PACèfe TWO A shland A S H L A N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S eeeding generations. (Established in 1870) The United States began mining coal in 1814 with a production that year of twenty tons. The production in P u b lish ed Every E v en in g Except Sunday by 1922 was 417,000.000 and in the 110 years since 1814 an THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. aggregate of 14,000,000.000 tons. B ert R. Greer ................................... ............... ......................................Editor ________________AVith 99 per cent of its original determined coal sup- ICL ICIAL CITY PAPER ...................................................... Telephone^ ply still in the ground, the people of the United States red at th e .Ashland, O regon, P o sto ffic e a s Second Class need feel no anxiety over its future fuel, especially since M ail M atter the United States is producing one-half the world’s out­ Subscription P rice, D elivered in City Oue M o n th .................................................... $ .65 put of the-black diamonds. Three Months ..................................................................................... Six Montna ................ ......... ................................... . . 1.95 3 75 SYNTHETIC FARMING One 'e a r ..... .........................7^50 Now v.e know what’s to become of the farmer. The One . o» th .................................................................................. \ word is passed along that J. B. S. Haldane, an English Three Months six - n .hs ........................................................ 3*50 scientist, predicts chemical synthesis of foods within 120 On Y ear 6.50 years to a degree that will rate agriculture a luxury, and ___1 i -11 1 , , , . . . . . _ - • ’ DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES mankind will be completely urbanized. A hard fate for the Eingie insertion, per inch .......................................... .30 agriculturist, and a hard living for poets and artists if Y early C ontracts: Oue Insertion a w : : l» • 27% such there be in that distant day. And what of the gar­ Two inset tions a week .................. .25 dens tilled by suburbanites and commuters? Ill fares the Daily insertion ........................ .20 day when no seed catalogue may proclaim man’s kin­ R ates For Legal and M iscellaneous A d vertisin g ship with the soil. F irst insertion, pc,- 8 point l i n e ....................................... $ 10 Chemistry thou art afoot. subsequent insertion, 8 point line ........ .05 ‘ ' « T n a n k s ................................................... 1.00 Take thou what course thou wilt. Obi’.nai s. per line ........................ .02% But invitation to choice is only empty fealty to cour­ WHATJ C O ^ f lT U T E S ADVERTISING tesy when meals hold a single course. If the doctor had All fu tu re events, where an admission charge is made or his-his crystal in good kelter the folk who are up and about "tirn taken is Advertising. o discount be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. ___ will ______ when his forecast falls due may as well take their calories —— donations , from a needle. And who is to take old J'udge Palate’s No del ations to charities or otherw ise will be made in advertis- place? ‘‘Dame Science,” YOU sav? Well Well SO i t ffoes lng. or job printing— our contributions will be in cash T i> , inade * •. mistakes> .7 , casn. so lt goes Poor old z i. ' he put no one can hope to please all tastes—The Nation’s Business. DECEMBER 13 By Mail and R ural R ou tes: THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH:— Even the Spirit of tru th ; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeketh him not, neither knoweth h .m: b u , ye Know ,„ r he W tb you. and be j ^ in you.— John 14:1?. daiíá fòbfòftl thursday, December 18, lOSd and out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking a t any drug store for a bottle of “W yeth’s Sage and Sul­ phur Compound,” you will get this famous old preparation, im­ proved by the addition of other (Continned from yesterday) • ingredients, • which can be de- pended upon to restore natural Dark Bared Plym ouths— S. K. color and beauty to the hair. H artsock, Corvallis, 1 cock, 1. 2. a well-known downtown drug- hens, 2 cockerel, 1. 3. pullets; 'g ist says it darkens the hair so Chester A. Lyon, Lebanon, 2. cock j naturally and evenly that nobody Mrs. Ray Leftwick, Tacoma, {can tell it has been applied. You Wash., 3 cock, 3. cockerel; Myr-; simply dampen a sponge or soft tie Patton, Ashland, 1. cockerel, brush with it and draw this 1 pen, Mrs. Rosa B. W illett, Med-| through your hair, taking one ford, 2 pullets; E. C. B urt, Ash- i strand at a time. By morning the land’ Ore’ 9 2‘ pen; J‘ w* Cook> . gray h air disappears, and after Mftdtnrd ... Medford, 3 non pen. another application or two, it Light Barred Plym outh Rocks becomes beautifully dark and — Mrs. Ray Liftwlck, 1 hen, 1 glossy. No. 6 6 cockerel; Chester A. Lyon, 2 hen; J u st from the Factory a new Mrs. Rosa B. W illetts, 2 cockerel, 1. pullet; Mrs. Edith B arker 2. 3. supply of fine engraved wedding rings. pullets. Johnsons Jew elry Store. W hite Plym outh Rock— J. L ar­ kin Grubb, Ashland, Ore,— 1. cock — 2. hen— 2 cockerel— 1. old pen : — 1. young pen— S. K. H artsock, Corvallis, Oregon— 2. cock— 1. 3. Caserole pullets— 1. 3. hens— Bert Senter, Pyrex Hood River, Ore. 1. cockerel— 2. pullets. Silver W yandottes— H enry W. 1 Domes, McCoy, Ore.— 1.2.3.cock— Baking Dishes, Pie Plates, I. 2. hens; 1. 2. 3. cockerel. In Silver Service. P artrid g e W yandottes— Mrs. W. S. Eeastm an, Ashland, Ore.— 1. Not only is a liberal amount of paint required in somejhen' ‘ h <” ^ n t a i l T “ ™ 8’ j" * ™ 8 d i s t r i c t 88 8 get ready^to present a bright, new front when the spring season arrives. Island Reds— E rnest Í Webb, C entral Point, Ore.— 1. 3. ! Oranges Y E S! SLNKiST ORANGES By the B o x ..................$2.25 9 D ozen....................... i .oo 2 D ozen........ .................... 25 1 D ozen............................. 15 No. 1 Walnuts 30c lb, 3H lbs. $1.00 No. 1 Potatoes $1.75 per 100 Pounds New Nebraska Corn Meal, sck., 35c PLAZA M A R K ET II. A. SI earns We Deliver PM SJ 61 X. Main The Picture tells the Rtory of ‘listening in' on the world. Southern PROVOST BROS Radio Supply w e ,L (Continued on page 3) ADVICE WORTH CONSIDERATION May be ,ho leaders of the late insurgent movement „ X During the recent visit to Ashland of A. S. Dudley, against the obregon government received their tip from the manager ot the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce, he houses of congress in the good old U. S. A. advised that care he given to landscape gardening, with a view to attracting the tourist, not only, hut to winning Recent advices from Shanghi indicate that Dr. Sun him as an investor. The suggestion applies to the town has not set. generally and to residents of the Boulevard and North Alain Street particularly, for it is along these two men­ Good news: State taxes for 1924 will be approxi­ Use G randm a's Sage T ea and tioned drives that the tourist is compelled to travel in mately $1,500,000 less than for the present year. Sulphur R ecip e and Nobody passing through Ashland. W ill K now THE W EATHER R eturns to D unsm uir— the Boulevard offers unlimited opportunities for im­ Mrs. A. R. Mount retu rn ed to The use of Sage and Sulphur provement and beautifying, and if carried out will become her home in D unsm uir this a fte r­ for restoring faded, gray hair to Report for December 12, 1923: one of the most beautiful residential streets and drive­ Maximum, 39; minimum, 31; set noon on No. 53 following a short its n atu ral color dates hack to ways in the state. The foundation already exists, hut if maximum, 34; .08 precipitation, visit here with the A. P.Abbott grandm other’s time. She used it it is made as attractive as it deserves to be, a hearty re­ cloudy day. family. to keep her hair beautifully dark, sponse must come from those who are so fortunate as to glossy and attractive. W henever own and occupy homes along that drive. Not only must Our gift line surpasses any­ These cold nights mean more her h air took on th a t dull, faded attention lie directed to landscape gardening hut care must thing we have ever displayed wam r com forters. Buy those soft or streaked appearance, this sim- he given to keeping residences and other buildings well since in business both domestic hand made ones at the T rinity i pie m ixture was applied with won- Guild Bazaar. Held in the Parish derful effect. painted. North Alain Street otters excellent opportuni­ and Imported lines. House Dec. 20. 85-3 But brewing at home is mussy Johnsons Jew’elry Store. ties for beautifying and can be made an attraction that ' h : ' will appeal to tourists and strangers. Not that the res­ your Christm as gifts at idents along the Boulevard and North Alain must bear the Buy T rinity Guild bazaar, Decem­ the burdens of making Ashland attractive, hut because it ber 20, to he held in the parish ' is along these avenues that tourists are compelled to drive house. 86 and 88 THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL in passing from the North to the South, or the reverse. ‘ Ashland as a whole needs to be improved to a higher TONIGHT degree of beauty. No district or section is excepted. Grand Rapids, Mich., Conditions are right for making Ashland one of the HICKMAN BESSEY CO. most attractive and beautiful towns of the Pacific Coast. Father Pleads PRESENTS We already have much of beauty and natural surround­ ings and conditions, together with civic pride, can trans-. It seems to me the persons who object to having th eir “The Girl Without A form our little city to a degree that it will exert a com­ brakes tested are taking an pelling influence “ upon all who come within our borders, unreasonable position to locate here. Chance” For Good Brakes The New Year will soon be here. Let us make our with plans at the beginning of 1924 to make Ashland so at­ My little girls, m urdered so a short time ago on tractive that the average tourist will not he able to resis cruelly VAUDEVILLE the streets of this city, might our beauties and will become a home-maker and an in­ still be living if the brakes and vestor. Let us plant roses and beautiful flowers, maintain on the contrivance which kil­ her had been in proper * VIOLA DANA IN our lawns, remove all dilapidated fences and out-build­ w led orking condition. ings, and keep our walks in good repair. Let us put our We Install Rayhestos hThe Social Code” shade trees wherever they are needed, and, above all, let B rake Lining us paint every structure until it has the appearance of, Admission Including Tax: being new. AUTOMOTIVE A dults 55c, Children 25c I bis is an improvement requiring no bonds nor ad­ Shop ditional tax levies. It is a work in which each and every Cor Main and Pioneer resident can share, dividing the expense and placing a Pictures 7:30; Play 8:30. burden upon no one. It is an investment that will return good dividends. W S ! DARKEN VO U R JA ¥ HAIR i YOUR HOME PAPER Is a Mighty Good Christmas Gift Foi y out Boy or Givi away at School or at work. For your Brother, Sister, Cousin, Unde, Aunt, or any friend or relative who knows us folks Back Home Unless you ve been in their position, you have no idea how they erave the news from hack home how eagerly they scan every line of the home paper. Really, they're far more interested in the paper from hack home than the folks here at home are Your Home Paper $7.50 a Year T he H om e P ap er O i O * 1 lO Q G S c l Contains more News in one issue than .von will w rite in a dozen letters. It costs le.-s than your postage and stationery for a letter. w A U n i r fiie n d will he rem in d ed of y our I S c H T 1 i,o’Igh:f,lln<‘KS- Each week, as he or she reads the interesting things about the home folks, they will silently thank you. Ashland Daily Tidings B. R. Greer, Editor Ashland, Greg on can’t rrnuift rour wear GERMANY’S INNOCENT CHILDREN AA hat ever may be thought of the Germans as a peo­ ple, their political rights and wrongs, their fenzied efforts to re-establish themselves in the world, their desperate recourse to various desperate remedies, their falling marks and rising mobs—whatever view is taken of Germany’s statesmen and statesmanship, one must feel unalloyed p it} to i the women and children in this 'demoralized ' country who are lacing, or before the winter is over, are certain to face, severest want if not actual starvation. I he Quakeis (io