A shland D aily T idings MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Neivsyaper For Nearly Fifty Years (International News Wire Service) VOL. XLVII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volum« 43. ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1923. NO. 11 (JALES PI. A Y HAVOC CONCRETE RESULTS OF WITH SAX FRANCISCO) CLASSIFIED COLUMN « --------- » ' ! » Prior to Thanksgiving 8 san F rancisco , Dec. tt H. J. Deakln inserted a 8 1 « 1— Terrifflc gules, vary­ r 8 “Turkeys for Sale” ad in 8 It ing in velocity form 75 to 8 the Classified column of 8 I I 90 miles, around San « JTWt wnifK nouSK the Tidings. The night be­ 8 It Francisco bay played hav­ n ««•a,. ¡8 fore Thanksgiving he had 8 tt oc with shipping early to­ 8 ¡ 8 disposed of his entire 8 ftt day. The big freighter 8 ftrtoD r 26 tt flock of 30 turkeys and 8 Governor Says Need for ö Robin Gray was blown on­ 8 Report of Military Activity had received orders for 20 8 Special Prosecutor Exists tt to a rock of the jetty, 8 One of Largest Groups of tt in Germany Develops Manager of Oregon Chamber » more, lie states that the tt but was rescued without 8 j No Longer. New Senators in Years I m I Belief, Sensation. of Commerce to Be Here ¡ 8 &n n n i p u u i . small ad was responsible 8 ¡ ---------- J« serious damage. A huge 8 and Most “ Complex.” Bee T«k. I. T. Tuesday. I « for selling 50 turkeys. 8> HAS FAITH IN BORDEN « hole was stove in the 8 SOME SCOUT REPORT] S« This is one example of n to ---------- i» bow of the Army tug El 8 j Foreign O ffice D isclaim s O fficial PARTY LINES VAGUE '.tt • 4 ADDRESS F O R U M Hoggs Is PraiMsl for H is Ai other Injured. Dudly won hl he here for the oc­ Jackson county. ( Minstrel Shows— Wrong Im­ ; Congress. For the first time the casion and the announcement is As the agency is often credited "With a district attorney pre­ j Farmer-Labor Party is represent­ pression Corrected. SACRAMENTO. D ec.l. — Mrs. hailed with pleasure by officials with being “semi-official,” the ed. pared to fully enforce the law ,’ J. Cutler, resident of the Frank- and members of the local cham­ familiar declaration about Ger­ and with no evidence of condi-j With some notable exceptions The final rehearsals for the big many’s misdeeds was taken ser­ line Boulevard, lies at her home ber. tions that would call for the ser- , ’ minstrel show to be staged by the the new senators bring into the in a critical condition as the Facsimile « / Presiderst Coolidge’s Letter Urtine O bservance Mr. Dudley recently returned iously und caused general alarm. of Golden ” Rule Sunday vices of a special prosecutor, 1 j Llthians Monday evening will be senate little or no experience in aftermath of a collision of an from a trip through the East, The foreign office immediately RESIDENT COOLIDGE hai writ­ . Golden Rule Day will be observed national political affairs. Few j automobile in which she was rid­ have no right nor reason to ask . held tonight and tomorrow fore- disclaimed official authority for where he made a rather compre­ ten to the Near Eaat Relief head­ simultaneously in fourteen different have held other than m inor and the people of Jacksn county to non. Final rehearsals will be the statement, but the fats was in ing with her husband and a safety hensive and intelligent survey of quarters it New York commend- S .T December 2nd. On this day , relatively unimportant state of- pay the additional expense of a held tonight and tomorrow fore- the fire. the idea of International Golden people ’ aie zone marker at Sixth and J streets marketing conditions as applied to asked to forego their usual | . Rul* Day to be observed all over the more or less elaborate Sunday dinner , lces‘ special prosecutor, the governor , noon. Tonight’s rehearsal will be According to the story told our action, and will have some­ The papers controlled by Lord world on Sunday, December 2nd, as declares in his letter to Boggs ( held at Memorial Hall at 7:00 o’- Rothermere todf^v evidence the a means of providing food for ’ the and eat instead a meal approximately ! These me«, for the most part, Captain Robert H. Dundas of the thing of particular interest to say i™ notifying him that his services in dock sharp and Carl rf.oveland, greatest concern over the report. orphans in the Near East and urging Lh' , r : “ '„v, , r ? 5 d. i o,Eha7 f e; ; - i» " d traffic bureau, the accident which along that line, as well as regard­ the widespread observance of the day, and contribute the difference in the thft m idd le an<1 far w est, have that capacity are no longer need the director, has issued notice to may cost Mrs. Cutler her life and ing other matters of ulniost im­ Others point out it was nothing both as a practical method of help cost of the two menus to the support ed. been thrust into national prom­ which has already cost the life of portunée with respect to the era every member to be in attendance but repetition of claims often and as an expresiion of international of these orphans. inence through what commonly her tinhorn babe, occurred when | of development Commenting upon the fact that tonight without fail. The final made by Premier Poincare of goodwill. that will un- In this country the movement is he has been asked to appoint an and ,ast rehearsal will be held at The President’s letter, a facsimile of sponsored by the Near East Relief and Is referred to as the "progressive he endeavored to avoid another , d<)Uld«'dly sweep over Oregon di»r- France. The Daily Express de­ which is reprodtied above, said in contributions will be made through it. ; appPal to tlje v o ters.” . R egardless assistant to the attorney general' the Vining at 10:00 o’clock to­ clares the statement "possesses part: “I fee, sure that this suggestion Other countries will co-operate in the , of party a ffilia tio n s m any of them automohile which suddenly start-jing ,ll‘‘ nPXt f,‘w years. The ad- for Jackson as well as other coun­ morrow forenoon. All participants ed from the curb as he approach-1 dress of Mr. Dudley will he a the elements of propaganda,” and will meet with v- ry widespread ap­ s ’ * * ■ -* » « < •'“« « * ■ » ties, the governor declares in his will appear in complete costumes proval and will bung more closely to direct m essage en titled , ed the safety zone. adds: > ” Whai Details as to the proper sort ot food new belief in politics that is sup­ mind the charitalle requirements of letter to Hoggs that in his opin- for thp ,ast rehearsal. Ashland Ought to D o in 1924.” The Cutler automobile skidded The British government is en- «lose who are prosperous to those who to serve on Golden Rule Day rnay be posed to the conservative and the ion there is no “extreme case” in j Vining (<> lttciul into the heavy concrete marker, Members of the minstrels and titled to demand that the agency are in adversity, ft suggests not only Jackson county to justify such a c -] their director obtained by writing to the Near East reactionary. Many cannot he la­ a practical method of help, but the Irving E. Vining, president of throwing Mrs. Cutler Into the are well pleased | disclose the source of the infor- Relief, 151 Fifth Avenue, New York beled or pigeonholed as Republi­ tion. Wfchest repression of sympathy, by the Oregon state Chamber of wlth the showing and the two re-'m ation.” « ar.ng for a timt the privations of City, or the nearest state office of the can, Democratic or Farmer-Labor, wind shield. Mrs. Cutlers super­ “ In fact, there is no evidence hearsals between now and Mon-j The Manchester Guardian de­ others.” Commerce and an Ashland resi­ ficial injuries comprised lacera- relief organization. _____ despite what party flag they flew whatsoever that the present pros­ dent, will also attend the lunch­ ions of the face and head. day night will perfect the pro-' dares the agency statement to he at the time of election. ecutor is not or will not fully en­ Rrani | at variance with official opinion The 2-year-old baby of the cou­ eon next Tuesday and the local force the law,” the governor Party Lines Vague ple, which was seated on Mrs. chamber will have as its guests Seats are enjoying a ready sale regarding Germany and says: states. “Under the circumstances Never has the senate seen . . : and can be obtained at the Vining Cutlers lap at the time of the two leading officials of the stab* "Whoever inspired that state­ such a large influx of members just as in the case of the special (rpbpfttrp accident, also sustained cuts from chain her. ment was palpably bent on mis­ who cannot be counted upon al­ flying glass. prosecutor, I have no moral right O llier G uests The Lithians* wish to correct chief.” ways as “being within the party at least and certainly no reason Word has been reocived that the impresión that the minstrels The Times, which does not pub­ reservation.” Most of them were to saddle an extra expense on the presidents and secretaries of ar»> to appear as an organization lish the agency dispatches, heads Are 0,1 S»*e at Three Stores Government Sedatol Free for elected on the stand that they! TAX DEPARTMENT WILL Jackson county taxpayers when the Medford and (¡rants Pass at the Winter Fair, hut announce at length leading articles on the in A shland— W ill Open REQUIRE RIG FORCE Blasting Purposes— Packing would vote for principle rather! there is every evidence that the < ham hers will be in attendance Hooth letter. that some of the members will subject, ‘ Spurious Sensation, ami Freight Required. than for party. law is now being and will he ef­ to hear the niesages delivered. SALEM, Dec. 1.— Members of aid in the program with a number | The Times’ editorial laments In this connection consider for fectively enforced.” Th announcement of the com­ of excellent acts that time will j the effect the statement is j lk e - ’ The Ashlahd group of the Jack-J The Government has a large a moment a few new Senators: the state tax commission will The governor in his letter to! ing of Mr. Dudley has increased Boggs, thanks him for his “aid a s ! not permit staging at the Monday ( ly to have In the United Slates, son County Health association is i Q’tanity of Sodatol which has Dill Of Washington: Wheeler, of! meet here this week, when plans interest in the coming forum and evening show’. perfecting plans for the annual provpd very effective for blasting will he outlined for the organi­ and says it probably originated Montana; Adams, of Colorado; a special prosecutor and for youri luncheon to a marked degree and with some retired member of .one sale of Christmas seals. These purposes. This sodatol is being Frazier, of North Dakota; Jghn- zation of the state income tax de­ stand in behalf of law enforce-! of the disbanded British missions seals may .be purchased now and used in many counties for land son and Shipstead. of Minnesota; partment. Initial Income reports there is reason to believe that the ment.” wllh be on sale during the re­ clearing and the Government is Howell, of Nebraska, and Neely, under the law are due before attendance will probably attain a to the continent. Boggs was appointed special! record mark mainder of the month at McNair furnishing this powder .free to of West Virginia. These men rep­ March 15 of next year. prosecutor by Governor Pierce at | farmery, hut in order to Secure Bros.’ Drug Store, Elhart’s, and Earl Fisher, state tax commis-l ARTILLERY BOYS TO resent the three parties in the the time Rawles Moore, since re-i this the farmers wil have to pay sioner under whose direction the! PAR1*>NED PRISONEI. GIVE DANCE TONIGHT the statlonery*department of the senate, and yet it is a safe bet signed, was district attorney forj for preparation and packing and 1 WILL RETURN HOME Enders Co. that party leaders will worry tax will be collected, says it w ill. that county. freight. Annual Service Honoring Depar­ require between 30 and 50 em-j It is the plan of the local com­ Melt« Brothers are to furnish This powder can only be secured about their votes whenever there SALEM, Nov. 3 0 — J. p, Weth- ted Elks to lie Held Sunday music for the dance planned this mittee to open a booth in the lob­ is a show-down on strict party ployes to operate the department. in car-load lots, and we now hare 1.OST CHILD IS FOUND Mr. Fisher estimates that there ] Polygamist, who was par at 3:00 P. M. evening at the Armory under the by of the postoffice the last of , .an opportunity to share a car- lines. It is not at all unlikely that AFTER ALL-NIGHT SEARCH ¡ auspices of the 484th Co., C. A. C. next week. Further plans con -jiod with Josephine County farm- any or all of them would “bolt” will be approximate 70,000 in- doned 'from the Oregon state —------- ! Ashland Lodge No. 944, B. P. O. The winning combination of ten cerning the sale will be announc-i ers. come reports the first year the penitentiary yesterday by Gover­ | at the slightest provocation. EATONVILLE, Wash., Dec. 1.! E. will hold its annual public Instruments has been touring the ed later. nor Pierce, will leave for his borne, law is in effect. ! jcarmers who wish to secure! Progressives Rule Maxine Bruno, 5-year-old daugh- Memorial service tomorrow’, Sun­ west from their home in Mllwau-i The committee desires to im -isom e of this powder can do so] at Sumpter tomorrow. He will be This very fact has ot' made W" h ' h e i'’y Pay'nK l “e C08t ' ^ “ 'numerical advantage" rtght the by ter of J. Bruno, who was lost in day afternoon, December 3, in the i n „ . ^ X ^ “ BdhX . “ ett o ' ^ ! r S8, Aa'’l’la,i.'1 met in Portland by Mrs. Wether-* a heavily wooded country near lodge room on the third flor of u .. alll, who has promised to take C7 ^ _ “ 5 ’ lay' d ” ble H at a large per c e n t r e , to the County Agent. Price of the Republican» ever the Demo- here, was found today a after a , the Elks Temjile. The services will houses all along their route, care of him during his declining of the proceeds received from t h e '‘u*" this will be $8.70 per hundred.! crats most uncertain. It has plac- party had searched for her all he delivered by Rev. T. K. Ham- ‘ The orchestra Is composed of days. He is suffering from sale of the Christmas seals re­ wlnch is a great deal cheaper than cd, in fact, the control of the Sen-' night over the frost covered niond, rector of Trinity Episco- piano, banjo, violin, two saxaphon- Bright’s disease, physicians saltf, mains in Jackson county for dynamite and is just as effective. ate in the hands of the Progres- es, two clarinets, Mirmba, organ ground. The party, composed o f ! pal Church, of Ashland. and is hi a feeble condition. Weth- Farmers interested in this mat­ sives, headed by Senator La Fol- health work, and particularly for Mayor Galbraith and Marshal i The exercises will include, be- chimes and traps. Specialty num­ ter will please confer with the Am erican Society Reports That eraR was RPnt ,o *•”' prison from the fight against tuberculosis. lette, of Wisconsin. Wright, was led by bloodhounds jside8 those Prescribed by the rit- bers are given featuring all the Multnomah county under a two i County Agent at once. 7,000,000 Are Endangereil The slogan is: "Do not mail a Another interesting sidelight years sentence The child was uninjured. She evi- ual of the ord<^p and the addrses instruments and the party claims package or letter during Decem­ by Tuberculosis. — ——— — ——— , about the new senators is that dently strayed from other child­ referred to, a musical program by the distinction of being probably ber without a Christmas seal.” Tl RKRIS SELL FOR ! mots of them come up direct from the orchestra of Ashland Lodge the o n ly ' similar group having ren playing in the woods. NEW YORK, Dec. 1.—«even To NEW HOMES LESS THAN RABBITS I private life, and not step by step of 13 pieces, directed by Carl Organ Chimes. million German children are in im­ IN KLAMATII « ALLS They come here highly recom­ BELITTLE TEACHER IS Loveland: a violin solo by Sum­ j in state office, as usually prevail- mediate danger of contracting tu- U. S. WILL TAKE NO PART RENO, The , i ,,n,quel ed ,n other dayR’ ner Parker: and a vocal solo by mended and their specialty num­ FOUND IN VANCOUVER . Nov. , » 30.— , ”y a j»mpjberculosis as a result of prolonged KLAMATH FALLS. Dec. 1.— IN INTERALLIED PLAN Carl Loveland. bers are vouched for. „ - Pectacle of turkeys selling fo r , from the farms and the profes- undernourishment according to a The approach of winter has not The public is respectfully invi­ VANCOUVER, B. C„ Nov. 30— 25 CP,lts ppr Pound while the low- sions to the Senate. That is true ’ cablegram made public today by WASHINGTON, Dec. 1.— The ted to attend the service. yet caused a recession in build­ Nell Austin, Seattle school teacher rabbit commanded 40 cen cents f ~ s new — j Major *- • - - — HEATH CLAIMS THREE ts; particularly of M Minnesota General Henry T. Allen ing in Klamath Falls, it was indi­ United States will not officially SISKIYOU MINING MEN and choir-singer, was found here!a pound caused much comment iu members. Johnson was called , Chairman of the American Corn- take part in the investigation after being missing for four days. Reno during the final hours of i from a harvest field to make th e ! mittee for Relief of German Chll- cated when permits for building which the interallied reparations WHITE LEGHORN PULLET and repairs totalling $20,270 f o r Thanksgiving, j race. YREKA, Nov. 30— Mining ac­ She was in a delirious condition marketing ESTABLISHES RECORD dren. commission will make into Ger­ were granted by the city council. tivities of three well-known Siski­ and is critically ill today, while Dealers reported a great surplus' G. O. P. M ajority The message was sent from the man resources. It is announced Tjie permits were largely for authorities investigated the mys- of turkeys and predicted even The Senate now lias 51 Re- headquarters of the American houses, and only two. one of here. The impression is gained A- Rert Freeman, well known you County men were brought to terlous circumstances surround-1 lower prices for the holiday sea- publicans. 43 Democrats and Society of Friends (Quakers) who that America will remain aloof poultry enthusiast and a close within the last week which did not state the amount, ing her disappearance. son. Farmer-Labor. Of the IS new have returned to Germany to feed were for repairs. The largest from the whole proceedings, al- ' Slower, is the owner of a white through their deaths. The prisoners at the county jail members 11 are Democrats, 5 the starving children wixh the though it Is possible that Ameri- leghorn pullet that has establish- Funeral services were held h e r e ---------- *----- :------------- - were given a turkey dinner by Republicans and 2 Farmer-La­ fund of $10.000.000 that is being building enterprise r» presented by can experts may sit in “unofficial- ed an excellent record by laying today for Michael Luddy, w h o 1 CHICAGO REEK RUNNERS raised in the United States by Gen­ tb applications was th e thirty- STAGE ANOTHER BATTLE Sheriff Hill house, and at the bor. ly ” 23 consecutive days. The pullet succumbed ^Wednesday. He was four room frame rooming-houst* ----------- 8 county hospital the inmates en- What is the nature of these new eral Allen’s Committee. is a descendant of Hollywood’s 66 years old?.a native of Sawyer’s 8 "Altogether seven million chil­ being erected by the Klamath ROSEBURG-REEDSINVRT 8 CHICAGO. Dec. 1.- 8 joyed a duck feqst, with the birds men? What do they stand for? world famous hen. A trap nest! Bar. Lumber and Box Company in ROAD TO HE IMPROVED ( was What have they done in private dren are in urgent need of food.” ... used and also revealed 28 Last rites were held yesterday 0 One beer guard was shot 8 raised on the county farm. (lie message reads. "Most of them s,lippington tor $10,000. , and official life that earned for eggs for a 31 day period. A sister afternoon for Henry Mack, who 8 to death, a second mortal­ 8 do not get any warm meals or any ROSEBURG/Ore., Dec. 1.— Bids also produced 28 egg^ during th e 'd ipd Monday. He was 70 years 8 ly wounded, and an auto- 8 FAVOR COOLIDGE PLAN j them seats in senate? bread at all. They are so badly u: DRY I»A\V OFFICER for grading the 3*4-mile section month of October. i old and ahd lived in the county 8 ist, his wife and 3-year- 8 FOR ORGANIZATION dernourished that they are in IS SANDBAGGED of the Roseburg-Reedsport high­ Mr. Freemans’ poultry yards 8 half century. He formerly op- 8 old baby caught in a fusil­ 8 STATE DAIRY AND FOOR PENDLETON, Nov. 3 0 , __V. great danger of contracting tu­ way, will be received by the bur­ WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. Thej are located at 112 Nutley Street, j crated the Honolulu Placer Mine 8 lade of shots, were wound­ 8 COMMISSIONER IS DEAD berculosis. In Dresden, one-sixth Williams, federal prohibition o f­ eau of public roads on December 8 ed when Chicago’s bitter 8 Administration program for organ­ He is particularly interested in i on the Klamath River, of the school children suffer from ficer, stationed here siuce the 19, according to word received iu the use of trap nests and claims! The body of Albert Milton Tay- 8 war between beer runners 8 izing the senate passed the first Curtis L. Hawley, state dairy j famine. Pendleton round-up. itas render this city today. The government of republican tt flamed up again today. 8 test when the , caucus to have, the most modern system ! lor. well-known miner of Happy x , and food commisisoner for over! ------------------------------- has set aside the sum of $85,000 ed unconscious last night when of trap nests in this section of Camp, yesterday was shipped to 8 Thos. Keense died in the 8 senators re-elected all party of-!*, i thre years, died at his home in «TO CUT RUNNING TIME for the grading of this section, and au nnidentiflcd person struck him ficers without a dissenting vote. the state. Monmouth, Ore., for burial. Tay- 8 hospital. Wm. Egan, the 8 Portland yesterday afternoon. Mr., SAN FRANCISCO TO CHICAGO is preparing to start work without iu the back of the head with a jj i Six of the insurgent progressive , lofr died Wednesday following a 8 second guard was mortal­ Hawley was versed in dairying SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 1.— delay. sandbag. The attack was mad-* 8 CONTAGIOUS DISEASES ly wounded. The two men 8 ! bloc remained away, indicating and the livestock industry in The Southern Pacific has stroke of apoplexy. an-, behind the French restaurant on that a fight may be made before REPO RTED IN STATE 8 bound, thrown from a 8 VESUVIUS IS REPORTED the senate when final approval Is Oregon and was in school affairs' nounced that three hours will be Main street. tt beer truck and their bod­ 8 THR WEATHER IN ANOTHER ERUPTION of the state, being a regent of the cut from the running time of asked. V\ illianis was unconscious for The contagious disease report 8 ies riddled with bullets by 8 Report for Friday, November train No. 9 between here and about an hour before lie awaken­ LONDON, Dec. 1.— The famous A continuous house membership Oregon Agricultural College. for the week ending Nov. 24 a 30. 1923. Maximum’« , minimum, 8 the gangsters, who sped 8 j of 35, but with new apportionment old volcano. Mt. Vesuvius, is in He had served in both branches Chicago, by the way of Ogden and ed, and pounded on a door to at­ total of 74 cases in the state. The , r . . , „ < 8 for states is provided in a bill of the legislature from Polk and Omaha. The change will become tract help, lie was taken to St. , , 3 5 . set maximum. 37- and 99 tt away. eruption, according to a dispatch report includes 30 cases of scarlet . ,zz The war for supremacy 8 j to be introduced Monday by repre-] Benton counties and during this effective January 1st. Under the received here from Rome. Earth­ fever. 32 o f diphtheria. 10 of ! precip,t»ti<»n. Early this morning tt Anthony’s hospital and this morn­ tt between b e e r running 8 te n ta tiv e Fairfield, republican, of, period he becqme president of the present schedule the train arrives quake tremors are felt in Rome smallpox and 2 of typhoid^ j mercury stood at 23. Last night ing his condition was so improved gangs previously t o o k 8 ( Indiana. Under the Fairfield plan Dlan Oregon Oreeon State Dairy Dairv association here at 12.30, but under the new Floods are taking place in Tus-J One ease of scarlet fever is had the coldest temperature so tt that lie told police officers he ex­ « three lives. 8 j California gains three representa- and of the Oregon Purebred Live­ schedule will reach here at 9:30 pected to leave tonight for Port­ cany. charged to Ashland. t w recorded thia fall. < tz t t t t 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 tives and Washington one. a. m. stock association. land, BOGGS IS R E MOVED BY PIERCE NEWS REPORT ■! CAUSES STIR IN LONDON COOLIDGE URGES OBSERVANCE GOPCONTROL f OF GOLDEN RULE DAY DEC. 2nd Q f ” DUDLEY T 0 BE GUEST AT IS I N S E CURE CRASH TAKES LIFE E FINAL REHEARSALS P ANNUAL SALE OF XMAS TREE POWDER OFFERED SEA1S IS ONDER WAY TO JACKSON FARMERS IAL « -—a . — »4 Î _