PAGE FOUR ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS ■ M l ■ M M M M M * M Tuesday, Dwt-mber 4, a MN Orres cleans clothes P h o n e '64. 600 DEAD LOCAL MINSTRELS Get your Christm as gifts at the; (Continued from page 1) P. E. O. charity bazaar at J. P. Dodge and Son’s 3tore on T h u rs -!whon n r , tnc, , „ , . * ,, - when not engaged in taking a * i ‘close-up” of the many feminine „ . , o. _ 7 i perform ers, formed the basis for President- of U n iversity of Ohio E njoyed Short \a c a t io n — i . , , Secured as L ecturer for A n­ rizx», X- raser is ■ at . work , many of lus jokes. A fter a rath er Mrs. Donald F • extended inspection of the dan­ ual Session. in the Chamber of Commerce af-" cers and singers, Seth informed A D aily C hronicle o f th ose w ho com e and go, and even ts o f ter a two day vacation. his audience th at the costumes re ­ Local interest. BEND, Dec. 4.— Dr. E. B. Bry­ minded him of a barbwire fence, an President of the University' Orres cleans clothes clean. I 76-3 1 *n that they offered protection, i of Ohio, one of the leading edu Phone 64— we call. K n igh ts Tem plar ! New C lerk in E nders— ¡yet offered no obstruction to the ; cators of the United States and M alta Com m ander? No. 4 Miss Anna Lum an is working in v’ew- j well known as a brilliant platform Masonic Hall the notion departm ent of Enders To B rem erton— Miss BIancne Blanche McLean danced ; orator, has been secured as lec- lec and Pom nanv Mi«o t nmnn win Mr- and Mrs- H - c - Shaffer left! Mlss St ".ted conciave, W ednesday, lats night for Brem erton, W ash., j in usual pleasing m anner. Mrs. j tu re r for the annual session of ° ' — .....................— .. j ?c. 5. Election of offi- off!- ! stay fetay during ___ _______ __ ______ ______ x i Alice . . , , , McGee uac ™ m,i » — Bud .. d u rin E the th * Christm as rush. rush evening Dec. where they were called unexpect- led ♦»,* the Rose the Oregon State Teacher’s As­ cers; also work in Order of Tem­ I edly by the illness of a member of i chorus with a charm th a t won her sociation by the President of the , ple. R efreshm ents afterw ards. O. E. S. __ their family. A vacation had been many new friends. The chorus Association. Superintendent G. W. ___ * sojournng . „„ . to th a t city later in . . . the Visiting o and Sir , R egular m eeting Alpha Chap- * planned was an excellent attraction and Ager, of Bend. K nights courteous?/ invited. Con-i ter No. 1 O. E. S. this rpue8^ a y mon^b the young ladies acquitted them The convention will be held in ( lave at 7:30 sharp. evening 7:30 o'clock. Election of ______ selves with credit. Portland at the Lincoln High F. H. JOHNSON. E. C. officers. All visiting members cor­ Special Holiday reductions in A Hawaiian act was a pleasing School on December 27, 28, 29. dially invited. Refreshm ents. W. H. DAY, Recorder. suits and overcoats— tailored to feature of the cabaret program . For the general sessions efforts your m easure at Orres tailor shop Mrs. Alice McGee, Miss Velma are being made to secure another Mr. J. R. E lliott has taken over Maple squares— 30c. Bon Ton. upstairs. 76-3 Clapp, Floyd and Chas. Rush and , speaker of qual rank with Doctor from Mr. E lhart, the Agency for H ere t om K lam ath Fails— Chas. Robinson composed the Ha- • Bryan. The annual session will the San Francisco papers. Phone Handm ade gifts of all kinds at! _____ quintet, „ ___ _ waiian which *cuuc,cu rendered i open a t nine o o’clock, 1. 79-2* n r n clock, Tuesday, R etu rn s to C alifom the P. E. O. charity bazaar T h u rs-; a num ber of pleasing selections,' December 27, with a m eeting of Miss Bessie W agner, who has , day at J. P. Dodge and Sons store. I featuring the steel g u itar and usu- the R epresentative Council ben visiting at the home of h er j V isit from K la m a th F a lls — i al instrum ents of the Hiwaiians. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Purdy, of The general session of the As­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. W ag-: Linoleum Proves P o p u l a r - j As a-fittiug climax to the act, Miss _ sociation _ _ convenes UC8 ai uine o o’clock C1OCK K lam ath Falls, are guests at the at nine ner on Oak street, for the p a s t' ' olium is being laid orf the Clapp danced the Hula in a man-1 Friday morning. December 28. I several d a j j and spent Thanks­ home of Mrs. Bussy on Second e n U r e lp p e r ^ o T o f" t h T v i J Î g app, X b r° Ught f° rth * St° rm ° f ! The ° £ ning addrO8s wil1 be street. Mr. and Mrs. P urdy plan giving here, returned last night j en by Dr. Bfyan. From reports al- on No. 11 to San Francisco. Miss» to locate somewhere in southern Theatre hag also been carpeted ; The Trained H orse. ready received by officers of the W agner is a graduate and has Oregon and are looking over Ash- with cork compositioil carpet and , land with th a t view in mind. H ilty’s confectionary and pool! Barney Google, represented by Asociation, it is estim ated that!! done post-graduate work at the “ Chick” Farlow, and who made a ! there will be more than two thou I hall on A street has also been U niversity of California and is Buy him a tailored to m easure thoroughly renovated and made Jiggs-like escape from one of the | sand teachers from all sections now doing medical research work suit or overcoat for Xmas. Come into u a moi. first viass class esinuiisiuiieiii. establishm ent. tables, leaving and v>»i- chil of Oregon in attendance at this at the Hooper Institute, in con- ------ 1 «mu ------- - -------- ° his ° wife ...... nection with the University. Her and select the cloth »«<1 ar- Swenson and Peebler have la id id ren - reappeared on the stage with session. D epartm ent meetings will work is v e r y absorbing and hieli ’ ange ‘° r ” S tO take his m ea' tho »«oleum in all these places, a trained “ horse,” th a t for horse be held Friday afternoon and ly terhniral. Mls, X e r ia j X T * ° " “ T“ ilOr SlOI> ______ »<• ability was t Shop »>" up- Saturday morning, and the con­ 19-; Orres Remodels clothes up- world beater. Barney handled his vention will close with a general a student of merit stairs. 79-3 “ horse" in a m anner th a t would assembly Saturday afternoon for NOTICE— If you own piaperry, put to shame the leading ring m as­ which there has been provided Our famous Tamales are al- you carry Insurance: it always ways good Trv one— Roue 7 . . 7 ' " 7 " ................ ' “ Lay in your w inter supply of ter of Ringling Bros. The perforin perform - an excellent program of special pays 10 Bet my rates before you ' potatoes from our fresh shipm ent ance of Barney and the horse con music and an address by one of T 69-tf ! insure. X Yeo, of course. 77-tf | of Netted Gems, per bushel $1.75, stituted one of the best hits of the the Eastern speakers. : Plaza M arket. 79 evening. Domino Provost* and The Teachers’ Association is Tillamook cheese, cream cheese, Fresh Homemade Candies at ,_ _ _ _ _ Newton H arrison played the horse, composed of tw enty different de­ cottage cheese, milk and butter. Rose Bros.. 69-tf Cars Slide on Slick Road— and the two deserve a lot of credit partm ents. Program s of unusual We sell the best. D etricks. 5 3tf A Dodge touring car bearing a for th eir part of the act. m erit have been prepared for Salem R esident Liked A shland— California license and reported to these various divisions, the m eet­ A male q u artet, composed of Railroad Man 111— ! Mrs. Susie M. Beaver, who has bo owned by a man from Horn- ings of which will be held on F ri­ C. C. Crowson is the latest vie- ' ben a house guest at the A. M. brook took refuge in a rock cut Loveland, Briggs, Miller and Phet- day afternoon and Saturday teplace, rendered a selection as a tim of sprained ankle. His fall o c -! Reaver and Yockey homes for the miles south of here on the morning. The chairm en of the etirred In the railroad yards and It past six weeks’ returned to her Pacific Highway last night. The part of the eabaret program . sections are as follows: An orchestra, composed of Ash­ is hard to say in what m a n n e r! home in Salem Saturday. Mrs. car was brought to Ashland this A griculture, Forest Rycraft, land’s best musicians, occupied a his foot was turned, causing the j Beaver had not intended to stay m orning and is at the Automotive sprain. He will probably be un -H n Ashland as long as her visit Shop’ Da,naSes »r e not serious as place in the scene and provided ex­ Lebanon; Art, Miss E sther W uest, able to work for several weeks, finally ended in, but she is en­ it is said the car was traveling cellent music for the perform ers. Portland: City Superintendents, The program closed with a song Supt. A. M. Cannon, Hood River; thusiastic over the city and may slowly. Bent fenders and other by the chorus, bringing to an end Classroom Teachers, Miss Elsie slight repair^ will be made. Have a fit a t Orre3. Tailors for retu rn here. one of the best evenings of en ter­ M. Neave, G rants Pass; Com­ men and women. U pstairs. 4-tf . Netted Gems, the better cook- tainm ent ever enjoyed in the city. merce, R. D. Taylor, P ortland; Big reductions in Overcoats tailored to X m e a j " “ 5 ¡’“T ? W ‘n ' " F a ir’ The Vining was packed for the H igher Education. Dean Colin V. M ove Today— show, many of th e spectators com­ Dyment, University of Oregon, sure lo r C hristo,as al Orres tail-i ’ ’ ' ” M arkeL Mr. and Mrs. William Nelson ing from Medford and other neigh­ Eugene; History, P. E. C hristen­ 79.3 ' and daughter, Betty Jane, dep art­ or shop upstairs. j Alpine Milk, an Oregon product boring points. son. City High School, Eugene; ed today for K lam ath Falls where Many beautiful gifts at Dar- h * ? 8 USOd iH a cookin^ demon- Economics, K atherine Much credit for the splendid H o m e they will reside in the f u tile . Mi. ling Studio. 75 jstratio n at the Plaza M arket. Asli- perform ance rightfully belongs to Kooken, Girls’ Polytechnic, P o rt­ ad Mrs. Nelson have been active ° ’11 j land women are invited to see and Carl Loveland, who directed the land; Industrial Arts, W ashing­ in railroad circles and will be G arm ent, T ^ d - r e t o n d e l e t l ! ’ aS8 »” tha a a a '» y » ' show. The character of the p er­ ton High, Portland: Librarians, ""S missed by their num erous friends. and repaired a . Orres T .tio r S h o t ^ „ ‘e i " ^ formance reflects great credit on Superintendent Twyla Ferguson. Various social functions have — upstairs. Phone 64.. 76-3 ' ™ Mr. Loveland, as well as those who K lam ath Falls; Modern Langu­ been given preceeding their going. ages, P. A. Get’ Roosevelt High, participated. ’ T em perature M oderate— They were guests at the Hotel .... , The show was an excellent fin­ Portland: Music, Miss Louise « in d o » ,, a re P r e t t y - The warm south wind which Columbia last night. Oregon K rnggle B rothers and the Auto started this morning brought re-* ancial success and the Lithians, W oodruff. M arslitield; Top Company have p rettily decor- lief , 0 ,lea r t, of A shlanders who sponsored the event, are g ra t­ State Council of English Teachers Darling Studio— Sittings even ated windows (or C hristm asi for th e cold w eather th a t h a , e i- ified with the liberal attendance. Miss Ida V. Turney, University of ings by appointm ent. Phono No. 8 Oregon, Eugene; Oregon State vergreens, laurel, and m istletoe I isted here was not received kind- 75tf serve the background for motor ly. Rain driven by a swishing j The women of Ashland are in­ Council of Geography Teachers, fixtures th at are imbedded in south wind, started falling at vited to observe, and sample pro­ Miss Jessie McGregor, Portland B u sin ess V isitor— " cotton- noon and continued at intervals ducts from Alpine Milk demon- ! Public Schools; Physical Train- E. R. Grieve was in Ashland stration being conducted today j '*lg’ p>ean Dovard, Univer- : throughout the afternoon. yesterday from H ornbrook op a Are you hard to fit? Have your and W ednesday a t the Plaza Mar- Rity of Ore«on- Eugene; Psycho- business trip. Ruit tailored to m easure at Paul- logy and Education, S uperintend-iis s Netted Gems, the b etter cook­ serud’s. It costs no more. ent M. S. Hamm, Roseburg: ! ing potato, during W inter F air, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Large loaf— quality bread 10c. School Principals, Principal A us-; H per bushel, $1.7.5. Plaza M arket. Bon Ton. 34-tf Our hand dipped Imperial FOR SALE— Shepherd puppies tin Landreth, Pendleton; Voca- i Chocolates represent the best__ P raised the M instrels— $5.00 each. Jesse Neil. 79-3 tional Education, A. R. N ic h o ls,¡H Rose Bros. 69-tf Iteparted Y esterday— Oregon A gricultural College, Cor­ A. S. Rosenbaum. district Miss Ruth Collison, of Los FOR SALE— Auto k n itte r prac­ vallis; R ural Schools, J. Alton freight and passenger agent, was | a guest at the Chamber of Cora- tically new. Will sell at half price. Thompsn, Bend; Science and Angeles, who has been the house D eparted Saturday— Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Oslin d e p a rt-1 merce luncheon today with H. O. Call 151 N ursery St. Saturday M athematics, L. E. Griffin, Reed ! HI guest of Miss K atherine Parsons ' ¡a B 79-3* College. a short time, departed yesterday ed Saturday on th eir retu rn trip Frobach, also up from Medford, afternoons. for Mills College, where she plans to Santa Clara, Cal. They visited Mr- Rosenbaum declares th a t FO R SALE— Netted Gem pota­ to attend Homecoming. Miss Par- here a short time with relatives there were 75 people from Med- toes. another car, per bushel, Have your clothes cleaned a n d eons entertained her guest with and friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. ford who attended the M instrels $1.75, a t Plaza Market. repaired before the Holiday ru s h .* ® Bocial gaietes and she was intro­ Crimmins plan to leave soon for I last n iSht and he praises them P aulserud’s. 78tf FOR SALE— Thoroughbred saying the show is one duced to a large circle of friends. the same city to spend the Christ-1 very ° t the best th a t has been given in P itt Bull dog 1 year old. Very Her departure was regretted by mas holiday. ______ ! Southern Oregon. alert, good m anners. Inquire 280 DU DLEY IS SPE A K E R those who had the pleasure of AT LUNCHEON ¡HI m eeting her. H argadine St. 79-3* Mr. Automobile O w ner:— Do ---------- you know there is a difference Try our fresh klppered salmon FO R SALE— Good five room “D etricks.” (Continued from page 1) 53-tf Yes we m ake suits in our shop. in autom obile rates? You can save! plastered house, fine location. — We have expert cutters and money by insuring with me. Close in. Inquire a t 46 Union St. chased homes in the state. Yeo. of course. 77-tf tailors a t Orres Tailor Shop up­ 78-1* In his earlier rem arks Mr. Dud stairs. 76.3 ley pointed out the apparent ease "Virgin wool suits and overcoats FO R RENT— Modern furnished wifh , m«« w hk 7 7 with whlch mauy residents of $20 and up, at Paulseruds. 7Stf house, with garage, m woodshed, M otor to M edford— Oregon live and prosper, and call- H hen house, yard, fru it, garden, Mrs. Ruth W’allace. Miss Doro­ nice lawn, flowers. $30.00 per ed attention to the necessity, o r : ?H! thy Abbott and Miss Ella Lisch- R eturn H om e— duty, of each giving back to h is , 5 ^ month. 10S9 Boulevard. Phone Mrs. W. R. Parshall has re­ efsky motored to Medford Friday 319-L. 79.3 community at least part of that j on a shopping expedition. Stores turned to her home in Montague which he receives from it. In Medford are in galla decor­ California after spending the Discusses F ru it FOR SALE— Cheap, Ford to u r­ ation preparatory to Christmas. Thanksgiving holiday tim e with Mr. Dudley exhibited a rath er i ing car body. Inquire G. S. Butler. her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. 79-3* optim istic outlook for the fruit in -jlH dustry of the state. He told o f ' H We deliver the goods. Service Smith at 116 E ast Main street. WANTED— A puppy at Oregon having paid 25 cents for tw o ! Is our m otto. D etricks— phone Hotel. Phoue 112. 79-3 The Oregon Hotel will take Bose pears while on a recent trip 62’ 53tf steady roomers at $5.00 per week FOR SALE— Three cook and East. He referred to the stagna- for one or $8.00 for two. Hot and three heating stoves, also stove tion in the .apple m arket and ex- G uests Y esterday in A shland__ cold w ater. Steam heat. 77-1 repairing done. At Eagle Brass plained it by saying that the Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Exendine W orks. Oherlain street. 79-6* states of the Middle W est are in = of Pullman, \\ ash. were guests direct competition with Oregon 3 1 Swifts— Bacon, Boiled Ham.j last night at Hotel Ashland. Wm. INVESTM ENT BARGAIN— A and W ashington apples this y e a r., ==1 Gray, Jr. ¡3 among late arrivals Chipped beef and lard. Get It a t furnished house of five rooms all due to a bumper crop, but gave it l§f 53-tf from San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Detricks. I t’s the best. in good condition, modern plum b­ as his opinion th at Oregon eli- A. J. Kotcher of Grand Rapids, ing, plastered, pantry and closets, mate, together with quality pro- I f f Wisconsin were among out-of- To California— large lot, 75x142 feet, garage, duction, will finally bring the 1 Mrs. Aaron Andrews is visitng • town visitors. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. chicken house and correll, wood local product into its own. Cruz, vai. Cal. Van Ness were guests yesterday her daughter in Santa o«uia vruz, house, good garden plat, plenty ____________, H. O. Frobach. secretary of tho from Fresno. Mr. and Mrs. J. R 1 aDd plaRS to v5sit other re la tives of household fru it trees such as ¡Medford Cham ber of Commerce. 8 1 ■ 1 in California before retu rn in g to H ughes, of W enatchee. Cherries, Apples, Pears and her and A. S. Rosenbaum, d is tric t! w ere in e rt» a , n „ , el C olum bia' ' “!!', ? '‘<'r Chria«”’a s - Sha ries. Good location for Rail Road freight and passenger agent, were l « t night. W. L. ButU-r and wt e Ea" F ran ‘' ' ” ° men, always rented. Pays _ a re- among the visitors present and !sB Qhomæs kfei^haji in the Of CnrvoiHa , . 10 lld sPpnd Christm as with two P a.rim o u .n i P ic t u r e ' tu rn on the investm ent of 11 Per ■ both spoke briefly. The form er S I or8 “ Lite visit-; duagliters in San Diego. Business cent over the Taxes. ‘Homeward, Bound,* told of the present endeavor of ! interests in Santa Cruz will also Reasonable term s will be giv- his organization in selling Med-1 I S , share her time. [en after the first payment, which ford to Medford people, and said ! S g Fresh fru it cake and mince ---------- should be not less than 1-3 of the th a t the next step would be to 1/ ’ ME TMF4Tes BtAliTin'I. m eat Ingredients— brown s u g a r,' Vacation is Ended__ ! purchase price, this ad will ap- sell Jackson county to Ja c k so n ; citron, spices, orange peel, lemon Miss Ethel Swisher has resum- , pear but this once, and the first county people, in which thev ^ peel, w alnuts and so forth. De- ed her work at the Plaza after a I come first served. BEAVER would ask the cooperation of tricks. W s deliver. 69-tf* vacation. J REALTY CO. - 79 1 Ashland. Ï0 MEET DEC. 27-8-9 V V ilV iU t V , The Christinas More Do Your Shopping Here T O Y L A N D IS R EA D Y 1» V U liV O U U J n M - l 1 « »A a « a «• zx _ A _ _ Bring the Children to Toyland and let them see what a wonderful array of Toys Santa Claus has provided to help make his Christmas the Merriest ever. - Low prices on all offerings allow yen Io buy liberally for vour * children. t D olls —B ooks —G ames — Steam Engines, Electric Railroads, Automobiles, Drums, Dishes—Sand Dishes, Scuffed Animals, Air Guns, Cook Stoxes, Pile drivers, Meccano sets—Christmas tree Ornamens N’everything. BUY B L A N K E T S N 0 W! _ Today and Tomorrow A Gift for the Home. You will find a wonderful selec­ tion here. IT 00Z Blankets, Priced Pair $ 3 .9 5 t0 $ 1 9 .9 5 PTooZ Finish Blankets, Pair $ 3 .2 5 t0 $ 4 .9 5 Weaneell Cotton Blankets . . $ 2 .4 5 t0 $ 3 .4 9 Pendleton” Fancy Indian Blankets and Rohes for Xmas Gifts —priced $ 7 .5 0 Shop Early” In the Morning S2L00 E. 8. ISAAC S GO. Gifts for Lvcry Member of the Kani ¡IV Sho Earlu —Ashland Merchants Are Preparing —Some Wonderfully Attractive -C h ristm as Offerings. They Will —Inform You of Their Stocks Thru —The Pages of the Tidings. Read —These Advertisements. They are —The Business News of the Town, and —Give Ashland Merchants A our —Business. You Wil! Find Their —Qualities and Prices and Service as —Valuable as the Personal News in —The Tidings.