£AGÈ THREE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PROFESSIONAL Classified Column PHYSICIANS DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ dence and office, 108 Pioneer avenue. Telephone 28. Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m .; 2 to 5 p. m. only. Classified Column R ates One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one m onth or more, |4 c the word each time. FOR SALE FOR SALE— Shepherd puppies DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— P rac­ 79-3 tice limited to eye, ear. nose and $5.00 each. Jesse Neil. th ro a t— X-ray including teeth. FOR SALE— Cheap, Ford to u r­ Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to ing car body. Inquire G. S. Butler. 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland. 79-3* O re . 7 0 0 C A R S E N T E R IN G C A L IF O R N IA D A IL Y Officials of the road m arking departm ent of the Auto Club ol Southern California, who have ju st returned from a tour of in ­ vestigation and kept careful count at various principal points of the west bound traffic, estim ate that 700 cars a day are now coming in­ to California. Allowing four pas­ sengers to a car this would mean th a t m otor cars alone are bring­ ing 2800 people daily into the state. More than 1000 persons a day came into Southern California in automobiles during the m onth ol October over the N ational old Trails route. FOR SALE— Auto k n itter prac­ DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic tically new. Will sell at half price. and Electro-Therapy. Office Call 151 Nursery St. Saturday phone 48; residence 142. F irst afternoons. 79-3* N ational Bank building. FOR SALE— Thoroughbred DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings Pitt Bull dog 1 year old. Very THIRTEEN ESCAPE BY office. Phone 91. alert, good m anners. Inquire 280 WAY OF OLD TUNNEL H argadine St. 79-3* DR. ERNEST W. SMITH— Chiro­ LANSING, Dec. 5.— A clean practor, near Postoffice. Hours FOR SALE— Three cook and getaway has been made by the 13 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. three heating stoves, also stove convicts who escaped from the repairing done. At Eagle Brass Kansas state prison here Sunday, PLUMBING Works. Oberlain street. 79-6* officials adm itted today. JER R Y O’NEAL— Plum bing. 207 Posses and bloodhounds have FOR SALE— Registered B erk­ E ast Main. Phone 138. followed to the end every possible shire sows and one registered boar; also, some young stock. trail and trace of th e fugitives MONUMENTS Phone 10-F5. 77-6 from the prison w ithout result. ■ - An investigation showed th a t the MONUMENT— MARKERS FOR SALE— Registered tri­ missing prisoners had cut a hole Lowest Prices color collie, female, from prize through the wall of the power ASHLAND GRANITE CO. 3rd and E ast Main St. 223-6mo. winning stocks. 18 months old, house, burrowed through five feet $20.00. C rater Lake Kennels, of d irt to the entrance of an a- ASHLAND GRANITE Medford 30 Keene Way. 78-3* bandoned tunned 14x16 inches. MONUMENTS Through this narrow hole, half WANTED Oregon Granite Co. filled with mud and slime, the S. PENNISTON, Salesman. RANTED— A puppy at Oregon men worked th eir way to liberty. Rea. 47« Laurel . Phone 444-Y Hotel. Phono 112. 79.3 Missionaries to Speak— PLANING MILL WANTED— W ashing. 24 8 1st A rare opportunity for the St. 62-2mo.* C hristian people of the Rogue JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET River valley and especially those WORKS, Cor. Helman and DRESSMAKING— W ork g u ar­ interested in Foreign Missions, Van Ness. 1 9 4 tf1 anteed. 14 7 Factory St. Mrs. B. will be th a t of hearing Dr. F. Van H ardenberg. 67-lm o. Howard Taylor and wife of the TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Whittle Transfer & Storage Co. China Inland Mission Friday RANTED— Oregon JolirnaJ night a t the Presbyterian church for SERVICE. Experienced movers and pack­ subscribers. We try to Diease our In Medford at 7:30 p. m. The ers of household goods. Deal­ custom ers. Charles W. C hattin, churches of the city are cooper­ 76-6 ating and an invitation is extend­ ers In coal and xfood. Phone Jr., A gent.Phone 353-L. 117. ed to Ashland people to attend. MISCELLANEOUS Office 89 Oak St. near Their work is interdenom ination­ Hotel Ashland MX GIRL IN TROUBLE— May al and international. They are are communicate with Ensign Lee w onderful people of faith, in fact TRANSFER AND EXPRESS— ______ _________________ _ • of the Salvation Army at the the entire work of the mission is T. L. POW ELL— General T rans­ W hiteShield Home, 565 May- based on faith and prayer. Dr. and fer— Good team and motor fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. Mrs. Taylor are at present on an trucks. Good service at a rea­ extensive journey through Can­ RESHINGLING & CALSOMINING ada and the states in the in te r­ sonable price. Phone 83. For reshingling or painting and ests of the work in China. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS— calsomining all work guaranteed K ing’s Transfer, general hauling. call A. V. Hood, Phone 398 or Death— D ry wood for sale. Phone 113, C. W. Judkins Phone 390-R. Mrs. G. W. Schaffer, m other of P laza Pool Hall. 45-tf 77-lm o* Mrs. Alvena Bullen, a form er resi­ dent of Ashland, passed away at 0. A. C. SHORT COURSES her home in Brem erton. W ash., at F o r a sm ooth shave, Intensive practical instruction 6:35 Tuesday morning after a and quick service, go in ag ricultural specialties varying long illness. Mrs. Bullen has been from one week to 2» weeks as fol­ i in constant attendance a t the to th e Shell Barber lows: I bedside of h er m other. Seward Shop, across from De­ General A griculture Schaffer a son, of this city, ac­ pot. G rinding of all Jan. 2-March 19 companied by his wife, left foi kinds. C hildren's work H orticulture Bremerton last night. a specialty. Jan. 2-March 19 Dairy M anufacturing W. A. SHELL, Prpo. Jan. 7-Feb. 2 Here for th e W i n t e r - 532 A. St. Ashland, Ore Herdsmen and Cow Testers Leroy Norris, of Eugene, is Jan. 2.-June 12 visiting at the home of “ Doc” Farm Mechanics, Tractors, Trucks, Pitm an. Mr. Norris is sargent of etc. Jan. 2-March 19 the 69th Co. of Eugene, but has Farm Mechanics (one week) bene here the past few weeks and Feb. 18-Fel). 23 Caserole will remain indefinitely. I Third Annual C anner's School Feb. 4-Feb. 23 Pyrex Supreme Court holds school Land Classification and Appraisal Jan. 7-Jan. 12 districts cannot employ football l A gricultural Economic Conference coach. Jan . 21-Jan. 25 Baking Dishes, Pie Plates, For fu rth er inform ation reg ar­ in Silver Service. ding any course address PROVOST BROS The REGISTRAR OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvallis, Oregon SULPHUR CLEARS A PIMPLY SKIN Poor Richard Apply Sulphur as Told When Your Skin B reaks Out Any breaking out of the skin on face, neck, arm s or body is over­ co m e quickest by applying Metho- Sulphur. The pimples seem to dry right up and go away, declares a noted skin specialist. Nothing has ever been found to helps a great deal in health, take the place of sulphur as a strength and wisdom, by its pimple remover. It is harm less and purity, wholesomene9s and energy giving. At your gro­ inexpensive. Ju st ask any druggist cer. : for a small ja r of Rowles Mentho- ; Sulphur and use it like cold cream. No. 5 said— "E arly to bed and early to rise, makes men healthy, wealthy and wise.” Superior Bread FRANKLIN R etu rn s from C alifornia— Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kinney have returned from their Thanksgiving vacation spent with relatives in various California cities. Oakland, Berkeley and Fresno were among cities they visited. Bakery Cream Separators M anure Forks [Ovea 17 M illion J ars U se d Y cakly ] Trace Chains V a p o R ub H arness n .~3 I B ILIOUSNESS alck headache, soar stomach, constipation, easily avoided. f liver w.tkoat calomel. C H A M B E R L A IN ’S TABLETS Haver aidtaa or grip« only 25c LONDON, Dec. 4.— ’‘G allant’' Prince Henry is what they are call ing the third son of King George V. since the wedding of the Crown Prince of Sweden to Lady Louise M ountbatten. W henever B ritish royalty a t­ tends a function the question of precedence always is carefully ob­ served by those in charge of the arrangem ents. Acordingly, at the wedding in question, care had been taken to see th at all mem­ bers of the Royal family were properly seated acording to rank This arrangem ent resulted it the separation by a m atter oi three chairs of the Duke and Duchess of York, the “ newly­ weds” of the W indsor family. Prince Henry occupied the seat besides his b rother where the Duchess would have sat had not precedence been so rigidly follow­ ed. Prince Henry, young and ap­ parently in closest sympathy with lovers, noticed the regretful glances and faintly disappointed sighs which the Duke and his bride exchanged when they dis covered th eir separation. Hi could not stand to see them p a rt­ ed, so lie caught the eye of the Duchess, winked, smiled, noddef and the Duchess, in perfect un­ derstanding, rose and exchanged seats with her generous brother- in-law’. The looks of happiness and gratitude on the faces of the Duke and the Duchess were re ­ w ard enough to the Prince for his self-abnegation. I bane, From A ustralia it will pro- I cred to New Zealand and Figi Isl- ands, Honolulu and Vancouver. United States ports will be the The jun k et compares in slgnlfi-jSt- Helena, Capetown, Durban, C o -; next to receive visits, probably -------— — — in departure from tradi- lonib°. ’ ----- O -----D k'vav» cance and Rangoon and — Singapore; about September oi next year. tion to the world cruise of the thence to A ustralia, where the di It is stated that Prince George, United States naval division d u r - ivi9ion visit Freem antle, Ade- the King’s fourth son, will serve ing the adm inistration of Theo- laide, Melbourne, Sydney and Bris- on the trip as a junior lieutenant. dore Roosevelt. - -L*1- --------------— ■------ 1— The ships which will make the IWfeL1’1 Ml:,!1 1 « =ê Ä- trip include the battle cruisers Hood and Repulse and the light © cruisers Dragon, Danae, Dunedin, Dauntless and Delhi, and the __ 4» cruise occupy about a year. The ships recently were removed from Chatham Dockyard, where ¡E they underw ent extensive repairs B and were thoroughly tuned up for ,S their long trip. FLEETTO CIRCLE GLOBE- Short Course nt O. A. C. Will F eature "Increased Efficien­ cy and Q uality.” LONDON, Dec. 5.— Tw’o battle cruisers and five light cruisers, composing a British fleet division, time to practice the latest ball- room gyrations. Some of these men impose the utmost secrecy,” one dancing in­ structress said. "A lm ost all of them make excuses. They say that the doctor has ordered them tc take more exrcise; th a t their wives are keen on dancing and Many tons of provisions and insist th at they learn so th a t they canteen goods are being packed can appear at the c h ild re n s'' into all the available space board Christm as parties. the light cruisers, while each of ‘‘About the only sort of excuse ¡the ships is being fitted with a which they do not put forward is soda-water m anufacturing plant__ the real reason— th a t they want an innovation on British light crui- to enjoy themselves. It is astonish ■ Sers. ing how soon they learn and, During their cruise round the when they can dance, there is sim­ world the ships will be met at dif- I ply no holding them .” ferent places by refrigerating ships It may not seem possible to many Americans but there are still men in England who get paid for tasting beer. The existence of official “ beer ta sters” was revealed in connec­ tion with the annual Brew ers’ Ex­ hibition in London. Some 450 barrels of brew wer entered for competition purposes and each barrel had to be sampled by a "ta ste r" before it was adm itted to the exhibit. H ere’s w hat good beer should taste like, acording to one of the experts: "If it is of the light variety it m ust be clear and sharp, w ithout much acid. If it is of heavier qual­ ity it m ust have a nutty flavor and be nice and round in the mouth. The “ old boys” of London ap­ parently are preparing to step out and show the youngsters a few tricks during the coming w inter. Dancing teachers announce that the num ber of “ middle aged” men who are applying for instruction in the terpsichorean a rt is far in excess of any previous season. Traditions of English nobility Staid brokers, bankers and m er­ are gradually going by the boards, chants are reported to be slip­ ping away for a half hour at lunch the latest high-born precedent sm asher is Lady Rosamond Gall- wey Robertson, daughter of the COOKING DEMONSTRATION HELD IN PLAZA MARKET E arl and Countess of Carrick, who has become a “ vendeuse," Ashland women are invited to which is a high-brow saleswoman the Plaza M arket today and W ed­ in an exclusive m odiste’s estab­ nesday to observe the use of Al­ lishm ent. pine Milk in cooking. The demon­ stration is being conducted by Miss Seely, representative of the N estle's Food Company. Alpine Milk, is canned milk from Oregon cows, condensed by an Oregon company. There will be something — dem onstration by Miss Seely, to eat to prove the qualities of — Thursday and Friday. Your Alpine Milk as a good ingredient — visit appreciated. in cooking everything requiring milk. Alpine Milk Masters and Slaves HEN you come to think of it. it is the people win» don’t save their money that work for the people that do save it, in the long run. Get into the master class by opening a savings account with this bank. 3 ¡6 B i| H In Eugene— w B ® The Citizens Bank of Ashland Floyd Rush is a business visit­ or in Eugene, having left here yesterday. Mr. Rush is an active member of the Southern Oregon Radio club. Ashland, Oregon C l o s e d C a r C o m fo r t Equipped w ith a heater of exceptional capacity, and w ith doors and windows snugly weather-stripped, the Business Sedan is invitingly wann on the coldest days. You discover, too, th at the seat-backs are perfectly tilted for maximum ease; that the seats themselves are generously deep and Upholstered in blue Spanish leather of the finest quality. These impressions of interior comfort are fu rth e r em phasized when the car gets under way, and you experience the admi­ rable balance and buoyancy of the new spring suspension. Businass Sedan— $1250 f.o.b. Detroit— $1475 delivered Riley-Meier Motor Co. Medford, Oregon Willamette Gems Out-of-town Visitors— Henry W. Dones, of McCoy, was a business visitor yesterday) Thomas F. Jeter, of Pasadena, Cal. was an out-of-town visitor at the Hotel Ashland. Dr. E. S. Sig- gins is among out-of-town visitors from Denver. Ethel A. Murdocr, of Portland, is to be in Ashland several days. A. W. Moon, of Hilt, was a business visitor yesterday. Columbia county has a musk ra t farm , skunk farm and wildcat farm . J F /w ii's AP »1C» Gold Sheaf — for every meal reduces the uncertainty of home baking to a surety of good bread for every purpose. Lithia Bakery Glassware 5c to 50c every conceivable dish. ASHLAND FURNITURE COMPANY 94 N. Main For AU Cold Troubles a PEIL’S CORNER OS LETTER are scheduled to sta rt wthin t h e ’which will supply them with spe- next few days on a “ showing the cial articles qf food. flag ” cruise whose iterary will en­ The ports to be visited during circle the globe. (the cruise include Sierra Leone. -U. S. inspected potatoes -per hundred.................. $1.75 Exclusive Roasted Bulk Coffees 38c and 88c Tillamook Cheese in Stock. Always PLU M M ER 53 E. Main Phone 59 ■I Ju st received six barrels of Classified ads bring results. Wednesda), December 5, 1928 rd Door North of Main on First street in the Beaver Block opposite Union Oil Station Southern Radio Supply T the Verdict? he test of a mealtime drink is not alone how it tastes, but also what it does. Many a cofiee-user finds wakeful­ ness and restlessness after drinking coffee with the evening meal—and other health- disturbances follow on. There’s double pleasure and benefit in Postum; delightful taste, complete satis­ faction, and agreeable friendship with nerves and health. There’s charm without harm in Postum. Let a ten-days’ trial of Postum instead of coffee show you the marked improve­ ment in health and comfort which so many others have found. Give Something Electrical See Our Display Pretty Chau- Sold by grocers everywhere! Postum for Health '‘There’s a Reason” Y our grocer sells Postum in two forms.- Instant Postum (in tins) prepared instantly in the cup by the addition oi boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages) for those who prefer the flavor brought out by boiling fully 2 0 minutes. T h e cost of either form to about one-half cent a cup. M ade by Postum Cereal C o., Inc., Battle Creek, Mich. •S UTILITY PLUS BEAUTY —is the every day-after-day convenience of an Electrical Appliance Gift, adding to the appre­ ciation by the recipient, so why not meet this approval by making sure in selecting your gift from our fine showing. W affle Irons, Percolators, Irons, Toasters, Complete Cooking Sets, Curling Irons— $1.25 and up. Every home is needful som e­ where of lietter and more light from a more beautiful adornment for the room. AVe are showing an extraordin­ ary lwautiful stock of chan­ deliers of all styles. $3.25 and up The Philadelphia Diamond Grid Battery Station Ashland Electric Supply