TAGE TWO ASäLLNb d A í L y TIDINGS A SHLAND D A IL Y Livwiaj, hetein her 4, ■ .iscount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. Klam ath Indian Reservation. DONATIONS When only a boy Captain Apple- It is encouraging to know th a t politicians who throw No fin étions to charities or otherw ise will be made in advertls- gate served in the Oregon State m ud eventually lose ground. i*.e. r ¡oh printing— our contributions will be In cash. Militia and was commissioned a captain a fte r displaying rem ark ­ DECEMBER 4 I t would h ard ly seem th a t an y th in g as low as some able aptitude for m ilitary tactics, i CURSE or BLESSING, W hich?— He th a t w ithholdeth corn, the E uropean currency is fit to p rin t. ; • On November 29, 1872, when people shall curse him; but blessing shall be upon the head of him ¡the Modoc outbreak occurred, Cap- th a t selleth it.— Proverbs 11:26. Slippery places w here the w icked stand are never tain Applegate was called into the service of the United States Army so slippery th a t tax dodgers c a n ’t dodge. to help subdue the rebellious Mo­ BROKEN TOYS AND MENDED HEARTS doc Indians, who were headed by Possibly this horse In M eM oriam was nam ed bv a the notorious “Captain Jack ,’’ Cap­ Suppose you knew w here there was a q u a n tity of gorgeous C hristm as toys th a t would be throw n away. And race traek sucker recallin^ a lost bankroll, tain Applegate rendered valuable service in the Modoc war owing to suppose you knew w here th ere w as a num ber of little the fact that he was fam iliar with A scientist has m easured the heat of the stars, hut children who would have no C hristm as toys. You would the Modoc Indians’ mode of war­ w ant to get those toys and those children together, the w orld is m ore interested in th e ir salaries. fare and because he was also fa­ w ouldn’t you? C ertainly you would, and so would I, a n d ! m iliar with the te rrito ry over Movie salaries are to be slashed. Some of the stars which much of the fighting took so would anyone who had a heart. A nd th a t is w hy the place. T idings is p resen tin g this article. W e have the feeling th a t m ay wish they had not been so w asteful w ith pies. The Chief of the Modoc (Old th at when you read these lines, you will reach fo r your Sconchian) tribe rem ained loyal to A life convict in M assachusetts plays the stock m ark et hat and say, “ W here are those toys? L e t’s s ta rt some­ the Government and rendered the and w on’t be first who has done th a t and finished behind. th in g .” United States Army valuable as­ A th rifty big-hearted woman has the idea. She w ork­ sistance in subduing the rebels. ed it out and found it p ractical She had observed th a t >t^e±ÆSeaciScL5SüctSHi)t±SdSSL5S5E5a5u. '.ebeSESZaws Had the Modoc chief not remained B loyal it would have caused other every C hristm as every store had m any dam aged articles, nJ tribes to have taken sides against such as toys, cards, and so forth, th a t had to be throw n 8 the Government, and, with such a n away. She calculated th a t the toys could be v erv easily fi small num ber of United States sol- repaired, th a t the cards could very easily have the spots i diers and whites in the country, it SH5H5HSra5ZSH5HSa5 rubbed off, and lot of children who would otherw ise have I thought such action on the part the combined Indian tribes no C hristm as could be m ade h ap p y and it would not cost W here E ast Is W est anybody an y th in g cither. So, a few weeks before C h ristm as she got a few of h er S * S i 12 ? lrien d s to g eth er and they m ade the rounds of th e stores, I was not spoken ot the world of fash- interviewing the m erchants and easily got them to agree in the cut of a to donate such toys and cards and picture-books as m ight sleeve For certainly this coat- frock of grey silk matelasse has become unsalable through b reakage or soiling. borrowed its voluminous sleeves Then ju st before C hristm as a num ber of deft-finger- irom the kimono ?f some almond- ed women met at the home of one of th e ir num ber. The bo\v fronTthe w n ^ s o u ro u will prevent your Ashland R adiator from Freezing. $ 1 .5 0 Ser vice Station Do it Now Cold Weather is coming M cNair Bros. : * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Do not forget your Radiator 7 /7 / G u a r a n te e d t o p r e v e n t f r e e z in g a n d n ot to in j u r e r a d ia to r . When You hear the word you think habitually of two things, his Horn or Gabriel A scientific preparation Mode a ’Hl triial in the E ast Quart 45cts. Gallon $1.75 BO NOT USE ALCOHOL: It b o ils at 1 7 8 d e g r e e s SNUBBERS (w ater boils at 21 ¡¡degrees) Freeze-Meter Test Service Free His horn will announce the Bright Golden Morn, we hope with pleasure; we know youi car equipped with Gabriels will make riding a delight. AUTOMOTIVE Shop L K PH Z H U K \ AD » O R S K T » Oft C or M ain a n d P io n e e r No-Dim: A P r e p a r e d C lo th ( in c a n ) o n ly 5 0 c t s . To keep your winshield clear. Will Ixnst A Year One application for a rain or Snowstorm We W ant Your Business Dr. O eser & Son THOM AS MEIGHAN Un a PETER B.KYNE story a ls o A your condition, I will send you my Ifttt illustrated book 1 w hich tells m any things a b o u t , Piles and o th e r rccftal troubles • w hich Y O U should know . | It also explains my non-surgical treatment which, without pain or confinement, is GUARANTEED to cure your P iles—or fee refunded. It also lists hundreds of fo r m er p a tie n ts , b oth m en and w o m en , who testify as to my skill. $2.15 sample OVERLAND Shoe Shop <'o r n e r M ain a n d O a k w hen Beginning Thursday ‘‘Human • w ith ORRISON PORTLAND,OREGON paper ‘W recks’* the c o m e ily W reckage” DEAN. M.D T h is j It’s Here Store JX e GABRIEL Write Me About Your Case TF you w ill w rite m e ab o u t The I lexihle T a riff from the point of view of the, T ariff Commission m ay g et some exposition about Decem­ b er 1. On th a t date, the Commission lias said, it will m ake public the d a ta it has collected in the*course of its inves­ DENIES THAT FORD can be supplied by any comer. tig atio n in connection w ith an application it has received IS NOT AMBITIOUS V ernor Corson and W alter M ik-' th at it recom m end a reduction in d u ty on sugar. A bout ---------- sch left McMinnville, via motor- WATERTOWN, Dec. 3.— E. J ., cycle and experienced all m anner the same tim e th e Commission has prom ised a statem ent of the principal problem s it believes arises. The pur-, Leibold, private secretary to 1 of delays. Not only did it rain pose of th e Commission in th is procedure is to inform a ll| Henry Ford, yesterday denied he in torrents, but it rained so bad 1 told U. 8. Cherry of Sioux Falls, interested persons reg ard in g the facts as it lias found them th a t Ford did not care for either th a t the boys were obliged to and respecting the p o in ts'o n which it would like to h ear the Republican or Democratic abandon tb eir twp wheeled push argum en ts at public h earings th a t are to open on J a n u a rw nomlnation for President- This i$ ! er and board tbe train near Rose- according to a telegram made pub i burg. They arrived home at mid- 15. ln O ctober the Commission announced its first de­ lic here by Jam es F. H oulihan, night Thanksgiving and were ser­ leader of the Ford-for-President ved ther belated Thanksgiving cision on a question about the flexible tariff. I t w as not, m ^ m e ? t ¡ ^ 8 ^ ? d ^ ou .' however, a decision th a t a d u ty should, o r should not, be “I do not know this man C herry dinner the followng day. They re- raised or lowered to equalize costs of produciton. Such and he certainly is not a u th o r - jtu rn ed S aturday in th e Carson a decision of the Commission would tran sm it to th e Pres- izGd to quote me witb reference; motor to vouch a more rapid and ident ra th e r th an issue im m ediately to the press. In this to F o rd ’s presidential attitu d e s,” com fortable trip. instance, the Commission dealt only w ith a question of the telegram to H oulihan said. construction, and held th a t the d u ty as to w hich it had H o m e f o r T h a n k s g iv in g — received a petition did not come w ithin its jurisdiction. Two boys from Linfield College C onverse I t did not reach th is conclusion unanim ____ ously. Two the distinction of having v claim ot the Com m issioners looked at things differently, insist- most hazardous and eventful R ubbers ing th a t when Congress tran sferred logs of fir, spruce, trip home for Thanksgiving t h a t ' cedar, and w estern hem lock from the free to th e ’d u tia b le “ list it m eant to levy a d u ty even though it provided th a t 011, THIS o rT ~ IT 18 w o rth MONEY if such logs came in from a co u n try which had not placed j lim itations upon ex p o rts the d u ty was not to be co llected .i T he m a jo rity held -that in fact the intention of Congress v. Send , , this ad and ten cents to was n o t to im pose a d u tv but to provide a p en altv a n d 'c h & Cn i’ 2835 SheffieId Ave- T h e re ’s tougher stu ff in them , w ith a non-skid th a t the flexible ta riff does not apply to penalties.—The and address clearly. You will re­ sole. T hey do not slip. N a tio n ’s Business. 1 ceive a ten cent bottle of FO­ The kind railroad men LEY’S HONBY AND TAR COM-i w ant. POUND for coughs, colds and NOW YOU HAVE IT free Alcohol Treacherous seas and sea­ men, storm s and ship-wrecks — and the romance of a young skipper who braved all to win a g irl’s love. 2ND M ENT also One gallon of Denatured Whiz Anti-Freeze Have your clothes cleaned and* repaired before the Holiday rush. P au lseru d ’s. 78tf LOOKING FOR THE LIGHT ON THE TA B irr hoarseness, Tomorrow 5 broken to \s were there, so were the soiled picture-hooks There is something of the flash and cards. T ables were ready and there was a su p p ly of m ending m aterial—glue, twine, strip s of leather, screws ,ume of Cheney design, for the tanka, adhesive tape, wire, paste, p a p e r of various colors w hS and quick-drying pain ts, and erasers to take the spots as a iacin8 to the upturned brim of olf books and cards. I t was n o t long before th e rep airs from^cnri^re^gTtharhats turned were m ade and there was a stack of things, th a t m ake the up a11 around> cithcr «».front or on children big-eyed, read y to he sent where thev would do -r, . r 1 *• * v • xv 1 mi \ . The coat-frock continues to be in the most good. J here were m any beautiful and expensive 1 first favor, according to this fash- articles in the lot and th e fact th a t they h ad been mended ion authority, and matelasse one of the used materials. This particular did not lessen th e ir value one jot in the eyes of the child­ frock fastens on the side—as do 99 44/100 per cent of the new modes ren who received them. —with a bow of self material, under A C hristm as m ending p a rty i s 'a splendid idea. I t which the material is drawn slightly costs nobody anything, it utilizes a w aste-product, it makes across the hips. A practical note is the close-to-the a lot of little h earts happy. it could well be m ade an wrist ____________ ____ _____ undersleeve _ in the wide bell- in stitu tio n everv v ear in everv locality A nd it would hke drapery, which keeps from Mad- help a lot of grow n folks fo feel b etter loo. ‘ 3 » » i i S £ ChaM‘i,‘11 br" * '’ H ere is the latest explanation, by a new spaper, of packages o£ FOLEY’S PILLS a who opposed the income ta x : diuretic stim ulant for the kidneys E ven so, you have 55,000 others who voted and FOLEY CATHARTIC TAB-, LETS for Constipation and B i l j o ag ain st the bill. W ho were they? W h y the little iousness. These w onderful rem e­ fellows, of course. T here is nobody else left. The dies have helped m illions of peo­ un m arried clerks and stenographers, and the com - ple. Try them! Sold E veryw here.'^- Today and substitutes. Solid Everywhere. Mrs. Wallace Reid w r it in g Holiday Meals A s th e holiday season n e a rs it is no lo n g er n ecessary to tak e d o w n the tru s ty rifle an d go o u t to h u n t for y o u r turkey, goose, o r o th e r holiday m eats. Civilization h a s d riv e n th ese from y o u r h a u n ts. A t th e sa m e tim e, h o w ­ ever, civilization h a s provided for you even m o re bountifully th a n did n a tu re in th e old days, and m o d e m efficiency a n d service h a v e rem o v ed th e h a z a rd s th a t once atten d e d th e se cu rin g o f those ea rly m eals. Spend the winter there, or if going East, go via Cali­ fornia! S t o p o v e r p r iv ile g e s w ill p e r m it y o u to ta r r y a w h ile a n d v is it it s n u m e r o u s p o in t s o f in t e r e s t . ROUND TRIP FARES San Francisco $26.50 Los Angeles $51.50 T o d ay , S w ift & C om pany brings to y o u r retailer, w h e th e r h e is in village, tow n, o r city, th e kind a n d q uality o f m e a t y o u desire. T h is s e r v i c e also m akes available to you S w ift’s P re m iu m M ilk-F ed Chickens, G olden W e s t F a tte d F o w l (both identifiable by tags), turkeys, ducks, and geese. Skill a n d c a re in feeding an d h a n ­ dling, coupled w ith th e efficiency o f th e p ack in g plant, b ran ch house, an d c a r route, th u s assu re y o u o f th e best to be h ad , w h e th e r y o u live n e a r ce n ters o f p roduction o r h u n d red s o f m iles a w a y . Our protit from all sources averages only a fraction of a cent per pound. Sim ilar fares to other points. I lln s t r a t e d l>ookl