KiGfe Ttìfcfcfc ÀSttLANb DAILY TIDINGS PROFESSIONAL DEMPSEY KNOCKS OUT 300 94 POUND VICTIM Monday, December 3, 1023 CONTRACT IS LET 7/ealtk SUCCESS TEST LIES IN ONE’S ABILITY TO SAVE T / e a W , « M A I L A B L E AT 'Hints OFFICE OF COLLECTOR Father of INTERNAL REVENUE ted, action by the Bureau of In ­ PHYSICIANS ternal Revenue follows. ________________________________ LAS VEGAS, N. M., Dec. 1.— These inform ation returns must DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi- Jack Dempsey added another! be made out and mailed by the By S. W. STRAUS dence and office, 108 Pioneer knockout to his record Thanks- employer direct to the Commis­ President American Society fo a venue. Telephone 28. Office giving day, when he killed a fine by ike by th e H ornbrook Unit to Have Surface sioner of Internal Revenue, W ash­ • Thrift. hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 »even-point buck. The deer is the of Crushed Rock in I F IT were possible to interrogate ' ington, D. C., so as to reach that p. m. only. largest bagged in this section this 150 Days. * each man of outstanding busi-i : i official not later than March 15, season and weighed oVer 300 ness success in this country today)I PORTLAND, Ore., December 2. 1924’ SpacP ia Provided on the DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac- pounds. Dempsey's sparring part- as to the chief i ' YREKA, Dec. 1.— A contract — Blank forms for filing retu rn s j blanks for indicating whether the tlce limited to eye. ear. nose and npr> M arty Burke> &,8O klUed reason for his has ju s f been awarded to Dunn B E R N A R .R . of inform ation are now a v ailab le 1 person paid H .0 0 0 or more is m acfadden th r o a t- X - r a y including teeth. five. point buek the same day success, his an­ M ACFADDEN & B aker of K lam ath Falls for a t the office of Clyde G. H u n t-1 ,narriod or single and employers swer would un-! Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to _____ Volumes have been written upon the construction of 10 miles of! doubtedly beiJ A practical ytorking knowledge of ley‘ 'C ollector of Internal Reve- a r‘‘ l,rgPil to be and so mark 5. Swedenborg Bldg., Ashland. ANOTHER WASHINGTON road between a point two miles s o m e s u c h the value of breathing exercises. Many how to keep well is the best form of nue, in this city, and at th e | ach b,ank Si’verp penalties are Ore. SAFE HAS DISAPPEARED exaggerated statements have been ¡south of Hornbrook to the Oregon statem ent as morendÎaS“ hat“eitCai î Îhc“ S î t form bFanCh ° ffie ° 8 in E u geue a“ d Pen- provided in ea«es " here em ployers the following; j made as to what can be accomplished state line.^This is according to an DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic of health insurance that one can pur- d le to n - The early release of these,' fatl ’° fOniply with ’ his provision “I owe my BELLINGHAM, Dec. 1. Safes, through deep breathing. Neverthe- announcem ent made by the state and Electro-Therapy. Office I wl" “Ï 8 W 10 cor- of the federal income tax law success funda­ heUTk ¡.T : . ' K t v x phone 48; residence 142 Firsts containing various sums of money, j less, it must be definitely understood highway commission. The work mentally to my toward knowing how to keep healthy porat ons and businesses em ploy- within the time prescribed. Em­ N ational Bank building" continue to disappear with alm ost) that full deep breaths, which expand to be done under the contract is ability to save j daily regularity. Hygiene, that single word that ,aFg* iorces‘ which annaully ployers may obtain the necessary „ , , " " relnr.s ,l,e lu "«, w * * » « « * • * » . .n d i sald ,o be part . ( the highway money.” covers a multitude of health laws, i, are required to report to the Com- num ber of blanks upon applica­ DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings l°-.r y ,°r spontaneous inhalation man Harvey M. Toy several tveeks « ■ r -F _ e w persons realize v that pur, salary form ation for each emDlove wtmco and exhalation thus induced. Running ' a gO equipment most men has been A, for 19M m p loyew h osfi • - truck. Y o u r B est Food and wrestling are types of very vig ! built up with the objective of ac­ air is a food just as much as bread was $1,000 or 1 ' PLUMBING The contract price is for $205,- quiring wealth. Learn to earn. meat, fruit and vegetables, yet such ii orous athletic exercises that will com more is required of employers. Telegraphs for! P®1,.01?* to breathe deeply and fully and 000, and provides grading and This Is the admonition that has the fact. Indeed, it is the most e*- JER R Y O’NEAL— Plumbing. 207 A Lady in Chicago Banks and sim ilar organiza­ . c i will insure a full lung development surfacing with crushed rock. The been dinned into them almost from •ential and important of food ele- E ast Main. Phone 138. luit-Snap without special breathing exercise*. tions are required to report in- en.’?’Yor> while the human body can estim ate of the cost of the earliest period of understand- P LATA’-, ’ T. . tae t Read Mrs. Phillips’ wire: “ You And this is more especially true if engineer's • C0St ° f inv healthily subsist for several weeks terG8t pa,d or credited to a depos- — is the bread for energy MONUMENTS ell’s E xterm inator Co., W estfield much exerci#e of thi* character it tak­ the worT. totaled $226,113. Com tug. wiihout food, it cannot live if de- itor if the total during the year But in the m atter of saving, the en regularly, day after day, all the N. J. Rush $3 worth of RAT- year round. pletion of the job is called for in average person today has the ad­ Pf'yed of air for even a few minutes. and stren g th —especially our MONUMENT— MARKERS or exceeded $1000.! 1 bis fact should constantly be borne equalled SNAP.” L ater received following 150 days. It is understood that But where the occupation and *ur> vantage of a most limited educa­ Lowest Prices in mind, that everything that enters These inform ation returns are i letter: ‘‘RAT-SNAP arrived. It 'rounding« are such that one cannot in- j the successful bidders will nlace tional background. Furthermore, into the composition of a healthy ( carefully cheeked with individual ASHLAND GRANITE CO. rM o or house of r a « no t t a e j I and a forco of men on the temptations to indulge in ex­ body is a food, and as oxygen is the 3rd and E a st Main St. 223-6mo. M ade’ with the best of m a­ travagant ways are both subtle and chief element in giving ...» „„u returns. If a taxpayer’s indivfd- life and Ju st moved here from Pa., W'herej ily limited, frequent voluntary deep-! tbe J°b next week. deceptive. It is always easy to run , stl,nRth t0 the blood stream, its lr a - |u a ' return a payment reported on I used RAT-SNAP with great re- ^ ea‘hi,n* ««rcises can be highly com* ASHLAND GRANITE terials it can not be equaled into debt, to contract obligations ! P°Jtance as a food cannot be over- I an inform ation return is omit- mended. About the best example of MONUMENTS j suits.” Three sizes, 35c, that seem well advised but which n beC, a uSe air " frce I ____________ - the proper use of the diaphragm and PRISON PROBE ASSURED as a Food for Energy, Oregon G ranite Co. $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by the natural movement of the abdomi- can be avoided in the interests of petite he d aru£ an ’ ap* DUNSMUIR HAS SNOW BY GOVERNOR PIERCE i nal and dorsal region in correct economy, to fritter away money for ■ date it. If a man does not iecîfe a’ S. PENNISTON, Salesman. McNair Bros. Provosts. Strength and H ealth. | breathing is illustrated in a small child. absolutely useless purposes, to tfust satisfactory supply of good Res. 47« Laurel Phone 444-Y In nearly cases an active healthy DUNSMUIR, Dec. 2.— The first child w ill all Er»9rh i a k' SA LEM ,. Dec. 1. Following to luck, to hazard funds w ithout; nourishing food, he becomes dissatis- ----- O ther Teachers Horn snow of the season fell on the hills studying the movenarn^of ^ s^ a b d o 5- ! the pardonin& of Marvin Bailey j full knowledge of the circumstances fied and is liable to get the impression PLANING MILL The Misses ’ W heeler and Blu men in both standing and rfrlinipg inm ate of the Oregon state pen- involved. he is starving himself to death, around D unsm uir on Thanksgiv­ JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET That is why it is so much harder but the same individual will breathe ing Day. Weed had a snow storm ___ m enie,d have returned from a , positions you will find that as the itentiary, here last night, Gover­ and nio’or trip to the W illam ette val- breath is inhaled the abdominal re- nor Pierce announced th a t he had to save than to earn, and why in enclosed air over and over again and also. WORKS, Cor. Helman imbibe the poisons that remain in 194tf ley’ where th(?y spent Thanks- gion will expand. When the breath sought the assistance of Dr. G. C. the race for success the winners such air in a wholesale way and yet Van Ness. is exhaled this part of the body will FRANKLIN BAKERY in the long run always prove to be _____! giving. contract or be drawn inward. This Bellinger, superintendent of the men who can enforce economy on make no complaint. (T nssified ads brlug resu lts. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS demonstrates very conclusively that . ____ There are those who claim that T" themselves and on those under W hittle Transfer A Storage Co. the movement or expansion of the state tuberculosis hospital, and their guidance. oxygen is more than a food. One body in natural breathing is abdomi- would make a thorough inspection for SERVICE. ituni«! This is perhaps the most useful writer affirms that the chemical ac­ , nal> an<1 th*t the bony framework of of the prison w'ith a view to d eter­ Experienced movers and pack­ and practical lesson one can learn tion of the oxygen as it is absorbed < lassifled Column R ates the chest should not be involved ex- ers of household goods. Deal­ One cent the word each cept wben taking full deep breaths, mining the origin of a num ber of " Ot *n ! b’ •>» time. or wben bre*thing hard from the ef­ tubercular cases which have de- ers In coal and wood. Phone In personal affairs it often means *L°WeL 2t Clrcu‘ates blood, and fects of very vigorous exercise. vloped there during the past two 117. io run every issue for one It is not at all necessary to go the gravest self-denial; in business ' th#t the universally accepted theory Office 89 Oak St. near month or more, the word throu8h a complicated system in order of three years. administration it means discipline, | t0 effect that the heart furnishes Bailey was said to be suffer resourcefulness, courage, and a the power to circulate the blood is each time i l? *earn proper methods of breathing, Hotel Ashland since this is comparatively simple if ing from tuberculosis and for L genius for firm decisions, erroneous, This theory may be cor­ you are willing to make persistent ef­ TRANSFER AND EXPRESS— FOR SALE forts day after day until you are several m onths had been in the ; Follow the rule that success de­ rect, or it may not, but it shows the fittingly rewarded. If you simply ac­ prison hospital. Until recently he, pends 011 y°ur ability to save. You wonderful importance this author at­ T. L. POW ELL— General Trans- FOR SALE— Rhode Island pul- quire the habit of drawing in a deep will soon taste of the fruits of its taches to oxygen and its abundant was associate editor of ‘‘Lend fer— Good team and motor I lets. Coo Indiana SI. W. T. Minor, full breath, at frequent intervals dur­ ti j .. .1 , a I wisdom. ------- ------ ---------------------- presence in the blood. ing the day, expanding first in the ab­ H a n d ,’ the penitentiary publics-; trucks. Good service at a rea­ HEN you come to think of il, 77-2' dominal region, you will soon be able tion. It was because of his p h y si-' In spite of the fact that fresh air sonable price. Phone 83. it is the people who «lon’1 to breathe properly. is one of the most valuable privileges | cal condition th a t Governor Pierce OK l A h o .MA HOLDS FOR SALE— Registered Berk save their money that work for WALTON WAS WRONG of humanity, there are hundreds of TRANSFER AND EXPRESS— shire sows and one re g iste re d 1 --------------------------- ¡issued the pardon. Bailey was un­ the jieople that do save it, in the thousand* of people who have no K in g s Transfer, general hauling, boar; also, some young stock. 1 GRANTS PASS LOST TO der ten years’ sentence for rob­ SACRAMENTO, Dec. 3.— Ed conception of its importance. Dry wood for sale. Phone 113,; Phone 10-F5. long run. Get into the master class 77-6 EUGENE; SCORE 20 TO O bery and was received at the pri- son R. W aite, secretary of the ( Plaza Pool Hall. 45-tf - • • son October 25, 1922. He was by opening a savings account with WILLY-KNIGHT SIX, 1920 Shawnee, Oklahoma, Board of 'T o Monmouth__ ¡form erly a resident of Multnomah this hank. PIANO TEACHER model, alm ost good as new, for G rants Pass lost the last game county. Commerce, who is in Sacramento! Mrs. Frank Murphy and son Mrs. J. R. Robertson, certified $4 50. Ashland Auto Company. of the season to Eugene, Thanks- -______ _________ ___ j to-day, declares th at the Ku Klux were hosts to Mr. Murphy over piano teacher. Credit given in g , the score being 29 to 0. HOME T R L Iip„ OXE Kian issue was raised by Gover­ Thanksgiving. Frank Murphy, of 77-3 High School. Phone 341-J 53if The game was played at Eugene _ nor J. C. W alton, who was re­ the Murphy Electric Company, K )R SALE— To close an estate and during the first half t h e ; 1 KS HIGHKR RATES moved from office, to cloud more left here W ednesday and has re­ 4 room house, large barn and G rants Pass team held th eir op- F o r a smooth shave, over which Ok- turned to his home. SALEM, Dec. 3.— The Home . im , portant , issues other out-buildings. 3 1-3 acre of ponents to a 3 to 0 score. In the ., and quick service, go , lahomans had become incensed at land with free w ater right. Call last half Eugene resorted to the Telephone and Telegraph com Ashland, Oregon to the Shell B arber at 63 N. Main. 76tf use of num erous substitutes and pony ot Southern Oregon has tiled 1 , ' hiei Shop, across from De­ NOTICE OF TAX LAND SALE , a new tariff with the public ser " a ,te Was sent out by his or overpowered their rivals. pot. G rinding of all - 3 FOR SALE— Modern 3 room i vice commission, in which the I ganization t0 tel1 of the conditions kinds. C hildren’s work PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY bungalow, % acre ground, garage «BaHun increases of rates range from 1 0 ! thG State and to give assur- a specialty. New Edifice is Used— j gr er cent“ ^ *UUSt 1,01,1 1U' ances th a t ’he situation is rapidly I J * ™ That the andersig»cd. chicken li ouse, lots of fru it, good The C hristian Science edifice The r a t l for Sheriff of Jackson County, Ore- location. Price $1200. Robison & WT. A. SHELL, Pipo. which h«n hr.«., i , ! *"e rate for four-party rest-, gon, under and pursuant to a cer- Wild<*. 73-tf 532 A. St. Ashland, Ore ______ ti - u n te r construe- dence Ivall sets has been increased j ‘ tain order of the County Court £1 FOR RENT I for several m onths was used ¡from $1.75 to $2 per month, while P R U D E N T OBREGON i of Jackson County, Oregon, duly ------- ---- ---------- --------- - aS or t e initial preform - the charge for one-party business ___ IS SERIOUSLY ILL made and entered on the 9th day FOR ..RENT— RENT— Housekeeping !ance’ !ance . 0 lighting fixtures a n d ! telephones has been advanced -1ZZZ7” of November A. D. 1923, will of- A T E L H A R T ’S apartm ents close in. 573 E. Main carpetinS are yet to be installed,! from $4 to $5 per month. | MEXICO p i t y o P fer for sale and will sell, at the , 7. 3 . j no Inconvenience In nnttced h , the j The new , „ , f f . „nlesa suspe„ d -' iden^ Ohcegon who , St. is ill at Cel- front door of the Courthouse in I FOR r k v t t iu»CUt an i u StFUCtUre 18 the ed by the Public service commis Jacksonville, Jacksou County, . and POR RENT— 4 room apartm ent latest addition to building oper-1 sion will become effective Jan aya, has suffered a relapse and Oregon, to the highest bidder for his condition is said to be grave. and garage. Adults only. Call at the p r e ttiM ^ m o s t^ m o d e r ^ ^ n tl UaTh Hf> ha® be° n in 111 hea,th for mo n - 'CaSh in hand’ a11 ° r any of those 63 N. Main St. 76-tf . most modern and The company operates in Jack- ths. but was recently reported ! certain ,ots- pierps Parcels of Tells a story of w inter com­ convenient now in use. ¿son and Josephine counties. recovering. lands heretofore acquired by FORERENT— Furnished house F iv er’s, Yivadous, Woodworth’s, Iludnut’s, D.jcr fort that is pleasant. ¡Jackson County, Oregon, for de­ 1089 Boulevard. Phone 391-L. Kiss, S team ’s, Toilet \\ aters may lit* found in our linquent taxes, and now owned 76-3 I display, $1.00 to $3.00 Bottle. j by said County, upon which lo ts ,' ! pieces or parcels of land, the said' WANTED Perfumes in the same anti othei ines pul up ill County Court of said County has Beautiful Gift Packages at WANTED— W ashing. 248 1st j set a minimum price ns indicated St. 62-2mo.* jin said order, and as said land i I 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 ! and said price is set forth in Vol. B y ROY A. GILES ' DRESSMAKING— W ork guar- One Delinquent C ertificate Rec- The Cream Separators ancient alchemist apent anteed. 147 Factory St. Mrs. B. I ord of said County, reference to! Van H ardenberg. 67-lm o. weary years trying to transmute which order and to which said Manure Forks the baser metals into gold. Al­ —containing Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Face Powd­ though he was perhaps unpractica’ Volume One is hereby made a Trace Chains \\ ANTED— Oregon Jo u rn al one must admit that he owned t ers, Rouges, and Compacts- $2.50 — $7.50 p art of this notice. subscribers. We try to Diease our true sense of values. Said sale will commence at 10 H arness Someone has called Joseph ( custom ers. Charles W. C hattin, o’clock a. nt., on Saturday, the Lincoln the “Alehemiat of Humor Specially Decorated Rouge and Compact Boxes Jr., A gent.Phone 353-L. 76-6 not wit or slap stick comedy—btr 15th day of December, A. D. 1923, $1.00, $1.25, $2.00 and $2.25 that rarer, higher thing—Humor and continue until 12 o’clock MISCELLANEOUS and we like to think that his is a noon of said day, and in case all true sense of values. Books and Drug Sundries of said property is not sold with-! Cape Cod is the angular and ' FOUND PURSE— Owner may Toilet Goods Stationery ing said time, said sale will be have same by identifying prop­ rugged scene of his life’s work. Its beauty seems rather grim; its l!llliraillfllffllllllil«IIIIIIIællll!lil!Îi held and continued a t the sa m e ' erty and paying for ad. 77-2 standards somehow narrow to a place, between the same hours on | lax and continentalized age. But each succeeding Saturday until all "LITE-FOOT"* ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May Lincoln, the alchemist, has digged Powdered of said lands so to be sold h a v e ' communicate with Ensign Lee deep in human nature foK the metals of his transmutation and been sold, or pending the further') of the Salvation Army a t the DANCE FLOOR the result is—gold. Born amid orders of the County Court of said I W hiteShield Home, 565 May- the innumerable sea captains of WAX Ccunty. fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. that coast ; that yankee strain I G iv e s s m o o t h. k 11«1- from which we draw our best I lu g f in is h to h a r d A list of all property to be sold,! I o r s o f t- w o o d floors REWARD — For retu rn of strength; he is perhaps the most together with the minimum price °* a n d «orne n e w com - ; VO At tn, fJKKASE leather bill-fold lost at football typically American novelist of at which eash lot piece or parcel j » ö l t e c h a r a c t e r I d eaa ( o r k la la t e s t C e p e Cod « t o r y , - D o c t o r V y e .” o n nt s t . today. 'P o im u a game Thursday. Contained cur- thereof can be sold, is open to the Y o u r d ru g g is t has Lincoln would be the despair of to fish and tell fish stories. What and understanding, a finer hu­ If no inspection of the public at the of-| s t a n w s . n75è F o V o n e - 1 Fency’ d riv er's license, etc. Ned the psychoanalysts. N®£ a sex grisly complex does this indicate? mor mark Lincoln’s work until , rie#a pt und p a c k a g e . French, Medford. He has been known to preside at a m ‘‘Doctor Nye,” his latest book, " CP ’6-3* undersigned Sheriff, in < I .A llK K , clam bake. Perhaps at sometime we find a masterly mingling of the Court House at Jacksonville, W OOBW AKU he ha9 been insulted by a clam and humor and pathos in which each ! Oregon, RESHI.NGL1NG A CALSOMINING » U I G C ow is actuated by revenge. For luck gams by contrast. Dr. Ephraim O rrxon. For reshingling or painting and Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, he collects and lightly swears by Nye, brilliant, whimsical, pathetic, eahsomining all work guaranteed little Chinese josses in bronze. Is is not only Lincoln’s greatest char­ Nov. 10. 1923. Why People Buy Raj-Snap in call A. V. Hood, Phone 398 or this retaliation against a careless acter, but one of the outstanding C. E. TERRIL. Preference to Rat Poi.4011. Chinese laundryman? Ancient fur­ and most appealing figures in C. W. Judkins Phone 390-R. SH E R IFF OF JACKSON CO. niture and glass appeal to him, and modern literature. His rise from (1) RAT-SNAP absolutely kills 77-lm o* ORE. 61-5 Monday the more ancient the more appeal. jailbird to the strongest force for ra ts and mice. (2) W hat is does­ What does this indicate? Frankly, good in the town of Ostable is a n ’t kill it scares away. (3) Rats LOST— In sack. Weed Ford we do not believe that Dr. Freud thrUling and heart stirring n a r­ killed with RAT-SNAP leave no chains either on Moutnain Ave. or his somewhat smudged asso­ rative. Underneath all of the con­ A R at That Didn’t Smell A fter ciates can tell us. smell, they dry up inside. (4) or East Main street. Finder re­ flict, the suffering, the splendid Being Dead 3 Months It is bromidic and not quite true victory, runs the Lincoln chuckle; Made in cak"* io mixing with turn to J. V. W right 263 Moun- “ I swear it was dead at least to say that laughter is akin to as of one who knows humanity, other food. t»> Cats or dogs tain Ave. 77-2* 3 m onths,” said Jam es Sykes. tears. They are the opposite ends condones its weaknesses, and sees won’t touch ft. Three sizes, 35c, of the emotional scale. The chuckle and fans to life the little spark of Butcher, W estfield, N. J. ‘‘We saw BUY CHRISTMAS VRESENTS ia in between and sees both ends. Divinity in each breast. 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed ____ ________ _ , this ra t every day. Put a cake Katherine Lincoln makes us chuckle. He him­ Powell, helping Doctor Nye in his ! of RAT-SNAP behind a barrel. Paisley .shawl, beautiful pattern, by McNair Bro9. Provosts. self chuckles. His humor sees the ¿ e tV e1CS y’4 i„ d < ¡ i 0“ " ” '* * " “ y ’ l,e asketi ! perfect condition; hand p ain ted ' L ta e e la e e lle e te weak spots in humankind and . — __________ _ _ chocolate pot; hat rack, six buf-j k « » « kaeaaae tk e y « H a e n tia a e a a ly . greets them with sympathy as well coast. Lincoln has surpassed him- 1 the FaL Remembored the barrel, R eturn front San Francisco— falo horns highly polished; old as amusement. From Cap’n Eri to self. He has indeed proven his ■ ’ooked behind it. There was the at A^ B artoletti, proprietor of the mahogany center table. Shown paree of his books. Ik ia all clean Doctor Nyo all the iong line of right to be called: “The' Alchemist ra t— dead, nQt the slightest Lincoln books have kept us chuck­ of Humor” who in his crucibles and aana Mid Its popularity ar- Lithia, Bakery, has returned front any time except Sunday. 140 o d o r/’ Three sizes 35c, 65c, ling. transmutes the dross of common i s i o k U business trip to San Francisco. Lincoln St. 77-3* ____ Throughout there has been grad- lives into the gold of high resolve „ „ L Sold and guaranteed b y : McNair Bros. Provost’s. and noble la ugh tar t ST/ints Father of Physical C u ltu r e Physical C u ltu r e Health Bread ' i l I — Classified Column Masters and Slaves W The Citizens Bank of Aslil and SHOP EARLY Homer Furnace Perfumes—Toilet Waters Toilet Sets Joseph C. Lincoln Collector of Antiques fs Also Curator of Laughs and Sighs PROVOST BROS Combination Toilet Sets ELHARTS PEIL’S CORNER rd Door North of Main on First street in the Beaver Block opposin’ I nion Oil Station 1907 >Att£ Southern Radio Supply Flashlights and T. L. Moore _____ _ Lanterns ___________________ - T — * .1 BErisi.fiaafc aaa&L!E£?^ -J SIMPSON HARDWARE