PACË TWO ASH LA N D D A IL Y ayrar- XT T ID IN G S (Established in 1870) Published Every Evening Except Sunday by A shland daily tidings The problem of the son and daughter who go out ~ — - _ * . . . S , 1 1 • • every evening isn ’t much more distressing than the same kind of furtiace. THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. l ’.ert R. G reer .... v V FIC1AL CITY PA PER ........ At the .-Ashland, Oregon, Postoffiee Mail M atter as Second Subscription Price, Delivered in Citv line Month ........ Three Months .... Six Months .. One Year . I’j Mail and Rural Routes: One I or ih j iii oc Aiontiis __ '■ 1 i r ■, r . Class , 1„ Y early C o n tra c ts : One insertion a w i.............................................. Two insertions a week............. , .......................... Daily insertion ......... * , 41 , . . One Ot the most unpromising situations on earth is 1 95 _ 3 _ 75 imding one’s self a leading contender for a presidential 7 5ft nomination six months prior to the convention. 7.50 Í fi H r.fl 1 single insertion, per inch ................................. The movies announce one reel films depicting the life of the ant, spider, bee, etc. Imagine sitting through a slow movie of a tortoise. .30 New Senators Who Are to Sit in Next Upper House Wednesday, fleeeinber S, 1028 land office plum will KLAMATH LAKE HAS FALL TO MEDFORD MAX INCH AND A HALF ICE £ ‘of toda> which cuts the profit to a narrow margin, and discuss the ■ im portant problem of efficiency, * Increased Efficiency a.nd Quality”- WASHINGTON, Dec. L __H J An irtch anti ? half of ice waR Is the short course slogan. Canady, of Medford, will be ap- lhe si&ht that met the eyes of : Practical w’ork in butterm aking, pointed register of the land office Klam ath lake m ariners this moru- “Showing the F lag“ Ju n k et Will ice-cream making, and cheese at Roseburg, despite averse re p o rts 'in g as they prepared to leave tile Compare with U. S. Trip making will be given. The a fte r­ Around World. of the interior departm ent, it was ; a u ' , , ,1___ , L Shippiugton docks, says the Mon­ noons wil be spent in the cream - authoritatively learned. Canady day's Herald. The ice extended as Oregon dairymen interested in cry on work to dem onstrate points is recommended Medford 13 lo v u u iiu v u u e u by uy t the ne M e a io r t far as the eye could reach. Before m anufacture will have an oppor- brought out in the lectures. Lee* Organization and Senators Mc- Captain W ickstrom ’s power boat tunity to pick up the most up- Hires will also be given on factory Nary and Stanfield. Protests Modoc could depart it required to-date inform ation in the short management, judging dairy pro­ against Canady are said to have several m inutes’ work breaking course at tlie agricultural college ducts, bacteriology and on testing 'T * ° . T Ss than to purchase a season ticket, presidential nom ination, perhaps for them. The cost is v ¡thin the reach of all. I)o not stop with the University of North Dakota, the vice-presidency. T h in k w h a , , h ese electric con_ where he was a star football play­ the purchase of tickets for yourself and family, but see er, F razier began preparations to Already political pilgrims, are veniences w o u ld m ean to y o u if to it that vo neighbors and frineds arc persuaded to at- study medicine, but the death of trekking to Copeland’s suite in y o u h ad to keep h o u se! P lan to tend ami give deserved financial support, To do so means his fath er and older brother for­ the senate office building. He is make this Christm as one to be ced him to retu rn to manage the being called into high political rem em bered/ Visit your dealer’s continuance and growth for the Fail-. farm. He soon became a thorough stu ­ dent of farm economics and, notic- ing that farmprs oftentim es conferences and gatherings. Mc­ today. Adoo has been a frequent caller; THE CALIFORNIA OREGON so has Underwood, an avowed POWER COMPANY candidate. A HINDERANCE TO DEVELOPMENT 111 111: aJilress to an Ashland audience yesterday noon A. S. Dudley, executive manager of the State Chamber of strutk A balance 0,1 the wrong By profession Copeland is not side of the ledger, set him self to a politincian. All his life he has C ominerce '■<•1 erred to the class of people who are favored bqtter ag ricultural conditions hv Nature inheritance, or some other sonreí1 with an easy through political aud legislative practiced medicine, headed m edi­ colleges and was H ealth Com­ Jiving, yet give back nothing to their communities. They action. To this end he assisted in cal missioner of New York City, when are better described in the statement that they receive all, forming the N on-Partisan League, elected, in 1922, over Senator hoping only to m itigate ru ral dis­ Calder, the Republican incumbent yet give nothing in return. tress and with no thought of of­ Copeland received the degree of It is not unlikely that almost every community in the ficial position. Doctor of Medicine from the Uni­ nation is inlested with this particular type of people, but When the first N on-Partisan versity of Michigan in 1889. Since in some communities they all hut predominate, and un­ League State convention was th a t time he has been given de­ fortunately for the community in which they live. It mat- held in Fargo April, 1916, F ra ­ grees by Lawrence University and was knowing th a t his name h '1 ' i !,i i” v independent a man mav he financiallv. lie zier Syracuse University, and he is a was under consideration for the Fellow of the American C ollege! ma\ mm no »oan anything »»mt he in a position to pay gubernatorial nom ination. He was of Surgeons. 1 ¡ Hiai bi* gets and more, yet that does not relieve him called td 'th e telephone and told of lit ni i e - i . - >1 ility to his community, his people ami so-!his section. He won the nom- A fter a post-graduate course in eietx in general. No man likes to he called a leech, but ination over two opponents and E urope, Copeland was appointed a that are n any who resemble'the leech in their Diethods Í wa^'re-eiecud1101^ Thtee tim6S professor in the Michigan Medi­ cal School, a position he held for ' < l living and in their dealings with their communities. A fter defeat in the Fall of 1921 13 years. During his residence at i do loeeive the facilities for protection, education, Frazier came back in 1922, won Ann Arbor he served as Mayor, business and social life and give nothing in return is not the Republican prim ary nomina president of the Board of Educa­ playing t ’ne game fairly. It constitutes a hindrance to the tion over Senator McCumber, tion and member of the State I chairm an of the powerful Senate Board of Trustees. development and growth of the town and community. Finance Committee ;nxl co-author Tuberculqsis In 1908 he was called to New ( o m m u u itits o infested, retard the growth of their geo­ of the present tariff law. His York to become Dean of Flower graphical sections, and they in turn constitute an im­ election proved easy. Hospital Medical College. T h is , Frazier in 1903 m arked Miss position he filled for ten years un pediment in the growth and 'development of their state. SPARE THE SAINT! af the peril of dire evils, keep hands off Iconoclast: Santa Flans! Tim .iconoclast is a rabid, red radical in the realm of sentii.,ei;t. lie has no imagination and he would dog- i atieally, : .'lii<:,h prohibit tlie exercise of this inner source of pleasure to others. It costs him nothing; it ean- i >t do him harm for others to enjoy what is beyond his I’eae! ; v. hid business is it of his that there are myths that bring joy and happiness to millions? Veni> ago tlie New York Sun printed an editorial in r. p use to a little g irl’s question, “ Ts there a Santa Claus?" Ph ¡t editorial is a classic. It has been annual­ ly reprinted by many papers tlie world over. The argu­ ment w;m all pre-ented and assurance given that the good Suhi! still lives and will live long after all the ienonoelasts .and Sero:.g< - thal ever were are turned into the common­ est sort of clay. There was «»n<>e a man who attended a funeral of ÍTl’Oíi ’ ami nond citizen and in the midst of the sincere o tributes A who recalled the kindly deeds and ex- eropla ry « s of the deceased, rose and reminded the eongregf of imturners that once, when the deceased was quit »1 ung man, he had made one misstep. That tactless vii or o f all that is decent and sacred and of taste aud a "hpriateness is a pattern of perfect thought-' fulness hv tli • crass smasher of tlie delightful fictions' which have m :Je youth happier for the centuries "G reat truths »ire portions of the soul of man; great souls are portion» of eternity.” —James R. Lowell. Lottie Stafford. When twin daughters were born they were named Unie and Versie, in honor of tlie University of North Da­ kota. til comandered by Mayor Hy-1 lan for Commissioner of H ealth. Mis m ajority over Calder was 281-.246 votes. He polled heavily in New York City. waffle iron table grill toaster percolator heater curling iron vacuum cleaner cooking range w ashing machin« sew ing m achine ironer heater pad Guaix G J- r- j I B ___ Tire on the Market A C-T-C Tire FREE If It Does Not Outwear Any Other Tire I ft T TNTIL January 15th authorized y-, C-T-C tire dealers will match a C-T-C tire on any user's car against any other tire of the same size on the market. H ■ », Place a new C-T-C tire on any wheel of your car opposite a new tire, equal size, of any other make you care to choose. Then drive them continuously until one gives out. Ê ß ft If the C-T-C fails to outwear the other tire, you will get another C-T-C tire FREE. 'A.' This astounding’ factory Guaranty is simply an offer to PROVE to every tire user the remark­ able performance of these hand-built C-T-C tires and to demonstrate the good faith of the manu­ facturer behind them. j«3 tires wtIn‘t skhl—and can be driven at low inflation to Conserve the Car.” They are the strongest, toughest, longest endunng tires built. BUY YOUR TIRES FOR SPRING NOW In spite of their GUARANTEED SUPERIORITY • C-T-C s cost NO MORE than ordinary tires. HJ T IR E S Leedom’s Tire House Beaver Block D ECEM BER SA LE COATS an d LAST TIMES TODAY „ i , ___ OF D RESSES WOMENS WINTER COATS —all new this season and made of the Materials Wanted, Dressy Coats, Plush Coats, Sport Coats THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL' All Greatly Reduced Priced 5|495 to 54475 BUY YOUR NEW DRESS _at Reduced Prices Dresses in both Silk and Wool all go in this sale. Priced $ 9 9 5 to 529^ Thins.—Fri —Sat. MR S. W A L L A C E R E I D 111 “Human Wreckage The Picture the Whole World Knows About Toys On The Balcony The Quality Store Do Your Christmas Shopping Here