I ri’îrt}, Kovetu her ¿10, iÖitl ¡SPECIAL WlSTfeR frAìtt É D lflO N , ASHLAND DAILY T ID IN G PAGfe POUR ASH LAND D A IL Y T ID IN G S (Established in 1876) P u b lish ed E very E v en in g E xcept Sunday by THE ASHLAND FRINTING 00. B ert R. Greer ................................................................................................... E ditor F R O GRANS FEATURE OF OFFICIAL CITY PA PER ................ .....................................Telephone 3S E n tered a t th e A shland , O regan, P o sto ffic e e s Second Class M ail M atter Subscription P rice, D elivered In City Ona M onth.................................................................... - ....................... Three Months ....... ~.............. - ........................ - .................................. Six M o n th s.......................................................... ..................................- One Y ear ............ ............................................................................ - ........... B y M all and R ural R o u te s: One M onth.............................„............................................................ T h ree M onths ....... - ...........- ........................................................................ Six M o n th s ............> _....................................................................................... One Y ear .............................................. -.......................................................... $ , ‘£c «5 Committee Composed o f Many Strong Men of the City. 7.50 $ .65 350 6.50 TOMLINSON IS H E A D Special Program B ein g Prepared for E ach o f th e F our N ights. DISPLAY ADVERTISING R A TES: single Insertion, per inch ............................................- ..... .30 clog and the result is kidney This famous salts is made ¿rouble, bladder weakness and a; from the acid of grapes and lem - general decline In health. on juice, catnbined with htbia, When your kidneys feel like an store on the money back is dis- m ust guard constantly against good soft w ater and get from your . , , satisfied plan. , kidney trouble because we often . , „ . . , .. cause nobody can make a mis- pharm acist abut four ounces of Y ou’ll be amazed to see how cat to° much rich food. Our blood Jad Salts. Take a tablespoonful ■ take havi“ B a good kidney quickly it acts. Blessed relief *s with acids which the kid- in a glass of w ater before break- j flushing any time. By all means often comes in an hour; even in neys strive to filter out; they fast for a few days and your kid- havt your physician examine your cases of long standing with pro­ weaken from overwork, become then act fine. kidneys at least twice a year. fuse bleeding, really wonderful' sluggish, the elim inative tissues neys may Rochester Doctor Achieves Remarkable Success With New Prescription for Piles Rochester, N. Y. For years it has been known th a t many so- called remedies for th e relief or cure of H em orrhoids or Piles were simply palliatives and gave only tem porary relief while su r­ gical operations often adopted as a last resort never removed the cause hut simply th e form ation. It has rem ained for a well known doctor of this city to find the real remedy. Years of pa- tient, painstaking effort on his results have been accomplished part bas reaulted ln a prescription - Remember the name, MOAVA th a t will actually heal piles and i SUPPOSITORIES, and be sure to absorb them never to return. No man or woman need suffer < follow the simple directions th a t | j another hour from any pain, come in each box. East Side; soreness or distress arising fro m ! Pharm acy will supply you. No. 7 In order th a t visitors, not only, but local people as well will feel One Insertion a week ........................................* .............. well repaid for the price of ad­ Two Insertions a week ....................................................... mission to th e W inter F a ir excel­ D ally insertion ........................................................................... lent program s are being arranged K ates F or L egal and M iscellaneous A d vertisin g ■ for each evening. Realizing th at F irst Insertion, per 3 point l i n e ......................................................... ? .10 much depends on the efforts ex­ .05 Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line ................................... 1.00 erted by the members of the pro- Card of Thanks ................................................................................ M arshfield— Coos and Curry P o rtlan d — >25,000 to be spent O bitualres, per line ........................................................................ .02% gram committee, a num ber of the Telephone Co. plan erection of i strongest men In the. city were In repairs and alteratio n s of hotel W H AT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING 100,000 building. “ All fu tu re events, where an admission charge is made or a appointed to th a t committee. They Hoyt. collection taken Is Advertising. were selected because of th eir No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. close acquaintance w ith Ashland talent. The com m ittee consists of DONATIONS No donations to charities or otherw ise will be made in advertis­ H. K. Tomlinson, president of the ing, or Job printing— our contributions will be in cash.______ _____ Kiwanis club; V. D. Miller, Grand High Fizz of the Lithlans; Carl NOVEMBER 30 Loveland, band and orchestra NOT EVERY ONE THAT SAITH LORD, LORD:— Not every one I leader; J. Q. Adams, Captain of th a t salth unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of the 484th Co. C. A. C., and H. G. heaven; but he th a t doeth the will of my fath er which Is in heaven. Enders, Jr. The committee has en­ •—Matthew 7:21. listed the support of the W oman’s Civic Club, which organization will be responsible for the pro­ THE WINTER FAIR gram on the opening night, De­ The Winter Fair, December 5, C, 7, and 8, is an in­ cember 5. stitution or an event meriting the unqualified support The program of th e second of every resident of Ashland. Originating three years night will be aram g ed by Captain ago, beginning as an event of small proportions, and grow- ^dai^9 andjnembers of the 484th s “ C. A. C. The Ashland High ing continually year by year, it has reached proportions Co. School will provide the en tertain ­ that make it an important event in the commercial, do­ m ent for the third night, The ! mestic, and artistic life of Ashland and Jackson county. fourth and last night will be In Who can measure the bounds of the Winter Fair in charge of the Lithlans, which or * future years, judging the future growth by the rapid ganization win not only Btage an increase in quality and proportions of the past? The Fair exce,lent program but w in inaug- ; < ► See our booth at Winter Fair and^hear concerts or Y early C ontracts: Keep Your ßoy at Home By making the farm Home evenings attractive and pleasant. of 1922 made it apparent that larger quarters were re-, . . .. call at quired for the exhibit of 1923 and the spacious Chautau- liveliest cl08ing nIght in the hla_|;; qua building was secured. Even that structure of unusual- tory of the w in te r F air, ly large dimensions may not be able to accommodate the B est T alent to Appear Southern Radio Supply increasing exhibits of another year. 1 A lthough it appears th a t some Heretofore the responsobilitv, the multitude of de-' valuab,e tIm® has been lost by the Beaver Block Ashland tails, the enormous amount of work connected with the are at present exGTtiQg every ef. Opposite Union Oil Station staging of the Winter Fair have been left for a compar-’fort t0 provide program s th a t win i ♦ atively few. The responsibility and duties have become| reflect creditably on Ashland and too great for a few men and women to shoulder and -much southern Oregon. The committee of the success of the coming fair and the growth of the 13 bcing ably ass,8ted by the Clv,c ,. pp j 1 Club and the High School, and event in the future rests with the co-operation afforded gives assurance th a t the best of by citizens in general. This is an opportune time for all local talen t has been secured to ÏT1 to develop an interest in the event. Resolve to give the aid in the program s, and they W ; 'X>-<> coming exhibition your best efforts and support and to let desire to announce th a t each of your enthusiasm and co-operation extend through the the four program s will be of ex­ ceptional m erit and each w orth years to come. the price of a season ticket. The Winter Fair of future years will, however, be ex­ Reason tickets, good for the en­ IH actly what Ashland people make it. While its activities, tire week are being sold a t the advantages and opportunities are extended to all of Or­ low price of 50 cents, while a egon in some of its departments, it is an institution, the single admission will cost 25 growth and development of which rest directly upon the cents. citizens of Ashland. It is qpr show to improve and expand as our personal efforts will permit. It is an event that conflicts in on way with any other exhibit or show, hence As CHRISTMAS time approaches think it has opportunities of vast development. of FURNITURE, and when you think of FUR­ The Winter Fair in itself rather a novel event. Com­ paratively few are held on the Pacific Coast. It offers NITURE, think of J. P. DODGE & SONS, RE­ «Rioting in Im agination possibilities aH a valuable asset to Ashland, the hounds A D isplay and C olors, W ill F ea tu re LIABLE HOUSE FURNISHERS, where you of which may extend beyond the most vivid imagination W inter Fair. of its most consistent supporters. always get the BEST in PRICE, QUALITY and As a featu re of the w inter fair, scheduled for December 5, 6, 7, THE OREGON COUNTRY IN BRIEF and 8 the fourth grades of the For several weeks the United States National Bank I city schools have been appointed at Portland has been running a series of advertisements to make rag dolls. Teachers have! tinder the above caption. During recent weeks an adver- worked faithfully with th eir stu-j tisement has been devoted daily to one of Oregon’s conn- dents and fervent fourth-grade ties. The fifteenth county to receive consideration at "na8‘n" lon haB taed generous, the hands ot that well known financial instution is Jack- in th eir rio t of creations, son county, which appears as follows under the heading, j No style of darky life has been “ The Land Called Great:” overlooked. Every member of the Who hasn’t heard of the Rogue River Valley, en- faml,y Is t0 be on dre" parado w inter-fair goers. Probably compassing and surrounded by many and diversified nat­ for beet conceived with be the gen­ ural resources—where mineral and timber wealth, rich erous m other darky with her wide agricultural and horticultural possibilities, a mild climate, bandana, tidy pinafore, rolling eyes and frizzly hair. fertile lands and scenic splendors all combine? With the discovery of gold in 1851, Jackson County’s Sambo, from the youngest, still history begins. From gold to grain, to fruits, diversified in his overall period, to the Beau Brummel, proud with the n atty farming, dairying and stock-raising development has pro­ red neck tie, swanky cut-away ceeded. Fifteen thousand acres now have bearing or­ coat and debonaire button hole chards, pears being the highly specialized fruit which bouquet, will be seen. Neat brings undying fame to this section of the Oregon country. • 8ch°o1 eirls loosening th eir sun- Peaches, apples and small fruits and berries of notable bonnet9 and making «y*3 at quality are also grown. country swa,n9’ “PatIence and t i 2. v Prudence,” and elderly grand rJ ACA n C0Un^y haS ftD area of ?836 square miles, fathers, will link arm s and win 1,815,040 acres, about one-half the size of Connecticut for some school child the coveted state. Over 100,000 acres are under cultivation, with fIrst prize. 700,000 susceptible of ultimate cultivation. Over 20 bil­ lion feet of yellow pine, sugar pine and fir occupy the CHAMBER GIVES EUGENE POPULATION OF 14,883 great forest area of the country. The rugged Siskiyous border on, the south, the Um­ EUGENE, Nov. 20.— The total ? pqua divide on the north and the Cascades on the east. population of Eugene w ithin the- Deeply imbedded in tho latter is Crater lake, whose west­ city lim its Is 14,883 and including: ern gateway lies through Jackson county. the im m ediate suburbs it is 1 6 ,-j Clean, beautiful, progressive cities have grown up 078, according to a census taken by advent of a population which comes to play or em­ under the auspices of the cham­ ber of commerce. Captains named brace the opportunities. n Some men would rather talk*about the next war than about peace. While both are sure, the difference between death and taxes is that taxes keep right on coming. France shows the first symptoms of getting over the! idea that she can hold the rest of Europe in the hollow o f her pocketbook. for the 21 precincts, each had a team of workers. The 1920 federal census gave the city a population of approxi­ mately 10,500. EURALGIA or headache— rub the forehead —melt and inhale the vapors V ▼ I V C K R S a r o u b Qper IT Million J a n Uaud Yacrty SERVICE. Our Bed Room and Dining stock is very complete, in fact all lines are full. DRINK WATER Packers and Shippers of Ashland’s Famous Foothill Products A Service Organization owned by and oper­ ated for the benefit of the producers of Ashland, Talent and Belleview Districts— Supplying Weekly Bulletins and making distri­ bution of Ashland Famous Foothill Products to over uixty adjacent Cities and Trading Points in addition to distant shipments— Packers and shippers in their respective seasons of Green Vegetables, Berries, Cherries, Peaches, Plums Apricots, Grapes, Pears, Apples and all kinds of grow­ ers’ produce, including Fresh and Storage Eggs— Also carries a full line of Growers Supplies, in­ cluding Flour, Seed, Feed, Fertilizers, Insecticides, Spray Material, Box Shook, and a general line of Orchard Sup­ plies; also a full line of Poultry, Dairy and Stock Feeds— We most earnestly solicit the support and co-op­ eration of the General Public in our efforts to stabalize markets and toward a proper standardization of grades, package and practices of Ashland’s Famous Foothill Pro­ ducts— We invite memberships from all Producers— * ASHLAND FRUIT & PRODUCE ASSOCIATION. Founded on the same steadfast principles which are represented in the progrssive spirit of produc­ Now is the time to buy Cotton Mattresses; the price of Cotton is advancing; we are selling tion which makes Ashland’s Win- at the old price; our stock is complete and prices moderate. When you want RUGS or ter Fair the big event of the south­ LINOLEUM don’t miss seeing our line. ern Oregon. This institution de­ J. P. DODGE & SONS Ashland, Oregon sires to give its conscientious sup­ port to the wholesome develop­ Where to get your Electrical Gifts »♦♦♦»» ity e-e Lamps, Toasters, Complete Table and Lunch Electrical Equipment, Curling Irons, Radio Sets and Supplies, Westing-' house Electrical Stoves and Eden Wash­ ing Machines »■» ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ment of the surrounding commun­ State Bank of Ashland ♦ ♦ Willard Threaded Rubber Batteries and Common Wood Batteries bv Willard JORDAN ELECTRIC SHOP 53895348534853482348000001020000010000010002010000100310020201010002010001010101010102010102020001