fatalities in Oregon due to in­ talk about the glory of God and played by officers there. The average annual value of a Owing to the fact th a t Christ- construction of four miles addi­ “ I will say,” read Mr. Cleaver’s C. Joy, Mrs. John Froboes, and dustrial accidents during th e made a plea for salvation. Colonel { mas and New Years come on Tues- FR A U D IS ALLEGED pension is estim ated by the Com­ BY HOLLYWOOD MAN tional trackage for switching pur­ week endng December 13, accord- Teport with relation to the activi­ Mrs. W. E. Pierson. missioner of Pensions at 3421.92 Scott delivered a powerful mes- days tom orrow ’s luncheon, will poses in the Gerber yards is the Offlcers of the association and ing to a rep o rt prepared here to- ties a t A storia, “ th a t the county — 3661 for Civil for Civil W ar be the last of the year. sage. YKEKA, Dec. 17.— W. Martin recommendation th a t has been I officers, or al least several of patrons of Bellview district feel day by the state industrial acci- veterans, 3187 for Spanish vet­ of Hollywood, arrested here and made by J. W. Fitzgrald. general them , are not In sym pathy with grateful for the assistance and dent commission. The victims in­ erans, 3729 for Mexican W ar vet­ WASHINGTON. Dec. 17 — The FEW ER LOGANS GROWN superintendent of the Shasta di­ support given the event. {eluded M. R. W estbrook, Lynder, held for Medford. Oregon au­ our law enforcem ent programme, OR MORE MUST BE EATEN thorities on a technical charge of vision for the Southern Pacific erans and 3217 for veterans of W ash., head riggerm an; H arry House passed a resolution today and co-operated by throw ing our the Indian wars and pensioners adjourning congress from Decem­ OREGON CHAMPION GOATS fraud and false pretenses, was re­ Company, to the headquarters of Andrews, A storia, grain sam pler; regular officers in jail. Approximately 7000 acres are leased on 31.669 bonds and to­ th a t company a t San Francisco. who incurred disability in the SEEKING STUMP LAND HOME J. A. McLean, Vernonia, head ber 20 for the C hristm as holidays. "There are many officials in W ith the completion of these Regular Army. The average an devoted to loganberry production day left for his home, saying he rigger; John Pilger, Portland, lo- the state who are entirely out of nua! pensions paid widows of in Oregon. This state produces would fight extradition to Oregon. tracks there will be nine sw itch­ To what extent can and should ! comotive firem an; C. V. Sims, CHAS. PRESCOTT IS sym pathy with the enforcem ent Civil W ar veterans is $359. goat production be increased in Rainiel.( carpenter; and D. B. M artin is alleged to have mis­ ing tracks in the Oerber yards, LOST FROM STEAMER 85 per cent of the loganberries of the prohibition statutes, and The monthly pensions vary grown in the United States. represented m atters in selling the longest being a mile and an Oregon? Em erick, Hillsboro, groundm an. 8 Charles Prescott, pilot 8 th e re are several of these men from $2 to $416.67, the la tte r Growers are confronted with 35,066 worth of shares to a Med­ eighth in length. In all of the The answ er to th a t question Of the 672 acidents reported 8 of the Tug Oregon, who who are engaged in the business the alternative of pulling up ford business man, whose name Gerber yards there is twenty-five being the am ount paid the widow will be considered at the econom- during the week 493 were subject 8 lost his life in an attem pt of bootlegging and moonshining, of President Roosevelt under a miles of trackage. hiany of their vines or increasing has not been learned here. ic conference to be held at the to the provisions of the compensa- tt to effect a rescue of lives or have a partnership with law special act of Congress. Pensions use and m arket for this especially state college Jan u ary 23 to 25. tion act ( 79 were form firm s and tt from th e steam er C. A. violators. This makes it exceed­ at rates below $12 per month are KILLER OF TH REE W ILL adapted crop. WTLIAMS A MEMBER W estern Oregon is recognized corporations th a t have rejected tt Sm ith, waB form erly an ingly difficult to get evidence in RE HANGED FEB. ft paid to 6,726 persons, while six PLATFORM COMMITTEE A thorough analysis of the lo- as the source of the highest q u a l-, the jaw an(j seven were from pub- tt Ashland young man and some parts of the state.” persons receive am ounts in ex­ ity Angora goats in the United Rc utility corporations not entlt- λ was the youngest pilot on jj i ganberry situation will be made Under the existing laws the de­ cess of $100 per month. MONTESANO. W ash., Dec. 16 WASHINGTON, Dec. 17.— j j . a t the ag ricultural economic con­ States. There are 830,000 acres . led t0 gtate protection . ¡tt th e Pacific Coast. partm ent is lim ited to 325,000 a During the year Congress now in stump lands in Oregon P resco tt was 26 years tt ference to be held at the state Ralph C. W illiams, republican na­ — Sentence of death was pronoun­ 8 year or 32083.33 a month to meet tional committeeman for Oregon ced on Guido Grassi, 44, a t 12:20 broadened and liberalized the and this area is being increased high S chool booze 8 eld and a son of Mr. and tt college Jan u ary 23 to 25. all expenses. This appropriation and vice-chairman of the national o’clock yesterday by Judge H. W. conditions under which pensions at the rate of about 100,000 acres CASE IS DISMISSED tt Mrs. Prescott, of this city. tt allows for the employment of only committee, is a member of the Hewen of Pacific county, sitting may be granted for service in the each year. George Tucker, a form er aide tt No particulars have been tt committee on arrangem ents for in superior court here. The execu­ W ar with Spain and passed 2,505 four salaried operatives and Much of this land can be ad­ of County Prohibition Enforce- tt received fu rth er than the tt SACRAMENTO MAKES the national convention next year, m aintenance of headquarters in BID S FOR CONVENTIONS which will necessitate his m aking tion is set for Friday, February special acts granting pensions or vantageously uti ized for goal | m ent officer Same B. Sandefer, in­ tt fact th a t the steam er was 8 P o rtlan d . D uring the first eight 8, 1924, at the state penitentiary, increase of pensipn. grazing. dicted by the last grand ju ry on tt driven ashore on the jetty 8 several trips between Portland m onths the departm ent has op­ W alla Walla. SACRAMENTO. Dec. 17.— In ­ and Cleveland before next June. two counts, charging possession tt a t M arshfield and th a t 8 erated the fines imposed have ex­ Motion for a new trial was W ATKINS WOULD BA R ALL and sale of intoxicating liquor, tt Prescott was drowned in 8 vitations to 4660 convention sec­ He also is a member of the plat­ i MANY ARE INJURED ceeded the annual appropriation made by the defense attorneys IMMIGRATION UNTIL 1929 entered a plea of guilty in the tt his attem pt to effect a 8 retaries in the United States to form committee, composed of 57 WHEN CARS COLLIDE by more than 362,000. after tt rescue of those on board. 8 hold 1925 sessions in the new leading republicans in all parts of yesterday afternoon, b a t circuit court, to th e possession As a result of the small appro­ WASHINGTON. Dec. 17.— Sus­ charge. The salje charge, which in­ tt G. W. Prescott, father 8 million dollar municipal auditor­ of the United States who are to taking it under advisem ent over LOUISVILLE, Ky„ Dec. 17.— priation, Mr. Cleaver said in his pension of all im m igration until volved a num ber of high school tt of th e drowned seaman 8 ium of this city, to be completed receive platform suggestions to be night the judge denied it. Grassi Seven passengers were seriously rep o rt th a t it was not possible to subm itted to the convention plat­ was convicted Thursday of hav­ injured and 150 others severely 1929 to provide time for the students, was dismissed. tt left last night on No. 16 8 in th a t year, will be sent out early Investigate all com plants receiv­ form committee. ing m urdered three Italians in shaken when three Indiana inter- assm ilation of all aliens now in Tucker was given a sentence of tt for M arshfield. The re- 8 next year by M anager S. J. ed at his office. Aberdeen, November 10. urban cars crashed in a re a r end the United States is provided in 60 days in the county jail and tt m ains be 8 Richard of the travel and resort will likely TH E W EATHER Assistance Is Given collision on the Big Four bridge a bill introduced by R ep resen ta-' fined 3100. He is still suffering tt brought here for inter- 8 bureau and the convention b ur­ Report for December 16, 1923 Marshfield— Mountain States here one hundred feet above the “ From M ultnomah county,” tive W atkins, dem ocrat of O re-¡from injuries received w hle d rv -{tt ment. tt eau of th e Sacram ento Chamber — Maximum, 40; minimum, 29; Power Company plans to Increase fog-enshrouded w aters of the Ohio (Continued on page 4) son. ng a racing car at Salem last (all. tt tt tt tt tt 8 tt tt tt tt of Commerce. set maximum, 39. capacity of power p l o t , river. PACKED HOUSE GREETS CHILÖ0UIN STAGE AND TOURIST CAR COLLIDE E T E i SIX LOSE LIVES IN I