S p e c ia l W in t e r F air É d itio n jt'A S fefcX D CLB í ATE W itbout the age trf medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. MALARIA germs D aily T idings Cannot su r tiv e th ree m onths in the r k h o2one at Ashland. Pure dom estic w ater helps. ASHLAND WINTER FAIR PLENTYtf] W ed n esd ay D ecem ber 5 F r id a y D ecem ber 7 T h u rsd ay D ecem ber 6 S a tu r d a y D ecem ber i <> ¡¡¡; FOURTH ANNUAL SHOW ING OF THE Agricultural, Educational, and Industrial Features OF SOUTHERN OREGON o<> AND o Ninth . A n n u a l S h o w OF THE Southern Oregon Poultry and Rabbit Association HELD IN Ashland’s Great Exhibition and Convention Auditorium ........ -........................ . .................... ............... I ............................................................ a ’- Southern Oregon's X Fastest G rowing, Finest Showing, Prolific High Qual­ ity Products C H Á U W O IM - $1,200 in Premiums Good Entertainment In the State's Most f I I I 111 n 11 11 I o .......... j > i > < • 1 ,0 o o o (► Favored Spot for Re­ I - . ■ . . . •***•♦ ♦ > ♦ > « ♦ ♦ -« ......... ............................................................................................................................... ........................................ .......... O o o o o o 1 1 » creation * * 1 * ‘ O I n o o o o ~.................................... a a a a . ,,,, I o o , < ,o O O o O ,,o O O ,, O O O o o ,,o o O O O