frrtâay, NovCiutRir »0, iüu»! YYINTfER frAlR EDITION, ASHtA.VD DAILY ■M -- -- — ■■M M Ï Masters and Slaves ; Capt. H. W- Fram e and E rnest W ebb H ave A lw ays B een Con­ sisten t Show Supporters. w HISTORY OF ASHLAND’S WINTERFAIR Event I s TIEN you come Io think of it, it is the people who don’t save their money that work for the people th at do save it. in the long run. (Jet into the master class hy opening a savings, account with this hank. , „1, aw, O ut-grow th o f - i. u n « « “ * , P o u ltry . D airy in g , fia b b its t P age «M k, slve .M to ­ X E W S T E A M S H IP F O R ' Orleans. The „ ea rn e r fc, ,o gether witil tile m erchants' booths S. P. NEW YORK LINE, have a displacem ent of 11,100 arrayed around the entire o u te r' The Southern Pacific Com pany| < ! ■ umn $2.- edge, and the decorations portray-, ing a w inter scene, and with beau­ I has placed an order with the Todd It is ex p ected tin« a m e r w ill tiful lighting effects, surely the ' Drydock & Construction Company •’why” ' of the W inter F air will Will Give Lectures and Demon- j of Tacoma, W a r t .7 ’ fo7 CO ,npleud : hd i th e v. h i t . < l « r that sm ells lik e perfu m e”— a w eakening resolve— m ore human w reckage. Mrs. Reid bares to the world her innermost feel ings so that others may never be faced with the ter­ rible^ curse of narcotics. Growth Is R ealized The following year, 1921, it ■ was found th a t with the adver- ■ ¡tisin g obtained for the First a s j Annual W inter F air th a t an en­ tire building would be required for the poultry exhibit alone, so th e big natatorium was secured to house the poultry departm ent. The auto dealers of southern Oregon were invited to augm ent the other exhibits in the Armory, and th a t year saw the first auto­ mobile exhibit added to the list of attractions. Many poultry exhibits came in th a t year from up-state and th e i capacity of the coops and equip­ m ent was tested to the utmost. All th e other departm ents enjoyed a healthy growth and a wonderful i exhibit from the schools of Ash-! land and Jackson county was ad ­ ded. Remember the Baby A well stocked infants wear department, wor­ thy of your attention for gifts as well as everyday needs. Winter Fair Specials SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1st TO SATURDAY 100 ELECTRIC Curling Irons I snailv sold at $1.75 $1.35 An ideal C h ristm a s Gift DECEMBER 8tl Special Clearance of Coats— for Women and Children during this week. • 50 fine Coats, including a big assortment of stylish stout sizes, up to size 53. Saving of $5.00 to $25.00 on your winter Coat. W onderful Show in 1022 The year 1922 witnessed the springing of an unlooked-for su r­ prise on the m anagem ent of the W inter F a ir in th e receipt of en­ tries in the poultry departm ent from all over the state of Oregon, and from points in W ashington and California. A prom inent poul­ try man who was a visitor that y e a r declared the poultry ex­ hibit the second in size in the N orthw est, the Portland show, only, exceeding it. And the rab ­ bits. They came in from every­ where and required a large crew of men for an entire day building j r? pens to hold them . . The 1922 F a ir was much larger than during any preceeding y e a rs,; i but th e extra expense incurred in building additional exhibit coops for th e poultry departm ent, and th e expense entailed in securing th e w onderful lecture and en ter­ tain m en t by F ran k Branch Riley m ade the financial success of the show less pronounced than d u r­ ing the previous years. Auditorium Secured It had been suggested th at Ash- 1 a n d ’s wonderful auditorium I would he an ideal place in which to hold the show and looking to th a t end eventually, a movement was m ade in th a t direction in 1922, but the suggestion was al- I i lowed to rem ain for fulfillm ent this season, and it now appears ] th a t even this great building will be filled to its utm ost capacity. The auditorium is a wonderful building, in area, appearance, and construction, and with the various s T departm ents of Art. A griculture. 0000020102000102010001020102000001310000020100020102010200530102000102020101535348020223 ' Automobiles, Domestic A rt, Flori- 0010010002020200020200025323484800010253532302232323485353234853234853532353234848235353532348 WI len we think of the privations those early pioneers endured for an ideal, we Sweaters at $5.95 A large group of brushed wool, some in col laf less coat styles; Some chappie Coats. see how thankful we ean he for our com­ fortable homes, bountiful crops, general prosperity; it would be a long list if we named everything A on re probably thankful for a lot of things We’re thankful for your patronage 200 yds. White Outing ..................... 12 300 yds. 1.0c White Outing ......................... 15C 28c White Daisy Cloth—25c Ladies Slipon Sweaters, $2.95 to $4.45. Childrens Slipon Sweaters, $2.45 to $3.45. Womens, Misses and stylish stout dresses, in both silk and wool, re- eently repriced. 30 in. Fancy O u tin g ___23c 400 yds. 29c Winsor Crepe .....................2 5 c 42 in. Pillow Tubing . .. 39c 200 yds. Saxon BI. Musi in ........ ................18c 7-4 Pequot Sheeting . . . ,59c 30 in. Pequot Tubing. .. ,45c during the past year; it shows you appre­ 45 in. Pequot T u b in g ... 49c ciated our efforts to serve you; it gives us 42 in. Pequot Casing. .. 42c conf idence Io continue our value-giving • culture, Horticulture, i Industry, i 45 in. Pequot Casing___45c 45 inch Indian Head T u b in g ......................... 44c Linen Crash Toweling—20c Linen Crash Toweling wash­ ed and ready for use—29c 29c*fine count Percale. . ,25c Now is the time to begin your Christmas buying. Those who have seen our hand kerchief display marvel at the variety and beauty. It seems there never were so many pretty ones at 25c-35c and voui can gut them up to $1.00 or more each. Make up ribbons ink» gifts. We have a special l»ook of instrue lions and suggestions for use of ribbon in gift m aking. HAND BAGS and VANITY BOXES Novel new shapes in both. W hy not give a Mina Taylor house dress for Chrislimm? Every woman knows that Mina Taylor stands for good value ami good stvles. MEN!. When in doubt give Silk Hose, Gloves, Umbrellas, P etti­ coats, Lounging- Robes, Waists. EVERFAST CLOTHS L in en s a n d C o tto n s. Y ou can boil th em . T h e c o lo r w ill n ot fad e . Use th em for G ift m a k in g .