PAOfe r O t k  s a tÀ K » b À i t t Ä i k G S Tillamook cheese, cream cheese, cottage cheese, m ilk and butter. We sell the best. Detricks, 53tf A Daily C hronicle of th ose w ho com e and go, and ev en ts o f Local in terest. ■v__ » S tated Session H iliah Tem ple M asonic Hall Orres cleans clothes Phone 64. D em onst rat ion s— Miss Seely of the N estle’s Food Friday evening, Dec. 7. Routine business, election of officers, re- i Company is dem onstrating Alpine freshm ents and entertainm ent. Milk as an aid to cooking today followed by exhibition of C hild -1 and tomorrow at the H. B. Plum- ren's Hospital filmfT at the Vining, mer Grocery. The women of Ash- Resident and visiting Nobles cor- land are invited to this demon- dially invited. stration. T. II. SIMPSON, P otentate 81-21 Orres Remodels clothes W . II. DAY. R eco rd er. up- i stairs. 79-3 Large loaf -quality bread 10c. 34-tf j A ged W om an G row s W eaker— Bon Ton. Mrs. G. A. King, of 180 Nut- Virgin wool suits and overcoats lev street, who has been quite $20 and up, at Paulseruds. 78tf sick for some time is reported as growing weaker. Firem an Improves— Jam es Kendall, injured y e ste r-' day when two Southern P acific! Engines were wrecked two miles! north of Hugo, is reported to b e' recovering rapidly from the ef- j fects of his injuries. His wrist w as, broken and several toes were bad­ ly crushed, so that am putation may be found necessary for one. Besides these injuries, it is be­ lieved th a t he suffered only sev- r bruises. He was pinned under the wreck for two hours and 40 m inutes, while strenuous efforts i were being made to release him. , Doctor Loughrldge wits summon- ed and adm inistered to the in- jured man.— G rants Pass Courier D arling Studio— Sittings even­ ings by appointm ent. Phone No. 8. 75tfl V isitors Last N ight— J. W. Day, of Portland, was a guest a t the Hotel Ashland last night. David Eugene Oslon is M any A tte n d F a ir — among visitors from the W illam ­ Many residents of nearby dis­ NOTICE— If you own property, ette Valley, having registered tricts are in Ashland today atten d ­ you carry Insurance; it always from Eugene. E. A. Spring was a ing the W inter Fair. R ural visit­ pays to get my rates before you guest here last night from Buffalo ors are especially interested in insure. Yeo, of course. 77-tf N. Y. B. T. M orrall, of Roseburg, the farm displays and club work is among out-of-town visitors. W. and are w atching the booths with H om e T oday l . Moore was a business visitor interest. Miss Imogene W allace has re yegterday from Olympia. Mr. and turned from Portland where she - Mrs. F. Sanders were visitors V isitin g R e la tiv e s — attended the State Convention of from Boise. M. L. S. Stanburg is Mrs. Ray Dix has returned from music instructors. among out-of-town visitors from a business trip to Portland. W hile! ---------- I Baltimore. in Portland, Mrs. Dix was joined Hand decorated articles, lunch- by her sister. Miss Madge P u tm an ,' eon sets, handkerchiefs, aprons Swifts— Bacon, Boiled Ham, who returned to Ashland with her I pillow cases, towels, etc. at the Chipped beef and lard. Get it at and will be the guest of her par- \ P. E. O. charity bazaar to-mor- Detricks. I t’s the best. 53-tf ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Putm an row at J. P. Dodge & Sons Store, and also at the Dix home. She Cliff Payne makes desks. plans rem ain here two weeks. Husiness V isitor— Miss Putm an has recently return- H. J. H unkins, of Dunsmuir, Here for the W inter— ed from New York City, where she has been in Ashland recently con- Mr. and Mrs. E. Hogue and acompanied a patient from San tracting with a local fu rn itu re family have moved to Ashland Francisco, and has visited in te r­ concern for fixtures with which from the country and are making esting Eastern cities and cities en he will furnish a new apartm ent their home here this winter. route to the coast. Her visit here house, which he plans to con­ will be interesting for there are stru ct in the California town. Bill A llen is W orking— many friends w’ho are glad to Bill Allen iar on the job this know of her arrival. Oh boy! some flavor! Salt ris- m orning carrying the mail, after 80-ti spending his annual vacation at ing bread. Have your clothes cleaned and home. J. Q. Adams was unable repaired before the Holiday rush. H ere for th e W inter— to leave his home this morning P aulserud’s. 78tf Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beswlck , because of illness, which is for­ and daughters, who have been eign to the nature of Mr. Adams Have a fit a t Orres. Tailors for living the past year on their | It is hoped th at he will be able to men and women. U pstairs. 4-tf ranch at W ililams, Oregon, have I be on the job soon again. returned to their home on Palm ! P a tro n iz e s A sh la n d S to re s— avenue for the w inter. V isitor Y esterday— E. P. Creason. Thomas Herbig Mrs. M. E. Frzeir of Rogue and H. Bryan, residents of H orn­ Fresh fru it cake and mince River was a business visitor in brook and Talent, have been ii meat ingredients— brown sugar, Ashland recently furnishing their citron, spices' orange peel, lemon Ashland yesterday. homes. Ashland m erchants de­ peel, w alnuts and so forth. De- The December m eeting of the clare th at many out-of-town peo­ tricks. We deliver. 59-tf W oman’s Foreign Missionary so­ ple are coming to Ashland to buy ciety of the M. E. Church will be home accessories and citie^ as New M achines Sold— held at the home of Miss Mollie far north as Central Point and The Misses Nina and Hazel Jacksonville have been supplied Em ery will traverse the country Songer, Ilelm an St. on Friday, from here. hereafter in a new Chevrolet Dec. 7th at 2 P. M. A special sedan. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Christm as offering will be taken Our famous Tamales are al­ Yates are also owners of a new for a w orthy cause. Members ways good. Try one— Rose Bros. Star touring car. please bring thim bles and need­ 69-tf les. F un eral N otice— Funeral services for the late T. M. Brown, killed in a train wreck at K irk recently.’ will be held Friday afternoon at 1.30 from Stocks U ndertaking Parlors. Interm ent will be made in the. Mountain View cemetery. Big reductions in Suits and Overcoats tailored to your m ea­ sure for Christm as at Orres tail­ or shop upstairs. 79-3 H om e Boy Successfu l— Oscar Cooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cooper, has been call­ ed again as pastor of the church at Carleton, near Eugene. Oscar is finishing his course in the E u­ gene Bible University a t Eugene and Mrs. Cooper is Bible teacher in grades of the public schools In Eugene. They have recently p u r­ chased a home there. Many beautiful gifts at Dar- ling Studio. 75-tf Our band dipped Im perial Chocolates represent the best— Rose Bros. 69-tf Mrs. H arner R eturns— Mrs. J. L. H arner returned last Saturday after a two m onths’ visit with relatives and friends in Mis­ souri and en route. Mrs. H arnei returned home via the southern route and visited her daughter in San Francisco and othei? friends in southern California as she came home.' W H ErtE TOUCHED Tnc GF.X‘115 e*.t <*. lsd Tw T HE furme? family who owned tk* cat ■ r, »’/fio g tie gr»t«> a »ihsiuBce watch pro»«'! to b* u»rb This farmer he** l!n estone a loug dU Lor* f*v ass alfalfa ttelds. 1» e--frreu ce with nis agent, h« discovered that marl would take the place cf linn in correcting tne acidity of bli soil. Thia experience led him to the use of marl that exlBt»d on his own tarns and saved hiw much time and conaiderabl* expense in hauling. Similar opportunities have •» isled and still e x ist Max/ farmers in the midd'.e west will recall what a pest sweet olov»? used to be. Now this pest U being used profitably as hay and pasture for livestock and a* a crop to be plowed under for Increasing the fertility •£ the soli. Kansas is sailed the “fla e flower State’’ and A o m rh e have lived there will well re member how th e / have towfU* this weed. • Today sun8