PAGE THREE P R O FE SSIO N A L PHYSICIANS ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Saturday, December l!)23 e r n u e e »ee-e* » « m »s ie». W AGES HERE A N D A BR O A D ’14 FIE American S o c i e AUTO BLOWN INTO CUT THIS OUT— IT IS WORTH RIVER; DRIVER SLEEPS MONEY t y Ôünis factory worker Send this it and leu cents to DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ NAPA, Cal., Dee. 7.— When R. ! Foley & Co. * Is receiving » i c m the pur­ '835 Sheffield Ave., dence and office, 108 Pioneer chasing power of which Is above J. Wilson of Geyserville left his I Chicago. HI. by tlit writing your nan»»; avenue. Telephone 28. Office the wages paid In any other car on Cutting Warf, a few miles' and address clearly. You will re­ The hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 country of the work!. ' down the river below Nana the i F ather o f ceive • ,, . _ p UR cetve a ten tent I.....I.- of Ft) British Ministry of Labor has Phone items to her at 345-R, between 10 A. M., and 2 P. M. p. m. only. and went to sleep J r a p K v n O „ - N l . l \ A , ... ... . other . . . night, V q s H M I I II f ' ( ) \ i made a computation of the P h y s ic a l and evenings. in h e ark. which was moored close I POUND for cou-l.s, , ,,|,| amount of food which the wages DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ and C u ltu r e by, he expected to see the machine , hoarseness tice limited to eye, ear, nose and of workers in different cities of B E R N A R .R also free sample there the next morning. However I packages of FOLEY’S PILLS a M A C PA D D EN throat— X-ray including teeth. the world will purchase. In Calendar of the Week— 7 the following table the purchas­ refreshments rounded out the jon awaking at daylight, he found Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to ing power of wages in London is diuretic stimulant for Hi.- kidneys Saturday, Dec. 8— Q. A. R. af­ afternoon. z The milk diet should not be pre­ that the machine was mostly in the 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland. taken as 100, and the purchas­ ternoon, Armory. and FOLEY CATHARTIC TAB- 4 4 « scribed for one who is in ordinary ,ri « r h,HL d a<1 , T ? a0Und,y LETS for C o n s , .............. ing power of wages in other Ore. Saturday— Winter Fair. good health. It is essentially an un- Guest for Thanksgiving— •that he had not heard the gale iou.sness. The cities is shown as percentages wonderful reme­ Mondap, Dec. 10— Ashland Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Allen and buiWl“8 diet for those who have been DR. E. B. ANGELL— —Chiropractic of this figure. The table Indi­ during the n ght. dies have helped millions of peo­ Study Club, Mrs. J. P. Dodge baby daughter of Dunsmuir were *u5 er‘nff w*tb disease "and gre strug- • and Electro-Therapy. Office cates that the worker in New The wind had blown tbe ma­ ple. Try them! Sold Everywhere. guests for the Thanksgiving holi- gUn* t0 oth local arci internal, and has beei The largest exclusive paint Real Estate and Real In­ Just now when the air is full through the use of large is vest­ evening. and wall paper store In South­ duced in several cases have been no uccesstul in the treatment of Catarri surance. (Estab. 1SS3) PLANING MILL of holiday happiness and every ments of capital for machinery. ern. Oregon. w ov r 40 years. Sold by all druggist.«- Phone 211 4 1 East Main Those who enjoyed this pleas- less than wonderful. —Journal of the American It is well to know how to take milt one is hospitably inclined, the L CHENEY •'< CO., Toledo, Ohi. JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET ant hospitality were Mrs. Eliza- so that one will get the fullest possible Bankers Association. plans for Wednesday are particu­ W. “ bread, or oatmeal, and the fact that it , * nounced before, Mrs. Ellis gra- -4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 » r « 4 4 » 4 4 4 » » 4 4 4 4 > > 4 t i l l i n TRANSFER AND EXPRESS ! N ü W L a 111 D B u i l l S ciously ‘• • • 4 4 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ 44 » ♦ >44 Nevada, and Mrs. H. W. Andrews. »8 liquid does not exempt it from the consented to repeat "Den- Î • • * natural laws which require that it Whittle Transfer & Storage Co. : nison Day’ for the benefit of A Delightful Surprise__ ’h,4.11 tho«>»«hly mingled with the for SERVICE. Ono nf ts , , sahva in order to further the diges- I those who were not permitted to one of the most complete and tive process. Experienced movers and pack­ j attend at the last meeting. most thoroughly delightful sur- Either make the opening of the ers of household goods. Deal­ BEATS ELECTRIC OR GAS Some, too, wish to enlarge the occurred recently who a ¡ ™ V , V ™ d V £ “ d’ "wl„g ers in coal and wood. Phone ---------- scope of their activities along the 117. number of friends decided to sur- »mall quantities of the milk or else sip A new oil lamp that gives an 1 line of the manufacture of the prise Mr. Hudnell at the pleasant j Jatb$r tban drink it and move it to and Office 89 Oak St. near amazingly brilliant, soft, white : daintily artistic favors, and place Hudnell home. “ ‘J1* ™ou‘h * -nur± [ ®f V™'9 Hotel Ashland . before swallowing it. Where it is 1 uht, even better than gas or elec- cards that proved so fascinating Music and dancing occupied the poured down in large quantities, the tricity, has been tested by the U. at the last meeting. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS ¡hours very happily and at the tendency is quickly to solidify in the S. Government and 35 leading uni- Everyone interested is‘cordially close of the delightful evening the stomach into a mass of hard curds A necktie he never wears? A box of cigars lie gives away? T. L. POWELL— General Trans- j versities and found to be superior invited to attend which require far more digestive eii- The social fea­ A box of handkerchiefs or a pair of slippers lie doesn’t need ? fer Good team and motor f to 10 ordinary oil lamps. It burns ture Is not neglected at these most delicious refreshments tvere f rKX and'a larger supply Bof gaMri ¿ban would have been called for trucks. Good service at a rea- without odor, smoke or n o s e _no special meetings any more than at served. Those present to enjoy tho . X T ““ P' <'P“ I)' “ i“ d sonable price. Phone 83. pumping up, is simple, cleean, the regular social functions. hki evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. -------------- --------------- safe. Burns 9 4 ^ air and Sr/ corn- 4 4 4 TRANSFER AND EXPRESS— Hudnell w ere,th e Messrs. and RESERVATION OFFICER A Chamois Skin or Sponge King’s Transfer, general hauling '"°n keroscne (coal o il> Bazaar Very Successful— A Vase a Visor Mesdames Floyd Dickey, Ed Coov- - ' CLEARED OF CHARGE Dry wood for sale. Phone 113 J ’’ h‘‘ inventor’ v - M- Johnson,- The Bazaar held by the P. E. O. A Rear Vision Mirror A11 Automatic Windshield Cleaner ling, Harold Carrington, Ed Had- ---------- Plaza Pool Hall. 45-tf 1,11 Xor,h Cnion Ave., Portland, Sisterhood Thursday was a very A Tube or Tire A Spotlight KLAMATH FALLS, Dc. 6.__ A Bumper A Stop-signal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________________ Oretion, is offering to send a lamp • successful affair, netting a sub- field, the Messrs. W. F. W’alker, Ralph Hadfield, Ballot and the Leonard Long, policeman on the A Moto-meter a T to Cover ’^ ‘on 10 day's FREE tr’hl, or even | stantlal sum for the local phil­ A Set of Spark Plugs | to give one FREE to the first anthropic work for which it was Misses Ernestine Hicks, May Had- Klamath Indian reservation, char- For a smooth shave, field, Adeline Coovling, June Had- S<*d with shooting and wounding AND SCORES OF OTHER ARTICLES MAKE PRACTICAL AND PERSONAL (JIFTS user in each locality who will given. and. quick' service, go field, and Hazel Hudnell. J. M. Baker, highway contractor, help him to explain how you can In spite of the inclement They’re with him all the year ’round to ( the Shell Barber when he attempted to search - get the agency, and without ex­ weather, there was a good attend­ Shop, across from De­ Baker’s car for liquor, was ac- perience or money make $250 to ance and the beautiful display of! A Former Ihipll Honored— pot. Grinding of all The following clipping front an fll,Dted by the jury late Wednes- ¡$500 per month. lovely articles, suitable for Christ- kinds. Children’s work Eau Claire paper will be of deep tlay’ - - mas gifts found eager buyers. F ord a specialty. L incoln F ordson D ealers interest to those who know Ma-i The a” 4 4 4 • • 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A SEW ER IN SEW ER DIS- Christmas, perhaps weekly. ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ♦ 4 4 4 -4 4 4 Mnte. Irene ' Hampton Thrane! tbe Pr*nciPal questions involved, TRK T NO. 2« IN THE CITY j As is well known the chief pur- C lassified C olum n OI« ASHLAND, OREGON. ! pose of this organization la to as- piano recital at the First Con-; jt waa P°5nt»1d out by the court, T*10 United States attorney for Recorder s Office, Ashland; siat young women in obtaining an gregatlonal church last evening Classified Column Rates One cent the word each <-)r<‘Son> Dec- 8, 1923. education, who otherwise would proved a wonderful musical trea t! the defense in his closing argu- time. | NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN be unable to do so, but local phil- fo a fair sized audience. Tho pro- ■ mn^* *a*d blame for the shooting To run every issue for one to the owners of property situa- j anthropic,work has a part in its gram was a delight and the play- ° n s »Pprintendent Fred A. Baker month or more, %c the word ted in Sewer District No. 26 in - plans, and the Bazaar Just held er most charming. A critic recall-)0^ tbe Klamath reservation, who, ed the lines “fingers of velvet and be declared, should not have ap- each time. j the City of Ashland, Oregon, th a t. ¡a for this purpose. pointed Long to carry out the task ■■■' . ' the Common Council, at a meet Chapter AC of P. E. O. meets fingers of steel.” They are posses­ FOR SALE of stopping and searching cars - sed indeed by the talented young ing held Dec. 4th, 1923, appoint- twice a month the first Tuesday artist, and no more graceful along tbe highway, FOR SALE— Shoo-Fly $3.00 ed a Board of Viewers, consisting evening and the fourth Saturday pianist has visited Eau Claire. In air gun $2.00. Phone 479-R.81-2* oi W. H. Gowdy, W. A. Patrick afternoon of each month, Medford— Hardwood mill to and \V. F. Loomis, to determine On Tuesday evening Dec. 11, masterly way the great numbers are played by Mme. Thrane, and lo^ate here. FOR SALE— Child's steel crib. and assess the special benefits ac- ¡g the next meeting* 271 High St. si-3 » :cru in g to any parcel of land perfect in execution. The coni-:----------------- 4 4 4 bination is apparent, of great ¡ng feflgt prppared for their en from the construction of the sew- Ashland Study Club Meet— FOR SALE— Three cook and genius, study and hard work, but joyment. The Ashland Study Club will three heating stoves, also stove er aforesaid, and designated the into her playing also is a fine tem- of Iowa Street a n d : meet at the home of Mrs. J. P. The geust list included Mr. and repairing done. At Eagle Brass I 1 intersection „ . Mr an'n ,0 ,'l The « ‘I’»“ »■>’ »!' O at a This remarkable factory Guaranty obtains on — ----------- --------- ------ - ------------- VACATION NOTICE hap|lM FOR SALE— Rhode Island Red NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Chapter- 30 of W ells’ “Outlines.” lowed, the etude In c minor, the Thanksglving C-T-C’s bought only from authorized C-T-C deal­ Nocturne, and Ballad. The encore enjoyed „ , |le (o|low(a • 4 4 Pullets. 924 East Main. Call that the BALFOUR GUTHRIE ers between November 15th and January 15th, to thee was Moxarfs "Pastorale.", gdpsts> Dr and Mrs , forenoons 76 Alida. 82-2 TRUST COMPANY. S. A. AR- Junior C. E. Party— and is the strongest backing any tire manufac­ Another group Included Rach- and Mra Mlll.phJ, Sp p[ NOLD. and BLANCHE ARNOLD, j Tuesday evening of this week WANTED turer has ever put behind his product. m aninotts prelude (O sharp MMford, and the M|aaM Mary have filed in the County Court for at 4:30 P. M. ther ewas a most minor), played as would the com -■ Howard and Elbcrta Updyte WANTED— Washing. 248 1st Jackson County, Oregon, tlieir pe- delightful gathering in the Jun­ C-T-C tires have warranted this unheard-of demonstration 62-2mo.* tition praying for the vacation ior room of the Presbyterian; POHCr Mmaelf and with m o re. Mra Harvey Murphy ls : a sister of confidence by equally as remarkable performance. They he Junior it E ’s - charm. Balikarioio's "Tho I.ark” o fthe hostess and Mrs. Murphy is of all of the Plat of Ashland Or­ church, when the Junior C. E.’s, are the strongest, toughest, longest enduring tires built. WANTED— Chambermaid 2 to chard Tracts, “ Plat A”, which held their business meeting and i f°Nowed. and then the- brilliant Dr Murphy’s mother 3 hours forenoons. Bell Rooms, socjaj • selection by Tschaikowsky from The afternoon was spent in a ’ was filed for record in the office 160-4th St. At the business meeting, the j Eugene Oneguine. It might be very pleasant visit. BUY YOUR TIRES NOW FOR SPRING of the County Clerk of Jackson r - i - 'u n ---------- !.. -— I added that Russian music is con­ 4 4 4 County on the 7th day of June, young people bad a great deal to FOR RENT sidered with much favor by Mrs. In spite of their G UARANTEED SUPERIORITY Entertained at Lunch— ------------------------------------------------- : 1910, and appears of record at attend to, regarding their Christ­ Thrane. FOR RENT— In the Beaver; Page 33 o( volume 2 of the mas activities, particularly. Mrs. G. G. Eubanks was the: C-T-C s cost NO MORE than ordinary tires. - Extra numbers were ¡insisted guest of Mrs. H. G. Enders Sr. Annex a business room. See Bea- Records of Plats of Jackson I It might be of interest to men- f 1 ver Realty Co. 81-3 County; said petition praying | tion some of the things these upon and her selections were the for luncheon Thursday and the j n S i’ELL.iNEOUS 7 also for the vacation of all streets! small people have done. A quilt “Valse” by Schntt and then afternoon was spent in the pleas­ Beethoven’s “Ecossaises.” ____________ ,___________________ and alleys in the said plat; and has been pieced ahd*flnhihed and ant visit of old friends. At end of the program an im- ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May the said petition and any objec- sent to “Haines House” in Alaska In the evening Mr. Eubanks w communicate with Ensign Lee tions thereto will be heard by the for the wee babies there. A Chrlst- prompt« reception was held, th e , joined them and ttfe four Mr and of the Salvation Army at the said court at a session thereof to mas box has been sent to N. C. pianiste being showered with con- Mrs ' Enderg and Mr and Mrg WhlteShield Home, 565 May- be held in the County Court: to the school to which supplies gratulations and many Insisted Eubanks dlned very delightfHily fair Ave.. Portland. Oregon. | House at Jacksonivlle, Oregon, on are sent from the chuTch. Eleven upon claiming her a daughter of at the Virginia. * * * the 2 6th day of December, 1923. pounds of pictures jre on their Eau Claire. RESHINGLING & CALSOMINING • • * This notice is given by publi- way to Siam to make happy some Ente, tninexl nt Dinner—— For reshingling or painting and ■ cation thereof for thirty days Entertained at Dinner— Mrs.' Bertha Corthell of 108 little Siamese children. In addi­ calsomlning all work guaranteed prevjoua to said session, in the The hospitable home of Mr. , Seventh street was gracious host- tion they broke their “idol” and call A. V. Hood. Phone 398 or Aahland Daily Tidings, a public : discovered $5.23 to add to the and Mrs. James Hersey on North egg at a delightful seven o’clock