ASHLAND DAILY TÎDÎNÔS . g Classified Column PROFESSI! >NAL PHYSÍClANS DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ dence and office, 108 Pioneer avenue. Telephone 28. Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 p. m. only. Classified Colnmn Date« One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month or more, *4c the word each time. S O C IE T Y MRS. GRACE E. ANDREWS, Editor Phone items to her at 345-R, between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M and evenings. '<<♦<»<♦ » » » » > » » ♦ »4 Saturday, December i , io s a R ussia Witt D eceive SNOW IN LA GRANDE MORTON 1 — This I HOSPITAL Oregon is ITALIAN RECOGNITION LA GRANDE, Dec. ROME. Dec. l.-O ffic ia l recog-I section of uortheastern nition of Soviet Russia by Italy is experiencing the first real winter |considered imminent today. If f a t h e r of the season> Snow feU | ! a y ta e® 8tep she wlH he yesterday and attained a depth the first allied government to rec- of aQ inch ognize Moscow. Premier M u s s o l i n i ------------------------------ Special A tten tion to Surgical D iagnosis. Radium for Cancer and Modern Treatm ent for D iabetes. 1O5S P in e St/, San F n iiirisro, Cal. Calendar of the Week— Grants Pass Lodge that was an Saturday, Dee. 1.— King’s Her­ elaborate affair. alds, at Donald Vestal‘9, North Gold Hill degree staff put on 1»R. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ FOR SALE— Spitz apples. C. C. said iff a speech that he was ready Astoria— Clatsop cranberry J Hood R iv e r —Work progressing Main Street. the initiatory work in a most im­ tice limited to eye, ear. nose and Wolters, Talent, Ore. la p id ly on Interstate bridge a- 76-2* j to “accord due recognition provid- harvest this year doubles output J Monday, Dec. 3— Ashland Study pressive manner. throat— X-ray including te e th ., cross Colum bia river here. ing Russia insures good terms * ' - FOR SALE— 4 regidences 3 to Club, hostess Mrs. Mills. After this a short program was Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to Tuesday, Dec. 4— Covered Dish given followed by dancing in i and good will to Italy.” Negotia- 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland. 6 rooms in Talent. Mrs. C. C. Luncheon, Club at Club House. Wolter», Talent, Ore. 76-2* which all indulged till the close of Ore. j tions are being carried on with Tuesday, Dec. 4— French club, the delightful evening. FOR SALE— To close an estate ; the Russian envoy. DR. E. B. ANGELI/— Chiropractic Mrs. F. D. Wagner, hostess. Tuesday of this week was the 4 room house, large barn and and Electro-Therapy. Office TAa S tö r» Tuesday — Regular meeting of ¡regular meeting of the Rebekahs phone 48; residence 142. First other out-buildings. 3 1-3 acre of P. E. O., Tuesday evening. and the feature of this occasion land with free water right. Call l' W ater B o u le s B rushes Toilet Sets practor, near Postoffice. Jiours location. Price $1200. Robison & land was solemnized at the home which all there did ample justice. Coming out of retirement under < hild ren’s < 'onibs Shaving Sets Ivory Sets 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. Wilde. 73-tf of Mr. and Mrs. Homer H. El- ( liildren's Itriislu-s The election of officers follow­ the political tutelage of Tom Tag­ F lash ligh ts Brushes Hrhl Supplies hart, on Nob Hill street, the Rev. ed at the business meeting result­ gart, it is expected that he will F oun tain P ens PLUMBING FOR RENT t ’am eras Stationerv W. Judson Oldfield of the Con- ing in Mrs. Norma Reeder, Noble adhere closely to party lines. He Silver & Gold N ovelties Tinkertov FOR RENT— 4 room apartment ; ^ egational church officiating Grand, Miss Eunice Grubb Vice is one of the few in the group of P encils JERRY O’N E A I j — Plumbing. ¡07 W ater Bottl<-s, ete. P hoto Album s, ete. and garage. Adults only. Call a t c*erky,nan. The impressive ring East Main. Phone 138. Grand, Mrs. Alice Gowland, Sec­ 18 new Senators who is so con­ — 63 N. Main St. retary, Mrs. Eurania Miller, sidered. 76-tf ceremony was used MONIMENTS The rooms were very beautiful Treasurer and Mrs. Edith Phipps FOR RENT— Furnished House in masses of yellow chrysanthe- EPIDEMIC OF BROKEN Financial Secretary. MONUMENT— MARKERS 1089 Boulevard. Phone 391-L. mus with delicate ferns. In the ANKLES AT DUNSMUIR j - Lowest Prices 76-3 archway between the living room ASHLAND GRANITE CO. • A Birthday Party— The largest exclusive paint! and dining room was suspended DUNSMUIR. Nov. 30.— An ep- ” aßd wall paper store in South-/ FOR RENT — 5-room cottage 3rd and East Main St. 223-6mo. The ninth birthday of Sylvia era Oregon. a wedding bell in white chry­ idemic of broken ankles h a s! on Pioneer Ave., one block from Provost was celebrated in a very Drug Sfaro ASHLAND GRANITE ■ Hotel Ashland. Inquire of Mrs. santhemums with ivy streamers delightful way on Saturday last. struck Dunsmuir people of la te .! MONUMENTS Jim Richardson, while en ro u te, i H. J. Barrett, 174 Oak St. 76-2* caught at either side. In her absence, her aunt Mrs. Oregon G ranite Co. Here the bridal couple were on horseback from Sisson to FOR RENT— Furnished three stationed and the words spoken B. F. Storm, had a number of her Dunsmuir, was'thrown by his S. PENNISTON, Salesman. ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ < Re». 47« Laurel Phone 444-Y room apartment. Adults only. that united them in the holy little friends assemble at her horse which fell on him. One an­ home to surprise her and the Give possesion about December bonds of matrimony. kle was badly broken and one PLANING MILL surprise surely was complete. 6th. Inquire Mrs. C. E. Lane, at j The groom was supported by foot bruised. 74-6 Mr. E. L. Conroy, as best man Upon Sylvia’s return she found her JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET Tidings after 3 oclock. Verno Carter, young Southern and Mrs. Perry L. Wait attended playmates there and what a happy Pacific fireman, while on his en- WORKS, Cor. Helman and W ANTED afternoon they had. the bride as matron of honor. Van Ness. 194tf gine at Redding on Tuesday even­ Games wer played and merri­ The bride was very lovely in a WANTED— To hear from own­ ing fell off the tank and broke TRANSFER AND EXPRESS er of good ranch for sale. State beautiful going away gown, in ment held sway. Each little girl both ankles. Whittle Transfer A Storage Co. cash price, full particulars. D. F. the popular heather shade, with a had brought a dainty gift to com­ Mrs. Marie Behnke also sus­ for SERVICE. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. j corsage bouquet of yellow chry- memorate the important event tained a broken ankle when the ■ Experienced movers and pack­ and the opening of the packages 30-6-Sat.) santhemums and fern. car in which she was riding was ers of household goods. Deal­ The matron of honor was was a delightful experience for wrecked near Edgewood. ers in coal and wood. Phone WANTED— Washing. 248 1st charming in silken gown in soft the youthful hostess, 117. St. 62-2mo.* shade of brown. The rooms were bright with Office 89 Oak St. near laurel berries and the gleam of There were thirteen guests to After the ceremony, an elab­ DRESSM AKING— W ork gu ar­ Hotel Ashland birthday candles, in cheery red I enjoy the time of good cheer in orate four course Thanksgiving anteed. 147 Factory 9t. Mrs. B. upon the birthday cake, made the this hospitable home, but thirteen T R A N SFE R AND EX PR E SS- Van H ardenberg. 67-lm o.i dinner was served. In this, the same color scheme was carried table with its dainty refreshments at table was solved very neatly by T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ WANTED— Oregon Journal out in the dainty favors and place a delight to the little folks. The a tiny guest getting sleepy. fer— Good team and motor subscribers. We try to Diease our cards with delicate orange blos­ little girls who helped Sylvia cele­ Those present were Mr. 'and ; trucks. Good service at a rea­ customers. Charles W. Chattin« j soms, the artistically decorative brate were Helen Harris. Eliza­ Mrs. Ed Gowland, Mr. and Mrs. sonable price. Phone 83. beth Joy, Marietta Whitney, Harry Young of Phoenix and Mr. Jr., Agent.Phone 353-L. 76-6 touch. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Dean, Harriet Carleton, and Mrs. Clyde Hamilton and T R A N SFER AND EX PR E SS— E. M. Kimball of Gold Hill, and Mary Poley, and Mildred Thomp-iHve children, MISCELLANEOUS King's Transfer, general hauling. * ♦ ♦ ------------------------------------------------i a sister of Mrs. H. H. Elhart. kins. Dry wood for sale. Phone 113, * * * Dinner G uests a t th e T u ttle H oiue ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May Miss Newton’s work as a trained Plaza Pool Hall. 45-tf, Thanksgiving was observed at communicate with Ensign Lee i nurse has been largely in Por- Thanksgiving Cheer in Many of the Salvation Army at the land. Homes— the Tuttle home in Bellview in a i PIANO TEACHER Mrs. J. R. Robertson, certified) Thanksgiving is essentially a hospitable fashion, with Mrs. WhiteShield Home, 565 May- Mr. Sutherland holds a respon- falr Ave., Portland. Oregon. sible position with the American day for family gatherings and Garrett and Mrs. Willey and Mr.! piano teacher. Credit given in = Can Company. High School. Phone 341-J 53tf friendly reunions and there were L. W. Fahl as dinner guests at REW AR D -For return i ¡li f 11 i <- . . . They will make their home in many in Ashland, some of which i the Thanksgiving board with all I leather bill-fold loaf a football PortI„ 4 where M, Satherlaad i are chronicled below delicacies of the season to satisfy' gatne Thuraday. Contataed eu r -!hasah0IIleI|reI>arfd Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Abbott were and cheer. The day was spent W Jf ... is a Combine,’ rency, driver’s license, etc. Ned The guests in attendance at host and hostess at a large family i most happily in the pleasant visit T r e a t m e n t French, Medford. 76-3* this charming wedding were dinner party Thursday at their that is a part of this observance, both local and internal, and has beer Mrs. E. M. Kimball, mother of the hospitable home on Liberty street. * * * successful in the treatment o f Catarri bride; Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Every good thing that belongs Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lane Will for ov. r 40 years. Sold by all druggist. * , - . ’ r v r v A m . . T oledo, O h : Wait, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Dusen- to the Thanksgiving feast was Entertain Sunday— ; berry and son of Gold Hill; Mr. there to cheeV and satisfy the as-' Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Lane ¡will have their Thanksgiving din-N" W. T. Newton, of San Francisco; sembled guests. Those who shared the happi-Jner tomorrow. It will be a real Miss Susan Starns of San Fran­ ness of the day with the Abbott Thanksgiving dinner, with all the cisco; Mr. and Mrs. George Watching cannot always see Sutherland from Vancouver B. C.; family were Mr. and Mrs. Henry delicious viands that make the danger ahead. Dodging cannot Mr. and Mrs. Charles Opperman Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. holiday feast. always miss it. It comes like and two children of San Francis­ Hooker, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. that make the holiday feast. a flash— does its damage— is co; Mr. L. E. Conroy of Portland; Foose, and daughter Darlene, .The guests th at.w ill enjoy it gone. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fiene of Gold Miss Anna Hanson and Master with them are Mrs. Nora Walrad, Insurance against such risks Hill and Miss Pauline Grieves of Frank Hanson, Z. P. Webster and Mrs. Anna Williams, Miss Geòrgie' guards you front loss at all Medford. F. P. Webster. Coffee, Miss Hazel and Miss Nina ♦ * • times. To Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland ♦ ” Emery, Mrs. Marcia Danford, Miss are extended the best of good T h an k sgivin g at G rants P a ss— Evelyn Danford, Mrs. C. L. Mc­ Only insurance can give you Do not forget wishes for a happy and prosper­ Mrs. Harriet Fielding was a Williams and daughter Constance, / your Radiator constant financial protection. ous future. guest for Thanksgiving dinner at and Mr. H. S.Emorv. Consult your insurance agent • • • the pleasant home of Mrs. Huff, as a specialist in protection. Ashland Music Study Club Meets in Grants Pass. Dinner at the Armory— • • ♦ The Ashland Music Study Club The G. A. R. of Ashland were / Guaranteed lo prevent freezing met Monday evening at the studio The McWilliams Entertain— hosts at a splendid chicken din­ and not to injure radiato?-. of Miss Imogene Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McWil­ ner on Saturday last at the Arm­ A scientific preparation Real Estate and Real In­ At this meeting a constitution liams entertained at an elaborate ory. The complimented guests M ade ami tried in the East surance. (E s ta b .'1 8 8 3 ) was adopted and the year’s pro­ dinner Thanksgiving. Those who were the ladies of the W. It. C. Phone 211 41 East Main Quart 45cts. Gallon $1.75 j gram was arranged. enjoyed their pleasant hospitality and their friends. It was decided to study Amer­ were Mr. A. E. Hall of Medford, n o NOT USE ALCOHOL: __ seventy- _____ . There were between ican composers. American singers, Mr. Duncan and daughter Hazel five and one hundred present to It boils at 173 degrees ! (w ater boils at 212