L” ' ;___ ■ . .------- 6FECIAJL winter fair ED IT IO S MALARIA GERAIS Cannot survive three months in the'rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. ASHLAND CLIMATE The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly ( International News W ire Service) Years Without the use of medicine cures nine eases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. VOL. XLVII. FAIR HEADS EXCELLENT POULTRY IS GUARANTEED I'AUIC I H l t t . h IINSTUCTED TO KILL IN D’AUTREMONT HUNT .'REVIVING « mum HARD MUST STAND TRIAL SAVING IS AFFORDED FOR MURDER OF SKEEN BY SEASON TICKETS A nother proof of Ash­ 8 ---------- 18 MILWAUKEE, Nov. 30. --------- ’ 8 8 land clim ate was pro­ 8 REKA, Nov. 27.— William j 8 Citizens of Ashland are 8 J — W ith orders to kill 8 Í vided this m orning when 8 Hard, charged with Ronald E m o 8 urged to give considera­ them if necessary, D epart­ 8 ! 8 D. A. Owens, of W eimer 8 i with the m urder of Fred II. Skeen j 8 tion to the saving effected ment of Justice agents, 8 8 Street, called at the Tid­ 8 ; a t Sam’s Neck on October 31st, 8 in purchasing season tick­ detectives, and police are ings office with several 8 ' yesterday was referred from the 18 ets for the W inter F air » . searching Milwaukee for 8 8 branches of Himalaya ber­ 8 juvenile court to the crim inal 8 December 5. 6. 7 and 8. Roy, Ray and Hugh D’- 8 8 President Homes Says Re- :î ry bushes, which were 8 I cour« and must face the charge o f ! 8 Season tickets, good for A utrem ont, wanted in j-1 8 loaded with big, ripe ber­ 8 Entries Being’ Received from ports from Committee Postal Officials Warn Public m urder. jj the entire week, are on connection with the hold­ 8 Various Points in Ore­ Encouraging, n ries. Not only did the 8 The order was made by Judge I 8 sale a t the remarkaibly " High Class, Varied Program Against Old Bunco up of Southern Pacific ----------- ‘ a gon and Washington. branches carry many ripe 8 Will Feature Lithian’s Game. C. J. L uttrell following the exam- 8 low- price of 50 cents. The 'tra in near Siskiyou. Octo­ PROSPECTS EXCELLENT ~ berries but a good supply 8 8 Annual Show. ¡nation of Sheriff Andrew S. Calk­ 8 single admission is 25 ber 11. The men are said • - ; 8 of green berries, some of 8 MANY RABBITS COMING 8 OPERATE IN OREGON ins. * 8 to have been trailed half 8 Tickets Expected to Meet W ith 8 them full size. The berries cents, m aking it evident 8 FEATURES ARE NOVEL - 8 Rabbit Breeders and Pigeon Own­ Hard was surprised yesterday 8 th a t a season ticket good 8 -------- way across the continent. 8 1 Barcelona, M adrid and Valencia Ready Sale, Presaging 8 were grown in an unpro­ 8 with a visit from his m other, Mrs. 8 ers Bringing Exhibits from for the week can be had 8 8 8 8 8 / 8 8 8 Good A ttendance. O ctette, “ Black Brothers uml 8 Among Cities Used by 8 tected area of the Owens 8 Helen Hard of Los Angeles, es­ 8 for the price of only two ♦j Many Points. Dad,” Rosebud Chorus W ill Swindlers. ---------- ¡ a orchard. 8 8 tranged wife of his father, George single admissions. WINTER FAIR EXCITES ♦♦ Be Features. Execellent prospects prevail for « N o v e m b e r 21, Mr. 8 Hard, policeman a t Vernon. 8 Chickens from all over Oregon 8.1 , --------- - People are also urged the W inter Fair. December 5, 6, jj Owens served ripe straw ­ INTERNATIONAL BROIL The old “ Spanish Swindle” 8 and some other states will cackle 8 Hard claimed tliot h e-w as 17 The first annual m instrel show’ to rem em ber th at an ex­ 8 --------- - j which found victims far and wide 7, and 8. If favorable conditions, 8 berries and ripe blackber­ 8 in the big auditorium next week. years old yesterday. 8 to be staged by the Lithians will cellent program is to be are all responding very well— i :? ries to a guest from Mo­ Some unusual stunts are i n 1 t,iro ughout the United States dur- 8 8 E ntries have been coming in from 8 he presented at the Vining T heatre rendered each evening, «! planlng for th e F a ir and it is u n - j1.1** a series ° r years prior to the o.t F I T AI T u r i n ~ the same enthusiastic work that ' 8 doc county, Calif. 8 every direction and the prospects 8 Monday evening, December 3. The any one of the four being derstood th a t San Francisco Chinn w ar- seems to have taken on life ' ‘ has been characteristic of the past I it « • show will be staged one night on- Several branches of the 8 are good for the best show we 8 worth the price of a sea­ 8 town is contem plating securing an(‘w- Its Hs activities _ suspended ‘ STATE ten days, the event will eclipse i 8 fresh, ripe Himalaya ber­ _ r _____ f 8 have ever held says, Mr. H. W. the stage basem ent for the ___ e x o - id u rin S «be , >y. 8 son ticket. great world catastro- all form er efforts, both as to the 8 ries will be on exhibit at 8¡ 8 Fram e, Supt, of the P oultry De­ The program opens with the fam ­ SALEM, Nov. 30.— During the 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ploitatlon of Chop Suey and other j Pbe, are in evidence again, and quality of exhibits and the vol 8 the W inter Fair, which 8 ous Lithian Octette in a beautiful 8 partm ent. first 2S days in November a total ume. R opens Dec. 5. delectable dishes known only to Have permeated into Oregon and singing and vaudeville act. This 8 of 23 fatal accidents were rep o rt­ We are fortunate in securing these O riental peoples. Fred C. Homes, who heads the ; 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 this section of the state recently, organization won hearty applause ed to the state industrial commis­ 8 Chas. S. Brew ster as judge In this Comes then num erous protests according to reports which have executive committee, in an in ter­ at the recent State F air in their sion. This was said to he the la rg ­ departm ent. from Tia Ju an a th a t Mexican T a -re a c h e d local postal officials, for view today said: “ The committees booster songs of Ashland, and has num conm ber r of fatalities Hal E. Osborn of Portland, will males are superior to any China M«s operations are carried on thru est to the atdllties reported imported aer all responding Very well__' ¡appeared in other towns, hut this , n n . th e ma»« ° thP e° ’Mnnss‘on during a simi- Judge the rabbits and he is pop­ Town Town dish dish and and th th at a t unless unless n a con­ several more reports are to come^ the mails. j will be the first apearnnee before lar period of time in the history ular with all th e rablbt men. _______ a home audience. cession is granted for this p u r­ In today and tomorrow. Commit-! The scheme consists in send­ of the departm ent. The most Talent, Phoenix and Medford pose there will be som ething do­ ing letters to certain persons, who C-eorgo Mld „ p C '* 1« "¡11 foil,,.. tees on industrial, m erchants and deaths occurred in the logging furnish th e «largest num ber of ing in Mexico. These difficult sit­ nil,I O ther E tp e n ‘ ’ " cU‘" e w,,h “ h'» ‘-»-tarn a rt. Cun- automobile displays are all w ork-t have previously been selected by and milling industry. rab b it breeders and th e Sungold ■ter needs no introduction, as his uations will be ironed out by the ing strong, and have a good line- Secretary of Pierce Recall Move- confederates. The foundation of Expected to Participate reputation as an R abbitry, W. N. Estes of Talent. e n tertain er is Lithian High Fizz as the Lithians the plot varies somewhat. In some up, as has the poultry and rabbit ment Disappears from P o rt­ well established. W. p. R athe, of Phoenix, and are to reign suprem en On S atu r­ instances the w riter represents departm ents. The committees on One of the interesting events land Office. The “ Black Brothers and Dad” C. S. R oberts of Medford are a l­ day night. Art, Domestic Exhibits and Need­ of the week will be the milking him self as a dying prisoner in a w ’ill appear in th«- third number. ways on hand with a large string, le departm ents are all function PORTLAND, Nov. 29— Trouble m ilitary .fortress. He has a for­ contest and entries for this event The act is one in which seven sax and have a r from the compe ing and doing well. The sale of seems to he in the offing for theT-?»1 na*e J no 1° fe fear compe- tune on deposit in London or in ' may )P landed to the Chairman ' aphones wil be used, including the tickets looks m ighty good. E e v ry ' “ Pierce recall com m ittee” or for 7 P o rt,an d - Seattle and Ta- New’ York, but the cerftflcates of o t le Dairy D epartm ent any time j smallest and the largest saxa- class in the high school is work- W alter G. Smith, the secretary of COma bre*d e rs- The competition before 12:00 oclock Friday noon. Phones m anufactured. Intersper- stock are concealed in a secret C ontest W as C lose; Over One ing industriously. Prizes aggre- «bat. mythical organization, or for is keen In this Dept. and the Ju st how this contest will be k in g the music some laughable receptacle of his tru n k , which has Thousand A ttend from growth of this Industry is m ark ­ gating $50.00 in money, are to be! somebody carried out is yet unsettled a n d iconiedy will b e staged, and the been seized by the Spanish court, ed. Many of the real fine furs Medford. distributed to those who sell the may have to be referred to a J act will closely duplicate the fam- Circulators who have been ped­ - , and will be held until the pris- nowadays come from the rabbit most tickets in $20.00. $15, $10, dling the recall petitions about Ranks I rged to P rotect M essen-, oner or his representative, has Medford defeated Ashland on committee of experts. E fforts will i OU1* ac« of the Six Brown Brothers, gel’s— Frequency of Rob­ and $5 denominations. Prospects town report th at they have not specially bred for this purpose satisfied the costs of trial. He the local football field Thanks­ he made to get Geo. T. Pollius J th ® w orld’s most famous saxa beries Alarming. are good for a big sale of tick­ been able to find Mr. Smith or and gloves are also m anufactur­ claims more or less distant rela- giving Day by a score of 12 to 10, of the Medford Grocery Co., D Phono artists'. ed from the skin. e ts.” to get th eir money for several Perozzi of Ashland and other ex- A bri‘‘f inlermis: ion win follow tionship with the person address- PORTLAND. Nov. 30— Rob- Pd. If the first letter bears fruit, thru the simple neglect of Ash­ pert m ilkers to enter this con­ thi> saxaphoue number. The first Good Auto Exhibit. days. One complains th a t 20 or A U rge gUMUir of pigeons of all bery of banks and bank measen- it j8 quickly followed by others land’s safety not playing position. test. A. C. W illhite, chairm an of the more of the street w orkers w ait­ act following the interm ission will The sensation of the game was a com im ttee on the automobile ex­ ed patiently all day yesterday for varieties has been entered by one gets in broad daylight have b e-¡in which the prisoners daughter It may be necessary to adjourn murk the appearance oi the Cab­ 60 yard run by Daly, of Medford, hibit, repoots fine progress. He Smith to put in an appearance a t ! ° f tbe breed eri from the northern come so common and daring piays a prom inent part. She is in aret Minstrels, in which the par­ for the visitors’ second touch­ to the dairies of Ralph Billings states th a t the firm s of both Med­ •121 Morgan building and pay up p art of the state — Sean Bros throughout the N orthw est th a t ( Spain with a protector,and the ticipants apear in a scene repre­ or D. M. Lowe, but it is hoped down. ■ ‘ ■ • - Farm - ...... ™ *1 ^ ............... ilw a u k ie - , — Ore. S hiet '"?■>«'»'• “ f P»"™ John T .|p rlsonBr. ,1Br (a th „ „ abo„ t senting a modern cabaret. The ford and Ashland are responding I He didnt show up and today not Squab that enough milk cows may be The game satrted fairly well These will lend -variety and la-1 “ 00re Issued n special w arning to die. A proposal is mode to send bead waiter will appear in the satisfactorily, and says: ‘ T h ejo n ly was he not in evidence up, assembled in the Plaza or on the for Ashland, who carried the ball, ............bankers and business men h e re .; her. accompanied hy a prleat to usual r< » !< > of interim utor. and the busy Corner. Dodge Motor C o.,; to noon, but the office was lock-' **** 10 *bfe exhibit. C hautauqua grounds, possibly w ithout a stop, for touchdown with Messengers carrying large s n m s jth , nB„ , y rc la t„ B (or pr0. .............. ...... ...... ! Studebaker, Paige, rfnd Durant, ed with inside the building ju st long colored waiters will represent the the ....................... admonition tacked -« W bo»« ¡n 13 m inutes of play. The eighty enough to attend to this cere­ usual end-men. The al be more n T of deposit. If the rela- features of the cabaret act will be have applied for space. A dem- He put the notice on the door be- m arked th »n «ver. The first week quently. be said, messengers n ,o v e!t ,ve „ in accept the tru st he is to tion to receive, and rolled back IRENE CASTLE MARRIED J ____ i n 1___ about tw enty yards. A shland’s pep a num ber hy the troupe, a fox trot large sums of money w ithout lit- receive a liberal portion, . n - in December being special trade onstration of the new four-w heel' cause the circulators TO SON OF COFFEE KING were a i in the first q u arter looked like a hy the Guest of the cabaret, a solo week in Ashland. tie or no protection and consc i fourth or one-third as the case brakes, with which the new ; “damned nuisance” and blocked w inning day for the home team. dance hy Blanch McLean, a song nnunt 1, nncourngn bandits to a t - ¡ „ a , be. of the prisoner’s entire Buicks are equipped, will prob- «be hall way. He has ruled them CHICAGO. Nov. 3 0 — I rem« and dance hy Alice McGee, and Chapman carried the ball for ably be made on the second day out of the halls for some time in hrn d"1! 1”!« j P P” s tre e ts : fortune ° f approxim ately half a Castle, famous dancer, was m ar­ songs by the Bose Bud chorus, a touchdown. Goal was kicked. The of the F air on the block between now, m aking them congregate in ried last night to Frederick Mc­ negro male quartet. Interm ingling next score for Ashland was a The Seattle hold-up. staged ,..relalIve n„ er )lPars from the Citizens Bank of Ashland and «He lobby. Laughlin. her third husband. Mc­ the musical numbers will he plen- short field goal from a nice hoot Tuesday during the rush evening th e F irst National Bank. The sit-1 North also says th a t he told swindlers after he has sent the by Thornton in the third quarter. Laughlin is the son of the coffee |^y of spicy black fa ce comedy, ren ­ periority of the Buick four-wheel i Smith to vacate on December 12, hours, in which $20,000 was ta k ­ money requested. king and is a polo star. He served dered by the end-men and the Medford scored a touchdown, en, should be a thorough lesson brake will be dem onstrated over and that he would have made it Under the niv Spanish oiJiuiihii laws mws a ie fel- i- by some neat shifty headwork and as m ajor during the war. The Guest. A number of the cabaret business houses . . the two-wheel brake. earlier hut for the fact th a t the Minstrels, Octette and Entertain, to ail banks and tv w nouses’ ony must be consummated before heavy driving, but failed to kick couple departed last night for stunts are side-splitting in their Moore stated. The robberv >• m ay Rct and ers Will All Participate ruuuery of oi th tn e u the po],ce m Dairy Exhibit rent was paid up to th a t date. Pacific Coast points. m irth. goal in thq-second quarter. in Program. Mosier bank, which was believed i * • . . . Ralph Billings, head of the In bnva ______ v „ " ¡te m p t to obtain money b y -false The closing number will be ren- M edford's winning touchdown to have been committed hy Port D airying exhibit committee, says: THANKSGIVING SHOOT FRENCH PRIEST RESCUER pretenses does not appear to w ar­ by the chorus of 60 members. was made in the third quarter The Lithians will hold the stage land men, has also caused con­ •‘We have reecived good ideas FROM CHINESE BANDITS ra n t arrest. The money must be soon after the field count. Med successful EVENT on S atu rd ay ? which is carnival The program is exceptionally . m e l i n u c o u n t. M od- siderable comment in local police from O. A. C., and have been co­ well balanced and spicy and Ash­ actually paid over, and the prese-, ford’s mass form ation on the line night, and th ere will be som ething circles. operating with County Agent Cate The turkey and m erchandise SHANGHAI. Nov. 30.— F ather land people are assured an. eve­ cut,ng w itness must be present to consistently followed up. resulted and have promise of an extra shoot staged Thanksgiving fore­ doing every m inute from the time ning of unusual pleasure. Frederick. French Catholic Priest testify Otherwise prosecution in a tangled scrimmage which al the bell rings. The Lithian m in­ FARM BLOC MOVES TO fine exhibit. Members of our com­ noon by the Ashland Rod & Gun "tickets for the show are now’ was rescued today from the ban­ , would be useless. And for this ,owed Daly to s,.p aroun strels, Octette and en tertain ers PROTECT FARM INTERESTS m ittee are w orking hard. Prize club was a successful event, des­ on sale at the Vining and are be­ dits who captured him three will put on a show which alone | reason apprehension of the swind- end and outrun Ashland pursu- stock and cattle will he displayed. pite inclement w eather. In the ing purchased with a speed that is weeks agp and held him for ra n ­ will be w orth the price of a Sea­ WASHINGTON, Nov. 30.— In ­ I es seems to he difficult. Barce- era. A shland’s propensity for som. The rescue was effected by gratifying to the Lithians. Those Request More Room scatter gun events, Fred Neil and son ticket and there will be stunts (Iona, Madrid and Valencia are i fnmhifnir « * j fum bling counted several yards the Tw entieth Regiment of C h in -jdef,lrinK K° o<1 :,r' urged to G. A. Briscoe, head of the Ben Bowers were the most con­ galore in all parts of the build­ terests of American farm ers will among the Spanish cities which I aRai„.,t w inning be' am ply protected In the coming school exhibit, is enthusiastic re ­ sistent w inners, the form er cap­ ing. arc used hy th e swindlers to r. T„ c , as, f|piin and ese regular army In Shantung place orders immediately, as the session of congress under te n ta ­ garding the exhibit to he made by turing five firsts and the la tte r Season tickets are all numbered province. A few shots were ex­ better scats wyi soon be disposed th eir letter mailings, it is said. w ithout 'injury. The w eather was his departm ent. He says: "The four. Ed. Gowland was w inner in and three of these num bers will be tive proposals d rafted by the farm changed in effecting the rescue. of. There are indications that the cold enough to make good foot­ house wll be sold out. display is to be exceptionally ope event. ’ “ lucky num bers.” The persons bloc today. The revision of tax ball and the leantR put up a snap­ COMMITTEE TO RTl’DY good and the best we have ever Ben Bowers. Jansen. Glascoe, holding these num bers will be laws, shifting more of the tax b u r­ py interesting game. The crowds had. E verything will be of a spec­ and Parnion divided honors in presented with a valuable g ift on den from th e poor to the rich INDEMNITY QITESTION FEAR MYRTLE CREEK on the sidelines were about even, j tacular n atu re in order to get the the rifle events. Several m arks­ Saturday night and every ticket and a heavy reduction in tra n s­ MAN ACCIDENT VICTIM probably twelve hundred having J PARIS, Nov. 30.— The in teral­ public interested. All we want men were present from outside holder will plan to be present portation costs would be two come from Medford to see w heth­ lied reparations commission today planks in the. platform , accord­ now is to have the entire Chau­ points, including Wm. Bates and on this night. ROSEBURG, Nov. 2« Fears er Ashland was to hoist its col­ decided Io appoint two com m ittees( are ®xpress< d lo re that G. orge ing to Senator Capper, chairm an. tauqua Building in which to dem ­ Dr. C. F. Farm er, Medford, and The form ation of an expert cor­ , Delegation fconi Oregon State ors. which were pulled down at of experts to study the indemnity I ' Veav*‘r - Hon ol' County Commis- o nstrate our work. Please ask Mr. Glascoe and Garvin, of Talent. WILL HOLD COVELL TRIAL DECEMBER 10 poration to expand export trade I G range Inspects Mr. Rnnvn- Medford Armistice Day F u ller for more space. Every question. The United States w ill! sioner Fdwin Weaver of Myrtle Other shoots will be held d u r­ liell’s Books. T. - P. K ram er, Jr., of G rants and the endorsem ent of the co­ he invited to participate. One com- Freek. who has not been beard grade has som ething worth ing w inter months. Thp names of MARSHFIELD, Nov. 30.— Al- operative m arketing movement i A Pass, referee: Charles Do,son, m ittee will study methods of s ta - lfrom since last August, may have w hile.” , .. several new members are being A deputation from , the ' Oregon I ton Covell, self confessed m urder­ by providing w ider governm ent * » koii University of Oregon, um pire: C. bilizing the Reich budget aud cur- been a passenger on the Chicago, R eports from other committees added to the club. er of Mrs. Ebba Covell, will be faciliti» ara alar, planned in the | p * ' c E. Cook, Jacksonville, head lines­ rency, and the other will evaluate; Burlington and Quincy train give assurance th at tlielr depart program. Cader the revision o( ’ ye8,‘‘ rday tried December 10. Judge Kendall man. Germany’s resources abroad and which was derailed and plunged m ents will be well represented. STATE SUPREME COURT «' »»- has decided. A rth u r Covell, prim e t a t laws it la proposed to re d n e e i“ " '’, ’ '¡‘" T 1 study methods of utilizing them, off a bridge near Lockett. Wyo I ’PHOLDS HIGHWAY COM. mover and convicted of being an taxes on incomes nnder »10.000. ' " n ' ' “>'>k Cyr" 0 Rr" w" ’ IL CERTIFICATE SOUGHT FOR France is said to oppose the pre-¡w ith a loss of 27 lives. W eaver RAY SLAYERS OF BANK as tre a su jjr of the Staie Income ence of German experts, but wel went to W ashington D. C.. ami accessory, is now in the state CRANE-BURNS EXTENSION and placing heavier taxes on in MESSENGERS CONFESS Tax Referendum league. The book j SALEM, Nov 28. The state penitentiary, aw aiting th e hang­ comes the participation of Ameri was due to arrive home about the securities not highway commission has the s heritances and cans. had been turned over to the judge t SALEM. Nov. 30.— Th* Ore- mans noose for his part in the listed as tax exempt. lime of the fatal accident in Wy­ NEW YORK. Nov. 28.— Com­ power to designate and adopt a m urder. Tuesday m orning. The delegation gOn-W ashingion Railroad &■ Nav- oming. plete confessions made by Joseph route for a state nignw higliwav and mv • ry w , n gh Dw>pni_ of grange m embers was composed igation company has filed with NATIONAL CAPITOL LS ay ana Thft gran(J « ju LATE B l’LLETINS and Morris Diamond. brothers, condemn the right of way neces­ of M. C. Glover, an overseer; the interstate commerce eommis- GREAT CLEARING HOUSE 1STH ENGINEERS TO charged with homicide and rob­ sary for th a t road, the supreme ber 3 and the resu lt of investiga­ B ertha J. Beck, member of the s¡on application for certificate of INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 30.— M. HOLD ANNUAL REUNION bery in connection with the $4 3.- court ruled this m orning on pass­ tions is likely to add many cases committee, and A. H. public convenience and necessity L7 I WASHINGTON, Nov. 30.— The! McCray, governor of Indiana,; (cam paign - - -------— - ....................... to those w hich are already on the 000 robbery and m urder of two ing upon the appeal of Malcolm whose financial affairs have b e en ! T anner> attorney for the grange authorizing the extension of a National Capitol has become the SEATTLE. Wash., Nov. 20 bank m essengers in Brooklyn, A. Moody from the decision of the docket for the term commencing under iu»csu5ano« investigation many brought in nne house lor for The gang will have a feature you many w eek s,! ^ b e grange officials - ........................ oi ranroao trom Crane to worlds greatest clearing nouse line of railroad from December 10. November 14, were obtained, ac-; Wasco circuit court which held was indicted by the Marion county,’ a c€rtlfied accountant and P u t! Burng This ra jiroad w ni be 32 , inform a,ion and identification of , Haven’t enjoyed since Itefore the to ■ Statem ent made to - |th a t the condemnation of his land posrFCTORH iurv renort to cir­ cir- him Him to work inspecting the book nailao «...J will x tap a , Criminal.« P,'Tlp.lr pripts ««J n_.a grand d ju ry in its report miles in length and crim ina^. Finger and Ber- w ar,” is the enticing word sent i,u the state i highway , ------ ---------ECTORS PREDICT day by D istrict A ttorney Dodd Dodd. by commission and its contents. A ttorney Tanner valuable belt of tim ber in the tillion m easurem ents of m illions, out by the committee in charge cuit court here. AN OPEN WINTER The Diamond brothers denied was legal. said th a t when his inspection is M alheur national forest. of Persons who are either a c tu a l; of plans for the fifth ann, d j,. firing the shots th a t killed bank WASHINGTON. Nov. 30.— Sen­ completed he will decide w hether A copy of the application for crim inals or who have been ar-j union of the 18th engineers trail HAINES, Or., N or. 28.— Min­ m essengers and named three g u n ­ SPECIAL TRAIN CARRIES a to r LaFollette, of W isconsin, is or not to go to court and ask to au th ority to proceed with the rested on suspicion of having way) which will 1». held R atu ,- ing camps in the Blue m ountain men as the actual killers, Dodd PRISONERS FROM RENO range west of Haines have ob­ so ill th a t he will not be able to see check books and bank hooks construction work was received committed serious crimes are on day a t the Butler hotel here. said. attend the opening of the sixty- Brownell presum ably has in his a t the offices of the public service ! flIe in ,h e D epartm ent of Justice served th e n atu re signs and p re­ The affair is in the n ature of eighth congress, it is announced possession. The grange won a ; commi8sion Tuesday’. CONTRACT AWARDED ON RENO, Nov. 28.— W ith t w e n t y ----- „„ W liw r I