PAGE POUR ASHLAXt) DAILY YlDIXtíS Saturday, December i , iti2â FLEET OF PLANES IN HLXRY ENDERS, JR., AND 'i n 1853 and settled on Nell creek 1 survive. They are a sister, Mrs. SEARCH FOR LOST PILOT >U9S McCREEDLE MARRIED in 1854. She was a Native Daugh-1 W. E. Dean, of G rants Pass; J. C. V* ---------- ' te r of Oregon. Neil, of Granger, W ash.; and W o. See the Auto Top Shop for your A wedding th a t comes as a su r-| She resided at the family home I Neil, of Myrtle Creek, Oregon. » i SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 1.— A work, near P ark Garage. 76-2 half-score ui of airpiuues airplanes are are searcu- search- prise to many firends o ccu rred ' until ber m arriage on June 18, qn • • , uun-svure Survivors of the immediate ,n S the path of airm ail flyers over Thursday at 10:00 o’clock when 1884 to J - J Murphy at Jackson- family are her husband, J. J. Mur­ V isiting from K erby— j treacherous m ountain peaks for Henry Enders, Jr., well known vIRe’ Oregon. Following her mar phy, and three sons Carl, M urray Mrs. J. W. K rauss is here visit­ Senator Alva B. Adams (D .), a f a c e of air mall pilot* Claire j Ashland business man, and Miss rlage, she was at home on the and Ray Murphy. Three grand­ ing with her sons, Goorge K rause ; Of Colorado, had to pass a Vance, who has been missing Betrlce McCreedle, of Central Murphy home ranch until 1914, children also survive. One daugh­ and Henry Masters, accord^pg to thorough searching political ex- i »bice he departed from here yes- p oint> and was attended only by i when the family moved to Ash- ter died in infancy and a son, A D aily C hronicle o f th ose w h o com e and go, and even ts o f i land. local news from Kerby, Oregon, am ination In order to qualify for terday from Reno, Nev. It is be- the relatives of the Clyde, passed away six years ago. bride. The Local in terest. They have resided at 4 86 B oule-i Funeral services are to be held the senate! The story of his ap- llered th at he was forced down bride Is well known in Jackson »»■>< »♦ ♦ »♦-« »-» » » ♦ ♦ i Special Holiday reductions in pointm ent by Governor Sweet is ¡during the storm at some isolated vard since th a t time and it was j Monday afternoon from the home county and was form erly a teach­ R eturned Last N ight— there th a t Mrs. Murphy died this ¡at 4 86 Boulevard. Interm ent will suits and overcoats— tailored to H ere from D unsm uir— suits and overcoats— tailored to w ithout precedent. place. er in the Ashland schools. morning. j be made at the Ashland Cemetary. Miss Mary W alker motored Mrs. Violet Wilson spent Sun- your m easure a t Orres tailor shop* Shortly after the death of Sen-' Dinner was served at the Mc- Deceased was the youngest of! J. P. Dodge and sons funeral di- “ Probably never has a candl over f.c .i Klam ath Falls _ to spend , day at ----- the ------- homo of „ her parents, ¡upstairs. 76-3 ato r Nicholson -- „ -- - — .....uuiouu last moi spring opilUK Demo- tieillO-; - Creedie home, following the cere- thirteen children, three of whom ; rectors. e ra ti and ProerpnalvM in . n n .» ,. date been 90 thoroughly exam-, Thanksgiving with her parents Mr. and M i -9. O. W. Long on East ---------- of the country flooded Sweet with inPd ° n hls polltlcal idea9 and i mony’ and the br,de and groom Mr. and Mrs. B utler W alker. She Main street. Mrs. Wilson is em- c'*sh Wood to be Here— came to Ashlaud and attended the returned to Klamath Falls F riday ployed In the Southern Pacific Cash Wood Is expected to be appeals, urging selection of fav-' op‘nb)ns as -Adams has been exam jned -• ! football game, yet advised none evening. offices. here tom orrow from Los Angeles ; ored candidates. Adams has very set views on i ol their friends of the event. They and will speak a t the Baptist : W oodrow Wilson asked Sweet legislation. He is hailed as a pro- departed Sunday evening for a Maple squares— 30c. Bon Ton. Many beautiful gifts a t Dar­ church. Mr. Wood was fo rm erly ' to nam e Huston Thompson, mem- gressive Democrat and generally honeymoon trip to San Francisco, 7 5 -tf; connected with the Y. M. C. A. in! ber of the Federal Trade com- ling Studio. may be expected to support the ■ They will be in tho south about Our famous Tamales are a l- I ( this county and became popular mission; Bryan and McAdoo ways good. Try one— Rose B ro s.' Home fo r Thanksgiving— with high school folk during his backed Morrison Shafroth, son of socalled liberal elem ent In the two Wf*eks. The best wishes of a host of 69-tf Mrs. H arry Smith, resident of work In organizing. Lately he has the late Senator Shafroth; the senate. He wants to abolish the friends are extended to the happy ■---------- K lam ath Falls, was the guest at been In Los Angeles surveying La F ollette adherents urged t h e ! Railway Labor B oard- alter cer- tain im portant provisions of the couple. R e t a m i Home T on ight— the home of her sister and moth the work done by Aimeo Semple appointm ent of Edw ard K eating, ———----------------------- Mrs. Bell Stanton will retu rn er. Mrs. Merle Robison and Mrs. McPherson and it is concerning a mem ber of the House and one Each-Cummins transportation act,! and favors a soldier’s bonus. FA L SE ALARM to her home in Salem this -veiling , c. V. Beeler, over Thanksgiving, th at that he will speak on tomor of the leaders in the Plum b Plan F irst “N ative Son.” fight. following a pleasant m onths’ visit She plans to spend a short time row - He was born in Del Norte, Colo- ' The fire departm ent answered , ' 1th ber motner, Mrs. R. DeWeese here. rado, October 29, 1875, and is a false alarm a t 2:30 this after- a t 54- j Allison street. Mrs. Stan­ Mrs. F ran k Rose and M rs.' the first native-born son ever to ! noon w-hen they were called to ton returned with her m other Garm ents Relined— remodeled Oatman will open a dressm aking sit in the senate. A fter gradua- Iowa and Fairview streets. No dis- from a ret nt northern trip. and repaired at Orres Tailor Shop shop In rooms over the Tidings tlon from ale, in 1896, Adams turhnnee or excitement was creat- — upstairs. Phdhe 64.. 76-3 (office where they will receive entered th e law school at Colum- ed by the time the fire depart- Tillamook cheese, cream cheese,. _______ custom ers after Dec. 4th. 77-1* bia University and was graduated m ent arrived at the place the call cottage cheese, milk and butter. Rogue R iver May Play__ ______ with honors in 1S99, retu rn in g was sent from and it is though the We sell the best. Detricks. 53tf it is reported th at the basket-I Home is I m p r o v e d - im m ediately to his home in idea m ust have originated with ball team from Rogue River play- A fireplace and hardwood floors Pueblo to practice law. ! youthful disturbers. Have a fit at Orres. Tailors for pd th eir first out-of-town game of have been added to the home of Fiom 1911 to 1915 he was Absolutely no sign of fire, men and women. L pstairs. 4-tf the season with Yreka last night. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Mitchell .The city attorney in Pueblo and from , smoke or cinders was in the Poorly fitted shoes, wrong lasts and too heavy leath­ Reports from the game have not Mitchell home is at the corner of 1910 to 1911 served as regent of ’ neighborhood when the fire de- Mining Man \ *lieen received. The G rants Pass ¡Union and Fairview streets. er often'are the cause of foot troubles which bring j the University of Colorado. partm ent drew near. O. F. Bodfish, of San Francisco. ( girIs were al80 8chednled to meet I ------------------------------. considerable nervous distil fectious. \\ e believe many From an early age Adams was 1 ._____________ _ is among out-of-town business ln Yreka last nlght . Cllff Payne makes Book racks of these can he cured hv wear of interested in politics, but he n e v e r: ONK KILLEDf ONK H URT visitors: . sought a national office. In 1916 in PORTLAND M ISHAPS Ask for Salt Rising Bread Here from Chiloquin— D arling Studio— Sittings even­ he was a delegate-at-large to the j ______ Monday. 76-2 Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Davis are ings by appointm ent. Phone No. 8. Democratic natinoal convention.. PORTLAND, Dec. 1.— Ruby ______ !visiting at the home of Mrs. 75tf His father, Alva B. Adams, was Van Zant, 3-year-old daughter of A ie you hard to fit? Have your Davis’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. three times governor of the state, j Thomas Van Zant, died today as suit tailored to m easure at P a u l-'H u rs t on Beach street. They will j Oh Boy! Dec. 3rd is the Lith- During the W orld W ar Adams the result of injurieg receive Monday. ---------- 76-2 She was the daughter of Louisa Chi Omega sorority. Musical Program — C orner M ain and Oak J. D. Mars, Prop. ENROLLMENT AT WEED and Claybourn Neil, pioneers who V isiting R elatives H ere— A special feature of the Sunday SCHOOL BR EA K S RECORD came to Oregon from Tennessee Have your clothes cleaned at Mr. and Mrs. W illiam O. Hardy evening services a t the M. E. j WEED, Dec. 1.— There are P anlserud’s. Phone 119. i are guests at the home of Mr. church will be the musical pro­ H ardy’s brother. A rth u r H ardy gram by the choir. A num ber of 440 pupils enrolled In the Weed Try our fresh kippered salmon this week. They are also visiting ( beautiful selections are prepared gram m ar school at the present “ D etrlcks.’ 53-tf Mr. H ardy’s m other, who resi­ The pastor will give a shortened tim e- This is the largest Gnro11- des at the aame home and at the sermon in connection with this ment in the history of the school.; A fter the school started this fall Mnow Covered Grizzly— homes of P. R. Hardy and J. II. special program. it was necessary to employ an ex­ True to the Thanksgiving cus­ Hardy. They will retu rn after this A Cosmopolitan Production tra teacher. • tom, snow covered Grizzly Peak week-end to th eir home in the Chicken and turkey dinner to­ \opolitan and surrounding hils this morning. W illam ette valley. They were morrow 75c at the Plaza Confec­ TOO LA TE TO CLASSIFY The depth did not appear to be among guests at a family Thanks­ tionery. deep as tho m ountains were hare giving dinner at the home of Mr. FO R SALK— Registered B erk­ at noon. M ountain roads are said and Mrs. A rth u r H ardy Thurs- • Visiting Her©— shire sows and one registered to be bad in several outlying da>’- . ! Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Gordon, of ‘ boar: also, some young stock. districts and several parties were , Fort K lam ath, Ore. are in Ash- , Phone 10-F5. v K 77- 6 1 unable to attend Thanksgiving fes­ Kohman s Salt Rising Bread, land visiting Mrs. B ertha Jack- w n i v z v n i w ----------------- tivities on th at account. on the m arket Monday. At your son. Mr. Gordon is a stock man A , SIX. 1920, The com edy is grocery, or Bon Ton Bakery. 76-2 and brought 200 head of cattle to m° d6 ’ ® m° St g° ° d 38 new’ ior 1 Ready-to-wear suits and over­ $450. Ashland Auto Company. i w inter In the Rogue River valley. ( coats at Paulserud's. 77-3 Yes we make suits in our shop. 10c and 35c We have expert cu tters and Chicken and turkey dinner to-: LOST— Black and white shep- The Secret is out— Dec. 3rd is ,Q tailors at Orres Tailor Shop up- morrow 75c at the Plaza Confec- i hf*rd dog, bob tail, blind in one the Lithian Minstrels. 68-t f i stairs. 76. 3 tlonery. eye. Reward. F in d er retu rn to 76 ------ —■ ( Dewey or Phone 252-R. 77-1* Guests Yesterday— Home for th e W eek-end— R eceipts Good— , ------------ — —-_____________________ Maude Hub« r, of Klam ath Falls The W. C. T. U. announce that LOST“ Between Chamber of Miss Carmen Rose, who is was a busines visitor yesterday. teaching at the W agner Creek the gross receipts were around Comnierce aD(1 Bush street, $15. A. W. Moon is among out-of-town school, is spending the week-end $70.00 a t the en tertainm ent given 1 R eturn to office and re­ business visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Friday night. They wish to thank I rew ard- ' 77-1 A. M. Jerm an, R. E. Chittendon al her home on Alida street. those who aided in any way in i t s : RESHINGLING & CALSOMINING and Miss M. Bollur were guests success either by their presence I For reshingling or painting and H ere from G ottville— a t Hotel Ashland last night. Clara J. R. Clute is here from Gott­ or their help. For the use of the calsomining all work guaranteed Henderson is among late arrivals ville, Cal visiting his mother, Mrs. church they are most apprecia-| call A. V. Hood. Phone 398 or from Eugene. H. G. Bolton, of St. Louis, is among recent visitors. S. W. Clute and other re la tiv e s.: tive. C. W. Judkins Phone 390-R. Mr. Clute is a m ining man from i ---------- Ben Jacobs of Portland was In 77-lm o* th a t city but was form er post-1 Chicken and turkey dinner to- Ashland yesterday. BUY CHRISTM AS PR E SE N T S m aster. .m orrow 75c at the Plaza Confec-: Paisley shawl, beautiful pattern, ______ i tlonery. Do it now— get them later. perfect condition; hand painted D arling Studio for p ortraits th at We deliver the geods. Servie©*, chocolate pot; h at rack, six buf­ 75tf our m olto. Detricks—-phone ^ bBt’ren M alt G randm othe please. Phone No. 8. H. F. Stokes’ children came falo horns highly polished; old 62. BStf over from K lam ath Falls to spend i m ab°san y center table. Shown Our hand dipped Imperial 140 Thanksgiving and eat turkey with any tim e excePt Sunday. Chocolates represent the best— Our $24.75 all wool suits and their grandm other. Mrs. M ary; Lincoln St 77-3* Rose Bros. 69-tf overcoats are great. Tailored to your m easure in the latest fash- Cole at 842 A street. They will M ale o r Female— MAKE $25 retu rn home and join their par­ Ion. On tlie R egister— 76-3 -$75 WEEKLY WRITING NU- ents tomorrow. H. V. Smith registered from WAY SHOWCARDS, for us in Koler, Oregon. W endell G. T h ay -! Dog; A ttacks Picture* spare time. We show you how. No We put the chicken in our er and F rank M. Clement, of On- previous experience necessary. An Airdale tro ttin g solemnly tatio, are out-of-town visitors. down Main street Thursday past tam ales. Plaza Confecionery. 77-2 Steady work. No canvassing. Com­ C. A. Dunn was a business visitor the Vining T heatre found the plete O utfit furnished free. Dept. yesterday from Klamath Falls. picture of the dog, in the adver­ F E D E R A L GRAND JU R Y TO 1175 NATIONAL STUDIOS. 6121 INDICT D ’AUTREMONTS FromlA« Bess M. W hite and Mrs. J. F. Ar­ tising display of “ W here the Dorchester, CHICAGO. 77-1* "Upatag." nold, of Spokane, were guests last North Begins", to realistic and PORTLAND. Dec. 1.— The in- FOUND PURSF— Owner may night at the Hotel Columbia. by Rita Weiman charged the papier mache dog have same by identifying prdp- AJaytad by Thomas J. Hopkins atatne. Finding .he dog not flesh ' D-A“ tX Ô Ô t.R“y- - _ j v i- . . ..... I u A utrem ont; on charges of as- erty and paying for ad. 77-2 iHrustad by Harold Shaw O rres cleans clothes clean. and blood or of retaliatin g in- saulting E. D augherty, mail clerk, ■ --------------- Phone 64— we call. With 76-3 stlnct the A irdale slunk killed during tho Siskiyou tunnel , -OST— >® 8ack- Weed Ford TOM MOORE ttith , tew p u ttied grow l,. The • hold.„ p be 18ke(, Monday j chains eith er on Moutnain Ave. Swifts— Bacon, Boiled Ham, picture of Riu-Tin-Tin on the B itttr ,. at of the federal grand jury, United, i or East Main street. Finder re- Chipped beef and lard. Get It than 53-tf G T 7 di3P,ay W3S States A ttorney Coke announced tUrD f° J ’ V W rlght 263 Moun- Detrlcks. It's the best. “ « ¡p » in ted by M r,. Cuuhiug. a niece loday Th(1 . „ J , , t a i . Ave._____________ ' "Tha Charat Girr» Romanca" of Mr. H urst, of the Vining. subjects of a nation-w ide search ' FOR SALE— Rhode Island pul- Attractions at O. A. C.— The Devil Chorus of 30 'un­ E lm er Diz left immediately fol Fresh fru it cake and mince and have been indicted by the lets. 600 Indiana St. W. T. Minor, der 20 in a sparkling photo- 77.3 lowing the football game T h u rs-'m e a t Ingredients— brown sugar, grand ju ry of Jackson county fo r' * 1 play from the snappy story the m urder of D augherty, and ! ---------------------- — ______________ day afternoon for Corvallis, w here] citron, spices, orange peel lemon “ FOR ..RENT— H ousekeeping, “ Vpstage” that tickled five he will visit trends at O. A. C. • peel, w alnuts and so forth. De- thrGe membe™ of the train crew, apartm ents close in. 573 E. Main ¡million people. u n til Sunday evening. p ric k s . We deliver. _ 59 -tf' “ C l a s s i f i e d » bring results. St 77-3* 10e and 35c i I “ tamalea. Plaza Confeclonsry. 77-2 Sen. Adams U nder went Examination Aching Feet Often Cause Unnecessary Unpleasantness Amreiean Gentleman Shoes Made of Kangaroo $8.00 to $10.75 Today Only Overland Shoe Shop You all know what a modern flapper is— but what is a l o v e piker? A d vertisin g is Plum Crazy Sunday Only "Salesmanship in Print” What Else? Is it a science, an art, a business or a profession? It is all of these. Science is in the knowing; art in the doing. So far as the principles of advertising can be understood and laid down, it is a science; it is a vital force in business; and men follow the practice of advertising' as a profession. Business men invest in it as a part of their business which Rives information that leads to sales and growth in business Since the early days of mankind, men have been making- known information to each other by publicity methods. Advertise­ ments first were hewn in stone. The “town crier” of a hundred years ago was an advertising man who marched up and down the streets. Nowadays, the best and most economical advertising is printed salesmanship which is carried to the home in the local news­ paper.