t»AOK ttlütt A shl A nd dai L y TiiftKCii Wednesday, December 3, 192« ...» Meeting is^Iuiportant— The Ladles Aid of the B aptist Switzerland. Progress is in terest­ •and it is understood th at a mill Return Home— Hand decorated articles, lunch- church will meet Thursday a fte r­ ing and stim ulating, according to located on the claim will be open- George Robison has returned ©on sets, handkerchiefs, aprons, noon at 1 o’clock in the church the visitors. i ed w ithin sixty days. from Lodi, Cal., where he went re- pillow cases, towel9. etc. at the By S. W. STRAUS Parlors. All are asked to come cently to visit his mother. H e jp . E. O. charity bazaar to-mor- President American Society for Thar can as there is a lot of busi- Rrady Elected— Buy him a tailored to measure states th at his m other is improved, i row at J. P. Dodge £ Sons Store. ___ • Thrift. Jack Brady, senior in commerce suit or overcoat for Xmas. Come *T*EN MILLION people in the l ness to be transacted. at O. A. C. has been elected to in and select the cloth and ar- ■* United States who can neither Lincolnian debate and oratorical ; range for us to take his mea- j Oh boy! some flavor! Salt- ris- read nor write! Twenty million We deliver the goods. Service I Yes real salt rising bread. SOtf society and has made the senior i ing bread. 80-tf illiterates and is our m otto. D etricks— phone isure— at Orres Tailor Shop up­ A D ally C hronicle o f th ose w ho com e and go, and ev en ts o f n e a r - illiter­ inter-class debate team. s ta ir s . 79-3 62’ 53tf ates! Salt rising bread will stand the V isitors from R ogue R iver— L ocal in terest. O ne fin d j ' test. ' 80-ti Netted Gems, th© better cook­ Lay in your w inter supply o Mr. and Mrs. J. K. MacClaren these amazin« Try our fresh kippered salmon ' potatoes from ou t fresh shipment ing potato, during W inter Fair} and Miss Tillie Anderson were To K lam ath Falls— statem ents in “D etricks.” K n igh ts Tem plar 53-tf $1.75 the hundred pounds. Plaza Bum Being B uilt— of Netted Gems, per hundred a recent sun , guests yesterday of friends in J. A. Taylor, 1150 Oak street i M alta Conim audery No. 4 ! M arket. 80 vey of illiter­ pounds $1.75. Plaza M arket. 80 A modern thousand dollar barn Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. MacClaren was called to K lam ath Falls early M asonic H all acy condition* V isit S hale D eposit | is being erected by Roy Stoeffer have returned to tlieir home in Stated conclave, W ednesday Tuesday on account of serious i l l - , in the United A party consisting of A. S. Dud­ M ine is S atisfactory— ................... O ther G uests— at his farm west of Ashland. Ac­ I Rogue River, but Miss Anderson ness of his nephew, Hugh Taylor. ; States Qomv‘1- evening, Dec. 5. Election of offi­ ley, I. E. Vining, Judge C. B. W at­ J plans to visit a few days at tho Wm. Nelson, J r. of Klam ath cording to statem ents, Mr. Stoef­ G. J. Bodfish, representing a ed by the II cers; also work In Order of Tem­ Mrs. Taylor has been ill at her I son, D. Perozzi and L. N. Wood- Falls, was a guest at the Hotel literacy Com­ fer has purchased twelve head of home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles large corporation from San F ran ­ ple. R efreshm ents afterw ards. home, but is better. side visited the shale deposits yes­ cisco is in Ashland looking over Columbia yesterday. Melvin Hix­ cows and will probably enter into Robertson. mission of th* V isiting and sojournng Sir National Edu­ terday afternoon. The trip was mining properties. Mr. Bodfish, son and Fred Hixson, of Nampa, dairy business. K nights courteously invited. Con­ Orres cleans clothes Phone 64. cation Associ made in the Perozzi machine and , who is a mining engineer, has Idaho, were guests yesterday. C. S. W. STRAUS tlon In v ie, clave at 7:30 sharp. Fresh fru it cake and mince roads to the doposits were in passed favorably on the Rising Z. P err is here from Cushman. F. H. JOHNSON, E. C. Get your Christm as gifts at the of the fact that our nation wit Mr. J. R. E lliott has taken over mpat ingredients— brown sugar, W. H. DAY, Recorder. P. E. O. charity bazaar at J. P. soon devote an entire week to the god condition, tho a snow storm Hope mine, form erly owned by from Mr. E lliart, the Agency for citron, spices, orange peel, lemon and rousing wind turned the top! Thanks for expression on salt the San Francisco papers. Phone peel, w alnuts and so forth. De- Dodge and Son’s store on T hurs­ special consideration of education­ of the m ountain into a se m i-1 G. W. Davis. The mine indicated al m atters, It Is well to have thl» j is located nine miles west of H ilt rising bread. Cliff Payne makes draw ers. SOtf day. 79-2* tricks. We deliver. 59-tf concise statem ent of exact condi- ' tions placed before us at this time. j B ir th - Orres cleans clothes clean. Perhaps no aspect of real na- ■ Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. Broil, Phone 64— we call. 76-3 tional thrift is of greater signifl- j cance from the standpoints alike December 4, 1923, at their home of national duty and opportunity on Mountain avenue, an eight Special Holiday reductions in than this situation. In a genera1. ! pound son. suits and overcoats— tailored to way the Illiterate is out of the your •measure at Orres tailor shop race. He doesn’t count. His pos- ; Large loaf— quality bread 10c. upstairs. 76-3 sibilities for personal success are B oa Ton. 34-tf negative. He adds little or noth­ ing to the nation’s economic w el-. Roads A re in Good C ondition— Yes we m ake suits in our shop. Roads over the Green Spring ' fare. Furthermore, as it is point* d — We have expert cutters and to K lam ath Falls are in very fine ' out by the Illiteracy Commission,! semi-barbaric conditions exist In tailors a t OrTes Tailor Shop up­ condition, according to m otorists illiterate sections. Moral stand» stairs. 76-8 who came over this morning in ards are extremely low. Th*; record time. Only one spot re- sanctity of the marriage vows i* I Virgin wool suits and overcoats I mains th a t is spongy but is ex- disregarded. So-called business is $20 and up, at Paulseruds. 78tf pected th at this will be removed I carried on through a crude system of barter and trade. Neither gold, before long. Stages are making silver nor paper money exists as P ou ltry A rrives a la W ells Fargo regular trips between Ashland and a medium of exchange. 1 ■''-’- • •■•?« Prize Ancona fowls aired their the K lam ath city. These points only suggest briefly some of the many national disad­ lusty throats this morning when vantages of a large illiteracy popu ! they came to the end of their Handmade gifts of all kinds at lation. th e ir Journey from an Ancona Poultry Farm at Yoncolla. They the P. E. O. charity bazaar Thors- i We Sive thought and attention U v™ | - v M T. p. D O ge „ 4 s . . . »«ore. i £ Local TEN MILLION ILLITERATES HERE; MEANS GRAVE LOSS A N D Swenson & Peebler Winter Fair and Christmas Furniture Sale Begins Thursday, December 6 Gifts for Santa Clans lo Put In n num ber of the shiny black birds deavorlng In every way to develop Orres Remodels clothes up­ our uation physically. But we are crated securely will he viewed by 79-3 exemplifying a poor type of na­ scores of feathery fowl friends stairs. tional thrift and enlightenment this week at the C hautauqua. I when we neglect the moral and Maple squares— 30c. Bon Ton. i material advantages that would B u sin ess V isitor— H ere from K lam ath F a n s— accrue from a more intensive and E. R. Grieve was in» Ashland j comprehensive educational policy. yesterday from Hornbrook ov NOTICE— If you own property, Addison wrote: “The philosopher, the saint, the hero, the wise, the business trip. you carry Insurance; it always good, the great man very often pays to get my rates before you lies concealed in a plebeian whom Swifts— Bacon. Boiled Ham, insure. Yeo, of course. tf proper education might have disin­ Chipped beef and lard. Get it at terred and brought to lig h t” Detricks. I t’s the best. 53-tf — The material, mental and moral TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY waste represented by twenty mil­ Have your clothes cleaned and FOR SALF— Large size Bruns- lion illiterates and near-illiterates in the United States is beyond cal­ repaired before the Holiday rush , wick phonograph with tw enty rec- culation. Paulserud s. 78tf ords. Big bargain if taken before Christmas. Owner m ust sell. Fresh Homemade Candies at B u sin ess V isitors in Jack son ville Phone 10F2. 80-1' Rose Bros.. 69-tf Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Lamkin LOST— luesday night, brown drove to their farm at Montague leather bag from car in front of j If a city which has a large fire yesterday. Roads and crops In Nat. Finder leave at Tidings of- ,oss per capita annually was rec the valley are in very fine condi­ flee. Rew’ard. so-2 °&nizP(1 as a Poor place for an in- tion, and according to reports ------------------- ---- ---------------- city au thorities would very sooi) Oscar Huber has the contract to TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY— vestm ent, it is probable th a t the pave the highway north of H orn­ FOR SALE— Netted Gem po- see th a t steps were taken to guar th s ago and has not recovered e n - ! tirely from his injury. Garm ents Rellned— remodeled and repaired at Orres Taifbr S hop ' 1 — upstairs. Phone 64.. 76-8 / I FROM $ 0 0 .0 0 TO $ 2 0 8 .0 0 4 — nothing pleases her more than a beautiful cedar chest in which to store, against moths and rust, fineries and individual lingerie. A fine piece of fu r­ QD niture for any hom e. A good selection from $ 1 1 .3 0 TO $83.(8» Sellers Kitchen Cabinet — one thing most women would rath er have than fine gold. One means less labor, more recreation, less fatigue, pleasanter home life* less doctor bills, more health. Delivered Christm as morn— Regular Price $57.00— CHRISTMAS SALE PRICE $ 1 4 .0 0 TO THE LADY OF THE HOUSE Gift Chairs For the Kiddies — one thing hone will miss if chosen as a gift for father, mother, — trinkets, toys, wagons, trains, mechanical entertainers, tricycles, games, grandparents, or friend. A big b eds, dressers, dolls, doll buggies, stoves, for boys and girls. We notice the selection from which to choose. older folks enjoy them, also. We will lay them aside for you. We will deliver. -----Present----- “ SHANGHAIED” VINING THEATRE,MON., DEC. 10 Milwaukie Odd Fellows to erect new lodge hall. L ta ste s ami r