ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Friday, December Ï4 , 18*28 A S 11 I.J A A D D A I L A T I D I j\ (y S homos. The g reater p a rt Of these will come through ' Parliam ent has so gerrym andered G rants Pass, situ ated as it is on the P acific and Redwood ' the constltuencie3 for the Nation- highw ays. G ants Pass and the Rogue V alley will profit, ! alIsts to bave a majority P ub lished E very E v en in g E xcept Sunday by î 6 'a « , lD T T not thro u g h the exploiting of the to u rist but through the t l o * ^ h T THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. tion with the Free State Parlia- location of m any of them in this valley. , .. . , _ B ert R. Greer ....................................... ....................... ...........................Editor Most of the to u rists who will be interested in locating 13 n,UInber of n .h e r. „ 1CIAL CITY PAPER ......................................................Telephone 39 on the coast arc now in C alifornia. They will en ter 0 , / «- 1 8 7 0 ) (E stab lish ed in red at th e A shland , O regon, P o sto ffic e Mail M atter as Second Class = = “ ----------- a gon, and the L ogue \ alley cities will be the first to be more than a few of them ha h a v e ’ '------------ ave ' seen. A concerted effort should he m ade by all of this p a rt i been elected by divisions where $ of the state, to induce the trav elers to stop and look over Cath°iIcs predominate, When President Cosgrave made the section as a fu tu re home. W e have every th in g to of- L o i fc|- them. It is m erely a problem of show ing w hat we have. It is tim e to begin thinking of it.—G rants P ass « Courier. Subscription P rice, D elivered in City o n e Month ......................................................................................... Three Months ............................................................................ ~ Six M o n th s......................................................................... One Year .......................... ..................................... would not be impos- moniously together, would hav« slble for P rotestants, at the next an opportunity of returning sut» ¡election, to win control of the ' flclent members to constitute the whole of Ireland. In the south t largest unit in Parliam ent. ^ —. i Suggestions By Mail and R ural R ou tes: Mexico is a land of uncertainties, p articu larlv for its governm ent heads. D ISPL A Y ADVERTISING RATES: single insertion, per inch .........................................................................30 Yearly C ontracts: One insertion a w 1 .......................;............................' $ 27 Two inst i cions a week ................................................................... 25 Dally insertion .................................................. Z Z Z Z ” " " ” ....... 20 You m av not need ' R ates F or L egal and M iscellaneous A d vertisin g will. of 1924 Diaries— and graph Albums insurance but your widow’ ONE IN FOUR AMERICANS JU R Y NOW HAS SAVINGS ACCOUNT “ All future events, where an admission charge is made or a iP ction taken is A dvertising. ( ! By S. W. STRAUS, o discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. President American Society America is In the midst of great ! One of the issues in the Brl- " ”»«*' «'««“ »» ’ <«> »•»«>■ from abroad where be eaw m an y Irish men are concerned is wheth- feTidences °f unemployment, a n -er the N ationalists would win the condino^ ,eco°°® lcTyron and Ferm anagh constitu- Unlted stat88 could oniV eee Eu’ p“ 0.®8' Th®9e ar,e u.nder the Ul9ter roDe thn» w >,«, m appreciate ra Parliam rope todnv today they would rn a m ent, e n t> and the Free State more deeply than la now the claims them under the boundary how fortunate they are. Perhaps clause in the Anglo-Irish treaty, it would serve as a lesson to teach This election is the last time the S »■>> - « » » » » » » « - their future by constant practicestunity of showin6 a m ajority in of th rift these two counties, as the Belfast First and Oldest Typist Attends Typewriter Celebration a t Hiot H eretofore the expression, “ if d o g ’s life ,” h as alw ays been in terp reted as a career of kicks and cuffs, th e wood­ shed fo r a bed, and a m eatless bone fo r a meal, but it re ­ m ained for a woman a t E ugene to com pletely change the ord er of things, and h erea fter the d o g ’s life w ill not he shunned and scorned. In fact it is b arely possible th a t m any of us would condescend to live the life of the lowly canine, especially the pup th a t is so fo rtu n ate to he left th e beneficiary of a will, as was the luck of a E ugene poodle. Come to think about it, observations of the p ast few years have revealed a whole lot of lucky dogs. A bed m the house, a w eekly hath, plenty to eat, a dailv au to ­ mobile ride and an hour daily in the lap and arm s of the m istress are not to be dispised, especially w ith caresses, gentle pats, and now and then a kiss throw n in. Then we recall the frequent conventional ad v er­ tisem ent: “ A p artm en t fo r rent-; no children w anted B ut seldom any reserv atio n or restrictio n is m ade on ac-. count of the dog, which indicates th at, as much as we prize Charles E. Weller, O ldest Living T y p ist th e baby, it is restricted and black-balled bv m any. « ten d ^^Y h è^sem i"- .L athan? Sholes, inventor of the But to get rig h t down to the serious side of the m at- i ' erator attended the semi- typewriter, to be placed in Forest ter, it seems th a t th ere are a lot of poor, u n fo rtu n a te o”- ¡’invenH^en?falth?e firatjon of -th® Home Cemetery, Milwaukee, W is­ p h an s in Oregon who deserve the trea tm en t th a t is a c - ! ^ w r i t e r which the iferirimer1 consin. He reports that this work is nearing completion. corded the dogs of some of our homes. a t°UiHon v ? ocicty held GET READY FOR THEM All indications point to a stream of to u rists th r o n ^ i Oregon next sum m er th at has never before been equalled T housands of people are flocking into Los Angelos and southern C alifornia , . * 4, • d i aily ' and next sp rin ° g will s ta rt u on n th e ir re tu rn to th e ir homes or will begin looking for n e w m g iu i n ew »ember 12.' 'H e \ ‘ i ork’ V c h a on r U ? Sep- 6^ Weller, of La Porte, Indiana, Sec- i Re‘a7 f Of.tbe Nati°n a’ Shorihand Reporters Association and Secre- r aSUrC-r °«f the Sho,es Mon­ ument Commission. Mr. Weller, who is in his ; eighty-fourth year, 1® st^I active - j ®nd w engaged in raising a fund ! erect«°n of a monument ¡o v er the remains of Christopher Lanterns and lasting re- at H AND DECORATED NOVELTIES For fifty years Mr. W eller was a shorthand reporter in the courts ° ii ? foul’s. He is the author of a little book published two years ago entitled "The Early History of the Typewriter.” which is an intimate picture of the character and struggles of his friend Sholes. Now in the evening of his day he is glad to make his pilgrimage to Ilion to participate in this notable trib­ ute. SIMPSON HARDWARE — Something different th at will delight and please. ad(nk&> &onmy^ . night/ M YRTLE WOOD NOVELTIES NUT SETS 8 2 .5 0 — $ 3 .0 0 And O h! how wel­ -fram ed and unfram ed, T int­ ed in Oils— also crater Lake Calenders and greeting cards. Radio For f a MOTHER — A radio set for m other will give enteralnm ent and pleasure during the w inter months. We have them ready to install. New Crater Lake Pictures come Pearl O il’s comfy Southern warmth! Pearl Oil — because it keeps the air VOLLAND CALENDARS L eather Bound T ourist Tablets 8 2 .0 0 — 8 5 .0 0 no one need budge to . keep up the cheerful, Candles and Candle Sticks efficient, little flame. Radio Supply — of Salads, Dinners, Beverages sweet and clean—heat by the roomful — and B eaver Block BllUailHhimiüHiHfl Soldiers of Success — in new and delightful colors and shapes. Ready at the touch o f a g Elhart’s match to go all day, all n ig h t — sure warmth for living-room, bath, hall—anywhere steady, The Gift Shop U i r chcvxing- warmth is To~insure" best re- sults, use only Pearl Oil — the dean-burning, uniform kerosene—re­ fined and re-refined by For Xmas is Steam er, W ardrobe and Tonneau T ru n k s—Bags, Suitcases. e ASHLAND FU R N IT U R E T IE good soldier is the man who knows how to obey. Tn the b attle of life everyone ought to obey his conscience and his judgem ent. These toll him to save his money and not w aste it. D on’t argne. Ohev. The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon CHIMBAN Y the Standard O il Com­ ë! 8 4 N. Main pany’s special process. Coal oil” or "kero- ^iiuiiiiiiiiirjfiiä'iirjiiiaiiEiiaiiMr !¡ll¿Iiliih.iUtlltiil*.:llll sene may mean any kind o f kerosene—say YOUR HOME PAPER PEARL O IL”—cop y­ righted for your pro­ tection, Is a Mighty Good Christmas Gift ST A N D A R D OIL COM PANY (California) PEARL O I L firHEAT^UGHT (KEROSENE) A DOG’S LIFE _______ Framed Mottoes i LA GRANDE CASE NEWS LETTER locally IS, -do A shland people in terp ret the h a n d w n tin g on the w a ll! ” Do they visualize the possibilities ot tile to u rist tra d e ! Do th ey realize th e necessity of affo rd in g neeessarv ^conveniences and as- sistance in c a rry in g on reg istratio n s in 1924? Do thev realize the im portance of en larg in g and im proving L ith ia t , ark nvL- and nnrl 4lw. ,...4« cam ___ _ p? a G reat possibilities ..... P the to u rist auto are w ithin reach. To g rasp or not to g rasp them is th e ques­ tion? u A shland, the gatew ay th ro u g h w hich passes the larg est num ber of to u rists en terin g O regon.” is seen in the “ h an d w ritin g on th e w a ll” if we will b u t aw ake to the situ atio n and act accordingly. W e occupy one of the strateg ic positions on the P acific Coast w ith respect to the to u rist, the v acationist and the sportsm an, h u t we can not hope to hold our position unless we arouse from our letharg ic condition and ad o p t an intelligent, tw o-fisted pro g ram of developm ent. In th is d ay of keen com peti­ tion and stru g g le for com m ercial suprem acy to have is one thing, to hold and develop is another. . j “ ï T. L. Moore 03c, 73c, 80c, 8 1 .0 0 DISAGREES IN LA GRANDE, Or., Dec 14.— for A fter deliberating nearly 12 hours DONATIONS T h rift No d eratio n s to charities or otherw ise will be made In advertis­ IN ROUND ROUND numbers numbers there are in the ^ u i t court case ing. or job printing— our contributions will be in cash. 1 thirty million savings bank de- ° f . Charles Raymond Lewis, taxi positors In the United States to- driver of La Grande, charged with DECEM BER 14 day whose de- transporting liquor, failed to a- posits amount gree. The case of Ezra Allen ap- JU S ! AND RIGHT:— A God of tru th and w ithout iniquity ju st H7.”0O0»X°. ? r°m ' he J“»"“ and right is he.— Deuteronomy 32:4 Ten years ago 'vhere he was «»"’ ««“ Ml °( trans- the savings ac- P°r ring liquor in his taxi, was be- THE HANDWRITING ON THE WALL c o u n ts in gun today. b a n k s a n d I he rep o rt ot S ecretary of S tate Sam Kozer covering trust compa­ the num ber ot foreign autom obiles registered in Oregon nies numbered d u rin g the present year, together w ith the estim ated num ­ 12.000.000 and amounted to ber of to u rists v isitin g the sta te in autom obiles, is in­ $8,000,000.000. te re stin g and is a h arb in g er of wdiat Oregon can expect Perhaps the DUBLIN, Dec. 13.— Jim Lar- most in the fu tu re from the to u rist standpoint. I t reveals the v.tuu kc.kturVof k in ’ deported from the United cant feature of tact th a t 120,OCX) to u rists visited O regon d u rin g s. w . s t r a u s tjjese figures,States after his release from pri- the y ear and retu rn ed home w ith an enthusiasm fo r O re­ compiled by the saviDgs bank di- son there, is proving a thorn in gon roads and Oregon scenery. I t is not unreasonable to vision of the American Bankers the side of the Irish labor move- Association, Is the increase of 141 raent assum e th at w ith the favorable ad v ertisin g visitors are per cent in the number of savings ., . . Almost immediately after his giving the state, to g eth er w ith the ad v ertisin g th a t Ore- accounts. iron XT-Ill ,1 a • ri ,7 ° They mean that In 1912 one out arrIval in Ireland Larkin began U com ing m onths, and fu rth e r aided by Of every eight persons in the Unit- organizing a revolt in the ranks the annual increase in the num ber of autom obile owners! ed States- 80 to speak, was the pcs- of the Irish Transport and Gen- throughout the country, th a t the n um ber of v isito rs will | Tmiay o m pXn® o u ^ S fourTaa eral Worker8’ Uulon- A few weeks lll( lC itse titty p er cent, if not double, in 1924. The rep o rt money in a savings bank. a®° be caHed a Strike, and large indicates th a t Oregon is beginning to claim the benefits 1 Thus we are able to see in can- num bers of the members respond- crete form some of the values of ed. The executives of the union w ith which N atu re has endowed us and the ad v an tag e the campaigns of thrift education ordered the men to retu rn to gained by the construction of good roads, it being fa ir that have been in operation in t h i s , country during the last ten years ’ 1O8t of the dock_worIf- to assum e th a t w ithin a com paratively few y ears the state or more. e rs> Ga&er to catch a glimpse of will he one of the leading to u rist centers and sum m er Among children the progress has »he old pay enevelope again, obey- been even more rapid. Ten years ed the order. play g ro u n d s of the nation. I?r.noll«r i. i i i - . . , , . „ I a&° ago uie the school school savings savings banks banks of A section of the men, led by jq u a llt in te re stin g to A shland is the inform ation • the country were practically given in the secretary of s ta te ’s rep o rt relativ e to the num ­ negligible quantity. Today 2.000,-L ark in ’ how ever’ resorted to in- b er of foreign cars reg istered in the offices established 000 school children have school sav- tim idation, and many of those Ings bank deposits of $10,000,000. who were willing to resum e work lo r th a t purpose in various tow ns of the state. I t reveals These accomplishments cannot were frightened away from their be valued on their intrinsic basis. T th a t A shland stan d s th ird , being exceeded only by P o rt­ The $10,000.000 saved by school3 8 by the L arkin,te 8 tactics. It land and M edford. T ak in g into consideration tiie fact children In pennies, nickels and was a tactical victory for Larkin th a t reg istratio n offices w ere opened both in P o rtlan d and dimes must be appraised from t h e and resulted in a general stop- M edford in May, w hile the local office was not opened until standpoint of future generations page of work in most of the Irish tum ed to thrift: of a splendid citl-ports. in Ju ly , the im pression is gained th a t the A shland office ________ _ zenship, clean lives, happy homes will lead w ith reiriq tm fin iq q j . i and a sound social order. e P° Leal effect, however, M + In T in A 1 ? ; n ir fi o in 0/34 cars P1794 were reg- | It ls gratifylng t0 note the progwhas been to the advantage of the - te rtd ill A s h la n d up to N ovem ber 30. M itll the n a tu ra l ress of savings in this country. Free State, for official labor and increase in trav el and w’ith the office open from the first T,b?iertl8 8tUI much t0 be accom- the raak and file have been driven of the a ear it is not unlikely th a t the to tal reg istra tio n 000,000 people in the United s ta te ’s to the P ree State P a rty - Nowa- Will reach ap p ro x im ately 10,000 ears in 1994 today who are not savings bank de-days in the Dal1 critlcism of any W ith these figures in view the onlv im p o rtan t ones ¡ ± tor8, J nt wh? cou,d be lf they mini8teriai action is seldom heard t io n t h a t .11 ises and A uto­ 23c, SOc, 75c, $ 1 .0 0 , 8 2 .0 0 — a pleasing membrance j ' qq io2 % Flashlights A Fine Assortment A good New Y e a r’s resolution: Continue to beautify A shland. $ .10 W HAT CO \ftflT U T E S ADVERTISING » s Xmas Cine Month ................................................................. Three Months ................................................................................. Six M onths .......................................................... .............................. ' One Year ........................ F irst insertion, p er 8 point l in e ................................................... *’ ’ subsequent insertion, 8 point line ...........^05 ‘ : :: ih a n k s ............................... ...... ..................*..................... O btiuai s, per line ................................................. . there are many parties The Free State, Republicans. Laborites Farm ers. Independents and the Catholic vote is split up among ,, „ , . . ’ them all. In such circum stances the P rotestants of N orthern and Southern Ireland, working bar- his nom inations for the S en ate, action meets with the approval more than half of them were of a m ajority of the people living P.rotestants. The P rotestants in in the Free State. m L UPPer bCr Hre n° W " ‘H Th* electlon P rotestants ,n most as num erous as the Catho- v ,, southern II eland emphasizes the X ek T C“ gr0Ve, . " aS been declaration th at if the Vleterites attacked for Z making a P rotestant I would the Free s ta , P ar- For your Boy or Girl away ai School or at work. For your Brother, Sister, Cousin, Uncle, Aunt, or any friend or relative who knows us folks Back Home U nless y o u ’ve been in th e ir position, you have no idea how they crave th e news from back home—how eagerly they scan every line of the home paper. R eally, th e y ’re far more interested in the paper from back home than the folks here at home are Your Home Paper $7.50 a Year The Horae Paper O i O A I (¿Cl Contains more News in one issue than you will w rite in a dozen letters. It costs less than your postage and stationery for a letter. Your friend will be reminded of your thoughtfulness. Each week, as he or she T hreads the interesting things about the home folks, they will silently thank you. Ashland Daily Tidings B. R. Greer, Editor Ashland, Oregon 234853485353482323234848482348534823482348234800000153534823485300 Don’t worry about selections for Christmas Gifts just come to Medford and look. JAP ART STORE On Main St. Near Pacific Highivay —-Dry Goods, Silk Gowns, Negligees, Oriental novelties, Toys, Baskets, Decorated Chinaware, Goldfish and supplies, Glass-ware, Slippers. Silk sales are now on, embroidered Silk Kimonos, and Negligees are y2 off. 100 percent pure Silk Pongees, guaranteed by government stamps, standard grade 88c and extra fancy 98c per yard.