PÀÔfe TWO =S A S II L A N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S (E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 6 ) Published Every Evening Except Sunday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING --------- CO. Editor B ert R. Greer TCIAL CITY PA PER ..................................................... Telephone 39 •red at th e .-islilund, Oregon, Postoffice as Second Class Mail M atter - Subscription Price, Delivered in City o n e Mouth ..... Three Months Six M o n th s..... One I ear ....... $ .65 1.95 3.75 7.50 By Mail and R ural Routes: ? .65 1.95 3.50 6.50 One Ziorth ..... Three Months Six ■ iGiU.ha O n j Year ....... >rd A shland DISCI VY ADVERTISING RATES: per inch .................................................. .30 Y early C ontracts: One i • Ttlon a w ......... ........................................ .......... Two in 1 tions a week ................ ..... ....................... j , ......... 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DECEMBER 6 WHY NOT?— O ye simple, understand wisdow: and ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart.— Proverbs 8:5. *T.>ih-'iV^rir'iii Ï5 daily tidings Ihuraday, December tí, MM. m loan * The "L ittle Green Ribbon l ' ' • V«“' is causing a little excitement in . — ,-------------------------------------- ---------- . m „ i . n 1 , , - arrived an hour early on tlie scene the n re e ta of Hie capital". His con­ bration. In tlie m eantim e the speed maids and stubborn bachelors in and reserved your chair by kno tract does not cover board and Berlin lias imposed a jazz tax. How congress, could Of the vehicles is limited t 012, s Paris. ting a handkerchief to it, attach ­ lodging; so, like many other P a r­ swell nur national treasury by such an imposition. and 5 kilom etres and hour, ac­ ing your dog, or leaving your coat isians, he is forced to go to the The Republic is certainly kind c o rd in g to the weight. The next or hat there. ’1 he race course an- suburbs to live.. For obvious rea- hootball is in jurious to the mentality, a phvehologist ith,ng t0 do find a f’x' eet'soulld' ¡ and 111 of indulgence to th ta thorltiea bad provided enuogh sons he must walk back and forth .. • *u 1 .1 1 * 11 to th e mous family of Orleans, which says. m This will be news to . those who never ’ could see ing s horn Most visitors F French capital are gept aw ake would like to sit on the next jckadr8, but greedy spectators m id to his work. The police regulations sure to reserve them in too gen-1 for street traffic, which did not the slightest connection between the two. many nights by the shrill screech- throne of France, if there ever is I ing horn of the Paris taxi and de- ¡one. Monsieur, the brother of th e , erous num bers and left them un- ■ forsee the circulation of camels, Magnus Johnson has at last found a “ modest bunga- (d a re its. equal to be yet undis- King, has ju st been decorated with ’ occupied most of the day. Some are not what they should be the Legion of Honor. The Duc de of them were even attached to the when this “c ritte r” walks down low’’ in the suburbs of Washington. With a nice grassy coveted, M ontepensier is the brother of the rails with locks and chains. All Main street. •s co V gi F steet out front for the cow to graze in, just possibly. RELIEVED BOY Due d ’Orleans, the candidate-to th f astEv Clung to tlte resolution that the black hour would I end in the rose of the dawn. He clung to life with the , , . , , , , T. , ,, . llieie RIO Some class} chickens at the M inter Fan*. Take it either way yon want to, and it will not be a mis­ st a lenient of facts The New York Health Department says there are 1500 medical quacks in the city. He would he an ambitious man indeed, who tried to take a census of gll the other kinds. Iii the merry-go-round of movie marriages, a headline announcing “ Screen Star Reported Married Since Aug­ ust,” has raised the languid question: How many times? NEWS LETTER Mr s - L. Van Belle, Pendroy, Mont., w rites, " I like your Cough Medicine very well. My little. boy 6 years old, had a very bad cokgh and after using FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND he se- cured l^lidf.” For coughs, colds and hoarseness there is no b etter remedy on the m arket today than FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND. It has stood the test of time, serving three gener- ations. Get the genuine; refuse substitutes. SoOd Everyw here. throne of France, under the name O( Philippe VII or VIII. Being; w ithout issue, the Due de Mont- pensier, the brother of the King, js heir presum ptive to the throne. Nevertheless he has just accepted the n ttle red ribbon, with many thanks, for his work in the French colonies. All of which goes lo prove th a t the Republic bears no ¡n-wiil toward the princes and they in tu rn far from wishing to upset the present regime, accept n a liberal gifts. FRIDAY and SATURDAY Specials 10 Pounds Sugar for $1.00 Fishers Cereals Flaked Oats or Wheat Germeal J>Qf* or Pancake Flour, per pkg.... TO PROVIDE PENSION “ To fat to fight,” was the ver­ FOR MRS. HARDING dict of the M ilitary Examination THE PEST OF THE HIGHW AYS ___ Board at Troyes, who found that AYhile modern highways have brought almost innum- WASHINGTON, Dec. 5.— Mrs. Henri Coulon of the class of 1924, H arding will be given $5000 a weighed 285 pounds and exemp- erahle bh-sings and advantages to Oregon they have also i yeai fot life and free use of the jjj,n frolu service. produced a condition that has assumed dangerous pro­ ; mails, under a bill now being portions. We refer to the pest that infests the highways draw n by Senator Willis, Ohio, in the shape of hoboes, hunts, tramps, thugs, and des­ Along comes another kill-joy. ! cational school, at Big Rapids, Republican. Love in its various forms is not peradoes. The ease of the Idaho resident who was driv­ Michigan, which started w-ith two the chief cause of suicide, accord- ing into Oregon by the way of La Grande and Pendleton, classrooms and 15 students, but GAS ON STOMACH MAY 5 ing to the statistical gentlem an and who, v. hen near the latter town, kindly offered a ride which since has graduated more CAUSE APPENDICITIS who has been investigating 4,000 than 60,000. ---------- to a pt ledrian, is a good illustration. The offer was ac­ cases of recent suicides in France F erris was born Jan u ary 6,1 Constant gas causes inflamma- a n d fin d s that’ On ly 7 o 6 wer^ those j cepted and the favored man rode several miles, and as 1853, in a log house on a small , tion Which may involve the appen-1 Qf people erosged jn lov e. Domes- 1 a means of expressing his thanks to the motorist he com­ i farm near Spencer, New York. He dix. Simple glycerine, buckthorn tic sorrow comes first with 361, pelled him to turn over the ear and proceed on foot. In j i and later studied medicine at the , bark, etc., as mixed in A dlerika money second with 311, love be- his hurry to escape, the thief ran the ear over an embank­ and la tr studied medicine a t t h e . helps any case gas on the stom- ment and it was badly damaged. j University of Michigan, which h e 'a c h in TEN minutes. Most medi- The instance of the Idaho resident is only one of left in 1874, the same year th a t he j cines a tt only on lower bowel but m arred Miss Helen Gillespie, of A dlerika acts on BOTH upper and many that have been recorded in Oregon and the North­ Fulton, New York. A fter teach- jower bowel and removes all gas west during ti e past year or two. Oregon people have ing for a short tim e in Spencer and poisons. Excellent for obstin- even keen criticised tor their apparent uppishness towards he moved to Illinois, where he or- ate constipation and to guard a- the pedestrian. The criticism is unjust and the fact of I ganized a business college in Dix I gainst appendicitis. T. K. Bolton, the m atter is Oregonians will do well to pick up no man on. Five years later he founded Druggist. No. 4 F erris In stitute. on the highway, irrespective of his apperanoe, condition of His first ventures in politics the weather, or distance from town. It is true that oc­ were unsuccessful, he being de-j casional!} we may pass a man who js deserving, hut vvh^n C • 3 3 ^ u c < 7 } feated for Congress in Michigan v ■ pass ore of that kind we leave behind ten times that I in 1892 and for Governor in 1894. j There’s tougher stuff number who possess no conscientious scruples when it F erris’s second try for the gov­ it m ere is one man of wnom in them, with a non-skid comes to siieking a gun in your face and compelling you it can be said th at he, more than ernorship, in 1912, elected him sole. They do not slip. to shell out your money and valuables. The situation any other, is responsible for the by a plurality of 24,000 votes. He If Mixed with Sulplinr It Darkens was re-elected in 1914, is dangerous ;unl it is not exaggerating- to say that is is a general and widespread antipathy The kind railroad men So N aturally Nolxxly D uring his tenure of office thf j in Maryland to the Prohibition question with which legislative and executive forces will want. Can Tell. am endm ent th at man is Senator great copper strike occurred i n , have to deal in the near future. 1 Bruce. From the very s ta rt of the the northern peninsula ofthe state With the coming of the modern highway many un­ agitation for enactm ent of a dry and for his handling of th a t diffi­ The-old-tim e m ixture of Sage deserving skunks have set out to see America at the law in the United States, Bruce cult situation adm irers gave him Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair is expense of the once kindly disposed motorist. They rea- has opposed it, not on moral the sobriquet of the “ Good Gray grandm other’s recipe,- and folks son that there is no occasion to pay railroad fare or spend grounds particularly, but because Governor.” 1920 F erris again tried for are again using it to keep their monev for a car of their own when the motoring public n is ,lis sincere opinion th a t the the In governorship, hair a good even color, which is Corner Main and Oak but lost. is simple mimled ¿ts to extend ttmm-a “ lift” nt every """°r violated the quite sensible, as we are living in W hen the so-ealled “Newberry ! H L ° A . T " L 1 1’ tO t l i n e lheA\ a r e r e a s o n - j pcrsonal liberty granted express­ ism” issue was a t its height in an age when a youthful appear­ Michigan, in 1922, friends pre­ ance is of the greatest advantage. I l l g W< fram ps were whisked -from coast to coast by ly by the Constitution. Nowadays, though, we don’t warm hearted and kindly disposed tourists. Not more Rallying around Bruce, the so- vailed upon F errs to re-enter the field as a candidate for •have the troublesom e task of Sa th ' than three or four weeks are required to make Portland called liberal forces in Maryland political the Senate. He made of th a t p o -)erillg the sage and the mussy mix- I rom New York. A real, soft snap—for the tourist-tramp. went before th e state legislature litical issue what he term ed “ a ing at home- A11 d r,,B stores sell The k;i Iness extended the first adventurers resulted and opposed the ratification of moral issue“ and, to the surprise ¡the ready' t0’use Prod»cb improved the am endm ent and, later, the in their multijrl} ing by the thousands, until now an proposed state enforcem ent law. of even some of his most ardent , by the addition of other ingre- av eiag e of fifty tourist-tram ps and thugs pass through In the effort against ratification followers, handily defeated S e n -jdients’ called “ W yeth’s Sage and i Sulphur Compound.” It is very which includes Grape-Nuts with cream or good Ashland daily over the highway. The numbers will in- Bruce’s supporters lost. They ator Townsend. Numerous educational honors Popular because nobody can dis­ milk, will have one dish that has both engaging erease from year to year unless the tourist and motorist were sucessful, however, in the cover it has been applied. Simply flavor and true nourishment—the strength-giving, take it within their own hands to prevent it. Let every flght against Passage of a concur- ; moisten your comb or a soft brush New Senators Who Are Best Cream Rolled Oats 21 Pounds 00 for ......................... 1 Sitting In Upper House Extra Fancy Petite Prunes 7 Pounds 5QC for ‘Caboose” Rubliers $2.15 Pink Salmon Large Can, 15c, Red Salmon Good G rade,..................... 10c Orange Marmelade 1 Pound Can f o r ............ 20c 4 Rolls for .. Toilet Paper 25c E TEA f OVERLAND Shoe Shop The Winter Breakfast driver who travels the highways pass «up the tramps like Ihe proverbial cold potato. Let them walk until their shoes drop off and it will tend to dampen Their entlius- iasm. One. they are made to understand That they have to walk many of the pests will leave the ranks of the “ tourist” ami higbwavs will not he the beaten path of much of the muleiwoi'hl of the country. The motorist must 1 ,• made to realize that lo extend a ride to the tramp not onl\ encourages idleness and sponging, hut is dan- gerous and trequently results in robbery and murder. ---------------------------- -------- - LOST a i i . \ a . Z* such a^law*1 1&W’ and to thi" N° T ddopted When the battle against the I current proposal was a t its height Bruce prepared and subm itted to | the ,eglslature an extensive and 2 ? * .J”"'9.' T',“ '”* '°r M' ary law’ was” auconstnutiona’ The brief accomplished all that Bruce had hoped, and the con- current law was defeated. Bruce comes from an old Vir- g5n5a stock and 18 regarded as one of the leaders of the Maryland , ; with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand , i at a tim e; by morning the gray hair disappears, but what delights the ladies with W yeth’s Sage and Sulphur Compound, is th at, be­ sides beautifully darkening the hair a fte r a few applications, it also produces th a t soft lustre and appearance of abundance which is so attractive. No. 65 Modern man is often bored and irritated by society, yet be cannot comprehend a state of absolute isolation bar. from human life. With the railroad, automobile, aero- He is an independent Demo- crat, much of the Grover C leve-. ____ -__ - » plane, telc.,raph and telephone wires, world-vibrating radio and land and water highways, the human being land type of democracy. W hile he has been active in reform work .......... reared in civilization accepts the story of Robinson Crusoe in Maryland, and more especially tiave ueeu oestuweu upon Ferris, as highly imaginative fiction. But sometimes it happens in his home city of Baltimore, but there is none th a t he values that late places apart tinv unit of hum anity’s vast Bruce’s reform atory work has mor highly than th a t of Doctor horde ami it that unit survives the hardships and agonies ben from w ithin ra th e r than from of Laws, conferred by the Univer­ of de-socialization the world of men and women obtains w ithout the party. On show-down sity of Michigan. In addition, he has been a bank a glimpse into the Garden of Eden before the coming of votes he may be expected to stick president and an associate in with the party. Eve and acquires a new appreciation of the blessings of Bruce has held city office in various successful commercial en­ Baltim ore and has served in the From tl north woods of Ontario comes a simple, state senate. moving tale th at is to the point. Merrill Faro left the D uring the campaign he was b itter against the high rates in comfortable . niher eamp at early morning and went out the Fordney-McCumber bill and into the fon si io fell trees for pulpwood. At dusk he a , , i - i , , , - , - , . , 1 promised to aid in seeking a re ­ tried to retraae his steps hack to the cabin, where warm duction on duties al along the line food and a comfortable bed awaited him. Snow had been Bruce believes in the Democratic tailin g anti he lost the trail. Then began wildness and, principle of a tariff for revenue terprises, particularly in connec­ tion with the founding of busi ness colleges in the Middle West. Senator F erris has ben m arrit twice, the second m arriage after the death of his first wife, being to Miss Ethel McCloud, of Indian­ apolis, on August 14, 1921. wanderings that lasted twenty-one days. The lost “ lum --on,y’ her jack I J no equipment for the nights in the open I and as a pa a ction against the hitter elements. Only ( Senator F erris (D.) of Michigan, the first Democratic Senator from his stamina and fortitude kept him alive. Michigan in more than 70 years, * runs strong though the light of home is one of the few men in high bum s dim. When Merill Faro bad been cut off from civ­ public life who has made politics ilization and from the rough ami cheerful eamp he might his avocation ra th e r than his pro­ have chost u, in a cold cradle of the forest, a sleep that fession. F erris is an educator, and knows no waking. But he was possessed of a strength and he says he still prefers the class­ to the rostrum . a will that never forsook him. lie reasoned that the room He is the founder of F erris In- “ fiendish voices that raved” must not deceive, and stead- situte unique industrial and edn- RILL WILL PROPOSE INCREASE IN DUTIES boeu t x - WASHINGTON, Dec. 5.—-Sen­ ator Jones, of W ashington, a n ­ nounced yesterday th a t he will in­ troduce a bill to increase duties on goods and m erchandise im ­ ported into this country on ves­ sels not under the American flag. The bill will also fix tonnage dues and certain commercial treaties abrogated. life-sustaining factors which exist in wheat and barley—stored in the grain by Summer’s sunshine for Winter’s comfort. And remember, G rape-N uts is more than “something good to eat.” It is a building food in most digestible form; rich in proteins, carbohy­ drates, mineral elements and vitamin B—all vitally essential to the daily rebuilding of every pari of the body. It pays to keep oneself in the highest physical condition, for with the strength and vigor that go with health you can “do things” and be happy. There’s a way—and There’s a Reason for GrapeNuts VERY s e n sib le d r iv e r k n o w s that a skidding car is an extreme peril. That’s why so many sensible drivers see to it that their cars have the benefit of the powerful, slip­ less, non-skid trac­ tion of the Goodyear All-Weather Tread. That famous tread is your best insur­ ance of safe, efficient and economical tire performance. E A t G o o d yea r S e rv ic e S ta tio n D ealers u>e s e ll a n d r e c o m ­ m e n d th e n ew G o o d y ea r C ords w ith th a b e v e le d A ll- W e a th e r T r e a d a n d b a c k th a m u p w ith s ta n d a r d G o o d y e a r S eroice A shland Vulcanizing W orks H arrison Bros. Ford Garage GOODYEAR M a d . f o r W e .t a m T r a d . * ’ SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE! WHY NOT BUY IT AT airs 201E. Main We Deliver Phone 155