t>ÀG£ r a n e « ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ dence and office, IOS Pioneer avenue. Telephone 28. Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 p. m. only. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac- tlce lim ited to eye. ear. nose and th ro a t— X-ray including teeth. Office hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashlam^ Ore. DR. E. B. ANGELI#—Chiropractic XRW SEXATORS WHO ARE and Electro-Therapy. Office SITTING IN U PPER HOUSE Labor platform . W ith the excep-! cumbent, Senator Kellogg, now Opponents have attributed phone 48; residence 142. F irst tion of his colleagues. Senator American Ambassador to Great Shipstead’s success at the polls to N ational Bank building. I Magnus Johnson, he is the sole B ritain, in the last election. Out­ the general unrest th a t followed (Continued from page 2) j representative of th a t party in side of Minesota, however, Ship- DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings as the afterm ath of war and to the office. Phone 91. versed, and he defeated the man i the upper House stead’s sweeping victory was a desire of W farm a . Vitalise change ’ - — » ---- — I ---------- —. ers for U DR. ERNEST W. SMITH Chiro- Governor P reu s> to whoni he had Shipstead’s has been a varied : complete reversal of the “ political I iu adm inistration which would praetor, near Postoffice. Hours previously lo8t the gubernatorial ' career; he h a8 a iways dabbled dope. " Few people throughout the ; prove beneficial to their appeals contest. 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. contest. anj mixed into politics. It was no : country before had heard of the for assistance. Friends say it was surprise to his friends then, when, young Minneapolis dentist. ! due to the widespread progressive PLUMBING Senator Shipstead, of Minnesota riding on the crest of agrarian un­ G raduate D en tist political belief th at is sweeping is the first man ever elected to rest in Minnesota, he trounced A fter graduation from the den- the nation everywhere th at more JE R R Y O’NEAL— Plum bing. 207 tai school of N orthfestern U ni-! and more, w ithout end, Shipsteads E ast Main. Phone 138. versity, Evanston, Illinois, in are coming to national legisla- MONUMENTS 1903, Shipstead moved to Slier- five halls wood, Minnesota, and later to ‘ Shipstead is an ardent support- MONUMENT— MARKERS Minneapolis, where he built up a er of Senator La Follett and may Lowest Prices large practice. ! be expected to go along all the ASHLAND GRANITE CO. I D entistry held no lasting way with the Wisconsin Senator 3rd and East Main St. 223-6mo. charm s, however, and soon he in his “ progressive legislative , became interested deeply in farm program .” ASH LAND GRANITE and labor conditions. He finally MONUMENTS M inesota’s senior . Senator was Oregon G ranite Co. ' came to be regarded as the cham- born in Burbank, Minnesota, J a n ­ S. PENNISTON, Salesman. , pion of ag ricu ltu rists and work­ uary 9, 1881, and attended pub­ R es. 4 7 « Laurel Phon e 4 4 4 -Y ers in the state. He was thorough­ lic schools at New London and ly a progressive in political be­ the State Normal at St. Cloud. PLANING MILL lief and action. He thought that Tn 1906 he m arried Miss Lulu • much of the hardships of rural Anderson, and he has one hoy, 13 JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET at life could and should be alleviated year old. WORKS, Cor. Helman and by legislative dictum. To that Van Ness. 194tf task he set him self with charac­ TRANSFER AND EXPRESS teristic energy. W h ittle T ransfer & Storage Co. His efforts led him to become Flashlights and T. L. Moore Lanterns SIMPSON HARDWARE for SERVICE. Experienced movers and pack­ ers of household goods. Deal­ i ers in coal and wood. Phone 117. Office 89 Oak St. near Hotel Ashland TRANSFER AND HELP WASH OUT K IDNEY POISON 2972721 Masters and Slaves EXPRESS— j T. L. POWELL— General Trans- fer— Good team and motor g trucks. Good service at a rea- rj sonable price. Phone 83. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS— 1 K ing's Transfer, general hauling, j? Dry wood for sale. Phone 1 1 3 ,'rt Plaza Pool Hall. F or a smooth shave, and quick service, go to the Shell B arber Shop, across from De­ pot. G rinding of all kinds. C hildren's work a specialty. W The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon one of the leaders in the Farm- Labor movement. WEVEMG Classified Column R ates One cent the# word each time. To run every issue for one m onth or more, %c the word each time. FOR SALE FOR SALE— Shoo-Fly J 3.00 a ir gun $2.00. Phone 479-R.81-2* FOR SALE—C hild's steel crib. 271 High St. 81-3* FOR SALE— Three cook and th ree heating stoves, also stove repairing done. At Eagle Brass W orks, Oberlain street. 79-6* ________ -___________________ ___ FOR SALE— Registered Berk- ] shire sows and one re g is te re d , boar; also, some young stock. Phone 10-F5. 77-6 WANTED W AN TED— W ashing. 24 8 1st S t. 62-2mo.* g u ar­ anteed. 147 Factory St. Mrs. B. Van H ardenberg. * 67-lm o. WANTED— Chambermaid 2 to * hours forenoons. Bell Rooms. 160-4th St. ■___ n. Comedy, Plays and Vaudeville ONSTIPATION goes, and energy, pep and vim return when taking ‘‘Shanghaied” 25c the Pound —Cabbage, Cauliflower, horse­ radish, carrots, W illam ette Gems, Toyland peanut but­ ter in toyland pails. A Fast Comedy in 3 Acts -----also----- Exclusive Roasted Bulk Coffees :Wc and 3Kc VAUDEVILLE AND Tillamook Cheese in Stock. ‘The Soul of the Beast’ * ADULTS 55c children 25c . V ▼ I V C K R S a p o O k t u b Always PLUM M ER Complete Change of Program Every Night 53 E. Main Phone 59 Pictures S tart 7:30; Stock and Vaudeville 8:30 NO MATINEE TO THE LADY OF THE HOUSE This ticket will admit any lady free if ac­ companied by one paid adult ticket to see THE HICKMAN BESSEY COMPANY -----Presen t----- “ SHANGHAIED” A ( ’oinedy with Vaudeville at the VINING THEATRE MON., DEC. 10 K e e p »tomach aw eet— liv e r a c tiv e - b o w e l* re g u lar— o n ly 25c. Clip This Out and Present It at Box Office Monday Night 0. A. C. SHORT COURSES i I Intensive practical instruction ' in agricultural specialties varying , from one week to 20 weeks as fol- i lows: , General A griculture Jan. 2-March 19 H orticulture Jan. 2-March 19 Dairy M anufacturing Jan. 7-Feb. 2 Herdsm en and Cow Testers Jan . 2.-June 12 Farm Mechanics, Tractors, Trucks, etc. Jan. 2-March 19 Farm Mechanics (one week) Feb. 18-Feb. 23 Third Annual C anner’s School Feb. 4-Feb. 23 Land Classification and Appraisal Jan , 7-Jan. 12 SALLY ANNE B read R assures good A I M E ating enjoyable with A id to good blood D eterm',ning good health M E ? The goonom y BAKiMQ POWBER Picnic Hams, lb............ 17c Best Bacon, lb..............27c H as p ro v e n Hame, best, lb. .. ___ 27c most satisfactory because of the unfailing- results that are always obtained where it is used. Cottage Hams, lb........ 19c Eagle Market U. S. No. 1. Potatoes, per 100 lbs,..$1.75 Onions Large sweet Onions, 30 lbs..........$1.00 Idaho Flour A few bbls. left at, per bbl,...........$6.25 Crown and White Loaf, The best Flour milled, per bbl.,.....$7.40 Walnuts, no. L, 30c lb, 3V2 lbs.,....$1.00 Pettite Prunes Best quality, 15 lbs. f o r ...............$1.00 Italian Prunes, 11 lbs. f o r ...........$1.00 S ales 2% tim e s a s much as that o f a n y o th e r b ra n d PLAZA M A R K E T IL J. S tea m s We Deliver 61 X. Main THE WORLDS GREATEST R A K IN G PO W D ER •< 20,hCentiiryGrocery 9Q Z<5 ores HERE ARE A FEW MONEY SAVERS FOR YOU —-in. fact, it is the aim of 20th Century stores to maintain at all times lowest possible prices, based oi| actual markets. —Furthermore, it is their policy to employ only competent, courteous sales people to serve you, so why look further for your requirements. Saturday and Monday you can buy Wesson Oil,