VÀGfc TttttÊË ASÉtÁÑb tklïLŸ ÏUÜINÛS HH PROFESSIONAL Classified Column Tliurw laj, December 0, JUiilf K ins’s Heralds Meet— Hiram Smith and Rev. Robert A uviliary M eeting— Plans for its renovation were The K ing's Heralds m eeting on McLean assisted in the devotional The meeting of the Auxiliary iu discussed’and also the much need­ Classified Column R ates Saturday afternoon at the home exercises, and Paul Brown, M rs.’ its new home in the arm ory, was One cent the word each ed repairing of the Armory. This PHYSICIANS MRS. GRACE E. ANDREW S, Editor of Donald Vestal was a success H art, Mary Spencer, and Ruth a most enthusiastic one. time. Phon« Items to her at 345-R, between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. in every sense of the word. (Continued on page 4) ork conducted conferences. 1 _________ To run every issue for one ! DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ and evenings. There w'ere nineteen present, in Considerable im portant busi m onth or more, the word ♦ ♦ -» ♦ -» ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ■ » » ♦ -♦ •» •ft-* dence and office, 108 Pioneer » ♦ » » » » ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦■ ♦ ♦ • » > ■ ♦ » ♦ ♦ » > ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ • > ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ■ » ■ • » - » » » ■♦ ft « spite of other attractions, to enjoy ness was taken care of during the j each time. avenue. Telephone 28. Office Calendar of the Week— ’ arrived, Mr. and Mrs. Henry the afternoon. convention, new plans made, and hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 A feature th at was very inter- a new group of officers elected. Thursday, Dec. 6— P.* E. O .! Fiock of Yreka and th eir small FOR SALK p. ra. only. daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd esting was the delightful story The entire convention was a most i ,, Bazaar, a t Dodge's. • ♦ 1*4 V,-• If..- yt - -> FOR SALE— Shepherd puppies DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac- Thursday, Dec. 6— W inter F air Tucker and son W ilbur of Bell told by Mrs. Coder as a part oU helpful and well attended; and " 79-3 C hautauqua Building. the program. the f un and fellowship at the Sat- , tlce lim ited to eye, ear, nose and Î5.00 each. Jesse Neil. view. Many and pleasant plans were | urday evening banquet made all th ro a t— X-ray including teeth. Friday, Dec. 7.— Missionary Some of "the relatives met for FOR SALE— Cheap, Ford to u r­ Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to ing car body. Inquire O. S. Butler. Society M. E. Church, Miss Song- the first time at this pleasant re- made for ,h e ir next meeting, the delegates acquainted with Delicious refreshm ents th at de­ er, hostess. 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland. each other in a very happy w ay .' union. Till the tim e of their de­ 79-3» lighted the hearts of the parta- Friday, Dec. 7.— Ladies Aid, parture, the tim e wras spent in a Ore. The new officers are as follows I FOR SALE— Auto k n itte r prac­ Presbyterian Church. round of gayety: a th eatre party kers were served at the close oi — president, Miss Mabel Trott. DR. E. B. ANGELI^—Chiropractic tically new. Will sell at half price. Monday, Dec. 11— Ashland Thursday night, a dance Friday the afternoon. Ashland; vice pres., Jam es Hen-1 ormal pening ♦ ♦ • and Electro-Therapy. Office Call 151 Nursery St. Saturday Study Club, Mrs. J. P. Dodge night, and a drive around the val- rikson. G rants Pass; vice pres., phone 48; residence 142. F irst afternoons. l W ednesday Club Doings__ 79-3* hostess. Evelyn H ulet, M errill; secretary, leyon Friday morning. N ational Bank building. Two tre a ts are scheduled foi Gladys Fry, Medford; treasurer, Tuesday, Dec. 11— French The guests from the north left _______i l‘OR SALE— Thoroughbred ithe friends of the Wednesday Ted Cramer, G rants Pass; pastor DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings P itt Bull dog 1 year old. Very club, Mrs. F. D. W agner, hostess. Saturday, and., those going south Club this month. j advisor, F. Gordon H art, G rants W ednesday, Dec. 12— Wed­ departed on Friday. office. Phone 91. alert, good m anners. Inquire 280 The first is on next W ednesday j Pass; alum ni supt., Rev. W. Jud- Corner Main and Central nesday Club. Presbyterian C hurch Mr. Jasp er Dennis' was de­ H argadine St. 79-3* when another dem onstartion oi DR. ERNEST W. SMITH— Chiro­ son Oldfield, Ashland; junior Parlors. lighted with Ashland and has re­ » • • practor, near Postoffice. Hours I'OR SALE— Three cook and turned home with the intention the dainty things m anufactured supt., Dorothy Hussong, Medford; 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. three heating stoves, also stove T h an k sgivin g G uests— of disposing of his interests there under Mrs. Ellis’ skilled direc­ interm ediate supt,, Mary Speucer, - repairing done. At Eagle Brass Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barrett were and plans to locate in Ashland, tion will be held and later in the Ashland; Quiet Hour supt., Emily!'« PLUMBING W orks. Oberlain street. 79-6* dinner guests in the pleasant w ith a view of going into business month a rare tre a t in store is the Brown, Phoenix;* Tenth Legion, We have embodied the idea of Service in dram atic recital to be given by Jeanette Gore, Phoenix; miss, and Mowatt home on Tahnksgiving later if it suits him. JER R Y O’NEAL— Plum bing. 20' FOR SALE— Registered B erk­ Dr. Mattie Shaw for the W ednes­ Day. recruit, Delia Steiner, Medford; E ast Main. Phone 138. • * • every transaction to make business relations shire sows and one registered day Club; more about which will Prayer meeting. Gale W illiams, Mrs. B arrett came over for the boar; also, some young stock. be said later. MONUMENTS holiday recess and was a guest of Slumber Party— G rants Pass; social and recreation more pleasant, gratifying and advantageous to Phone 10-F5 • « • 77-6 Mrs. W. H. Mowatt du rin g the During the Thanksgiving holi­ Neal Newland, M edford;' educa­ MONUMENT— MARKERS day recess there wras a most de­ Luncheon Friday— the large elientile we serve. week ju st past. tional, G ertrude Brown, Ashland; WANTED Lowest Prices At six o'clock Friday evening C. E. W orld supt., Pitt Penny, Mrs. B arrett is teaching a t E tna lightful party given nt the home ASHLAND GRANITE CO. WANTED— A puppy at Oregon Mills, where she has held th e posi- of Miss Clara Costley of Talent. there will be a luncheon at the Rogue River; press correspon­ 3rd and East Main St. 223-6mo. Hotel. Phone 112 79-3 j tlon for a num ber of years. Her Miss Costley is home for a visit Christian church in honor of the dent, Ramona Wise, A shland; ex- The name “ Reddvs” on the gift »ox adds ASH LAND G RANITE WANTED— W ashing. 248 1st vacations are spent a t h er home with h er parents but retu rn s soon state president of the W oman's tenison supt., M. E. Olson, Med­ to Portland. s Missionary society, Mrs. Swope, ford. MONUMENTS much in Prestige hut nothing in price. 62-2mo.* in Ashland. The guests at this pleasant af­ and Miss Goldie Wells the re tu rn ­ » * • The week was a joy to these O regon G ranite Co. dates fair from Ashland were the Misses ed m issionary from Africa, who Meets at Miss Monger's— S. PENNISTON, Salesman. DRESSMAKING— W ork guar­ friends whose friendship M arjorie and Ruth Fifield, and will given an address th a t.e v e n ­ back for many years. R* m . 47Ö Laurel Phone 444-Y anteed. 147 Factory St. Mrs. B. The Missionary society of the ou are invited to consider o u r store a place Miss Lucile Gilmore. Miss Ruth ing. • • • _ } Van H ardenberg. 67-lm o. M. E. church will meet at the PLANING MILL Mrs. Swope will give a lecture home of Miss Mollie Songer on I Civic Club Party*Very Successful Bowman w&s a guest for the even­ to meet your friends while in Medford. ing. in the afternoon at tw o-thirty. Friday afternoon of this week. WANTED— Oregon Jo b rn al One of the strictly social affairs JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET Only girls who have indulged Both these m eeting are open to The members are planning to WORKS, Cor. Helman and subscribers. We try to please our of the Civic Club occurred Tues­ In slum ber parties know how de­ everyone intersted and all are to bring their Christm as offering Van Ness. 194tf custom ers. Charles W. Chattin,, day of this week. lightfully the hours were passed. invited to be present at either or at this meeting. It is to be sent Jr., A gent.Phone 353-L. 76-6 The afternoon's enjoyment op­ TRANSFER AND EXPRESS to Dr, F erris in India for an am ­ ened with a most delightful ‘‘Cov­ The next m orning, a fte r a deli both of them. MISCELLANEOUS W hittle Transfer & Storage Co. clous breakfast the Ashland A num ber of ladies from Med­ bulance fund. ered Dish” luncheon, served at for SERVICE. guests returned to th eir homes. ford are planning to attend. twelve thirty. The afternoon’s program is in I,OST— Tuesday night, brown A F in e Program — Experienced movers and pack­ At this m eeting Miss Wells will charge of Mrs. George Eubanks, These luncheons are always leather bag from car in front of ers of household goods. Deal­ Sunday, December 2, was the show many curios from her field, and is planned front the book on Nat. Finder leave at Tidings of­ pleasant, and always too there Is ers in coal and wood. Phone fice. Reward. ( gO-2 an elem ent of surprise; fo r no one day set ap art in th e Christion and young people are particularly Japan th a t the society is study­ Loug Fam ous for its Diam onds 117. ing this year. knows w hat the other brings and churches for th eir annual obser­ invited to attend. ♦ ♦ • Office 89 Oak St. near ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May always again th ere is delight, for vance of “The W om an’s Mission­ A social hour is always a part Hotel Ashland communicate with Ensign Lee results never fail to be all one ary Day.” The F irst Christian F in e C. E. C onvention— of these m eetings and refresh­ church here, used the morning of th e Salvation Army a t the could possibly wish. The C. E. convention was held m ents are served a t-th e close. ► ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * « ♦ « « -» < > -» TRANSFER AND EXPRESS— hour for a w onderfully interest­ W hiteShield Home, 565 May- in the Bethany Presbyterian P rio r to th e luncheon, the Club ing program . fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. church at .G rants Pass; the ses-1 T. L. POW ELL— General Trans- was favored with two beautiful Aside from the usual music, sions being held on Saturday} — Good team and motor RESHINGLING & CALSOMINING duets, pleasingly rendered by Mrs. there were special num bers with afternoon and Sunday. The theme} trucks. Good service at a re a ­ For reshingling or painting and Perry A shcraft and Miss Evange­ violin and piano by the Misses of the convention was “Oppor- | sonable price. Phone 83, calsomining all work guaranteed line Poley, w ith Miss M arsters in H agar, th a t were mnch appreciat­ tu n ity ” which was developed in } sym pathetic accompaniment. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS— call A. V. Hood. Phone 39 8 or ed. various phases by the p rin cip al1 As a delightful close Miss K ing’s T ransfer, general hauling. C. W. Judkins Phone 390-R. A playlet, in which Mrs. Coopei speakers and thru conferences.! Laura Prescott played two solos Dry wood for sale. Phone 113, 77-lm o* Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Putm an and Those who gave addresses were ■ in her finished fashion. The songs Plaza Pool Hall. 45-tf Vera W right, presented the Paul Brown. Pacific Coast field and solos added much to the thought of the hour (self-denial) secretary from Los A n g e rs, Rev. I 0 . A. C. SHORT COURSES pleasure of the afternoon. Intensive practical instruction There were perhaps fifty of the in a very interseting and appeal­ F. Gordon H art, of G rants Pass,| in agricultural specialties varying membership present to enjoy the ing way, was the feature of the Rev. Field of G rants Pass, and F o r a smooth shave, it tears away with ruthless grasp the black vei from one week to 20 weeks as fol- m orning’s exercises. and quick service, go Rev. Oldfield of Ashland. Rev. luncheon and the social a fte r­ i low s: of secrecy. It drags into the merciless light o f day No doubt those who heard this to the Shell B arber noon th a t followed. General A griculture ! ♦•♦♦♦ »♦ » ♦ » » • » » • » ♦ ♦♦ ft ♦ » » » that insidious monster that spreads its coils into Shop, across from De­ Jan. 2-March 19 The hostesses on the occasion program will feel a keener inter every corner of the world. In gripping scenes of H orticulture pot. G rinding of nil were the Mesdames P. K. Ham ­ est In missions. ¿II Jan. 2-March 19 tremendous drama it hurls into your consciousness kinds. C hildren’s work • « * mond, G. W. Loosley and C. W. Dairy M anufacturing a specialty. a shattering thunderbolt such as no man, woman or S0( C hattin. They were assisted by Has Successful Social— Jan. 7-Feb. 2 Mrs. B, R. Greer. child who sees it can forget. Herdsmen and Cow Testers W. A. SHELL, P ipo. The Anderson creek school had Jan. 2.-Ju ne 12 Thanksgiving at the J . N. Dennis 532 A. St. Ashland, Ore a most usccessful box-social last Farm Mechanics, Tractors, Trucks, Home— week under the efficient manage etc. « * I rnent of Miss Mabel T rott, the Jan. 2-March 19 —— — — — ‘ «-*3* dreamt w r a b e ' Farm Mechanics (one week) A Thanksgiving celebration, teacher. Feb. 18-Feb. 23 th at was also a family reunion There was a fine attendance Third Annual F anner's School was hel’ d a t the hospitable hom< three cars drving out from Ash­ Caserole Feb. 4-Feb. 23 of Mf. iNid Mrs. J. N. Dennison on land. — One gallon of Denatured < ! Land Classification and Appraisal the Boulevard during the holiday Pyrex Jan. 7-Jan. 12 The feature of the program was i Alcohol will prevent your A gricultural E conom ic C onference week. a play tatken from “ The C ourt­ R adiator from Freezing. Jail. 2 1 -Jan. 2 5 The preface of this happy time ship of Miles Standish” and an- ' F o r f u r th e r in fo rm a tio n r e g a r ­ was the Thanksgiving feast, ser­ other playlet th a t was quite clev- ; Baking Dishes, Pie Plates, ding any course address ved at two o’clock, a t which Tur- er. Musical num bers added great The REGISTRAR in Silver Service. , OREGON AGRICULTURAL ; key was the center of attraction ly to the interest. COLLEGE, ! and around which all th e detights The boxes sold well, the a - ' Corvallis, Oregon j of a Thanksgiving feast clustered. m ount received being $41.50., ------------ — a --------------------------------------- ! Covers were laid for fourteen This money will be expended < • M’ADOO GIVES THANKS TO ! at d in n er> and those who enjoy- where most needed. Lights for NORTH DAKOTA FOLLOWERS ed it with th eir host and hostess the building and for apparatus were Mr. Jasp er Dennis of Craw­ Star* are some of the suggested p la n s !” fordsville, Ore., a brother of Mr. LOS ANGELES, Dec. 5.— Wil- I for its use. ► ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦■ liam G. McAdoo, mentioned as a ! J. N. Dennis, Mrs. Lester Porter and sister Miss Bonnie Kitchen of Spécial A tten tion to Surgirai posible dem ocratic candidate for : Corvallis, Mrs. W hitley of Port D ia g n o sis. R adium for Cancer and President, thanked followers in i land, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Childers M o d em T reatm ent for D iabetes. South -Dakota today for support­ of Yreka and three daughters, and JO55 F in e St., San F rancisco, Cal. ing him for the nom ination. He Mr. and Mrs. Oskar and son Deu- SEDAN - ■ ! said he would make response in ms. due time to the action of the pro­ In the afternoon other guests posal convention. S O C IE T Y Reddy Southern Oregon's Leading Jeweler Announces the F O of their magnificent new store, on “The Treasure House" Today and Tomorrow MRS. WALLACE REED “HUMAN WRECKAGE” SOMETHING YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT WINTER LUBRICATION $1.50 Do it Now PROVOST BROS McNair Bros. MORTON HOSPITAL SJTclvr» PYRENE fire extinguisher carried in the car. at all times is the Best Insurance against loss of property, per­ sonal or friend’s injury by Eugene— F irst National bank will double size of building April ' 1. Portland per capita tax thi.- j year $55.65, an increase of $5.63' over 1914 per person. i CUT THIS OUT— IT IS WORTH MONEY Send this ad and ten cents to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., w riting your name Quick, Effective. i and address clearly. You will re­ ceive a ten cent bottle of FO- LEY’S HONEY AND TAR COM­ POUND for coughs, colds and j hoarseness, also free sample packages of FO LEY S PILLS a diuretic stim ulant for the kidneys Cor Main and Pioneer and FOLEY CATHARTIC TAB- I LETS for Constipation and Bil­ iousness. These wonderful rem e­ dies have helped millions of peo­ ple. Try them ! Sold Everywhere. } » a Combined T r e a tm e n t both local and internal, and has be successful in the treatment of Catarrl for over 40 years. Sold by ail dtuggisn , t x:, r o „ Toledo, Oh:> Danger Is A Quick Traveler W atching cannot always see danger ahead. Dodging cannot always miss It. It comes like a flash— does its dam age— is ’gone. flames— even death— Simple, Insurance against such risks guards you from loss at all times. AUTOMOTIVE Only insurance can give you constant financial protection. Consult your insurance agent as a specialist in protection. Shop Hall's Catarrh F .O .B . DETROIT The Lowest Priced Sedan Don't you know you can turn a distressed, feverish, coughing child into a comfortable and hap pily smiling one simply by giving C H A M B E R L A IN ’S COUGH REM EDY Real E state and Real In ­ surance. (E stab. 1883) Phene 211 41 E ast Main N o Narcotics Main on First street in the Beaver Block opposite Union Oil Station Southern Radio Supply N the Tudor Sedan a wholly new Ford body type is offered American motorists. It is distinguished by a compact, roomy body, tw o w ide doors opening for­ ward, and folding right front seat. Large w indow s affording an open view in every direction, make for safer driving and greater motor­ ing enjoyment. n » car can be obtained r&e F o rd W e ek ly I Billings Agency rd Door North of MOTHERS— $590 FULLY EQUIPPED through C A ] That’s why we say—use Zer- olene “cold-test” oil, — it re- mains fluid in cold weather and lubricates the bearings and cylinder walls at the first turn of the motor—and makes starting easier. You’ll probably avoid trouble and expense by getting on the safe side, with Zerolene. x poor “cold-test” oil often means scored cylinders, worn bearings and expensive re- pair bills, sure_ use the de of Zer. olene recommended for the w inter lubrication of your car. Consult the Zerolene Correct Lubrication Chart—wherever Zerolene is sold. S T A N D A R D OIL C O M PA N Y (California/ A t $590, this is the lowest priced Sedan ever placed on the American market. It is a car of broad appeal and c o m p e llin g value, Purchase Plan. Zerolene N o. 1, N o. 3 and No. 5 are all good “cold-test” oils. HARRISON BROTHERS I • ollsolidl in cold weatlie t . cant lubricate your A GELS If you have trouble shifting gears, u se Zerolene T ransm ission L ubri­ cant “B ”—it rem ains fluid at lo w tem peratures and perm its ready shifting o f gears.