PAGE PöÜtt AfiftLÀVb bAîLŸ ttW îGg ru&flday, Decem ber 11, H»23 : LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES | SANTA CLAUS ANXIOUS String Beans— 1. Mrs. Elton TO RECEIVE H IS MAIL Beeson; 2. Mrs. Henry Galey. Carrot3— 1. Mrs. Leggett. Peas— 1. Mrs. F aris; 2. Mrs. ♦ A D aily C hronicle o f th o se w h o com e and go, anil even ts of Legegtt. local in terest. î Beets— 1. Mrs. Mabel Reachert 2. Mrs. Leggett. M asonic Calendar H om e from V isit— Tomatoes— 1. Mrs. Geo. W. Al­ T his W eek Mrs. Mary Abbott, who resides len; 2. Mrs. W. Cooper. W ednesday, Dec. i s — Malta on Oak St., has returned from Collection (6 qts.) 1. Mrs. E l­ C^mmandery meets at 7:30 for, a m onth’s visit with relatives in ton Beeson; 2. Mrs. W. A. Cooper. work In the Order of the Red the Applegate and G rants Pass Collection (6 p ts.)— 1. Mrs. Mrs. Abbott visits rela- Faris. • Cross. Light refreshm ents a fte r­ districts. liv es io th e se c itie s o fte n . “'Y ? , ,h “ ‘her 13th. Lots of Fun. by J. P. Dodge & Sons, Miss Nel- fa r as perm issable. It goes with- ReaJ Mugic g5 2 lie RusselL out saying th a t they will be mis- j ______ Bpst plate ^ ^ 3 — ! qut Val. s. ,1 but an abundance of letters MissioMary M eeting Scheduled— sPar varnish by J. O. Rigg,~Mrs. die been promised. a The Bap^st Missionary Society Geo. P- Martin. (Continued from page 1) ___________________________________ I deeply devoted to a very lovely I girl. They were boon companions, ( and because it was inevitable t h a t ! one m ust lose should the other | win, their friendship was unstrain-1 ed when Lehm eyer’s -rival and j friend led the girl to the altar. In ' and Ladies’ Aid will have a joint Best cake in exhibit— 51b roast fact Lehmeyer was the best man, 1 B eautiful and useful Xmas raPeting W ednesday at 2:30 at the beef by J. L. B arnthouse, Mrs. and he wished them godspeed on things, handm ade will be for sale Baptist church. A beautiful quilt K. K. Hitchcock. th eir m atrim onial voyage. by Trinity Guild Dec. 20th a t the top, donated by the late Mrs. G reatest no. entries— $2.50, Lehm eyer’s friend and his wife Parish House. Anice McClanahan and Mrs. B utts Mrs. Faris. em igrated to America. A year la­ i to the Ladies’ Aid before Mrs. Me- Sweepstakes (Most blue rib- te r Lehmeyer came also. His PURIC LECTURE j Clanahans death, will be quilted bona in this division)— Mrs. Chas. friend had settled in New Jersey. Louis Lehmeyer chose M anhattan. At Hawthorne Annex, Temple th a t day, also much charity work Grey of Truth. W ednesday Dec. 12th at will be done by the ladies. Special (Most red ribbons in As the years passed Lehmeyer a c - J ¡this division)— $2.00 by Mrs. Ful- quired one parcel of property af­ 7:45 P. M. on “ The Mystery of ter another. He built tenem ents Sound and Speech” by Dr. Nina Mr. Automobile O wner:— Do I lp r. Mrs. Faris. and apartm ent houses. He was ' Breads E. Pickett of Los Angeles. All cor­ you know there is a difference dially invited. 85-1* in autom obile rates? You can save W hite loaf— 1. Mrs. W. A. known as a man who always had j money by insuring with me. S tratto n ; 2. Mrs. Geo. P. Martin. money. On late Summ er afterfioons of j Yeo. of course. 77-tf Whole wheat— 1. Mrs. Chas. To R esid e Ht recent years Lehmeyer would sit Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Spencer * Nut— 1. Mrs. Gyger; 2. Dr. in the garden of the home where have come to Ashland from K la m -: We deliver the goods. Service dwelt the daughter of the woman atli county and purchased the j is our m otto. Detricks— phone Maude Hawley. he had loved in his youth. Eliza- 53tf B ran— 1. Mrs. Chas. Gray; 2. property recently belonging to N. ; . beth Rosalie, the granddaughter Dr. Maude Hawley. C. Dosier on Seventh street. Mr. of her whose image was graved Salt Rising— 1. Mrs. T. F. Mar- and Mrs. Spencer are glad to re­ W ord of D eatii R eceived— on his heart, would knit in the j Mrs. C. W. Fraley has received les. tu rn here for some time, as they j shadow of tl^e vines. Lehmeyer, R o l l a - l . Mrs. Chas. Gray; 2. b™ " " M ,! have lived in various places. Mr. word recently of th e death of her sister. Mrs. Elizabeth DeVoin on Eileen N utter. | „ x . . . .. _ . Spencer is the son of the late _ , . T ,, , ¡Shoulders, turned his thought to , Iowa. Mrs. DeVoin has Best in Exhibit— 1 Mrs W A Li. « » Hiram Spencer, who owned a i , Dec. 4 in . ’ A- the Mainz of yesteryear and m ur- | been seriously ill for some tim e Stratton. 'm ured- large part of property in Ashland Cakes, Etc. j “ My dear, I wish you could have in the early days. The sale was and has suffered greatly. Mrs. ¡F raley ’s friends extend th eir sym- Sponge— 1. Mrs. Leah Caldwell seen yOUr grandm other in her made through the offices of the p a th y . 2. Mrs. Gordon MacCracken. Beaver Realty Company. youth. Ah! but she was one of Have your clothes cleaned and Angel— 1. Mrs. Elton Beeson; God’s noble women.” . * repaired before the Holiday rush. 2. Mrs. Pearl H arkins. » Hand made linen hdkfs. at Paulserud’s. 78tf Dark loaf— 1. Mrs. F. N. Hitch- Trinity Guild Bazaar Dec. 20 in TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY cock; 2. Eileen N utter. Parish House. 85-3 WANTED— Used quilts and Yes real salt rising bread. SOti I W hite layer— 1. Mrs. Geo. W. ------— ¡Allen; 2. Mrs. O. R. K luth. blankets. Must be in good con Say it with a box of chocolates Fresh fru it cake and mince Chocolate layer— 1. Mrs. F. N. dition. Enquire Tidings office Box We wrap for shipping free of C. charge. Rose Bros. 84tf m eat ingredients— brown sugar, j Hitchcok; 2. B ertha Robison, citron, spices, orange peel, lemon chocolate Icing layer cake— 1 GOOD HOME AND GOOD LIV- j peel, w alnuts and po forth. De- Mr. T F Maries; 2 Mrg Gordan NOTICE ING— A. nicely located, in the tricks. We deliver. 59-tf M acCracken.^ Denison Day is W ednesday at City lim its, modern five roomed Ginger bread— 1. Mrs. Gyger. the Presbyterian church i.t 2 R eturn to Portland— house, barn, double garage, wood Best pie— 1. Miss Nellie Rus­ o’clock. Bring scissors and paste. Mayor George L. Baker of P o rt­ house and two good chicken All kinds of pretty things made of land, was a guest at thè Ashland sell. huses and woven wire corrells, paper. 84-2 Hotel last night, having come I Best cookies— 1. Mrs. Geo. P. with fru it and garden, belongs to here in a special car with Shrine Martin non-resident and m ust be sold, Best cake— 1. Mrs. F . N. H itch­ guests. He returned to Portland Sure it M as Cold L ast N ight— b etter see the Beaver Realty Co. cock. The therm om eter again played this m orning on No. 12. about this a t once, first come P reserves around 23 last night tho it is first served, the last property ad­ Peach— 1. Mrs. O. R. K luth; K ohm an’s salft rising bread, hoped the w eather will moderate vertised by us was sold for the it is to be remembered th a t last 1 lb. loaf 10c, 1% lb. loaf 15c. 2. Mrs. Faris. cash to the first one th a t looked Pear— 1. Dr. Maud Hawley, 84-tf year before this time the tern Bon Ton. it over. 85-2 2. Mrs. K luth. perature of 16 and 17 had been Cherry— 1. Dr. Maud Hawley. The ASHLAND MILLS have re­ N ohting b etter than salt rising registered and early in the spring ceived a shipm ent of MOLASSES J Ground cherry— 1. Mrs. Mark bread. Bon Ton. 84tf 12 below the freezing point has Smith. BEET PULP and will sell same j .made A shlanders shivver. P ros­ Berry— Mrs. E. R. Rhodes. from car onTuesday,W ednesday, G uests T onight— pects may be as good this year. & Thursday in 500 pound lots at I Straw berry— 1. Mrs. O. R. Charles F. W alker, president of $12.50. A Victor record from Rose the N orthw estern School of Com- Kluth Beet Pulp is succulent and e-'j merce in Portland; S. W. Law- Tomato— 1. Mrs. Ed. Howland; Bros, make the most ideal C hrist­ qual to corn in feeding value, and mas gift. 84tf rence, district governor of the Kl- 2- Mrs. Faris. wanis club and Alfred Oleson, V egetab les in addition, when soaked takes Corn— 1. Rosina G allatin; 2. the place of green feed for cows , FOUND— P air nose glasses district trustee, all of Portland, are in Ashland this evening and Mrs. Elton Beeson. and poultry. 85 :1 with chain. Owner may have same will be honor guests at the form al .— by paying for ad. ch arter presentation ceremdnies ' • r of Kiwanis club. They will retu rn j Gone to P ortland— II. B. C arter of Mountain Ave­ in the m orning to Roseburg. nue, has gone to Portland on a Order your Chirstm as Suit and business trip. His youngest daugh­ Ovefcoat now a t Orres tailor shop ter, E sther accompanied her. — we guarantee delivery before 84-3 Big Carnival Dance at Jackson Christm as. Hot Springs Thursday Night, Dec. Oh Boy! That salt rising bread. 13th. A Big Time assured. Under 84tf New M anagement. 85-2 Bon Ton. Toyland is Ready c-r- O A ttended Ceremonies in Medford Several members of the local A. J. Young and family, from Kiwanis organization were guests Okanogan, W ash., are new a rri­ of the Medford club last night vals in Ashland and are nicely when thdir chapter of Kiwanis domiciled in the Robertson house was granted. Others from Klam- on Almond street. Mr. Young j &th Falls and Roseburg were travels for the American Shoe and ' there and are expected here to- Tool Co., with offices in St. Louis, night. A fter traveling very extensively ---------- for several years west of the ' Orres cleans, presses, remodels Rockis he has decided to make and repairs clothes— phone 64.; Ashland his home town. U pstairs. 84-3 Dolis! Dolls! Dolls’ We have the Biggest and Best Stock of Dolls ever brought to Ashland. The famous Effanbb and Madame Hendricks Talking Dolls, and a large stock such as Bis­ que, Kid Bodies and Celluloid, ranging in price from 5c t0 $12.00 Virgin wool suits and overcoatsj For the best tam ales try Rose $20 and up, at Paulseruds. 78tf Bros. 84-tf Large loaf quality bread 10c— ’ Old fashioned lasses cream taf- Bon Ton. 84tf fy at Rose Bros. 84tf A shland E lectric S upply Swifts— Bacon, Boiled Ham, Mo^t complete line of box choc- Chipped beef and lard. Get It at d a te s in the city. W atch our Detricka. I t ’s the best. 53-tf window. Rose Bros. 84tf 1 i 1 374 E. Main, Shook Bldg. Opposite Swenson & Peebler P- H I © 50 50 à d It i- • frf«! w S S o Let Us Help W hat about decorating the Tree this ( diristnias? A good plan to follow, be­ fore you start trim m ing is to come and let us show you the many attractive, in ­ expensive, articles which we have that will make your work very easy and the Tree more beautiful. I t4 B • S • A large selection of all kinds of Books for the Children, both Story and Picture, highly colored, at all prices, from 5c up. A new line of Bradley novelties, sue a ; ci ■ outs, etc. Very interesting and highly education ih t f >,• Children. Stationery in Gift Boxes Daintly designed Stationery makes an ideal gift for a dear friend. Our line in this Dept. is complete. Prices j en Z i Childrens Gift Books Phonograph for Christmas See it Demonstrated Wednesday and Thursday Dec. 12 and 13 S3 3 L-1 © Give a Brunswick U N IV E R S A L ELECTRIC RANGES 3 Low prices on all offerings allow you to buy liberally for your children. ers. L ik es A shland— 2 Bring the Children to Toyland and let them see what a wonderful array of Toys Santa Claus has provided to help make this Christmas ihe Merriest ever. 25c t0 $1.50 Many beautiful gifts a t D ar­ Holiday reductions in Suits and ling Studio. 75-tf Overcoats tailored to your mea­ sure at Orres Tailor Shop up­ Cliff Payne makes chair rock­ stairs. 84-3 ? £ >