3 O 5 *Ä - » m > « t i t ) »«> > > »« Premium Lists and Rules for Exhibits Winter ABE GFFERED LIBERAL rREMIlIMS FOR i P M USF FOR ¡POULTRY PRIZE (BUSINESSMEN OFFER PREMIUMS O ' L PREMI NEEDLECRAFT “ ™ L ™ LIST FINISHED DOMESTIC DEFT. Plans for Needlework Depart The m anagem ent of the A shland! W inter F a ir believes strongly in the RlCRt Of W i n t e r - P a i r Ninth Annual Poultry Show Premium List and Regulations ( LIST C0MPLE1ED L EXHi —ill I Be “ Important Fea- In this departm ent it has been Will In addition to the regular list of for Domestic Exhibits Is Are completed. ture of Winter Fair deemed advisable to offer the p rin­ For the Schools exhibit the follow- premiums offered poultry exhibitors Complete. Va\ Ue ° f Club W ° rk f0r boys and j L ad ies’ Art Club W ill B e In Charge cipal prizes for best general exhib­ -—— | ¡ng list of subjects and prizes has a t the coming W inter Fair, the wide­ girls. They are offering the following ‘ it of ag ricultural and horticultural R u les and R egu lation s A re D efined aw ake business men of Ashland have Prizes A re Liberal and Cover Prac- been offered by the committee con- of D epartm ent— L ist of P rem ­ and C om plete L ist o f Aw ards prizes to Jackson County Clubs to iu m s A re Increased.- products from individual producers. tically Every P roduct of | sisting of G. A. Briscoe, Mrs. A. W provided quite an extensive list of F orm erly A nnounced encurage this work. Of th is m atter Ample space will be allowed for th is th e K itc h e n . ’ W oods, M rs, L o u is Schw efn an d special prem ium s for w’inners in this Secretary T. H. F u ller says: The Ladies’ A rt Club will again purpose and all parties Intending ! Mrs. Emil Peil. These lists apply to The Tidings present today com­ departm ent. The special list covers "W e believe th a t th e two weeks have charge of the A rt Needlework to compete should obtain blanks The Domestic D epartm ent for the Ashland schools but all Jackson sum m er school given by the Oregon D epartm ent of the W inter F air and and notify th e secretary not later plete rules and regulations for the 38 classes in the poultry departm ent W inter F air, not to be outdone by county schools are invited to com- and a special prize is offered each A gricultural College in June to the Mrs. Selma Gray will be Supt. of this ¡than December 1. Ninth Annual P oultry Show of the “A rt Ladies’’ have, headed in an P<’te for two silver cups, under the class. Many of the special prizes m embers of the Boys’ and G irls’ section. The departm ent will be Southern Oregon, which will be a A rticles in this D epartm ent m ust are valued a t $5.00, $10.00 and up-to-date schedule of prizes and direction of Mrs. Sussanne Homes clubs is very valuable. To assits known as section 2 of the A rt De­ prom inent feature of the coming be made up from the products of $15.00, and are of sufficient value urge th a t all- housewdves intending G arter, County Suerintendent, and clubs in sending one or more mem­ partm ent. W inter F air. Indications point to individual farm s, display to be to command added interest among to compete for these prizes cut this j fu ,l instructions will be made to bers to th e school we are offering A much g reater list of premiums grown by the exhibitor. Three priz­ one of the finest exhibits of poultry poultry exhibitors. list out of the paper and place eacb district relative to the term s of to any Jackson County Club organi­ will be offered than heretofore and ever collected in the. state. where it will be a rem inder. Ques- I contest. es will be offered consisting of— The list of special prem ium s fol­ zed and w orking during th e season blue' red and w hite ribbons, appro­ Roles lows: 1st— $10.00, 2nd— $5.00, 3rd— tions relative to this departm ent j 1- F irst Grade— Illustrated story of 1923. and m aking an exhibit at priately printed will designate the Rule 1. The ninth Annual Show $2.50. (Specials are also offered in 1. Best exhibit of turkeys, $5.00 may be referred to Mrs. C. B. Lam- (“ Little Miss M nffet” , size 9x18, pat- the Ashland W inter F air, in the Club winners as ■well as the regular cash of the Southern Oregon P oultry As­ this class.) kin, Mrs. F. C. Homes, Mrs. C. H. tern work. Prizes: $2.00, $150 cash by F irst N ational Bank. booth, one third of a scholarship to premiums. The following rules will sociation will be governed by the Pine, Mrs. Ella Mills, Dr. Horrly, | H .0 0 , 50c. The points upon which the ju d g ­ 2. Best -exhibit of geese, $5.00 the O. A. C. sum m er school in June be observed: rules of the American PoultryA s- ing will be based are: Mrs. Homer Barron. E ntries should 2. Second Grade— Thanksgiving cash by Citizens Bank. 1923. soclation. All prizes aw arded strictly 1. No premium shall be awarded I Garden products— 15 points. be made on proper entry blanks booklet: decorated cover, pattern 3. Best exhibit of ducks, $5.00 These exhibits m ust conform to when the exhibit is unw orthy in accordance with the American Orchard products— 15 points. furnished by the Chamber of C oni-■and color work. Prizes: $2.00, $1 50 cash by State Bank. the following rules: Standard of Perfection. though there be no competition. merce. -- - - -- $1.00, 50c. Field products— 15 points. 4. Best exhibit of chickens (any Sewing clubs— At least twelve Rule 2. E ntries close December 2. A rticles jnust be entered by Dairy products— 10 points. b reed ), $2.00 shovel by Ernie Peil; 3. I b i r d Grade— Illustrated pieces front each club and not less the m aker. Domestic Department 1, 1923, at 10 o’clock. Grain threshed— 10 points. ... , , s,o ry ’ “ The Wise Men” : camels 1 sack Kerois Egg Producer by Den­ than three members exhibiting. Rule 3. E n try fee for poultry is nis. 3. No article can be entered which i -~_ Jordan - — . i Bp9t baby J r. in show— E astern McGee’s, McNair Bros., Elec- Association. 3rd— $1.25. in 1 box) — 50c, 25c. Supply Co.. $1.00 knife. 15. Best plate pears, 1 cake by ; trie Co.. Ashland F u rn itu re Co., The classes excepting in New Commercial Breeders Class Best collection candied (3 varie­ A. B utler (Buckeye B akery). Best Flem ish Sc. Buck— Jordan Vining Theatre. Swenson & Peebler. This class will include laying Zealands and Flemish will consist ties in 1 box)— 50c, 25c. Electric Co., $1.70 Flashlight. i Ashland R ealty Co., Ashland Green­ pens of six females. of Senior Buck, Senior Doe, Junior fee, 20th Century Co. Candy houses, Additional Prizes A rranging Program (Over six A special committee will have Buck and Ju n ior Doe. 33. Best pullet in show, um brel-' Best pound home made candy Additional prizes offered as fol­ charge of this class. K. Tomlinson, chairm an o f'th e months, senior, under six months la. W. H. Hodkinson. (m ust be in box)— 50c, 25c. lows: Room F o r T hirty program committee announced that 34. Best cockeral in show, $1.70, The light w eight breeds will be junior.) C hristm as S u ggestion s Plaza m arket — 1 sack Crown in a separate class from the heavy a program of exceptional m erit and! Secretary J. H. F u ller says: "A t New Zealand classes are as fol­ flashlight by Jordan Electric Co. Best Xmas idea from this dep art­ powers of entertainm ent is well un­ least 30 booths can easily be pro­ flour for best loaf of bread; 1 sack breeds. lows:. Does and litters, baby ju n ­ 35. Best cock in show, $1.00 m ent— $1.00, 50c. Crown egg mash for best barred der way, but stated th a t the exact vided in the spacious C hautauqua Five entries in each class will be iors, three to four m onths; Junior, cash by Staples Realty Co. rock hen. — - E xtras n a tu re of the program is not to be Building and every Ashland firm four to six m onths: interm ediate, necessary to carry out th e plan. 36. Best hen in show’, $1.50 box To one with greatest num ber of H. G. Enders— 1 sack egg mash divulged until a la te r date. Mr. Tom­ . th a t can possibly dd so Is- urged to Cash prem ium s will be paid for six to eight m onths; senior, o v e r ' candy by C. L. Loomis. exhibits in this departm ent— $2.50. however, t h a t ! ?n ter the m erchants’ exhibits. H. H . 1 f° r best exh,bJt W hite Plym outh th e three pens laying the highest eight months. linson indicated. 37. Best turkey gobbler, $2.00 Swcepstakea som ething good is in store for all E lh art is chairm an of the committee Rocks- num ber of eggs for the four days, Flemish are junior under six cash by W hittle T ransfer Co. To the w inner of the greatest Hardy Bros.— 1 aluminum kettle and will have charge of alloting the those who visit the W inter Fair. commencing W ednesday A. M. Con- months, interm ediate six to eight 38. Best turkey hen, $1.50 box num ber of blue ribbons in this de­ for best exhibit White Wyandottes. j eluding Saturday at five P. M. space for the individual exhibits. months, senior over eight months. chocolates by Nininger & W arner. partm ent— $3.00, T t j