MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (International News Wire Service) VOL. XLVII. IMPERIAL ' POTENTATE IS ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma This is a proven fact. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. »KKR INDICTMENT O F BANDIT SUSPECTS NO. 85 WILL SIT IN ECONOMIC CONFERENCE BOYS SAVED FROM POISONED MOONSHINE. 8 8 8 RENO. Dec. 11.— Two 8 8 PORTLAND. Dec. 1.— 8 8 Reno youths were saved 8 t t A federal grand jury was 8 8 from a horrible death by 8 8 drawn by United States tt ! 8 poisoning when the police 8 8 D istrict Judge Bean yes­ 8 8 captured several bottles 8 tt terday afternoon and be­ 8 8 of liquor stolen by the 8 8 gan its deliberations. One tt' ----------- ¡ 8 of the first cases to be 8 8 young men before they 8 8 could use it. brought before the jury n Government Give 8 Head of Mystic Shrine Pays ive Appro Approval 8 Brutal Murder of Mexican They had broken into »¡Secretary Has Completed an Official Visit to Hil- 1« will be th a t of the three n i to Americans to Sit With Wi 8 the state food and drug is Bared bv Confession lah Temple. I: DeAutrem ont br o t h e r s, « French and British. List of Premium Winners ---------- :J charged with the Siskiyou 8 8 laboratory on the corner B of Slayers. ----------- 8 ’ ~ ~ in Various Departments. of Fifth and Sierra Sts.,' 8 FORMER HEAD HERE « train robbery and m urder. a KELLOGG A P P R O V ID MONEY W A S OBJECT I» and stolen several bottles 8 ¡ 8 Indictm ent of the trio will 8 ---------- COMPETITION C L O S E — ------ |o H osp itals for Crippled Children jj be asked on charges of j* Insurgents C ontinue to Block of bootleg whisky, to 8 H Claim A tten tion <* 8 Cum m ins A ppointm ent to I. which chemists had added 8 Q uality of E xhibits in Many D e. assaulting a mail clerk. 8 R bichloride of mercury to Shrinedom . C. C. C hairm anship. A num ber of w hite slave 8 partraentii Left L ittle Room 8 8 prevent further fermenta­ 8 cases and several persons 8 for Choice. An event, im portant in the his- ! 8 tion. charged with having rais­ 8 1 WASHINGTON, Dec. 11.— A- 8 tory of Masonry in southern Ore- i tt The youths cached the 8 The list of prize winners in the ed currency, will be inves­ ♦« merican experts will cooperate gon and epochal in the annals of jj tigated by the jury. 8 ». with the economic au thorities of liquor n e a r P e a v i n e R various departments of the Win­ ”** xuuiuer OI jose K. reilz, Mex-j 8 Mountain and were seen local Shrinedom. was recorded in 8 j; other countries, notably France 8 ter Fair and Poultry Show has lean box factory worker, whose ¡8 Ashland last night when Hillah 8 jj and Great B ritain, in an effort to by boy scouts, who report­ Sheriff Terrill, of Jack- 8 been completed by the secretary, body was found my trainmen in I8 ed the matter to the Reno Temple was host to Conrad V. 8 son county left yesterday find a solution of the reparations J. H. Fuller, and bis corps of as­ 8 the edge of Klamath Lake near I8 Dykeman. im perial potentate of 8 for Portland, where he ♦j problem. It is officially announced police. The case has been 8 sistants. A glance through the list Alfonzo Roygoza who, according 8 turned over to the federal the Ancient Arabic Order of 8 will present to the ju ry U from the W hite House th a t the 8 indicates that the premiums en­ to the sheriff, broke down and I8 officers for action, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, and 8 articles picked up in con­ jj governm ent has sanctioned A- 8 joyed a rather wide range of dis­ confessed under a gruelling ex- ¡ 8 8 8 8 8 8 his official party. Among the la t-l jj nection with the case. j* mericans sitting with French and 8 8 8 8 tribution. amination. te r was Chas. E. Ovenshire, form- jj 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 British. American representatives < After completeing the awards. Two other • Mexicans. Pablo er im perial potentate, who was ' partcipating do so under the aus­ Judges in many departments an­ Monte« and Damasclo Cadeno, a visitor in Ashland six years ago. I pices of the Allied R eparations nounced that their work was com­ are also held. The official party arrived from commission, but will not officially pleted with the greatest difficul­ Robbery was the motive for the G rants Pass by auto at 3:30 and represent the Unted States, taking ty, owing to the sharp competi­ crime.Cadeno. when acting as in­ was met by a delegation of offi­ p art as private citizens with the tion that existed. However, the terpreter cers and members of Hillah Tem­ approval of the governm ent. _ for Fell« when , tbe latter , feeling exists that general satis- was brought to a local hospital Puller, Swedenborg and Perozzi faction prevails and exhibitors are ple. having learned Fell« had «360 Furnish Closest Kind o< accepting the verdicts of the judg- A ppointm ent Confirm ed Soon after the arrival of the whlch he was saving for his old I Competition. Balance of Cast for “$ 1 0 ,0 0 0 ” WASHINGTON, Dec? 11. — es as correct. Owing to the ex­ im perial potentate and his assoc­ ago. Charity Show A nnounced; President Coolidge’s first diplo­ treme length of the list of prem­ i a t e s a session was called at Ma­ Agree to Murder I An «vent of great interest of ium winners it will be necessary O ther F eatu res. matic appointm ent, form er Sena­ sonic Hall with 100 m embers of Cadeno told his companions” of Winter Fair that lacked only for tbe Tidings to present It in tor F rank B. Kellogg, of Minne- H illah Temple being present and his discovery and proposed the a hair’s breadth escaping the at- two or three Installments, with Misses Maxine Rose, Dorothy sota, as Ambassador to Great Bri- P otentate Simpson presiding. murder and robbery of Fell« upon tentIoD of the sporting editor of the assurance that as much space Much of the session was devoted Paddock, Nita Downing, Velma * tain, was form ally approved by to addresses by Im perial Poten- ( iapp; Rutb Flackus, Adeline J the Senate. Kellogg succeeds Col. his discharge from the hospital. th® Tidings waa the milking con- as. possible will be devoted to ft The others agreew. I t«st staged Saturday afternoon. ta te Dykeman and Past Imperial ('° ov!ing’ Dorothy Lamson, Pearl George Harvey, who recently ten- daily. The list follows: When Fell« left the hospital; ** a result of the contest a "new n DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT P oten tate Ovenshire, the princi- | " ard le’ Dorothy Kellogg, Thelma dered his resignation to the Pres-! Tuesday he met the three and told ^Uk maid”, has been crowned and pal address being made by the lat- ¡ Ieer’ Elbert G reer- Louise R uger I ident. Some opposition to the c o n -’ < Canned Fruits them he was about to start for tbree of the best milkers this ter. i and Brounaguh Hughes will he firm ation of the appointm ent de- Raspberries— 1. Mrs. Hal Mc­ Algoma afoot. The plotters also B^de of Talent are mere has-heem» Nair; 2. Mrs. O. R. Kluth. Discusscs Hospital Work 1 th Indications point to a con- school teacher— and thereby hangs a tale of blasted romance three- Trainman Finds Body dred people stood in tense silence Best Exhibit— 1 ChlldrenFa C onstruction work on others is Nancy Briggs; “ The Green G irl” , j Gnuaton of the contest through- q u arters of a century old. The body was discovered by a as the sinewy fingers of the four proceeding in other cities of t h e i Mrs- Ina H arrison; “ The Gold out the day- The revolt tossed a Club; 2. Eileen Nutter. Seventy-five years ago in Mainz, Germany, two young men were trainman the night of the murder, milking machines grabbed, squeez­ Canned Meat«« country. G irl” , Mrs. Grace W enner; "The monkey wrench into the Sen- (Continued on page 4) when in attempting to dip water ed and pulled downward, the milk Chicken— 1. Mrs. Chas Gray; Ov.enshire reviewed the an- 01d Rose G irl” , Mrs. Helen E ric k -, a te ’s legslative m achinery. Insur- from the lake to pour on a hot pouring into the bucket« like the 2. Mrs. Faris. nouncem ent of the plan, the pro- son; “ The Silver G irl” , Mrs. D o r-)gents announced they were un- SEIZED WITH FIT .HANGING IS OPPOSED box the pall caught on Fell«’ water of Multnomah fails hit­ Fish— 1. Mrs. Faris; 2. Mrs. gress made to date, and of plans othy Plym ate; “ The Pink G irl” , ! alterably opposed to thé Cummins DROWNS IN CREEK BY EX-WARDEN SMITH clothes and brought one leg to ting the pool below. As the change Geo. W. Nichols. for the future, plans th a t will pro­ Miss M argaret Stevens; "The holding the committee chairman- the surface. The body had been was made to the fourth and last , Beef— 1. Mrs. Ed. Gowland; 2. vide medical and surgical atten- Brown G irl” , Mrs. Florence M er-jshiP witb the prsidency of the PORTLAND, Dec. 10.— "W hen weighted down with iron bars. cow, Dr. Swedenburg made a dive MARSHFIELD, Dec. 11.— Wal- Mrs. W. A. Cooper. tion for the crippled children o f j re tt; “ The Grey G irl” , M rs .'senate- Following Roygoza’s alleged for the right hind teat and fumb­ te r Thomas, a resident of Gre3h- the voters of Oregon realize th a t Pork— 1. Mrs. Chas. Gray; 2.' poor parents. The speaker is head ( Gladys C randall; "The Bathing am, Or., was drowned in a small A rth u r Coveil, with his broken confession, Monte« was appre­ led. Hughes, cool as a cucumber Mrs. Elton Beeson. of the hospital in Minneapolis. G irl” , L ittle Miss Geraldine W en­ creek which is an affluent of H y -; hack, will have to be strapped to hended and also confessed, ac­ on a December morning, ezecu Venison— 1. Mrs. Chas Oray; ner; "The Society G irl” , Little P o ten tate’s Address cording to the sheriff, his story nes inlet. He was w ith other par- a board in order for the drop of ted the foregoing described of­ 2. Mrs. Geo. W. Nichols. The address of Imperial Po­ Miss G ertrude W enner; “ The • tallying wth that of Roygoza, ex­ ties trying to drag a dead cow th e trap to break hfs neck, there fensive and won. P ick les te n ta te Dykeman touched in a ’Vamp", L ittle Miss Jane Louise^ will be no more executions in cept that he did not strike the Much credit is due Ralph Btll- from the creek and was attach­ Dill— 1. Mrs. M. E. Thompson; general way the hospital program 1 Sugg; "The 1923 G irl” , L ittle Miss ings, who permitted four of ha 2. Mrs. O. R. Kluth ing the line to her, when he was Oregon.” This statem ent was first blow. of the order, but was also devoted ! B arbara ” The J a “ 01rl "’ The murder is one of the most best Jerseys being hauled into Mixed— 1. Mrs. Leah Caldwell; L ittle Miss Caroline K inkaid; P rom in en t K iw an is O fficials to seised with an epileptic fit and i made at the m eeting of the dis- to m atters of particular signifi- cold-blooded ever perpetrated in town in a truck and unloaded at fell into th e w ater, which was a- ! arm am ent forum Saturday night 3. Mrs. Faris. P resen t Charter; P rogram and cance to his office and the Shrine. "The Broadway G irl” , L ittle Miss bout breast deep. Before his co m -! hy ex-warden Johnson Sm ith. He Klamath County, according to the the Chautauqua Building for the Sweet Cucumber— 1. Mrs. Elton B anquet F eatu res. M argaret Rose; "The B ride” , Mayor B aker Speaker sheriff. The three Mexicans are strenuous ordeal to which they panions could get to him he stated he had officiated at eight Beeson; 2. Mrs. Geo. W. Allen. Little Miss Natalie Shelby. Mayor Geo. L. Baker, or P o rt­ executions while warden at Salem. held without fail to await a for­ were subjected, and for his loy­ lodged beneath some roots of a '*Peach— 1. Mrs. M. E. Thomp­ Formal Charter presentation Mrs. J. W. Shortridge and her land, accompanied the official mal hearing. ’ > ; alty to the Winter Fair, Ralph son; 2. Dr. Maud Hawley. “ Capital punishm ent will meet tree and became entangled so th a t! ceremonies'to the Ashland Kiwan­ party on the trip to Ashland and four "H arm ony Fiends” , will in­ has the warm thanks ot the Relish— 1. Mrs. M. E. Thomp­ is club by the national chapter of It took eight m inutes to get him !lts doom just as soon as the ini- was one of the speakers. Mayor troduce a singing and orchestra j tiative can be invoked for its abo- Chamber of Commerce. out. son; 2. Mrs. M. E. Thompson. Kiwanis will be held tonight at B aker is head of the Shrine hos­ act in which they will feature the _________ __ _______ lition,” he declared. Jelllea 8:00 at Ashland Hotel pital organization in Portland, to two popular song hits, •’ "R ose­ INSIST ON PAYMENT WILL OPEN SUPPLY Crab apple— 1. Mrs. II. H. Lea- Charles F. Walker, president of which he referred. He also re­ m ary” and "Cowbells". This act is EVERETT THEATRE IS OF FRENCH WAR DEBT 2. Mrs. E. O. Smith. BIDS, SALEM, TODAY Ï! the Northwestern School of Com­ called th at on a form er visit to sure to win instant favor with the . DESTROYED BY FIRE Àpèle— 1. Mrs. H. H. Leavitt; merce, of Portland; S. W. Law­ audience. WASHINGTON, Dec. 11.— The Ashland for a sim ilar occasion 2,- Mrfl. Gyger. SALEM, Dec. 11.— Bids for fur­ The Pony Chorus will be fea­ rence, governor of the Pacific United States will continue to ex­ he was made the proud possessor nishing supplies to the various EVERETT, Dec. 11.— Fire of Plum— 1. Mrs. H. H. Leavitt; Northwest Kiwanis District; and tured in the Duncan Sisters sen­ Larcher-SmRh Entertainers and ert efforts to procure the payment (l.'Mra. Gyger. of a cane made from Manzanita state institutions during the six an undetermined origin destroyed Alfred M. Oleson, district trustee wood by Chas. W eisenberger, ty- sational song hit “Um-ura-Da-da” , Musicians Appear Tbura- ’ of the $4,000,000,000 French war Currant— 1. Miss Nellie Rus­ of Portland Kiwanis Club, are to months starting January 1, 1924, tbe Bverett Theatre with an esti- debt, Secretary Mellon declared sell; 2. Mrs. E. O. Smith. ler of the various Masonic organ­ in which they take the p art of will be opened here today, accord- i niated loss of $150,000. A heavy day Night, kiddies. This act was a feature of be the out-°f-town officers who In a letter to Senator Borah. He izations of Ashland. Grape— 1. Mrs. H. H. Leavitt; ing to announcement made today. jrain aided Bremen in preventing added, however, that tbe French the road show, "Topsy and E va.” ¡ will present the charter. ’Mrs. Elton Beeson. The proposals will be opened by the de»truction of other buildings S ouvenirs P resen ted The second number of tbe Amer­ government had made no proposal Carl Loveland will sing a solo A selected Program has been Loganberry— 1. Mrs. E. O. W alter Newcomb, of G rants R. B. Goodin, secretary of the in the business section, ican Legion winter lyceum co1 lead in the "W onderland Revue” , prepared and wiR be given folloW- of refunding the debt sinc-e Aug­ Smith. Pass, on behalf of Hillah Temple will be given in the Armory on ust, 1922, but ultimate payment and will be supported by the Pony ing an f‘^a ^oratG dinner to be ser- state board of control. Mr. Goodin Blackberry— 1. Mrs. Leggett. presented Im perial P otentate chorus. W ith this act will be the jved at 8 o’clock. Wives of the predicted that the cost of these FAMOUS DETECTIVE IS Thursday night of this week by the of the debt Is fullly assured. DEAD IN W S ANGELES Quince— Misa Nellie Russell; Dykeman with a num ber of sou­ Larcher-Smlth entertainers, musi­ following models: “ The Broadway Ashland Kiwanis a re to be honor supplies will be slightly lower 2. Mrs. H. H. Leavitt. cians. Tbe first number of the venirs made from Myrtle. Includ­ G irl” , Mrs. Alice McGee; “ The guests and offic“rs irom Medford, than for the present six months. POWERS WANT U. S. TO LOS ANGELES, Dec. 11.— W il­ Collection ( 6 ) — 1. Mrs. J. A. course, Leake’s orchestral enter­ ed in the presents were candle Follies G irl” , Mrs. Bobbie Bowers K lam ath Falls and Roseburg are INTERVENE IN MEXICO liam A. Pinkerton, head of the Gear. tainers, made a great impression sticks and other bric-a-brac. The WOERNDLE SUSPENDED "The Ballet G irl” , Mrs. C. G. H ar- 1expected to be h ere- famous detective agency th a t with their ability and gave a good Best glass in exhibit— 1. Mrs. address of Newcombe was inter- , . BY SUPREME COURT Medford was presented their eating, glvipg the informoMoi, I a “d " Tl” S° u th w “ G lr t"' bears his name, died here. A com­ idea of what the quality of tbe PARIS. Dec. 11.— Unofficial H. H. Leavitt. Kiwanis chapter last night, and plication of ailm ents is given as remaining numbers of the lyceum reports are circulated in diploma» Best in Exhibit— 1. Mrs. H. H. th a t Myrtle is grown in only two Mrs. H arriet Hastings. SALEM, Dec. 11.— Joseph Wo- officers will return to Roseburg to will be. Miss Larcher is an ac- circles that certain European the cause of his death. The show is rehearsing n ig h t­ Leavitt. sections of the world, Palestine morrow night, w here th eir cere­ erndle, Portland attorney, has powers are bringing pressure to compllsbed musician and perform­ HPECIAI/i and Currey county, Oregon, the ly, and C. J. McNaughtan, profes- been suspended from practicing monies will be held. bear on the United States to in­ er on clarinet and saxophone. Miss S. DESTROYERS ARE la tte r being in the jurisdiction o f , ional sbow d ir«ctor, says th at Best exhibit canned fruits— 1. law in Oregon for a period of six , ORDERED TO HONG KONG Smith is an accomplished per­ tervene in Mexico If Mexican reb­ $5.00 percolator by T. H. Simp­ H illah Temple of the Mystic I everything will be in readiness for months by the Supreme court in STANDLEY BALDWIN TO former on the piano-accordion in els are successful In overthrowing son, Girls* Canning Club; 2. Box Shrine. the curtain Monday evening. CONTINUE IN OFFICE an opinion handed down by Jus- j SHANGHAI, China, Dec. 11.— connection with character songs the Obregon government. French of stationary by Mrs. E. R. Rhodes tice Brown. The suspension comes B anquet Served Dr. Sun Yat Sen, head of the and costume recitals by Mbs Lar­ officials recalled that France rec­ Eileen Nutter. as a rebuke for securing a pass A banquet, not elaborate, *but YOUNG MAN DIES LONDON, Dec. 11.— Official port for Hans E. Boehm reseVve <8OUthern Chinese so v ^ n m e n t, is cher. Miss Smith provides the ac- ognized the Obregon government Eest glass of Jelly— 1. $2.60 excellent for its menu and ser­ FROM ELECTRIC SHOCK announcement has been made that officer of the German Navy, who sued a statement ^iterating his -companlment at the -piano for because she wished to cooperate Auto washer by Provost Bros., vice was served at 6:00 o’clock in Premier Standley Baldwin will decision to seize the Canton Cus Miss Larcher’s solo -----•- work — on -•— ciar- American government. It desired to return to his native land Mrs. H. H. Leavitt. the dining room of the tem ple and HOOD RIVER, Dec. 10.— H ow -1 continue in office' He was Per* toms collections, alleging th a t inet, saxophone, drums and bells. is likely that France will refuse in 1914 to join the army. Best dozen white eggs— i. $2 proved a pleasant feature of the ard Blackman, son of County suaded not to resign at a cabinet they are being used by Peking of- Tbe Legion has made the season to recognize any government that subscription by Tidings, Mrs. meeting held earlier in the day. event. ! ficials to create disorders in Can- tickets $1.25 for the remaining overthrows Obregon by force of Commissioner and Mrs. F. H. Geo. W. Allen. BANDITS ROB STATE i ton. To V isit C alifornia three numbers, which includes the arms. Blackman, died following elec-; BANK AT FLORENCE g ATEMPT TO OVERTHROW Best dozen (any color)— 1. 51b. next Thursday evening program. Dykeman and his official party trie shock sustained when a ra d io ! can Royal Baking Pdr. by H. B. PORTUGESE GOVERNMENT FLORENCE, Dec. 11.— Bandits MANILA, Dec. 11.— When word These are Interesting, entertaining. departed at 8:30, on the Shasta aerial he was stringing came in , . LONDON, Dec. 11.— An unsuc- robed the Lane County State Bank was received th a t Dr. 'Sun Yat amusing and delightful numbers Plummer. Mrs. Geo. W. Allen. Lim ited for Sacram ento, where contact THE WEATHER a high voltage power Ce8sfol attem p t waa made to over- here today and escaped with Best dozen brown eggs— 1. $2 Sen had reiterated his determ ina­ which Ashland can profit from in they will attend the form al or- i ,i . . a *ne 6 eurri‘nt acared the throw the Portugese goweromeat, 34,000. Three employes of the tion to seize Canton customs col­ attending, besides helping the Report for December 10, 1023: i box satlonary by East Side Phar- ganiratloo and present a ch arter (young m an's hands and arms. E(- said a dispatch from Llabnn. The bank were locked In the voult, per- lections, six United States Des- American Legion to put on a con- Maximum. 43; minimum. 24; «at ma*r Tom p»‘at0»’- for the form ation of a Shrine, forts a t resuscitation were con- government is taking m ilitary ore- Beat loaf bread— 1. $2 jardin- mitting the bandits a good sta r t! troyers were ordered to Honfc sisteht pralM-worthy winter lye maximum, 31; clear day aad lodge in th a t city. tinued for two houis. cautions. In their escape. Kong. eum. northwest wind; no precipitation. (Contnued on Page Four) t 0 N F £ SSED 1 TO SINKING BOD YIN LAKE WINTER FAIR WINNERS ARE ANNOUNCED Her Legacy Due to 75-Year Romance 1 MILKING CONIEST ’ IS WON BY HUGHES FEATURE ELKS SHOW LZ . L F