trida», NúréhiW fed, ifotô 89££tA i WÜtâ&R tÀÎÉ ÈDÏÎlôK, ÀSHLÂXb j&ÀtLï Ü hftSti eSÉëisÉ w*i NEWS m AS " K E L H O M ” Mrs. Wallace Reid and her two children Hood River— Pacific Power & Cost of governm ent in Oregon L ight Co. installs transform ers at „ , , . , , . 1 for fiscal year ending Sept 30, V inegar plant, box factory and local creamery. 1922, am ounted to $28,563,652. However, a ll the atudios are not all gloom, and many of them are going ahead with program s almost normal. At the United Studios building plans for several new structures are under way. From M. C. Levee, president of the United Studios, comes word that the improvement program continue with even greater activi­ ty. ______ . . , l Mack Bennett, one ot the to - 1 inducegjfruta for the holding of a sion during the term of the sum ­ summer school. The Ashland m er norm al and will afford s tu ­ Chamber of Commerce was so for- dents of the norm al unexcelled op­ i tunate as to receive one of the portunities for the study of art, I letters. Au immediate reply was as w’ell as ail others who have am ­ forwarded to the P ra tt Institute bitions along this line. and they were also favored with A fter arriving a t the decision pictures of this beauty spot of to select Ashland as the location ---------- ' n Oregon, together with for the sum m er school the insti- Pratt A ll Institute, B ro o k - offer® of lhe utmost cooperation tnte requested the secretary of lyn, Forwarding-Exhibit on the Pa rt of tb e chamber. A fte r; the local cham ber to name an in- for Winter Fair. extended correspondence the I terested and capable correspon- pleasing news was received from dent and Mrs. V. V. Mills was JO OPEN SCHOOL HERE Brooklyn that Ashland had been 'i “—“ ---------- selected for the summer school 1 Ashland Selected Pacific Coast Lo- The P ra tt Institute of Art is ' cation for Snmnier School located at Brooklyn, New York', INSTITUTE TO EXHIBIT of A rt. and is recognized as one of the leading a rt schools of the country. ways a party man. Beveridge is a One of the oest announcem ents They will open their school here Progressive-Republican, a com­ made in connection with the com during the summer of 1924. The panion in political belief of many of the new Senators who were vic- ing W inter F air is the news that torious over more conservative the P ra tt In stitu te of A rt is to O N S T IP A T IO N candidates a year ago. place an exbibit of on display. Uarm- Numeroida factors contributed Last year a representative of Always relief in taking to R alston’s election. The Repub- the P ra tt In st{iu te of Art ad- lican party in Indiana was virtu- I dressed com .nunications to sev- C H A M B E R L A I N ’S ally divided against itself, the re- eral differ jn t cities and towns of TABLETS suit of b itter factional broils. the Pae./ic Coast for the purpose Ea»y—p le ax a t— effectives- only 25o Has Many Friends The Dalles— Two billion feet But perhaps -------- ------- m above all in the . contributing factors was Ralston of timbPr »» Oregon National himself, a man with magnetic per- forest in southern p art Wasco FOR KITCHEN w l(h J " c o u n t, to be placed on m arket aPPM ' th a t finds so much as soon as cruised. recently issued a statement de­ success in Middle W estern politics.; --------—-----------------------—— claring that instead of harboring Since the days of the rule of Classified Ads Bring Results any plans' for retrenchment he ex- Tilden and H endricks over the ! pects to spend more. Also, he said, Democratic party in the State R al­ PHYSICIANS he expects to revive his famous ston has been a vertiable "wheel bathing beauty girls. . DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ horse” in the p arty ’s councils. Un­ dence and office, 108 Pioneer Maurice Tourneur, another in­ der th e present leadership o Tom avenue. Telephone 28. Office dependent producer, had this to Taggart, Ralston is no less a fa­ say; "I was never so active in my vorite, and it was T ag g art’s influ­ hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 life. Have started another pro­ ence and guidance which in a p. m. only. duction and expect to be engaged large m easure persuaded Ralston DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ on this film for several months. to leave his farm in southern In-I tice limited to eye, ear. nose and Following this produtcion there diana and re-enter politics. th ro at— X-ray including teeth. Ralston is of the personal type will be others. I do not anticipate Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to of Grover Cleveland and to a most any suspension in operations.” 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland. rem arkable extent resem bles the j Ore. Richard Walton Tully, another form er president. He has the same producer, said: "We have just gray m ustache, the heavy jowls, DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic concluded plans for what will the genial, smiling face and t h e ' and Electro-Therapy, orfico fe™™ XS.V- prove my most active producing same pleasing mannerism s. phone 48; residence 142. F irst Indiana Governor season since I became associated National Bank building. As Governor of Indiana, 1913- j with the screen. It looks like an DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings 17, alston was instrum ental in re­ j active season ahead of me.” office. Phone 91. organizing the financial system of th e state. It is the ardent claim Joseph M. Schenck, producer DR. ERNEST W. SMITH— Chiro­ NEW W HIM S IN L IN G E R IE of his followers th at he saved of films featuring Norma and practor, near Postoffice. Hours An interesting P. S. to Fashion’s Constance Talmadge and Buster the state millions of dollars. 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. decree tor lingerie concerns itself with Ralston is a farm er and a law­ * pajamas, a combination for girls and Keaton, voiced there would be no PLUMBING yer, but pre-em inently a farm er. juniors and a slip to wear under shut down in production for his straight-line frocks. The jacket of three stars. Norma Talmadge has In many q u arters Ralston is re ­ JER RY O’NEAI P lu m b in g . 207 the pajam as has a V-shaped neck and garded as a presidential possibil­ is bound with bias folds of < self-material just started production of a new E ast Main. Phone 138 ity in 1924. His friends are p ar­ I They may be fashioned of crêpe de ; film and th e first work in films N o — nor any more Chine, washable satin, radium silk,, starrin g Constance Talmadge and ticularly optim istic over his op- MONUMENTS batiste, cotton crêpe or voile. Medium __ Keaton will soon be start­ i portunities should a deadlock be­ size requires 4}^ yards 36-inch material Buster ”” coal or ashes for anyone MONUMENT— MARKERS tween McAdoo and Underwood The step-in combination consists of ed, It was stated. Lowest Prices chemise and drawers cut in one, with ¡grip the Democratic convention.! to lug! The convenience either round or bandeau neck. I t is ASHLAND GRANITE CO. , In th a t event he is being groomed Among the players, who are and efficiency o f Pearl 3rd and East Main St. 223-f-mo. trim m ed with narrow lace and satin as a "d ark horse,” much as the riblxm. Medium size requires supposed to be hard hit by the yards 36-ineh batiste, muslin or crêpe. late President H arding was put» Oil-made heat means ASHLAND GRANITE Slips are so much in demand th at "slump” in production, there are forw ard in 1920. MONUMENTS the model pictured to the extreme many who apparently do not feel comfort for everyone— Ralston was born in T uscara­ right will be interesting. It has a disposed to spread gloom over the Oregon G ranite Co. straight upper edge, with ribbon straps. fire-tending for none. was county, Ohio, December, S. PENNISTON, Salesman. It m ay be fashioned of batiste, hand­ outlook. 1, 1857. He was adm itted to the Res. 47« Laurel Phone 444-Y kerchief linen, crêpe de Chine, radium Heat by the roomful .at Conway Tearle, one of the best- bar in 1886 and practiced in Leb silk or fine sateen. Embroidery applied knwn leading men, said: »‘‘From to the front gives it an added decorative PLANING MILL the touch o f a match! anon, Indiana. note. Two and one-half yards of ■ a ' abdications the outlook to me Simply turn the wick JORDON'S SASH AND CABINET I 36-inch material are needed for medium personally is very active. At pres- Classified ads bring results. WORKS, Cor. Helman and j " F ir s t Model: Pictorial Review P*. i e”‘ 1 have tK° Ncw V<”'k « » 6 W high for initial warmth Van Ness. 194tf I ‘amas No. 7555. Sizes, 14 to 20 years, ments under consideration. As { ’¡rice, 25 cents. —then low to maintain soon as my present contract has j For a smooth shave, Second Model: Combination No. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS been fulfilled I expect to take up; and quick service, go it. And remember, W h ittle T r a n s f e r A S to ra g e Co. 8568. Sizes 6 to 14 years. Price, 25 other engagements now pending.” to the Shell B arber cents. for SERVICE. Third Model: Misses’ Slip No. Pearl Oil burns clean Lloyd Hughes, another actor, Shop, across from De­ Experienced movers and pack 1097. Sizes, 14 to 20 years. Price, ' declared he was working at pres- pot. G rinding of all -—it leaves absolutely no ers of household goods. Deal­ 30 cents. i ent and had bookings for at least kinds. C hildren’s work ers in coal and wood. Plione odor. I three months to come. a specialty. 117. HISTORIC AMERICAN Among others whose services in Office 89 Oak St. near For best results your films are either engaged or who W. A. SHELL, Prpo. ROOF, 173 YEARS Hotel Ashland 532 A. St. Ashland, Ore OLD, STILL INTACT have new contracts under consid­ heater needs more than eration that will keep them active TRANSFER AND EXPRESS just kerosene. “ Kero­ during the prescribed suspension T. L. POWELL— General Trans-J J period are Blanche Sweet. Tully sene” or “coal oil” may fer— Good team and motor ' j Marshall, James Kirkwood and trucks. Good service at a r e a - 1 i mean any kind o f kero­ | I many others. I sonable price. Phone 83. I Daily Fashion Hint No more wood , to pack / Thanks TRANSFER AND EXPRESS— K ing’s Transfer, general hauling. Dry wood for sale. Phone 1 1 3 ,ji Plaza Pool Hall. 45=tf j PIANO TEACHER Mrs. J. R. Robertson, certified piano teacher. Credit given in High School. Phone 341-J 53tf !» Classified Column Classified Column R ates One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month or more, %c the word each time. It is generally admitted by those in “the know” that many of the bigger studios here have many unreleased pictures; pic­ tures that are "on the shelves,” and that in addition to these each of them has at least two and In many cases three "big” films that have just been released for show­ ing or have not yet been released. When the Lasky Corporation tacked up the "closed" sign across the studio front gate approxi­ mately 2,000 persons, including workers in all branches of the film industry, found themselves out of work. And, because the other studios are "filled,” they find it difficult to get work. FOR SALE To You and we are very thankful if our products had some >art in the fine Thanksgiving Dinner of yesterday. _ Cured or Money Back “A fter about 8 years of suffering w ith Piles, 1 w as treated by you and c a n truthfully say that I am cured.” This and hundreds o f other letters have been received from grateful patients. They are on file in my offices and will be sent any­ one who wants proof of my non- surgical, painless m ethods of cur­ ing Piles.' I g u a r a n t e e to cure y o u or refu n d you r m oney. W rite to d a y for FR E E B O O K . . DEAN, M.D IS The Dalles— Diamond Flour MISCELLANEOUS _________________________________¡Mills reopens plant after being ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May idle several years. com m unicate with Ensign Lee i ---------- of the Salvation Army a t the A storia— New Elks temple to W hlteShield Home, 565 May- cost $300,000 to rise. New hotel fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. 4 nears completion. PORTLAND, OREGON PA P ER W H EN strength. sene — “ Pearl Oil” but one. It is the highest- quality kerosene only, the result o f years o f research and study, and refined for heating and lighting purposes ex­ clusively by the Stand­ ard Oil Company’s own special process. Your dealer knows Pearl Oil —ask for it by name. At the corner where the big .eloek gives the marking of time in quarter hours as regularly and accurately as the banking service just within the door. * ♦-« Ashland’s Winter Fair is the Glorv •/ of South- ern Oregon— It is the Measuring Stick of the I 53 E. Main (K E K O 6 E N E ) ment of this Community i ▼ <><► «. <- O '- 1>o 1 .0 <> o n i ­ n o I . I . 1 .o o <> n <> O l> oi- o o O l­ o n 1 .0 A Always Phoue 59 ♦ • ♦ À Productivity. We take Pride in bein « » » » >♦ terials it cannot be equaled as a food for health and CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS AHIM6UGHI Is your best food and espec­ made with the beat of ma­ SIMPSON HARDW ARE PROVOST BROS If you prfeer the best in Coffee flavor, arom a and satisfaction. ially our Health Bread, made at Aluminum and Lisk Roasters Royal Club Bread Lanterns Param ount A1 um inuinwa re State j COFFEE a T. L. Moore P aring Knives 15c to 35c Old Christ Church, Philadelphia, FOR SALE— Modern 3 room built 175 years ago and famous bungalow, % acre ground, garage Pa., as having been the worshipping place c h ick en h o u se, lo ts of f r u it, good ; of George Washington and Benjamin lo c a tio n . P ric e $1200. R obison &; Franklin, is being repaired. When TviiAx» - t o »» workmen appeared recently on top of i e~ <3-tf tj,j church and began to work, the neighbors imagined with regret that FOR RENT the beautiful mellow hued copper roof that had withstood the elements for FOR RENT— Furnished three 175 years, was at last to go. But the room apartm ent. Adults only. oflicials of the church immediately let it be known that the roof was just as Give possesion about December good as it ever was. 6th. Inquire Mrs. C. E. Lane, at The repairs were to some of the Tidings after 3 oclock. 74-6 wood work and included sheathing of copper where the weather had affected the wood. Now they hope that the WANTED historic American shrine will go along for another century without any fur­ WANTED— W ashing. 24S 1st ther trouble. St. 62-2mo.* Old Christ Church is regarded as having one of the most beautiful roofs DRESSMAKING— W ork gu ar­ in the world as well as one of the anteed. 147 Factory St. Mrs. B. most everlasting. It is simply aheel copper now weathered to a soft green Van H ardenberg. 6 7 -lm o . tiin t and Coles Safety Can Opener STANDARD OIL COMPANY L ithia B akery caOsen for the position. In order that the people of / shiand and those who attend the V in te r F air may have an oppor­ tunity of gaining inform ation as to the excellent character of work perform ed, and as an exhibit of good faith tow ard Ashland, the P ratt Institute has announced their intention of making a dis plav, which La be, n forwarded to Mrs. Mills to become a part of the art exhibit at the coming Fair. Flashlights C -------- t — L . - - " - —------- —------ PROFESSIONAL PAGE FIV É i of ascertaining bpportunities and ¡school will most likely be in ses- LOS ANGELE9, Nov. 80.— De­ spite the recent closing of the Famous Players-Lasky s t u d i o here, which came like a thunder­ His Defeat of Beveridge Was One of Strange Upsets of Last bolt from a clear sky. .many Holly- ¡ Election. wood film producers, directors - and players are trying to survive J the "slack” season. Senator Samuel Moffet Ralston, Each year during the Winter of Indiana, came out x of political ..... retirem ent to make the race for season the Hollywood studios the Senate last year and provided i "slow down” in their production i program, but never before has it one of the startlin g upsets of the , been so marked as to cause the elections when he defeated the closing of such a studio as the Republican candidate, form er Sen- ato r A lbert J. Beveridge. Ralston Lasky organization, one of the is a conservative, a man long in biggest in the business. the Democratic party fold and a l­ "H um an W reckage”— w th Mrs. Reid will be a t th e Vining, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. December 6-7-8. Benefit Auxiliary to T rinity Church.* » M i H.« »CS1 NF F fc O il H e a te rs C o o k s tc v e s Lam ps' j ! I l-o 1.0 i.o 1.0 I - ♦ First National Bank H f I ! n A A