ÀSËtÂNb MUA írbíÑos PROFESSE )NAL ch eerfu l words ! j- »■>< i l »»» »■*■« » s »»»_»>■» « Tuesday, tkxeinbcr 4, Ji>23 »♦ » I m Thanksgiving dinnetf a feast. The the school year opportunities ones enjoying this pleasant hos­ arose whereby th is same chapter F o r Many an Ashland Household ' ’ PHYSICIANS pitality were the Misses Allen, wag enabled to be of service to To have the pains and aches of MBS. GRACE 1 . ANDREWS, Editor .Stephenson, R e e d , A n d erso n ,, different high school students. It DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi- a had hack removed— to be en- Phooe Items to her at 345-R, between It» A M. and 2 P M. Sims. Eby. Keiting. There were a j is in order to do this work on a dence and office, 108 Pioneer (Rely free from annoying, danger- and evenings. number of other guests invited for somewhat larger scale th at they avenue. Telephone 28. Office ous urinary disorders, is enough »■» » »»»I » » M U M » the social evening th at followed. will hold a bazaar on Thursday hours, 10 to 12 a. m .; 2 to 5 to make any kidney sufferer grate- Calendar of the Week— • * ♦ dinner was served at noon with of this week at the J. P. Dodge p. m. only. ful. The following advice of one! Tuesday, Dec. 4— Covered Dish the Thanksgiving bird as piece E n tertain Ju n io r High Teacher« & Sons F u rn itu re store, where Mis9 Edna Goheen and Mrs j lovely gifts at all prices will be DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— P rac­ who has suffered will prove help- Luncheon. Civic Club at Club de resistance, accompanied by alt ful to hundreds of Ashland re a d -1 House, 12:30 . the delicacies of the season that .-Weston Henry were hostesses at , obtainable. tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose and Tuesday, Dec. 4.— P. E. O.. go to make a Thanksgiving feast, i a “ Juvenile” party given for the ( ____ th ro at— X-ray including teeth. era- Mrs. Jennie Hammond, 649 E . ! Tuesday evening. Do R __ The guests were cousins of Mrs. teachers of Junior High at Miss! Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5^ them later, Wednesday. Saturday, Dec. 4-8 Swenning and were retu rn in g Goheen’s pleasant apartm ent a t ' r»arHr.l "My 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland. ^ ain ^t., Ashland, says that kidneys troubled me for some time — W inter F air C hautauqua Bulld- from an e x t e n d ,„ u r of Mrs. Van S an fs. Ore. 75tf and I had such severe backaches •' ing. east, visiting a daughter in Phil- The quests came in youthful ______ ’ DR. E. B. ANGELL——Chiropractic it was hard for me to keep going, Friday, Dec. 7.— Missionary adelphia and the Pershing fa m ily .! CO9tume> the games carired out and Electro-Therapy. Office I was hardly ever free from diz- Meeting a t C hristian Church. Af­ Mrs. Bechtol is a cousin of Gen- the not-so-longlago childhood o f ,« De[ ^ c° “ r„ fresh k,pppred salmon phone 48; residence 142. F irst ziness and headaches and the ac- ternoon and evening. eral Pershing. Mr. Bechtol has Itke Buests and the refreshm ents ° S’ 53-tf N atlonal Bank building. tion of my kidneys was irregular. ' Friday, Dec. 7— Ladies Aid, held a responsible position with WPre Quite in line: the first course i ——---------------------- the G reat N orthern R. R. for the deliciously dainty supper ! _ Doan’s Pills helped me more than Presbyterian Church, DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings any other remedy I ever tried and I * • * years. Mr. and Mrs. Bechtol left served> being bread and milk and & SHORT COURSES office Phone 91. it was not long before I was free Home G athering#— for th eir Portland home the lastj anim a> crackers, Intensive practical instruction DR. ERNEST \V. SMITH— C hiro-j from the backaches and other Mr. and Mrs. Beecher Danford of the week. The favors w’ere all-day suck in agricultural specialties varying from praetor, near Postoffice. Hours signs of kidney com plaint.” j wer host and hostess a t a gath- * * * ers and these were dressed by the lo ^ s: one week to 20 weeks as’ fol- 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t : ering of the clan, at which twen- Mr. and Mrs. Stephens E n tertain Buests. The one doing it most ar- General A griculture Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Stephens ! tistically scured a reward of m erit j simply ask for a kidney remedy ty-five members of the Grubb Jan. 2-March 19 PLUMBING’ _ get Doan's Pills— the same th at families were present for the were host and hostess at a very that would delight the heart of H orticulture Jan. 2-March 19 JER RY O’NEAL— Plumbing. 201 Mrs. Hammond had. Foster-M il-! Thanksgiving feast, a t high noon, elaborate Thanksgiving dinner any child. Dairy M anufacturing burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. jin th eir beautiful new home. At a late hour the guests said E ast Main. Phone 138. to a large num ber ot friends. A Jan. 7-Feb. 2 No. 4 1 1 Those who gathered for the turkey, so large th a t it had to be reluctant goodnights. Herdsmen and Cow Testers MONUMENTS * • ♦ ! “ • - ------ « reunion were Mrs. J. L. Grubb prepared a t a local restau ran t Jan. 2.-June 12 and all the delicionus things th at -Missionary M eeting at C hristian Parm Mechanlcs, Tractors, Trucks, MONUMENT— MARKERS f fn liiiiin a nd faml,y Mr family, and Mr9 Mr. Butler etc. uaassinea c o lu m n Walker and Jim ‘ go with a Thanksgiving feast Church— Lowest Prices Jan. 2-March 19 C lassified Column R ates W alker, Mrs. Sarah W alker, Mr. were served at this hospitable On Friday of this week. Miss' ASHLAND GRANITE CO. Farm Mechanics (one week) One cent the word each and Mrs. Jack True, Mr. and Mrs. board. Goldie Wells a returned mission-, Feb. 18-Feb. 23 3rd and E ast Main St. 223-6mo. The newest designs in bases and shades for time. H arry Grubb, Mr. and Mrs. Lar- ary from Africa and Mrs. Swope Third Annual C anner’s School tloor or table use offer many su g g e st ions fo r ASHLAND GRANITE To run every issue for o n e ( kin Grubb and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Lym an E n tertain — the state president of the Wo 1 Eeb‘ 4’Eeb’ 23 Land Classification and Appraisal MONUMENTS beautifying the home at little cost. month or more, the word Applegate and family. The after- Mr. and Mrs. Lyman, of L in -!man 8 Misisonary Society of the Jan. 7-Jan. 12 Oregon G ranite Co. each time. noon wa8 8pent jn th e delightful coin street had as th eir guests on C hristian church will be present A gricultural E conom ic C onference S. PENNISTON, Salesman. '---------- ■ ■ = = 9 way th a t relatives and friends of Thanksgiving Jan. 2 1 -Jan. 2 5 Mr. and M rs.1 at open m eetings held both after- Res. 47« Laurel Phone 4 44-Y, ! For fu rth er inform ation regar­ Miksch of Bellview who spent th ej noon and evening. Mrs. Swope FOR SALE l° nS standing enjoy. ding any course address -____________ -_______ ; * • • day there in a most delightful wil1 haVG the address of the after- The W illard Service SI ation PLANING MILL The REGISTRAR FOR SALE— Registered Berk- (Mr EntertjUn_ visit. Mr. and Mrs. Miksch had noon’ and M,ss Goldie Wells will OREGON AGRICULTURAL 180 E Main Ashland JORDON’S SASII AND CABINET shire sows and one registered ! Mr. and Mrs. Emil Piel were th eir Thanksgiving dinner on speak a t 7 ;30 in the evetning^ COLLEGE, WORKS, Cor. Helman and boar; also, some young stock. I gracjOU8 host and hostess in their F rid ay for th eir son W alter Mik- Every one interested is invited to Corvallis, Oregon Van Ness. - 194tf Phone 10-F5. 7 7"6 : pleasant home on Granite street sch, who arrived from McMinn- tbp8e meetings. * * * WILLY-KNIGHT SIX, 1920 to a group of relatives and close vllle the night before. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS * » • Kiddies Will Have Xmas Cheer__ friends on Thanksgiving Day at model, alm ost good as new, for W hittle T ransfer A Storage Co. two o’clock. Thanksgiving Dinner— Thanks to the efforts of the $450. Ashland Auto Company. for SERVICE. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Anderson W’ C’ T ’ U- in Planning for th e ' Covers were laid for ten at this 77-3 Experienced movers and pack­ _ delightful dinner, at which in- entertained as dinner guests Mr. ) entertainm ent Friday night in j ers o f household goods. Deal­ FOR SALE— Registered tri- terest centered in the royal and Mrs. E. J. Farlow , Mrs. A n -iw hich a num ber assisted, the lit- ers in coal and wood. Phone color collie, female, from prize bird to wihc’h were added all the derson's parents, at a delightful t,e orPhans a t the Farm H om e1 117. winning stocks, 18 months old, delicacies of the season. Thanksgiving dinner at high noon will have a Christmas. Office 89 Oak St. near $20.00. C rater Lake Kennels, In spite of counter attractions The guest list included Mrs. Thursday. Hotel Ashland Medford 30 Keene Way. 78-3* Applegate, Mrs. Mary Dunn, Mrs. . a large audience gathered at the TRANSFER AND EXPRESS- Mr. and Mrs. B ates E n tertain on Presbyterian ch.ych to enjoy the Elizabeth Van Sant, Mrs. Atkin­ FOR SALE- -To close an estate ___________ ____________________ Thanksgiving—» Brogram given. This was made up T. L. POW ELL— General T ra n s -' J room house, large barn and son. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chitwood Mrs. Selma Gray and Mr. W ar- a n ,,mber of interesting read- fer— Good team and motor j other out-buildings. 3 1-3 acre of j Jacksonville and Miss Lydia ner were complimented guests at ings by the Rov- and Mrs. trucks. Good service at a rea- hind with free w ater right. Gall ■ * • • a delicious six oclcok dinner a t IjGRBctt. The selections varied in sonable price. Phone 83. at ®3 N. Main. 76tf Guests at the Henry's— the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nate sentinient— from grave to gay to FOR SALE— Modern 3 room ! Mr. and Mrs. W eston Henry en­ Bates on Scenic Drive, Thanks- 9uit TRANSFER AND EXPRESS preferences of the listen- K ing’s Transfer, general hauling, bungalow, acre ground, garage tertained very delightfully at giving. The evening was spent in er8’ Sonie> P°ems by well known Dry wood for sale, l ’hone 113, ‘‘hicken h ouse, lots of fruit, good th eir cozy ap artm en t on Vista, a t the pleasant visit of friends. j authors, others clever bits of Plaza Pool Hall. 45_t f , location. Price $1200. Robison & an elaborate dinner party on • • • (hum or carrying a message. ------------------------------------------------Wilde. 73-tf Thanksgiving evening. Thanksgiving at th e H arbor’»__ Tbe Qu a rte tt.e from the M. E. PIANO TEACHER ---- —______ .... _______. Mr. and Mrs. B arber enter- cboir’ Mr" Yeo’ Mrs- Crews, Mrs. The complimented guests were Mrs. J. R. R obertson, certified | FOR RENT Miss Gertie Haan and Miss Edna tained Thanksgiving at a very E’ ° ’ Smith and Miss Jean Ander- piano teacher. Credit given in _______ Goheen. delightful dinner, at which covers son sang 1 d Like to Go Down H ighS chool. Phone 341-J 53tf — FolJ RENT— Housekeeping • • . were laid for eleven. Those who South Once More” in their de- apartm ents close in. 573 E. Main CHALMERS S IX PRICES « Family Reunion— enjoyed this bountiful repast DBhtfully finished fashion. Miss St. 77-3* F or a smooth shave, 5>Pas«enger Touring - «1185 Sedan-Coach - - - - ________ _ There was a gathering of rel- were Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fraley, j Eva Poley and Mrs. Perry Ash- »15S5 and quick service, go 7-Passenger Touring - 1295 7-Passenger Sedan - - the Messrs. K arl Rose, and David c ra ft’ sang a duet beautifully ¡~ FOR RENT— 4 room apartm ent atives at the P»eaaa» t A. M." 2095 to the Shell Barber Sport Touring - - - «1335 and garage. Adults only. Call at Beaver home on Thanksgiving Jackson, Mrs. Elizaheth ^ m ith , with Miss Mar9ters a t the piano. Shop, across from De­ 63 N. Main St. 76-tf when the members of the Yockey. Mrs. F. E. Miller, Mr. Geo. W a t- iMiss Jean And^rson and Mr. Yeo Print f . t. i . Drtrtit. Rnrtnut tatt t« bt »¿tit J pot. G rinding of all " - . .. » Herndon and J. B. Beaver fam il- son, and Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Hazle- Sang “ s PrInBtime” very feelingly. . H ydraulic Four-W haal Brake», optional, ^75 extra kinds. C hildren's work WANTED ' Ps assen,bled for the delightful ton, house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Van Fosen at the piano. Mrs. a specialty. E. O. Smith sang the W ard- ------------------------------ vis,t and Thanksgiving feast pre- Barber. W. A. SHELL, Prpo. * ♦ • Stephens arrangem ut of “ There WANTED— W ashing. 248 1st Pared for th eir enjoym ent on th a t 532 A. St. Ashland, Ore St. 62-2mo.* happy holiday. D inner in H onor of Teachers__ L ittle Girl Don’t Cry” in her Successor to A. W. W alker Auto Co. ---------------- — ----------------------- ----. * • • The hospitable home of Mr J p,eaaing way- Miss Laura P res­ MEDFORD, OREGON DRESSMAKING— W ork g u ar­ The Spindler’s Entertain— and Mrs. Louis Schwein was t h e j COtt at the piano- A youug lady anteed. 147 Factory St. Mrs. B. Miss Dorothy Abbott, Mrs. scene of a pleasant gathering whose nai»e I did not learn ac- Van H ardenherg. 67-lm o. Bertha Corth ell and Miss M arjorie Thanksgiving when covers were companied Mrs. Leggett in her Caserole Corthell were complimented laid for nine at a four course six reading “A F ar Country.” M ANTED— Oregon Jo u rn al guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles The proceeds were around $70 Pyrex o’clock dinner, at which the com­ subscribers. We try to Diease our Spindler at a lovely Thanksgiving plim ented guests were Miss Hall and the ladies of the W. C. T. U. custom ers, d ia rie s W. C hattin, dinner. Miss Black. Miss Ruch and Mr. feel e3pecially appreciative for! Jr., A gent. Phone 353-L. 76-6 Miss Abbott and a guest f r o m Don ___ ____ nnai™ Those who shared i those who gave th eir time aud ' Stephens. Baking Dishes, Pie Plates, Medford were honor guests also a t ¡th is gracious hospitality enjoyed ; ta,pnt to the cause of the help- in Silver Service. MISCELLANEOUS a delightful dinner Sunday at the the home feeling and delightful ,e89’ Doran home dinner very much. * * * ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE- -May . . . • * * G uest at th e D oran’s H om e— com m unicate with Ensign Lee Go f<> Medford_ Guest at Dinner__ ! Miss Dorothy Abbott, who Is! of the Salvation Army at the Seven-Passenger Sedan ’2095 Mrs. Josephine D. Crocker w a s !ber froni Minnesota teaching the! W hiteShield Home, 565 May- j Mrs. Josephine Poley the Miss­ Even at this new low price you will find es Minnie and Evangeline Poley, the special guest a t a bountiful fourth grade at the Ju n io r high. fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. nothing lacking, nothing more to be de­ _______________ ________ _ Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Andrews, Thanksgiving dinner gh«en by was e n te rta ined for Sunday din-j sired in this custom-type seven-passenger RESHINGLIXG A CALSOMINING and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. H art- Mrs. and Mrs. M. Switzer a t th eir ner at ,ho home of Mrs. Jam es A. I enclosed car. E quipm ent includes floor exhaust heater, bumpers front and rear, For reshingling or painting and ley and children were dinner cozy ap artm en t in Mrs. C rocker’s ! Doran at 698 Ashland street. nickeled radiator, and cowl and head calsom ining all work guaranteed Bursts at the home of Mrs. Abbie home, on Church. The dinner was I Dorothy Abbott and Alice Doran lamps; dome and rear quarter lights; satin call A. V. Hood, Phone 398 or Thomas of Medford on Thanksgiv- a t noon and the afternoon was _ represent a third generation in nickel hardware, m otom eter, trunk and C. W. Judkins Phone 390-R. Day. spent in visiting. tbe friendship of these two fam- j rack, rear view mirror, windshield wiper and * • • Hies. The g ra n d p a ren ts-o f both! 77-lm o*! . e # visor, soft roof construction, extra wheel Mr. and Mrs. C. D, Woods enter» The Pierce’s Entertain__ ! gir,s were friends in the old days ! BUY CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ! u i n __ Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pierce and of pIoneer life in Minnesota. Mr. Paisley shawl, beautiful pattern, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Davis and Mrs. H arrison entertained at din- (and Mrs. George E. Corey and perfect condition ; hand painted j young son were dinner guests at n er Thanksgiving a num ber of ! d au Bh ter, Mildred, also Minnesota chocolate pot: hat rack, six buf- a most delicious friends of the Dorans, drove over falo horns highly polished; old on relatives and friends. o j ’ Thanksgiving at the hospitable Those who enjoyed the delight­ from Medford and were guests mahogany center table. Shown home of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Woods ful Thanksgiving feast were Mr. at the Doran home in the a fte r­ any tim e except Sunday. 140 • • • and Mrs. H. 8. H arrison, Mr. and noon. Although Miss Abbott met Lincoln St. 7 7 3 • Dinner at the Randles— Mrs. N. H. H arrison and baby, the Corey’s for the first time The largest exclusive paint Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Randles Mrs. Mosier and Miss Ruth L. there was a tie of friendship and wall paper store in South- had a family gathering at which Osmun. which always unites these from A G o o d Thing - DON'T MISS IT. Î ern Oregon. the beginning. « • • sixteen guests were asked to Send you your name and address plainly share their pleasant hospitality Surprise fo r Mr. and Mrs. Reed— Mrs. Doran likened the party written together w»th 5 cents (and th ii! 4 ««»pivur.iy slip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co. D e a m ° 8t e elaborate *aborate six o'clock o ’clock A pleasant surprise was staged t0 an °*d fashioned M innesota 5 Moinea, i AI I,. • » in return t Iowa, and 1 receive Thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving evening, the occa- j ia nihoree. trial package containing Chamberl*in’< • • • • * • sion being the wedding anniver­ tough Remedy for coughs, colds, croup T h an k sgivin g D in n er— oronchial, ‘ flu” and whooping coughs sary of Mr. and Mrs. Reed of Owing to the W inter F air activ­ ind tickling throat; Chamberlain’. Stom The members of the T. W. Wix- Avery street. It was a neighbor- ities of this week and the Christ-1 aeh and Liver Tablets for eiomach trou ’«digestion, gassy pains that crow» on. D. C. Crlmmins, Sam Oslln, hool affair and only the immed­ mas rush which comes immediate-! Ute heart, biliousness and constipafion and Roy Parr families, to the iate neighbors composed the ly after there will be no meeting) hamberlam’s Salve, needed in every number of seventeen were dinner guests. W ith baskets laden with of the Parent-T eacher Council in j W atching cannot always see faniilv for bums, scalds, wounds, pilea guests at an elaborate Thanksgiv­ danger ahead. Dodging cannot delicious refreshm ents, Mr. and December. An im portant m eeting j and skm affections; these valued family medicines for only 5 cents. Don’t miss it ing Repast at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fifield, Mr. and Mrs. is being planned early in Janu-i always miss it. It comes like Mrs. H. J. Butterfield, on our Gray and daughter Madge, and ary when all committees will e ith ­ a flash— does its damage— is national holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Marean proceded to er give reports of work aecom- j UTILITY L* JS -EAL r gone. Every home is needful some­ • • • surprise most completely the host plished or outlines of work to bej where of better and more Insurance against such risks The Coombe's Entontain— and hostess. The evening was carried on the rest of the year. I —is tbe every day-after-day c< ven’u nce t f an guards you from loss at all light from a more beautiful Mr. and Mrs. Coornbe were gra­ pleasantly spent in stories told T r e a tm e n t Electrical Appliance Gift, addi. •; i « tbe’ app « times. ?th local and internal, and has beei cious host and hostess at a beaun- and friendly visit. The P, E . O. Activities— adornment for th e room. We eiation by tbe recipient, so why n o / u . c c t t!i ; • « • iccessful in the treatment of Catarrl tiful Thanksgiving dinner served Only insurance can give you The P. E. O. Sisterhood is a approval by making sure in selecting your ; ’ r ov.r 40 years. Sold by all druggist.« are showing an extraordin­ at four to the following guests: Teachers Entertained— constant financial protection. philanthropic organization which J. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, Ohk ! • from our fine showing. The Misses Temple, Manuel and is not so well known in Ashland ary 1»\. itiful stock of cbaii- J *lr- aad Mrs. Ernest Wallen and Consult your insurance agent — — - — ™ ------------■ ------- ! Junior and Mr. and Mrs. Detrick W illiams were hostesses at a as a specialist in protection. as some other groups. W hile the i.» rs of all styles. W affle Irons. Percolators. Irons. Toasters, r ’oMpletc Thanksgiving dinner, with the main work of this society is to H aw thorn^ teachers cojnpli- assist girls through school each Cooking Sets. Curling Irons— $ 1 .2 5 and up. $3.25 and up Leaves a bad cough. So doM “ flu»' i w» »» and la grippe. But these lingering >. * SwMmin« Ent*«aln mented guests, a t the Merrill | chapter has its own local activi­ coughs yield easily to the healing and Mrs. Swenning on home on the Boulevard. ties. C hapter AC last year gave Real E state and Real In­ and curative qualities of Church street had as guests for The dinner was served at five- baskets at the holiday season surance. (E stab. 1883) C H A M B E R L A IN * « Thlnksglvlng, Mr. and Mrs. I. P. thirty, Friday evening with tu r- which contained food and cloth- Phane 211 41 E ast Main C O U G H « R E M JCDY Bechtol of Portland. key as the piece de resistance and ing, to those who were not reach- Every user is « friend I A most elaborate Thanksgiving all the other things th at make of ed by other organizations. During s o c ie t y Lamps From our present ample display of Lamps, choosing one or more suited for Gift giving is a real pleasure. Jordan Electric Co. Pick Chalmers Six for Advanced Engineering When you pick Chal­ m ers as your ch oice among the finer sixes you are assured of all the ad van tages that advanced engineering can give. Lockheed type hydrau­ lic four-w heel brake equipm ent is typical of the progressive pol­ icy that has put Chal­ mers in the forefront and is keeping it there. Oregon-Califomia Auto Disl. Corp. yZ,. PROVOST BROS %yrt-p verted CHALMERS SIX Wall Paper Paints, Oils, Glass and Building Paper Give Something Electrical J. O. RIGG See Our Display Pretty ( Jian- deliers Danger Is A Quick Traveler Mali’s Catarrh ä g - ^ ic in e “aCom1’"" Billings Agency ^K.ONCHITIS aDd GeDe and He,en Detr,ck- The Philadelphia Diamond Grid Battery Station Ashland Electric Supply