t>AbK t t t ö M’ÍVÍ a Í, WiNStttt f'AlK KDITIOX, ASHLAND DAILY TIW,SOS «f--. **•—r1wwi»iàr<—iaar'ii«iMnmhtir— tmnirr------------------ COMMITTEES' HEADINGTHE WINTER FAIR As You Have Dreamed e As You Have Visioned As You Have Planned AUTOMOTIVE SHOP e BUILD IT FOR CAR EQUIPMENT There are some sixteen pr sev­ enteen committees directing ar-i rangm ents for the coming W inter; F air, December 5, 6, 7 and 8. The chairm an of each committee f wes elected because of his or her particular knowledge of their respective departm ents, and each is assisted by representative men and women of Ashland and of Jackson county. For the benefit! of those who may have occasion to communicate with one or more of the committees and for general inform ation, a complete list o f the committees is presented here­ w ith: Executive Committee— F. C. Homes, pres., J. H. Fuller, sec., J. H. McGee, A. H, Davenhill, H. G. Enders, Jr., G. W. Dunn. Poultry D epartm ent— H. W. Fram e, E. O. Smith. A. McMillan, M. E. Thompson, E rn est Webb. Corn, Grain and A griculture— C. B. Lamkin. Carl Glasgow, J. N. Dennis, H. O. Anderson, A. C. Joy. Industrial D epartm ent— Jam es B arrett, I. K. Fridegar, C. Fro- man, Ralph H adfield, E. T. Sta­ ples. M erchants Exhibits and Booths — H. H. E lh art, C. B. Evans, L. F. Ferguson, C. G. Peebler, H. P. Holmes. Domestic D epartm ent— Mrs. C. H. Pierce, Dr. Maude Hawley, Mrs. F. C. Homes, Mrs. II. Barron, Mrs. Ella Mills. , R abbit D epartm ent— W. P. R athe, A. C. W aterm an, C. S. Roberts. H o rticu ltu ral— J. M. W agner, J. II. Robbins. T. S. Wiley, A. H. Johnson, Prof. F. C. Reimer. ! Dairy D epartm ent— Ralph Bill­ ings, M. W. Bowers, M. C. Lin- i niger. Automobile Show— A. C. Will- bite, II. D. McNair, J. K. McWill­ iams, A. L. Trask, Ray Dix. I S c h o o l s D epartm ent— Mrs. | Louis Dodge, G. A. Briscoe, Mrs. | E. A. Wood, M rs.-Louis Schwein, | I Mrs. Emil Peil. A rt D epartm ent, Needle work, etc.— Ladies’ A rt Club. Mrs. J Selma Gray, pres. | A rt D epartm ents, paintings, china, etc.— Mrs. V. V. Mills, Mrs. | : N. H. H arrison. , j Boys and Girls Club W ork— ! Mrs. A. C. Joy, Mrs. H. C. Galey, ! Loyd Moss, Elton Beeson. | Decoration— R. E. Detrick, F. fi F. W hittle, F . J. Murphy, Mrs. S Otto W inter, Mrs. F ran k Jordon. Program Com m ittee— H. K. (Tomlinson, V. D. Miller, Carl Loveland, W. M. Hughes, J. Q. Adams. In the prettiest little eity on the Pacific Highway—A com­ posite of all the most desired elements-health, schools, rec­ reation and year-around live" ableness. Build In Ashland 11777 invite You to come as a visitor to Ashland’s Winter n1™* and make a survey of its possibilities as a toivn of socialbility, scenery, character, churches, schools, intel­ ligence, fraternalism and Christian democracy. Real Estate Agents Will Be Glad To Serve You In Location Values—But We Would Be Glad To Be of Service in Your Building Plans. Carson-Fowler Lumber Co, Building Materials and Fuels S E R V IC E —steady conservative growth and —development in agricultural, dairy —and mercantile enterprises and —local investments as well as —bond and public utilities securities PROTECTION OF DEPOSITORS B urns— R ailroad will here by first of year. S ! —shall see illustrated in the great —exhibits of Asldand’s Winter Fair. Cleaner - Gabriel Snubbers - Halladay Tempered Steel Bumpers - Pyrex Fire Extinguishers - Weed Tire Chains Automotive Service by Workmen who Work Who appreciate fine fitting g ar ments at reasonable prices. AUTOMOTIVE SHOP Opposite First National Bank and ♦ Up-Stairs Over McGees Store _ Nininger & Warner Plus =VaIue B u y Christm as Furniture and Toys PUGS At The Big Up-to-Datday, November <*0, id s * M 5353238948534848534823235353232323234823535323482302000253234853204848000102010201020002000002020100020253025302 Toyland Bids the Children Releoine DOLLS BUILDING TOYS GAMES DISH SETS AUTOS PAINT BOOKS HORNS TOY HORSES A BC BLOCKS j *