MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. The D aily T idings Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (International News Wire Service) VOL. XLVII. ARTILLERY WILL AMUSE FAIR GUESTS Successor to the Sem i-W eekly T idings. V olum e <3. i ASHLAXD CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine eases out of ten of asthma This is a proven fact. ASHLAND, OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 6, 1923 NO. 81 i LIGHTS A R E ASSURED FOR TONIGHT’S FAIR 8 8 Officers of the Winter 8 Fair announced before 8 noon today that electri­ ¡8 cians had completed the 8 work of repairing and 8 strengthing the lighting 8 system serving the Chau­ ¡ 8 tauqua Building in which An Excellent Program m 8 the Winter Fair is being 8 held, and give every as­ Store Tonight for Pat­ 8 surance that even though rons of Fair 8 the wind storm of last 8 night is succeeded by an­ VETERAN TO PERFORM 8 other tonight that the M ilitary D rills, E xh ibitions and 8 spectacle of the building­ A th letic S tu n ts A re to Be 8 being thrown into dark­ F eatu res. « ness will not be repeated 8 The periods of darkness M 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8i 8 EXHIBIT OF POULTRY IS A M ARVEL NEW S REPORTS DELA YED ; Coolidge Favors World Court and Tax Reduction; Opposed to Bonus 8 8 8 8 D elayed M essage D elivered B efore C ongress Today; Paper Deads 8 w ith D om estic Q uestions; D iscusses R. R. R ate R eform s. 8 8 W ASHINGTON, Dec. 6— The J should be made in the act itself, 8 Showing This Year Surpas­ policies of th e A dm inistration . Event Measuring Up to Ex­ 8 ses all Former Exhibits w ith j e e p e « .11 , h . com plex I T he G ovcrnnlent w l„ co „ tlnue pectations in Almost 8 in Quality. dom estic and International prob- op erale m ercba„ t Every Department. 8 l e n t o con fron tin g th e G o v ern m en t! such a8 , he , , eM can 8 HAS MORE VARIETIES nnd (h e people „ e r e o u tlin ed t o , ed v a n U g eo n sly disposed of PATRONAGE HINDERED 8 th e country to-day by President E very A vailab le Coop O ccupied; 8 P u b lic Im provem ent Storm s K eep A ttendance at Low C oolidge in h is first address to E n tries H ere From T hree 8 Intra-coastal waterways should ’ L evel— A ll D eta ils Have C ongress. S tates 8 be opened, and steps should be B een Com pleted. T he great dom estic q u estions 8 taken for the control of flood If you have any doubts as to o f taxation , tran sp ortation, agri­ waters of the Mississippi and the 8 The doors of the Chautauqua who is “cock of the walk,” a visit cu lture, th e care o f world war Colorado rivers, improvement of 8 to the Winter Fair and Poultry veteran s, and th e n ation ’s d ev el­ waterways from the Great Lakes Building housing the combined 8 Show will quickly dispell them opm ent in gen eral occupied m ost to the Gulf of Mexico, and the Fourth Annual Winter Fair and 8 Before entrance Is attained there o f th e P resid en t’s address, but he development of the power and Eighth Annual Southern Oregon 8 comes a sound of crowing roost­ began . w ith a brief d iscu ssion n ° of , navigation project of the St Law Poultry Show were thrown open 8 th e foreign relation s o f th e V n i- lrenee R | w P & to the public yesterday evening. ers and clucking hens, which only 8 ted S tates, and voiced Ids approv- Entrance to the building at once increases as entrance Is gained R ailroads 8 brings the spectator to a realiza­ and you walk toward the poultry al o f A m erican entran ce in to th e The Administration believes the 8 coops, which contain the finest P erm an en t Court o f In tern ation al Interstate Commerce Commission tion that the event is an excel­ 8 J u stice, w ith su ita b le reservations and largest exhibit of pure bred should adhere to the rule as laid lent success from the standpoint 8 d ivorcing th is tribunal from its BY THRONGS ART EXHIBIT SEVERE STORM RAGES Storms last nlgnt crip- 8 pled telegraph service be- 8 tween Ashland and Port­ 8 land to an extent that re­ 8 pairs were not completed 8 until afternoon today. No 8 ’ press reports were receiv­ 8 ed by the Tidings until 8 I 2:00 o’clock, making it »; Needlecraft and Painting- impossible to give full re­ 8 Displays of Exceptional port today. A dispatch 8 Merit. from Portland says: 8 Shipping is impaired, 8 PRATT INST. EXHIBITS and telephone and tele­ 8 graph wires down as a re­ 8 D isp la y fro m F a m o u s A n I n stitu te sult of driving gales and 8 Is t'o lo i-lu l----S ilio iil Kx- rain throughout the Pa­ 81 lilbit E x cellen t. cific Northwest district 8 last night and today. The 8 C leverly a rra n g e d am i ta c tfu lly wind reached a velocity 8 chosen is tin- s e ttin g of th e A rt of 84 miles at North Head 8 D e p a rtm e n t of th e W in te r F a ir, last night and the sea 8 w hich opened y e ste rd a y . F a r a - whipped into a fury. Wind 8 w ay from th e less a rtis tic e x h ib its, continued in Portland shak 8 a n d ex c ep tio n a lly wi ll lig h ted , th e ing houses, breaking win­ 8 n e e d le w o rk has been placed as a dows and uprooting trees. 8 hav en of re fu g e fo r w eary fa ir Storm is expected to con­ 8 v isito rs, w ho will find th e ir s p irits tinue tonight. 8 lig h te n e d w th a few ro u n d s of o b ­ A T T ENTION Those who attended the Winter 8 last night were not oc­ Fair last night and w’ere disap­ 8 casioned so much by the pointed in not hearing a program, 8 wind as the overload car­ due to the storm having put the 8 ried by the wiring system lights out, will be well rewarded 8 of the building. This has if they take advantage of the 8 been remedied and those entertainment to be provided to­ 8 who visit the Winter night under the auspices of the 8 Fair tonight will do so members of the 4 84th Co., Coast 8 with pleasure and com­ ♦♦ fort.. Artillery Corps. Capt. Adams as­ w sures fair patrons an excellent pro­ 8 of exhibits. poultry ever assembled in south­ gram, consisting of military drills down by Congress of fixing rates se rv a tio n . progenitor, th e L eague o f N ations. The attendance yesterday even­ ern Oregon. and exhibitions, followed by ath­ which yield a fair return. The P ro b a b ly th e m ost o u tsta n d in g The President strongly recom­ ing was limited, owing to the in­ N. E. Thompson, one of the letic stunts. tufted States Railroad Laboi e x h ib its sh ow ing re s u lts of in fin ­ mended reductions in federal clement weather. Unfavorable managers of that department, es­ Corporal E. K. Hall, veteran of ite w ork am t p a in ta k in g d ire c ­ taxation, urging the immediate Board should he left as It is, un­ weather conditions have also lim­ corted a Tidings representative the Civil War, will favor the spec­ less a better plan can be worked tio n s, ¡s th e lieed lecrafi d e p a r t­ adoption of the plan proposed by ited attendance today, however, through the show and made the tators with a presentation of the out by the railroad workers and m ent. T hen, in p ro fu se q u a n titie s , Secretary of the Treasury Mellon; many are seeing the exhibits this statement that this is the premier manual of arms of Civil War days executives for adjusting disputes. a re to he found e x q u isite h its of said that railroad consolidations and give a demonstration similar Clubs of County A re W ell R epre­ poultry show of southern Oregon. should be made as soon as prac­ Laws should be enacted to permit afternoon, and sponsors of the E leven of th e “Boys" D esire Ap­ h an d w o rk . L u n ch eo n se ts in e n d ­ pointm ent to F in an ce The speaker has been associated ticable, but voluntarily by the the voluntary consolidation of the Fair are of the opinion that the to the one so successfully presen­ less v a rie tie s, e m b ro id e re d in sen ted ——Club W ork Featured attendance will be good from eC om m ittce. with the show for a number of carriers; urged a reorganization railroads, and the entire reorgan­ ted at the recent opening of the in w h ite and co lo rs, o th e rs w ith by Fairs. Armory. years and speaks with authority. of the freight rate structure; told ization of the freight rate struc­ now until the clos«. c ro c h e t fin ish in g s th a t have ta k e n The exhibits in nearly every WASHINGTON, Dec. 5.— Elev­ m o n th s to p re p a re an d a p p re c ia te d Several musical numbers will The Boys and Girls’ Club exhibit Not only is there improved quality the farmers that they coul<^ solve ture is held necessary. department have met with the ex­ en men with a single thought. be rendered and other features of at the Winter Fair is something in the present show, but there are their own economic problems D epartm ent o f J u stice by th o se w ho m ak e such th in g s ; pectations of the promoters, and Everyone of the new Democrat­ Revision of the Federal legal more entries than at any proceed­ entertainment provided, some of new this year, and it is hoped a p p liq u e w ith in triq u in g color easier than the government could which will not be disclosed until that this will grow to be one of ing event and a larger number of do it for them, announced that he code of 1878 is recommended. In many instances excel the most ic senators has filed a request for co m b in a tio n s and sk e tc h e s, c le v ­ they are ready for presentation. the important features in years varieties are on exhibition. did not favor a soldiers bonus, Legislation should be considered optimistic dreams of the Fair and membership on the powerful sen­ e rly conceived an d p e rfe c tly exe­ ate foreign relations committee, it cuted, a n d c e n te r pieces tjiat c a n ­ There you will see fhCtkens come out squarely for strict en­ for putting additional United Poultry Show sponsors. Patrons of the Fair are urged to come. Although the Chautauqua was learned today. And, as though not be e s tim a te d too hig h ly , m ake to remember that no additional Homemaking clubs irom Valley ranging in size from the midget forcement of the National Prohl- States Judges in the Southern Dis­ charges are made for tonight’s View and Ashland have some very bantam to the imposing black bitional Act, and made recommen­ trict of New York and in the Building is the most spacious this wouldn’t shock venerable th e d isp lay d e lig h tfu l. program, nor subsequent programs interesting work, poultry clubs Jersey Giants. The bantams are dations for various regulatory Northern District of Georgia. Re­ structure in the town it is com­ statesmen, the eleven new solous B edroom lin en , w hich, because to be staged Friday ayd Satur­ from Medford, Eagle Point and not the smallest, either, for there measures and changes in govern­ formatories should be built for fortably filled with the exhibits also asked for posts on the senate of its size am i c h a ra c te r, n ecessi­ finance committee, second