MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL. XLVII. SEATS FOR ELKS SHOW Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings. Volume 43. SAYS GOVERNMENT LOST 1 OK,000,000 BARRELS OIL ' « WASHINGTON, Dec. « » 15.— The Federal govern- 8 ♦♦ nient lost approxim ately St » 168,000,000 barrels of oil 8 St valued at approxim ately 8 ! »♦ $200,000,000 t h r o u g h 8 , :: leasing Naval oil lands to 8 . » private interests, Senator 8 | Reservations Are Pouring in n Walsh> Democrat of Mon- t t tana, charged in a prelim ­ for Annual Charity I« inary statem ent as a re­ Show. ------- ¡8 sult of the Senate investi­ DIRECTOR IS PLEASED)» gation of the leasing of « the Teapot Dome fields to ALTON COVELL CONVICTED IN FIRST DEGREE ------a- -— ....... '--i" a-wax^ ». A , 1/ « »----------- -— — ■ ■ ■- 1 - 1 ■ - __ ..J-ll ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine oases out of teu of asthma. This is a proven fact. Ä 1. . . J L ± O, J. NO. h'J ■ 1. She Went Out to Toil While H te I,ay in Bed MEXICO CITY tt i j ury Recommends Life Sen- » tence, Displayed no Emo­ u tion at Verdict. a n SAYS BOY IS QUEER • 1,000 TINS OF OPIUM FOUND ON STEAMSHIP » SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. » » 15. — The Pacific mail « » liner President Lincoln is 8 » under a heavy guard 8 » while a force of customs » » officials are m aking furth- a » er search for a huge sup- « I » Ply of narcotics believed « to be on b°»rd the vessel. ,i. L IV E ST O C K RATES CUT BY R A IL R O A D S General Almazan Evacuates City of Puebla, Endang­ » a ering Capital. a A T T A C K IS FEARED a a Mediation Is A ttem pted to Bring a G overnm ent and Federal Sharp Reduction Ordered Already 1,000 Uns of From Huntington to opium valued a t >75,000 San Francisco. have been seized by offi­ a ------- cers. n The a GIVE WIDER MARKET P erform ers Have Made Excellent tt Testimony of W itnesses Indicated Because the President a Sinclair interests. ------- a champion Progress— Final Rehearsel Boy Under Influence of Lincoln Is the property of 8 I Union P acific, Som h em Pacific tt A near sensation was « Sunday Morning. lazy man A strologisi Uncle. I« the United States Ship­ a 1 Cut B ates from E astern Ore. tt sprung a t the time the a Forces together. a ping Board it will be im­ a who refused to Frisco. tt lease was made and the » The seat sale for the Elks show COQUILLE, Dec. 15.— The ju ry a for years mune to a fine of double a tt action was bitterly assail­ » VERA CRUZ, Dec. 15. — De­ “ Ten thousand D ollars’’, which I in the case of Alton Coveil has P O R T L A N D , Dec. a 15.- the value of the narcotics to get up in spite optim istic reports as to the will be presented at the Vining I» ed. The Teapot Dome « returned a verdict of m urder in ! Through rates on llvest, c livestock ship- a found on board, as provid­ 'tt fields are those with « the morning, expected victories of the govern­ th e a tre on next Monday and Tues­ m ents from the first degree, with th e recom-!» o Eastei n Oregon a ed by law. tt which reports have con­ » ! ment forces events portend ser­ loses his day has been moving rig h t along, 1 points as far j m endation th a t he be given a life jj as H untington to a a a a n B a a n tt nected the name of form ­ » ! ious trouble for President Obre- but there are still plenty of good energetic jsentence. The date of sentence San Francsco have been establish­ tt er Secretary A lbert Fall, » gon and his forces. Obregon for­ seats left for eith er night the Elks bride ed by the Union Pacific and tt and which inferred th a t » has not been fixed by th e court. ces, under the command of Gen­ show com m ittee report. But they The boy, 16 years of age, is a Southern Pacific systems. They when court tt he had profited from the » eral Almazan, have evacuated the advise patrons to phone the Vin­ nephew of A rth u r Coveil, crippled will become effective very soon grants her an city of Puebla, one of the highly tt lease. » astrologist, now under death sen­ ing a t once to get good reserva­ and will be of decided advantage a » » » » 8 8 8 » annulment strategic positions of defense of » tence at Salem. Both were con­ tions. to livestock raisers of the inter­ Mexico city, according to advices decree. C. J. M cNaughtan, professional ior country. victed for the m urder of Mrs. received here. show producer of Los Angeles, Ehba Covell, step-m other of the Application /o r new and re­ Doesn’t Know Whether He Is Mar­ Obregon forces fear an im pend­ who is in charge of the show says former. ried or Not; Children duced through tariffs was made ing attack by General Sanchez, th a t everything is in readiness for Victims. Alton Covell showed no indica- recently by William Pollman. of the De la H ureta forces, it Is the curtain. A last dress reh ear­ 1 tion of emotion when the verdict president of the Northwest Live­ said. sal will be held at the Vining EAU CLAIRE, Wis., Dec. 15.— stock Shippers’ association, and was read. th e a tre Sunday morning. W atching anxiously the course of when Mr. Pollman visited P o rt­ A ttem pt Mediation R egular Arm y to Conduct Com ­ The program of the show opens MEXICO CITY, Dec. 15.— Gov­ events in the strange Sailstad land this week he was much COQUILLE, Dec. 15.— In tro ­ p e titiv e E xam inations; death hoax case, unable to know w ith the following cast: C. J. Van ernor Sinaloa, who renounced the pleased by receipt of inform ation duction of evidence in th e trial G uardsm en E ligib le. definitely his status until it is Duesen, a stock speculator, V. V. presidential candidacy in an ef­ th a t the request had been g ra n t­ of Alton Covell for the m urder of settled, is Ross T. Richardson, Mills; F. M. R alston, a smooth ed. fort to mediate in the civil war who became the husband of Mrs. A final competative examination his stepm other was concluded stock and bond prom oter, C. J. for appointm ent as Second Lieu- i yesterday afternoon and the case now threatening Mexico, is a t­ Edward J. Sailstad thinking her a Instructions have been given by M cNaughtan; Bob B ennett, a be­ tenants in the R egular Army will went to the ju ry during the even- tem pting to restore peace. ! the railroads interested for pub­ widow, and who adopted two chil­ liever in tru th , C. F. Hedberg; be held throughout the United ; ing. The boy was not put on the Federal troops are carrying on dren, Edward J. and H arriet Sail­ lication of the new rates, which Dick Donnelly, a cheerful liar, States during the week cornmen stand in his own defense. All day an offensive against the rebel stad. are a decided cut under the pres­ Dr. Phetteplace; Bishop Doran, cing April 14, 1924. Applications he rem ained seated with his eyes ‘ | forces in the state of Jalisco and Richardson and the children, ent tariffs now in effect. The new a sanctim onious charity worker, ta take the examination should be cast. Previously he did not seem are advancing in the direction o f i along witb tbe "widow,” are the , freight charge from Pendleton to W illiam Briggs; Miss Gwenn R al­ subm itted as soon as possible. to worry, but he now appears to G uadalajara, according to advices innocent victims of the Sailstad San Francisco. Stockton and oth- ston, a little disturber. Miss Gold­ Citizens of the United States who realize the gravity of his position. deception,. Richardson doesn’t er bay cities of the bay region will from the battle front. ie Benidict; Miss Ethel Clark, a are single and between the ages know w hether he’s m arried or be $188 per car against the form- Dr. T estifies of 21 and 30 years may compete society bud, Miss Helen Sanford; single and the children don’t ^er charge of 1212. From La TH REE MEN ARE READ h r . Jam es Richmond, of Co-1 Mrs. E. M. Ralston, a tem pera­ in this exam ination. These exam­ quille testified lie had examined know w hether their name is Sal’.- Grande the new tariff will be AND SIX ARE WOUNDED inations are always open to en­ m ental wife, Miss Helen Dicker- stad or Richardson. >196 per car, as against the pres- listed men of the R egular Army Alton Covell and found th a t while son; Miss Mabel Jackson, a chor­ and N ational Guard. For fu rth er he was 16 years old, physically, he Sailstad was was declared declared legally legally ent one of $229. From Baker the DREW, Miss., Dec. 15.— Three Sailstad by ’ a federal court before modified rate will be >199 as us girl from the “ Folliets” , Miss inform ation on this subject con­ was only 12 years old mentally. men are dead, six wounded, and dead b> still another missing, following a 1 Mrs- Sailstad and Richardson mar-1 agalnst «241 at ores nt ti M argaret Campbell. sult the au thorities at the U. S. The Doctor said th a t considering pitched battle which raged t h r u - j rIed- However, to avoid the r i s k ' , . , , Mrs. Florence Farlow will be Army R ecruiting Stations as fol­ the teachings of astrology given M r c H a out the night between a posse o f ' °^ bigamy, they have separated seen in the Grand Opening Revue lows; Room 201 New Post Office the hoy by his uncle and their I all along the main line of the rL iru tg a irb several hundred men and a negro until such tim e as the case is un- and will sing the navelty song hit Bldg., Portland. Second and Burn- close association, he regarded th at Oregon-W ashington Railway & When he failed to heed the alarm clock’s clarion call, stern er , in the dense woods near here. On tangled. “ A nnabelle” . She will be support-j s' de Sts., Portland, 775 W illahi- w ith th e arrested mind of 12 Meanwhile, Sailstad and Miss Navigation company's line in (his after siege with a machine gun ed by the Elks Pony Jazz Chorus | ette St., Eugene. 223 E. Main St., years, Alton, if directed to kill methods were used, such as jerking the m attress from beneath h im ' and dousing him with cold water. : was the negro wounded seriously Dorothy Anderson, with whom he state to and including Huntington composed of the Misses Florence i Medford, Post Office Bldg., Pen- Mrs. Covell, would be u tterly ir­ (Continued on page 4) enough to effect capture. fled and in whose company he was from The Dalles eastw ard. M arrett, B raunaugh Hughes, idleton and Post Office Bldg., Sa­ responsible and unable to refrain Never before have through His alm ost lifeless body was arrested recently in Napa, Cal.. Louise Ruger, Elbert Greer, Thel­ lem, Oregon and 304 E ast Heron from the act of m urder. then brought to Drew and placed are 8PeedinS tow ard Superior, rates on livestock shipments to St. Aberdeen, W ashington, or ma H eer, Pearl W ardle, Dorothy on the street, where hundreds WiSt» to iace charges of arson, the south been in effect and the The doctor explained Alton had w rite to Army R ecruiting Officer Lamson, Adeline Coovling, Velma stood around w aiting for his ' being scheduled to leave Denver charges, which were a combina­ a t 201 New Post Office Bldg., been tau g h t th a t astrological to-day on the last lap of their tion of the Union Pacific rat'» to Clapp, N ita Downing, Dorothy Portland, Ore. death. signs, ra th e r than one’s own w i’l, journey with the officers. Paddock and Maxine Rose. O ther Portland and the Southern Pacif­ controlled life. The doctor said M’NARY HAS BILL TO Bong num bers in the revue are, Alton was feeble minded and ic ta riff to the San Francisco te r­ AID REFORESTRATION BELI VIEW RESIDENTS “ C arolina Mammy” , “ Down In he classed him as a second de­ Escaped from City Jail at K lam ath No Trace Is Found of Im m igrants ritory, were correspondingly high. INTERESTED IN PLAY M aryland” , “ Indiana Moon” and F a l l s— Has Frozen Modification of the rates will gree in or under the general head Being Held in Bondage WASHINGTON. Dec. 15.— A “ No, No, N ora” . Foot. give Oregon livestock growers a of feeble mindedness. Say Of fleers. new. Federal reforestration pro­ Residents of Bellview district, Mrs. J. W. Shortridge will pre­ wider m arket for their cattle. The Teachers Testify gram, backed by an appropriation as well as a num ber in Ashland, sent a special singing act, in Chief of Police McNabb received MEDFORD, Dec. 15.— Nothing Two school teachers w’ho were of >2,500,000 would be authorized I are exhibiting much interest in present movement from eastern which Carl Loveland and his four a telephone message this m orning could be learned here yesterday under a bill introduced by Senator ’ the play to be staged in the school Oregon to San Francisco is small Was Issued by Act of P en n sy lra. j wel1 acquainted with Alton testi­ from Sheriff Terrill conveying the afternoon and tonight as to the McNary, of Oregon. house of th a t district tonight for but it is expected the promised a r­ (C ontinued on page 4) fied. Both testified th a t the boy inform ation th a t Damaeio Cadena, authpnticily nia Assembly in April, rangem ent will bring about a de­ had acted peculiarly and both ex­ X X r ,,.r ° n t h e 5 “ y 187«. the benefit of the P. T. associa­ a ‘ hy Theodore K anhansen to the cided change, since the bay re ­ MADE DEFENDANT IN pressed the opinion th a t he was K lam ath Falls, December 11, hail ~ BIDS SHOW LITTLE , tion. A comedy, “ Christm as at gion offers an active m arket. In 875 O O O DAMAGE SUIT been captured at Keno. Since his Cahr° rnia state im m igration and CHANGE IN PRICES Pumpkin H oller,” will be present­ Collection of pieces of money strongly under the influence of a way, competitive bidding for ed, the cast being composed en- for th eir age and historical value his uncle, the crippled astro'ogist. escape Damacio had been exposed honsing commission than an un­ PORTLAND, Dec. 15.— E. L. eastern Oregon catt'e between the to severe w eather and when named rancher near Medford Is SALEM, Dec. 15.— The cost of j has been the hobby of people for One teacher, Miss Frances Golden, district. Several musical num bers C arlson, form er A storia policeman California and Oregon m arkets supplies for the state institutions many years. The late F. H. Car­ said th a t she had gone to the caught was found suffering w ith ,loIdin£ a num ber of im m igrants will also be rendered and In this will thus be established. fo r th e six m onths startin g Ja n ­ ter, one of the oldest pioneers of trouble of m aking an investiga­ a frozen foot. j in bondage and compelling them and now proprietor of a Portland departm ent Ashland residents u a ry 1, 1924, will be practically Ashland, during his lifetim e se­ tion in th e Covell home and had Damacio was one of four Mex- to work for himself and others rooming house, was made defen­ are assisting. The program begins th e sam e as for the first six cured many pieces th a t are val- found the boy tied down to his icans recently indicted for the ! w ithut pay under th reats of death dant in a suit for >75,000 dam a­ YREKA WOMAN KEEPS at 8:00 o’clock. m onths of 1923, according to bids uable now for their scarcity and , uncle as a nurse and th a t the in- m urder of one of th eir country-1 So far as can be learned at ges by Mary Mannix, wife of the MARRIAGE A SECRET In. addition to the play and received by the state board of con­ family history. men, Jos. R. Felix, whose body present no such case has ever form er A storia city attorney for fluence exercised by the cripple tro l for furnishing supplies, which was weighted w ith rails, throw n been reported to the local police causing the death of Mannix d u r­ program , ladies of the district H enry C arter, son of the de­ was marked. YREKA. Cal.. Dec. 15.— The ing a friendly scuffle last June In have prepared booths, In which ■were opened. into K lam ath Lake, being re c o v -' ... . ... ceased, has come into possession . . x , 6 or other authorities of this coun- which Mannix sustained a broken hame-made candy, pl^.and coffee old saying that a woman cannot Beans were quoted at >6.50 a of many of th e pieces and brought ered about two weeks ago. The ty. keep a secret did not hold true in neck, and died. will be sold. fugutive was chained to the radia 100 pounds as against $6.87 1-2 ;One to the Tiding’s office for ex PORTLAND HAS 64« K auhausen said he escaped af- the case of the form er Miss Jean CASKS OF MEASLES to r of an autom obile when he a year ago. Coffee advanced from hibition. The piece is a 30-shil- Orr of Yreka, at least not for picked the padlock and made his being hired out by the ranch­ CHRISTMAS SPIRIT HOVERS 19 3-4 cents a pound in December, iing an d prnted on a square pa-; VALUATION IS CUT er to a glass establishm ent in nearly a year. This fact was re­ OVER S. P. YARD OFFICE 1922, to 20 1-4 cents under to­ per, about two inches in dimen- PORTLAND, Dec. 15.— A total escape. IN DOUGLAS COUNTY I Medford.” This city o r vicinity vealed this week when her motli- d a y ’s bids. ensions. of 64 6 cases of measles was re­ F lour, quoted a t >5.95 in De- er; Mrs. Alameda Orr, announced has no glass establishm ent of any The Christm as spirit reached An insertion on the top side ported to the state board of health ANNUAL ELECTION HELD ROSEBURG, Dec. 14.— The cam ber, 1922, is now >4.83, while gives th e following inform ation: during the week ending Decem­ BY MASONIC LODGE characte* the local Southern Pacific yard state and county tax levy In Doug- th at her daughter was m arried soft w heat flour has dropped j “ T hirty shillings No. 6063, ac- ber 8, according to a report is­ office Friday. A few days ago a j laa COunty will am ount to 19.8 to Merrill McAt'ee, son of a prom ­ from >5.24 1-2 to >4.45. Corn cording to the resolves of the as- sued yesterday by th a t board. ja r was placed in the office with mills, Assessor Calkins announ- inent Tonopah, Nevadu, mining A t the annual election of o ff i-• COOS ray MILLS CLOSE; m eal was advanced from >2.50 a sembly of Penflyvania of th e 6th the slogan over it “ Be a Sport, !cer today. It was also stated th a t engineer, at San Rafael on De­ Cases of other diseases rep o rt­ cers of the Masonic Lodge, A. F. MANY MEN ARE IDLE 100 pounds a year ago to >2.60. , Day of April, in the 16 year of the and A. M. No. 23 the following I ’ll give tw enty five cents toward the county’s valuation has de- cember 23, 1922. ed follow: Tuberculosis 13, diph­ —---------------------------- Reign of His Majesty GEORGE officers were elected to act during McAfee is a student at the Uni­ a pencil sharpener for the office. IcreaSed >1,187,660 since the last MARSHFIELD, Dec. 15.— The COOLIDGE W ILL ENTER j the Third. Dated at Philadelphia, theria 43, scarlet fever 25, sm all­ the year 1924: M. H. Ellis, W or­ W. C. Bevington. : assessm ent, the total Valuation versity of Californa. Last Decem- DAKOTA’S PRIM ARIES I the 25th Day of April. Anno Dorn. pox 21, chickenpox 34, mumps shipful M aster; S. A. Peters, Jr., • ,abor m arket here is oversupplied In a very short time there was a t this time being >33.199,580. beir, when Miss Orr visited him ______ j 1776.” signed by SKETCH MOR- 3, erj-sipelas 4, pneumonia 1, Senior W arden; Dr. R. L. Burdick and there w111 be a fu rth er slack- at Berkeley, they decided to e ’ope poliomyelitis 1 and in f’uenza 1. J r„ Ju n io r W arden; E. V. C arter, ' ness durlng th e holidays. People four or five dolalrs in the pot. All Tbe reduction is the result of sev- WASHINGTON, Dec. 15. It was TON, WM. HENLY, HUGH? hands were rejoicing at the p ro s-(en exchanges of tim ber made by to San Rafael. Their m arriage Secretary; W. H. Day, Treasurer, i who are looklaK for work in mills annunoced th a t Coolidge will be On th « reverse side of the mon- took place and they returned These officers will be installed and logging camP« are advised not pect of a new sharpener. Then, private parties. candidate for the Republican ' s a ' a rf»e border, the im print L IQ IO R DEMAND FOR quietly, w ithout announcing the the jar. money and all disappear­ CHRISTMAS IS HEAVY on St. Johns Day, Dec. 27th and , to seek U here for the Present, presidential nom ination in the of two leaves and the words event. ed. Everybody was accusing WIND AND SNOW appointed officers will be chosen The mi,l9> as UBUal a t the end South D akota prim aries next "PRIN TED BY HALL AND SEL­ everyone else. Finally, Bob W ar­ Mrs. McAfee left last week to LERS, 1776. IN UNION COTNTY and installed on the same day. i of the year a r* plannlng on the VANCOUVER. B. C„ Dec. 15.— -spring. The President w rote to ; I annual overhauling and some have ner said, “ Guess I shall have to join her husband. She was widely Enorm ous stocks of liquor are Sam Elrod, form er governor of already started improvements. A give you fellows a pencil sharp­ known in Siskiyou County. LA GRANDE, Dec. 14.— La moving from this port to all the FILIPINOS TURN DOWN South D akota and chief supporter SAVINGS STAMPS num ber of men are idle which be­ ener .to stop the noise.” Grande was h it by a strong wind governm ent liqur stores in the GOV. WOOD’S NOMINEE long to the Coos Bay Lum ber com- ARE REDEEMABLE 1 •of the recent Republican state F at Trafton is smoking banker today. carrying w ith it snow. No SEVENTEEN Mil LION interior of the province, and as — ; pany eastside mill and shifts are style cigars? •convention, authorizing the en­ , j damage was reported although the high as six and seven cars of CARS IN 102» MANILA, Dec. 15. The Senate; being reduced in the plants of the tra n c e of his name on the prim ary the wind a t several points in the liquor a night are going east to all Owners of the 1919 series of tuined down th e nom ination of sto u t Lum ber company of North valley was said to be very brisk. ballots. PAROLE OFFICER IS w ar saving stam ps and certifi­ the B ritish Columbia valleys. Mayor Santago, made by Gover­ Bend. By January 1 the world will The demand for Christm as li­ nor General Wood. The Senate cates are again advised th a t such KILLED BY CONVICT The C atherine creek district east have in operation 17,000.000 a u ­ of Union reported nine inches of JACKSONVILLE HAS certificates are now' redeemable quors is nearly doubly th a t of has announced the policy of re ­ ST. LQUIS, Dec. 15.— David snow and reports from Wallowa tomobiles, passenger cars and CHAMPION THIEF i at the local postoffice or t h e i last ypar- Moonshine satisfies the pudiating all legislation made 42 000 FREIGHT CARS trucks, according to an estim ate banks. The registered certifica­ m ajority of the logging and m in­ w ithout consultation with the j HANDLED AT GERBER W. Burns parole officer of the county said w inter had come. by M. M. Hoepli, chief of the a u ­ penitentiary at- Lapsing, Kas., Some candidate for the peni­ tes m ust be redeemed at the post- ing camp men during th e re st of Filipino leaders. to m o tiv e division of the D epart- MRS PEARL NEIL AND te n tia ry one night last week stole office and th e unregistered ones the year, but a t C hristm as tim e GERBER, Cal., Dec. 15.— Dur­ died of wounds when he was shot GLENN TOBIAS MARRIED ,m ent of Commerce. Of that total a tire and rim from Rev. E d g ar’s ! may be redeemed a t any bank nothing but the high-grade im ­ CONGRESSWOMAN IS ing th e m onth of November, 42,- by Ben Casey, convict, whom he 14,000,000 will run in the I’nited was retu rn in g to prison, along car in his garage a t the parsonage which is a member of the federal ported liquors will give the proper 000 freig h t cars were handled In with GIVEN CHAIRMANSHIP Chnrie« • Mrs‘ Pearl Nel1 Mr' Glenn ;S tates’ about one to CVf r >’ eight celebration. the Gerber yards for the Southern — which entitles him to the title reserve. thotv r» L ° Ulg i Tobias were m arried ax Yreka, ipersons’ wbor, as in the rest of People holding these securities WASHINGTON, Dec. 15.— For , Pacific Company. According to th eir escape on December 12. The Friday afternoon. They left im-*tbe w° r,d tbe proportion will be of champion thief of this district. . , . which m ature Jan u ary 1st will do STEAMER SINKS the first tim e in the history a Jud Blanchard, head yard-m aster shooting took place on the train H istory records th a t the lowest- tQ taRe early -n Qrder m ediately for Florida on their .about 1 to 112 persons. The num ­ woman will serve as chairm an o f ; here, this num ber shatters all pre- near Alcia, A rkansas, both con- wedding trip. ber of cars in operation is ex­ down thief in th e world was the secure th eir money prom ptly NORFOLK. Va., Dec. 15.— A the United States congress. The vious records. victs escaping. Mrs. Tobias has lived in Ash- pected to show on January 1 w retch who stole the hide from a when it becomes due. The 1919 radio to the Coast Guard Service Republican committee on commit- This increased num ber of car J A _ I... a m »4 nn ci 4 «■» ' ... ■ « « n ;land many years and has many ^ 2 4 , an increase of 17 per cent blind tum blebug and then s ta r t- . serje8 wn i be exchanged for t h e , stated th a t the steam er R ena had ¡tees of th e house decided yester- switchings is due to the fact th a t THE WEATHER _ . friends here. Mr. Tobias people ° ver Ja n u a ry 1. 1»23. ed it home on the wrong road.— : new jgsue of certificates dated sunk off Frying Pan shoals. N orth day afternoon to m ake Mrs. Mae heavy shipm ents of fru its were Report for December 14. 1923: ,,ve in Washlnrt<>n D c Jacksonville Post. Jan u a ry 1st and bearing an in- j Carolina. There has b#en some J Nolan, of San Francisco, the chair- made during the month, and be- Maximum. 47; minimum. 28; se t, Oood wlsheg extended the __ _______ ______ Prineville — >5,000 diversion creased ra te of interest. See your ( loss of life. F o u r members of the man of the com m ittee on expendi- cause Gerber has been made the maximum, 37; clear and n o rth -, happy couple for a fn tn re nt dam going in five miles heluw bank or postoffice. crew’ have been picked up. tu res in the postoffice departm ent, freight diversion term inal. Irving to have electric lights. west wind; no precipitation. piness. here. E EXAMINATION FDR (MURED AT KEND STORY IS DOUBTED B V A LOCAL RESIDENT j