P áoé six FAH* EDITION, ASHLAND DAILY TIDlNOl Guests Yesterday— Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Holmes were guests at the hortte of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Holmes yesterday. They drove from th eir home in Grants Pass early yesterday and have returned there. « A Daily Chronicle of those who come anil go, anil events of Local Interest. Motor from Medford mid G iants j Pass— R. W. Steariis a resident of G rants Pass and Dr. R. W. Stearns, of Medford, with their families were gue9ts at the H. A. Stearns home yesterday. After eating a bountiful turkey d in n e r,! All P attern H ats One-IIalf the party attended the football Price Saturday. W ineland’s & game. They returned to their I ¡Shephed. homes last evening. E X C E L LENT DIS PLAY IS Friday, November Ä0, iti ti Only five remain and these will be ders Co., R. E. Detrick, McGee's, alloted today. Apparently there Ashland F u rn itu re Co., McNair's will not. be Sufficient booths to Drug Store, Jordan Electric Co., accommodate all the firm s t h a t , Ashland Electric Supply, Vining ► are desirous of m aking exhibits, / Theatre, Swenson & Peebler, Ash' ¡The booths have been alloted in ” ------ “ ’ --- — -r-r--.—----- — , the order applied for and if any firm is denied the privilege of participating it will be because of th e r delay In m aking application PLAZA MARKET SPECIALS ------------ Exhibit by Ashland Stores for space- Will Eclipse All For- One reason for securing the ...................... .......................... I All P attern H ats One-Half Do it now— get them later. liier Efforts. spacious Chautauqua Building in All P attern H ats One-Half I Price Saturday. W ineland’s & Darling Studio for po rtraits th a t .1» bland Lodge No. which to hold the W inter Fair Price Saturday. W ineland’s & Shephed. please. Phone No. 8. A. F. & A. M. 75tf LITTLE space remains was to provide additional room ! Shephed. Special Communication,' Friday ______ j for the m erchants exhibit, yet A ttended th e Game Y esterday— Our hand dipped Im perial j Only Few Booths for M erchant’s there is reason to believe th a t with evening. Nov. 30. first degree. | Business ___________________ in San Y r a n t isro— j C. P ort and family from Chocolates represent the best— Display Remain and Will Be additional space a num ber will Visiting brethren cordially wel­ A. B artolettl, proprietor of the : Jacksonvllle ara visiting a short Rose Bros. 69-tf Alloted Today. j be unable to place exhibits. come. L iihia Bakery, is in San F ran c is-' ,llne relatives. Guests from Med fowl— 23 Exhibits Assured lt. P. NIMS, W. M. R. N. Price and son, of Medford co on a business trip. Mr. B o r-1 ---------- H. H. E lhart, who heads the Already «« 23 m erchants ... - , , . I W. H. DAY. Secretary. toletti left W ednesday evening Large loaf— Quality bread 10c. were guests yesterday at the F. E. comittees of m erchants’ displays, | business firms> a metVUttlllS few frQm 75-2. 34-tf Shaffer home. and Is expected home tonight of Bon Ton. announced yesterday th a t unpre- side of Ashland, have applied for tomorrow. j cedented interest is being exhib- Second in Ashland— Fresh Homemade Candies at Union Services Held Yesterday__ ; ited by the m erchants of Ash­ sapee. Only five booths rem ain. ' Those who are already a rra n g ­ F irst In Portland and second I ~ , 69-tf . . . . . . L ! See the Auto Top Shop for your Rose Bros.. land in the coming W inter F air ' ing to place exhibits are: Union Services of several of In Ashland in the state of Oregon work . near p „ arR , Oaragfl J 76. 2 the city churches were held yes- j and th a t at least 23 firm s will H. H. E lhart, Murphy Electric for the installation of equipment Here from Yoncolla— terday morning at the Congrega- i be represented with excellent ex- Co., E. R. Isaac & Co., H. B. i to m ake H. A. Kohmans Salt; J. B arrington Gibson, of Yon­ tional church. The choir of that Dibits. The displays to be installed Many beautiful gifts nt Dar- Rising Bread. In the B m Ton ling Studio. colla, motored to Ashland W ed­ church gave special musical num- by the m erchants will portray Plum m er, L. L. Leedora, Ashland 75-tf Bakery. 76-2 nesday to spend Thanksgiving bers in addition to the in te re stin g 1 varied lines of m erchandise and Daily Tidings, E. T. Staples, En- Garm ents Relined— remodeled with his sister, Mrs. B ert Smith speech made by Rev. B. C. Miller, will be featured by exception- CHRYSANTHEMVMS Ask for Salt Rising B^ ad and repaired at Orres Tailor Shop at 733 Oak street. He will return Autumn decorations provided a , ally attractive lines, in which will _____ _ Monday. ' C' 2 i — upstairs. Phone 04.. 76-3 home Saturday. pretty setting for the service. ¡he found the latest fashions, He-j The A ristocrat of Fall Bloom- signs and articles of interest to ing Flowers are now blooming Are you hard to fit? Have y o u r ',. „ ,, ... Have your clothes cleaned at .. . ,, . . / . ; B rothers Go to California— the buying public. In great profusion. su it tailored to m easure at Paul-! T . , „„q w u- , Paulserud’s. Phone 119. .. ... John and George Robison left So great has been the demand Our Potted plants were never eeroa 8. It costs no more. j _ . . .. j W ednesday m orning for Lodi, for space in the m erchants ex- Better. Try our fresh kippered salmon | Cal. to visit th eir m other, Mrs. (jh lb it departm ent th a t practically Now is the time to p'lant Roses Move Here from Dunsmuir— 53-tf Samuel Robison. Mrs. George ‘D etricks.” every booth has been assigned. V\ e have ju st added a great many Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Mansfield Robison did not make the trip as of the choicest varieties to our have recently moved to Ashland i To G rants Pass Tonight__ And, if, with our W inter Fair, stock. reported. from D unsm uir and are a t home ______ About forty members of the “A ffair Is an Aid to Growing In ­ we can spread the gospel of more ’ ASHLAND GREENHOUSES d u stry .” Says Secretary a t 84 Garfield street. Mr. Mans­ f I have made a special study ofj Bapti;it Sunday School plan to and b etter cows, we will have ac- Foot Oak and Helman St., Phone J . H. Fuller. field Is a boiler m aker working i automobile Insurance; get my lin o to r G rants Pass tonight j complished one of the objects of 12°- 69-4 In the Southern Pacific round rates first. Yeo, of course. 21-tf wherp th ey wiB en tertain th at — ‘ holding this exhibition. An actual house. ______ Sunday School in conformance In commenting on the W itner ! exhibit of choice dairy cows would » » >*>»>»» » * * -» * » • » » » » * . Special Holiday reducHons in with a wager made last spring to F air with respect to dairying and be a welcome addition to the big ' Bread suits and overcoats—tailored to see which school would net the other industries, J. H. F uller, i show, but in lieu of this the most! 76-2 we can expect is to have one prize ; your m easure at Orres tailo r shop larger attendance gain. Ashland secretary of the F air says: lost and is obliged to entertain “ If there is any one thing which bossy take the stage and, through ! upstairs. 76-3 Lecture a t H aw thorne Annex— that school, tho it. Is stated that the W inter F air is intended to do, j some good in terp reter of the cow i Temple of Truth, Friday evening, Maple squares— 30c B Ton. G rants Pass will supply the din­ it is to set forth the various lines language, tell us w hat ought to 8 P. M. on ‘‘The Application of. ner. of agricultural and Industrial o p -! be done for the immediate fu rth - I the Law of R ight Living; and its Out-of-town Visitors— portunities which this section of- • erance of this great industry,) W. V. H arris and A F. Gra- Effects Good and Evil.” By Dr. Ready-to-wear suits and over- fers and invites. W ith the com ing1 which means everything for the D , Nina E. Pickett of Los Angeles. ham, or K lam ath Falls, are n -' of irrigation and its extension to growth and prosperity of our i mong out-of-town visitors. 0. B .1 Public cordially Invited. 75-2 every section of the Rogue River Southern Oregon country.” Wilder was an out-of-town visit­ In the H o s p i ta l - valley from Ashland to O rants or yesterday. P. C. Dreesell spent Return to Pasadena— Alec Hall Is a( the Community Pass, dairying offers perhaps the from- Hospital recuperating from a n er­ Mr. and Mrs. Homer Griffith Thanksgiving in Ashland greatest opportunity of any place John Maloney Is vous breadown. have returned to Pasadena after Bo^ue River — __ ¡in the United States. spending the sum m er in southern amon8 late arrivals from O rants “ G reat crops of alfalfa, the . . . . - Dn nr« .. l^Ii 2» w « The Secret is out— Dec. 3rd is Oregon with their parents, Mr. Pass. A nother visitor from K lam ­ 68-tf one best balanced ration yet dis­ ath Falls recently was E. W. Car-! the Lithian Minstrels. and Mrs. D. B. Lyon. covered for the dairy cow. com­ ter. P. W. Dayton and m other and TOO LATE TO CT/ASSIFY bined with an agreeable climate Ask for Salt Rising Bread Samuel W right all from Pendle­ FOR RENT— 4 room apartm ent and not too excessive rain fall, Monday. 76-2 ton, were guests yesterday from and garage. Adults only. Call at m ake conditions so ideal th a t it th eir home in eastern Oregon. is no idle dream to expect in the 63 N. Main St. 76-tf Remember the Farm Home pro­ very near fu tu re the establish­ Our famous Tamales are al­ gram Friday. 8:00 P. M. at Pres­ FOR RENT — 5-room cottage m ent of great factories for the byterian church. 75-2 ways good. Try one— Rose Bros. on Pioneer Ave., one block from condensing and distribution of 69-tf Hotel Ashland. Inquire of Mrs. Do not forget these great staple products. To Visit In C a lifo r n ia - your Radiator H. J. B arrett, 174 Oak St. 76-2*1 Orres cleans clothes clean. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Lyon plan to 76-3 FOR SALE— To close an estate leave Boon for C alifornia to be Phone 6 4— we call. ; 4 room house, large barn and gone several w,-eks. They ‘will G reeting Card W hiz A nti-Freeze I other out-buildings. 3 1-3 acre of visit In O ntario with Mrs. Holden Cars W ere Thick Y esterday— G uaranteed to prevent freezing The num ber of cars th at passed i land with free w ater right. Call A ssortm ent and later go to south Pasadena, and not to injure radiator. 76tf w here they will he guests of Mr. a given point on North Main at 63 N. Main. A scientific preparation Handsome Engraved G reet­ street yesterday afternoon fol­ Lyon’s Blatter. Mrs. Norris. Made and tried in the East ing Cards for Christm as also lowing the football game exceeded FOR RENT— Furnished house Religious and Humorous. Quart 45cts. Gallon $1.75 10S9 Boulevard. Phone 391-L. K ohm an’s Salt Rising Bread, 480 in approxim ately 45 m inutes. 76-3 IK) NOT USE ALCOHOL: on the m arket Monday. At your The cars were in compact form a­ 5c to 50c It boils at 173 degrees grocery, or Bon Top Bakery. 76-2 tion, following each other as WANTED— Oregon Jo u rn al Gift Stationery (w ater boils at 212degrees) closely as possible w ithout en­ subscribers. We try to Diease our Freeze-Meter Test Service Free Each one is distinctive and H coets nothing to get my in- dangering those preceeding or custom ers. Charles W. C hattin, each one is put up in an suranoe rates. Yeo, of course. 21-t following. Jr., Agent.Phone 353-L. 76-6 attractive holiday box. Aak for Monday. Salt Spitzenburgs, Baldwins, N ew tons P e r Box $1.00 * High Patent Idaho flour, per sack $1.60, by bbl $6.25. Crewn and White Loaf flour, none better, per sack $2.00, per bbl. $7.40. Crown dairy meal, per sack $1.85, 5 sack lots at $1.75. Mill run per sack $1.50, 5 sack lots $1.40. Economy mixed feed .per sack $1.40, 5 sack lots $1.30 I rown scratch teed, contains sunflower seed and egg making essentials, per 100 lbs., $2.85, 500 lb lots at $2.75. Grown egg mash, 100 lbs $2.80. 500 lb. lots $2.65. Buttermilk egg masli, 100 lbs., $3.05, 500 lb. lots $2.90 We m ust em pty our feed room in order to rem odel; so we are o fferin g special in­ ducem ents to move our p resen t stocks. P L A Z A M A R K E T H. A. Steain We Deliver 01 Main Rising Ashland Service Station Cold Weather is coming It’s Here No-Dim: REWARD — For retu rn of Rpeud Week at Ranch— Swifts— Bacon, Boiled Hara, leather bill-fold lost at football Louis Dennis, 440 California, Chipped beef and lard. Get It at spent the Thanksgiving holiday Detricks. It's the best. 53-tf game Thursday. Contained cur­ rency, d riv er’s license, etc. Ned at his turkey and chicken ranch French, Medford. 76-3* near Eagle Point. Cliff Payne m akes steps. Yes we m ake suits in our shop. — We have expert cutters and tailors at Orree Tailor Shop up- atalre. 76-3 W a deliver the goods. Service Is our motto. Detricks—phone *2- B3tf FOR SALE— Spitz apples. C. C. You don’t have to risk a cent W olters, Talent, Ore. 76-2* to be relieved of catarrh.- Get a ___________ _____ Hyomel o u tfit from McNair I FOR SALE— 4 residences 3 to Bros., the druggist, and if it does, 6 rooms in Talent. Mrs. C. C. not satisfy, they will refund the W olters, Talent, Ore. 76-2* purchase price. No. 4. 75c to $10.00 See onr Advance Showing of Gift Suggestions. McNair Bros. Drug M o n A Prepared Cloth (in can) only 50 cts. To keep your winsliield clear, i W ill Last A Year One application for a rain or Snowstorm 28 Stores 20thCcnluryGroccry 28 Storci Multiplying Dollar Power H undreds of item s priced in the 20th C entury way release m any a dollar ordinarily spent fo r table supplies fo r other pur- poses. In th e a g g re g a te these prices m ultipliying the dollar pow er m ean a w onderful saving in th e period of only a few months. Saturday and M ondala few d o llars <{<» ( r.vsLil AVliite Soap, 10 bars for 40cts. Royal Baking Powder, large cans, sold at service stores ordinarily at 50 cents, 20tb Century P rice......................... 40c Koval Club Coffee, 1 pound can 39cts., 3 pound can ................................. $1.08 \v< i l k Ot I11Í a ny Eastern Lorn \I eal, yellow or wbit< (-reme Oil Soap, lots of stores won’t <‘ven to give you 3 for’ 25c, 2(lth Cen- tury price, special, 4 b ars,............. 25c Guest-Ivory, bar 5 cents, Box of 12 .................................................55c Shortening, a very high grade in bulk, Pound ...........................................1 7 * c Flour—49 pound sacks of fancy Patent 2 .................................................$1.85 AValu'uts, California No. 1, soft shell, per pound.......................................32 Telephone Peas, Preferred Stock Brand, c a n ....................................20c Iowa standard Corn, extra quality, c a n ............................... .....................i2c 3 cans f o r ......................................... 35c 20th Century Coffee, Is better in every way, pound, 35 cents, 3 pounds. .$1.00 P eaberiy genuine, plenty of strength, Pound . ....................... ...................30c We AVant Your Business Dr. Oeser & Son Ashland Medford Grants Pass Tillamook cheese, cream cheese, cottage cheese, milk and b u tte r.' We sell the best. D etricks. 53tf Dsave Saturday— W. W. Barham and family will leave Saturday for Salem where Have a fit a t Orres. Tailors for they will be the guests of rela­ men and women. Upstairs. 4-tf tives of Mr. Barham and also visit A. Hoppe, father of Mrs. Home from D unsm uir— Barham. Cedric Myer is a guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O ur $24.75 all wool suits and W illiam Myer on High street. He overcoats are great. Tailored to spent Thanksgiving here yester­ your m easure in the latest fash­ day. ion. 76-3 D arling Studio— Sittings even­ Fresh fru it cake and mince ings by appointm ent. Phone No. 8. m eat Ingredients— brown sugar, 75tf citron, spices, orange peel, lemon peel, w alnuts and so forth. De- Oh Boy! Dec. 3rd is the Lith- trleks. We deliver. 59-tf Ian M instrels. 68tf T ruck Chassis V/ F.o.B. DETROIT L ino oi . n bar , Christmas Store •912 tL L C N S t *«■< w ina« S7M ! •Biw/y typet can be tupplied to meet every requirement. If you were to ask a hun­ dred—or a thousand—Ford truck owners w hy they use Ford trucks, in preference to all others, they w ould likely say, “B ecause th e Ford stands up.” T hey know that under the endless grind of daily ser- vice the Ford stays on the J job VZKZ XUVtlLU UXU U R. month Ail in C and month out, w ith very little me­ chanical care, and w ith practically no expense for repairs or replacements. They w ould emphasize the work this truck does, not its initial cost. Ford Truckt can be bought through the Ford FTeekly Purchate Plan. Don’t forget our Saturday Special Sales for which you can still be thankful. Harrison Brother’s Garage EAGLE M ARKET Phone 107 Visit the—- *» g c o - On Performance Records The Big Feast While Attending Ashland Winter Fair December 5th to 8th ? Ford Trucks Are Bought 82 N. Main land Greenhouse, H. G. Enders W holesale Grocery, American Maize Sales Co., K err Gifford C»., B. R. Putm an and Southern Ote« gon Radio Store. • THE CHRISTMAS STORE is filled io o v erflo w in g w ith G ifts for every member of the family A visit to our C hristm as displays will furnish welcome g ift suggestions, as well as the opportunity to fill g ift lists, which a re alread y complete. TOY DEPT ON THE BALCONY Toyville is a joyous place; no wonder all the little folks like lhat section of ours, for there all their dreams come true. Boyish laughter rings out as dancing clowns and mechanical toys per­ form; little girls, faces grow wistful as their anus reach out to clasp the doll that looks “ just like baby’’ and babies cry with delight at the cuddly teddy bears. .Grown folks find a visit to Toyville the best way to decide just what the children like best. Do Y our C A R S * TRUCKS • T R A C T O R S CHRISTMAS SHOPPING H ere l / j AC S CO. G ifts fo r All th e Fam ily