PAGE TWO A shland daily tidings Saturday, December 8, 102« ASHLAND D A I L Y T I D I N G S | marketing conditions by limiting acreage was not followed and a pretty or attractive face, background are canary, chry- She is not expected to have a first- santhem um , light blue, soft brown CHILOQUIN HOTEL class voice, nor need she uece's- fawu aIid Decorative fig- CHURCH NOTICES CHILOQUIN, Dec. 7.— W ednes­ sairily be a beauty, but she’ fn'ust ure3- arp .«Qt numerous, in con- Church of th e Nazarene day evening, between 6 and 7 have personality. Five feet three traat to tbe usual Oriental style of Sabbath services as usual. S. S. o’clock, the Chiloquin hotel and to five feet five inches is thh b e s f 'carPe t- ’English*.carpet manufac- 9:45; sermon 11 o’clock, subject poolroom, owned by W. C. Balfour btd^ bt: color of the eyes doqs | tu.r ers arf ti , i ' headed man will be even more Endeavor, 6:30 P. M.; Guild, uay. Half of the num ber already h , , , . , , CONGRESS AND THE PUBLIC SCHOOL have been - < — ’ — - ____ i hopelessly behind the times. selected, and compe- Today and tonight afford the last opportunity for 6:30 P. M.; Prayer meeting, 7:30 Congress is in session. It has a fair white page to i i tion . _. .»....o., * ■ ■, ■ i places ■ 11...... , , . W ednesday evening. for the rem aining I Chinese carpets according io write upon; a new page in American history is to he in-j attending the Winter Fair and Poultry Show. You need is keen, Andre Carlot, who is do­ leading London dealers, are all scribed. What that record will be, no one knows; not to see the event and it needs your patronage. Cor Main and Pioneer T rinity Episcopal Church ing the picking, describes his the rage now. The most popular trom past performances can coming Congressional action I „ . , x ~ ~ 7~~“ Vicar the Rev. P. K. Hammond “ ideal” as follows: he judged! ' . | resident Coolidge says there is no excuse for a na- Holy Communion at 8 A. M. “ She is made by a pretty figure Matters of serious import to the country will be con- l’ona*. k°nus- Jas. R. Quinn, national commander of the, Sunday School at 9:45; Morn- sidered; tax revision, immigration laws, the bonus the Ameriean Legion, says there is, which opens up an old Jye service and sermon at 11. Everyone cordially welcome. World Court, the Peace Plan, which will result from th e ' arbr»ment between new official heads. THflATEK BCAUTlKir F IR E TOTALLY DESTROYS to such an extent by other States, as the October estimate forcast a total potato crop of 401,424,000 bushels.” Published Every Eveuiug Except Sunday by The wagon load price of these Idaho potatoes at Idaho THE ASHLAND PRINTING CÖ. Falls on September 25. was 75 to 80 cents a hundred Bert R. Greer .......................................................................................... Editor pounds for sacked Rurals, and $1.25 a hundred for bulk ICIAL CITY PA PER ......................................................Telephone 39 Russets, both U. S. No. 1 grade. On October 19 the price *<*d a t t ie A shland, O regon, P o sto ffice a s Second C lass p +, n i i »» □ tn , - i n , - , - . ” ot the Rurals had dropped to 50 cents and of the Russets M ail M atter ------------- to 65 cents. Subscription P rice, D elivered in City (E stablished in 1876) Raybestos NEWS LETTER Saves Fine& aa,ef“- AUTOMOTIVE Shop Ashland Bok prize otter. , . . and the Education hill. I F irst Church of Christ Scientist In former* sessions this, to the future perhaps the Pioneer Avenue South New Senators Who Are most important piece ot legislation which Congress can Sunday services at 11 o’clock. Service Station Subject of lesson “ God the Only enact, has been sidetracked in favor of “ more import-j Cause and C reator” . Sunday ant bills. Perhaps it has been pushed to one side he-! Sitting In Upper House Cold Weather School at 11 o’clock. W ednesday cause of the strong pressure brought against it bv its evening m eetings at 8 o’clock. ' is coming enemies. Senator F ran k L. Greene is typ- ing from the ran k s to captain, i Reading Room open daily from pressure ,, But this session it . can not be sidetrack. The A --------. ically a New E nglander— in man- D uring the Spanish It’s Here W ar he re 2 until 5 P. M. except Sundays oil ( ongiess to pass it is overwhelming. Every patriotic j nerism s, style, dress, and in poii- of V e rm o n t1 and holidays crulted a company Do not forget and almost every fraternal order is behind it. Churches! tical faith a n d 1 volunteers, with which he wa3 your Radiator M ethodist Episcopal Church allegiance. He Is m ustered into service as captain. endorse it. Peaehers, schools and colleges, alumni asso­ Try of the school of L ater he rose to be ad ju ta n t gen­ S. J. Chaney, M inister ciations, and undergraduates are for it. Chambers of The Sunday School will meet at thought w h i c h eral. Third Brigade, First Divi­ Commerce and civic organizations demand it. Parents Whiz Anti-Freeze 9:45. Classes áre provided for all sent Calvin Cool- sion, F irst Army Corps. G uaranteed to prevent freezing want it. School organizations want it. Almost every: ages and all are welcome. The 1 d g e tWrough and not to in ju re radiator. Greene, a fluent speaker and one who knows anything about it, wants it. And Congress ' pastor will speak at both t h e ' A scientific preparation many State and able parliam entarian, always has is nut apt ti) turn a deal ear to so deep-seated a desire, so morning and evening church ser- national offices Ma\ Federal Judge Mayer to grant the city of in 1912, where he served until '■ Sympathy.” P rayer meeting every New A oi k representation in a rapid transit receivership, chosen for the Senate. W ednesday evning a t 7:30. The i Com ptroller Craig criticized Judge Mayer and Judge ____ -4 , 1 public is cordially invited to all the Congrega- Mayer adjudged his critic in contempt and sentenced him By the time Senator P o rter H. credits legislation of the last Con- these 9ervket> Dale )va8 elected last month It had gress, a»d was a member of the tional Church. to prison. — W. Judson Oldfield, M inister Interest was attracted to the Mayer-Craig controversy become alm ost a habit for Ver­ conference between the Senate m ont Represen­ and the House on agriculture leg­ because of the high position of the man sentenced to jail C hristian Church tatives to move islation. but this bold display of judicial power will command the! Dr. Daniel Eugene Olson, of from the south He was born March 1, 1867 in notice and protest of all who are jealous of the funda-' end ot the Capi­ Island Pond, Vermont, his present Eugene, will preach at the Chris­ mental rights of tree press and a free speech bestowed ¡ tol to the upper home. He studied in Philadelphia tian church tomorrow morning. upon the American people by their constitution cham ber of Con­ and Boston, and, as a young man, RELIEVED BOY’S COUGH gress. Senator for two years with Jam es E. Mur­ Great power carries with it great responsibility. Mrs. L. Van Belle, Pendroy, Greene, who ser­ doch, Shakespeaaran scholar and Authority may thrive upon discriminating usé; it withers' Many Lines —now is the Mont., w rites, " I like your Cough ved with Dale in actor. under abuse. It is not without reason that the people the House, made time to buy your useful Dale became deeply Interested Medicine very well. My little boy have vested in their courts far-reaching prerogatives with ! y i R . ■— y—T-. y - x j;'*. 6 years old, had a very bad cough the same step In politics in 1908, when he was Christmas Gifts. winch to enforce respect for law and justice. ’ --------- , j s„. uat a year agOi and after using FOLEY’S HONEY made chairm an of the Republi­ W aterm an Fountain Pens Unquestionably there is serious discontent today with By th a t strange complex ot can State convention. He was AND TAR COMPOUND he se­ $2.75 (Cl tain tea tures oí our judicial system. Bench and bar ¡Amerlcan politics Dale owes his again chairm an in 1920. He was a cured relief.” For coughs, colds E versharp Pencils, $ i to $6 themselves have taken cognizance of them and have set seat ln the Senate to a victory at member of th e State S enate in and hoarseness there is no better Loose Leaf Memos resolutely to work to put the temple of justice in order the polls over Park H* Pol,ard’ 1909 and 1912, serving as chair­ remedy on the m arket today than 85c to $2.50 FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR But it is clear enough that the process of reform is so Democrat- and a couain of Calvin man of the committees on Feder­ COMPOUND. It has stood the Standard Diaries for 19^4 85c to $1.50 al Relations, Banks, and th e Joint slow that public opinion is likely to run far ahead How1 C°°lldge’ RePub»caa President, test of tim e, serving three, gener­ Committee on Temperance. He doublv daneerous it is thon tlm f Cl e T I Forem ost, Dale Is a conserva- “A Line a Day” Books j ua“^ rous ’t j s then, that flames of displeasure I tive Republican, and one of the was appointed judge of the Bhigh- ations. Get the genuine; refuse $1.20 to $5.00 > annet o intemperate gusts of passion by rash i dryest of the bone drys. His cam- ton Municipal Court in 1910. He substitutes. Sottd Everywhere. Buxton Keytainers action on the part of the bench itself. ‘ paign liv upon first came to the House in the paign was was waged waged orincina principally 50c to $2.00 a dry platform , Pollard favoring Sixty-fourth Congress, and served -W hitmans Quality Candies a modification of the Volstead act. consecutively uptll he ^resigned 5Oc to $8.00 IDAHO POTATOES this year to run for the Senate. Dale was one of the fram ers In Eastm an Kodaks Restaurants in Washington—where Attorney Gener- the House of the Fderal Reserve $2.50 to $0.50 Dale is an authority on colon­ Don’t endanger your health by ” r, 7 S.idn U T r ;,C1eUSt0,ned at least. Bank systm, and U„„ his name „ con- ial architecture, which study is name is Perfum e Sets doing your family washing, at . 1,1 s tat I* 01 >uked Idaho potatoes, which are of a nected with the fram ing of m $2.50 to $0.50 many his avocation. He recently bought iaige and mealy variety. That was the price last winter banking laws aB a member o f the __ an old house here and had It built home this stormy w eather. Let Rosebud Powder Puffs even in the ordinary restaurants, and it is expected these ComImttee °n Banking and Cur- as an exact replica, even to the us do it for you. We do good 50c to $1.00 big potatoes—called by some “ Bill Borahs”—will be no rency’ Als0, he Plftyed an impor- m inutest detail, of homes of the II work and our prices are reason­ Big Ben Alarm Clocks $8.50 colonial period in New England. cheai>er if they are not dearer this winter. ¡ta n t part in d ra ftin s the farm able. Why spend the day in the Ingersoll Watches \ \ lu le th e restaurants are getting 15 cen4s apiece and his wife sought mate cotics and whisky, and told him ’suds when a m inute at the $1.50 to $m.oo the wholesalers several dollars a bushel for tfiese Idaho while still married when she went th a t she was going Star Vibrator potatoes, tl0 farmers who.produeed them are selling them ! _____ for good “and I never want to see IIphone lets you out of it? $5.00 at pnees beîow tlw cost of production. The Department! chico , c a i Dec 8 - T h a t hi you any m ore.” “A Day In the Siskiyous” of Agriculture s semi-monthly bulletin of November 10 wife, before she deserted him, e t $1.25 Baker— Salisbury road to be Gift Stationery and Greeting lias sa> ot these producers and their crop: rolled in a m atrim onial bureau Cards macadamized a t cost of $35,360. “ Idaho potato growers are facing another unprofit- for another husband is the aiiega- SanJit Shop Early and m ake it Easy able year, not quite so bad as 1922, but with prices low tlon In a divorce complaint filed for yourself a s t o r 1 a— Im provem ent o f enough to be discouraging. Those who sold the earlv by J°9cph H Kener against Edith Grand Avenue from F o u rth to crop are about the only oues who have made a nmrti M‘ Ke,ler In the Butte County Fifth wll cost $2,497.30. party. His eleven years in the House of R epresentatives give am ­ ple evidence of this. If Green had one in terest above all others while in the lower cham ber it was the development of the national guard, a deep- seated desire to place State troops upon a m ilitary parity and effi­ ciency with the reg u lar army. Greene is well-prepared for his ___ ____ of the ____ _ work ... in behalf national sward, having served w ith v e r- mont troops for many years, rls- Idaho growers planted approximately 20,000 acres less :8uper,or court/ esterday- than last season, but apparentlv their plan te iinnrove’ », e fu^thermore char«e8 that 11 * 1 improve she admitted that she used nar- Dr. Oeser & Son ASHLAND LAUNDRY improve- it 81 Water St. Phone 165 Mrs. Wallace Reid in “HUMAN WRECKAGE" 25c and 50c SUNDAY ONLY BEBE AOO l P h ZUMO« • n u t ats ANTONIO LS ^ M O R E N O eXCITERS’ / ” ' Q QMrutr.uunI(+'nlur9 B reaking speed records and men’s heart -flashing through lite tothe tune of w hirling propellers and racing engines Tony Moreno as a m ysterious crook. also “ A Hula Honeymoon” the comedy At the request of the P otentate of Hellah Temple we are showmg the dedication of the S hriners’ Home for crippled Children and the Children blessed with proper, care. ♦ ♦ ♦, Heavy Footwear For Heavy Weather $7-8S '• $15* 16 inch top, moccasin toe, double vamp, veal leather »high shoe $12.50 Bergmann (Humbolt Cruiser) well known to lumbermen for quality Christmas $15.00 Suggestion 16 inch plain toe, double vamped high top shoe, veal leather McNair Bros. Garabaidi— Harbor menta to be considered. Closing Today $9.00 12 inch, plain toe, double vamp, veal leather high top shoes $8.75 8 inch high top shoe of same style as others and same quality' $7.85 These are Thorogood and Hamilton-Brown Shoe Company high quality footwear—so you’ll know they are good. • Good Leather Preservers This is the time of year, especially during snow, lor one to take the extra precaution to keep from having cold feet, which may result in sick- . ness, by keeping the shoe leather well oiled and fortified against water penetration. Neats Foot Oil — Shulife — Dri-Foot Bergman Oil—Viscol—Uno Cleaner Dri-Foot Dubbing (Paste for heavy . shoes). Overland Shoe Shop Corner Main and Oak J. D. Mars, Prop. ’