Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, November 28, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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A shland daily ti H ino S
Uetiiiesdá), November 20,
»♦»»» »»♦
Takes New Position—
Miss Pauline Clift, form erly
connected with the F irst National
bank has taken a position at the
BERLIN. Nov. 28.— Four police-
A D ally C hronicle o f th o se w ho cnm e and go, and even ts of
sheriff’s office to take the place i ®en, and one civilian were ser-
local in terest.
of Mrs. Will Houston who has l° U9ly injured in riots during a
been helping out for the past few Communist dem onstration. It is
months. She started work on her understood th at the order to con-
V isitor from Clim ax
A shland Lodge No. 2 3
Miss Frelda Hansom has been new job this morning. __K. Falls duc* the dem onstration came di-
A. P . & A. M.
rect from Moscow. Seventy ring
. _
the guest of friends this week Evening H erald.
leaders were arrested, including n
Special Communication. Friday ,ng for H llt to 9pend Thanksglv.
,ta,o rs reported sent here from
evening, Nov. SO, first degree. , teaching lately. The Misses Freida
---------- --------- — ~ .....
\ lalting brethren cordially wel- and ¡¿llda Hanson left this morn- ^ ie L ithla dance Thanksgiving Ru3ida
Germany is still w ithout a cab­
Ing with their sister, Mm. Lester nigbt.
Stegerw ald’s chances of form ­
K. P. NIM3, W. M.
cabinet are being wrecked
W. H. DAY, Secretary.
R eturns H om e—
by N ationalists, who
Fresh fru it cake and m in c e . Miss Pearl Crowson returned , are insisting th a t the policy of
meat Ingredients— brown sugar,
* home in San F ran cisco , lu
m ier
er viianceuor
chancellor airessm
Stressm ann be
T h anksgiving Service
spices, u orange
peel, lein
a s week aftPr having spent the continued. It is likely th a t Presi
v citron,
m u u , opivva,
ia u ^ e pet'l,
Thanksgiving Day service w ill;
. ‘
„ ‘ - . - s u m m e r here. Miss Crowson is the dent E bert will again charge
V ,, .
, Deel- w alnuts
and so forth.
be held In Trinity Episcopal . , ,
tricks. We deliver.
69-tf youngest daughter of Mr. and Stressm ann with the task of con-
Church, by the Vicar the Rev. i
Mrs. Frank Crowson who reside stltu tin g a new governm ent, glv-
Rev. P. K. Hammond at 11 a. m.
Eighth street.
ing authority to dissolve the Reich-
Called to C a lif o r n ia -
Everyone welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. George Robison
Don’t forget the Llthian dance
Are you hard to fit? Have your lftft ^ 1*8 morning for Lodi, Cal.fc Thanksgiving night at the Arm­
cult tailored to m easure a t Paul- borne of Mr. Robison’s m other Mrs ory.
serud’s. It costs no more.
Samuel Robison, old time pioneer
j of Jackson county and form er res- P olice D epartm ent B usy—
(Continued from page 1)
ident of Talent. Word was re-
at ___
H aw
The Ashland Police D
e p a r t m
e n t ______________ ’*
Miss E velyn K incaid
Temple of T ruth. Friday evening.!ceIved hero yesterday of the ser- is working in rapid fire order. I semi-conscious condition In the
Well known actress of boy!
8 P. M. on “ The Application of ,oua il,nss of the elder Mrs. Rob- Four stolen machines have been field all Saturday night, all day
who will appear as “ H enry” !
th e Law of Right Living: and Its Ison at tier hoi» e 1,1 California returned to their owners in the Sunday and yesterday, when he
in the big stage success '
Effects Good and Evil.” By Dr. and 11 waa thoght advisable that past two weeks with the latest managed to free him self from the
Boy” at the Armory!
Nina E. Pickett of Los A ngeles.! her relatives go to her home.
being taken to Salem this m orn­ stakes which held him to the tonight. This big road show isj
Public cordially invited.
7 5-21
ing by A. W. Lane, Jr., who came ground and make his way to the brought here by the 484th Co. C. i
Nothing conveys thoughtfulness here lately to retu rn with the car.
road, where he was picked up by A. C. as a special attraction, and ,
and cheer like a Christm as por-
B azaar a t Phoenix—
The latest car held here was a passing m otorist and taken to for a comedy hit has broken all
The Ladies Aid Society of the, ! trait. D arling Studio.
the one which was supposed to the emergency hospital,
records. School children free when
Phoenix Presbyterian church will
have been owned by typew riter
The police doubt parts of Rich- accompanied by parent or adult.
hold Its Annual Bazaar on Fri- Property Sold on Seventh Street slick hand artists.
| ners story and are investigating Show a t 8:15.
day of this week from 2 P. M. till I Property recently owned by
•--------- •
the theory th a t the to rtu re in-
10. Besides the fancy articles for. George Spannaus at 247 Seventh
Large loaf—quality bread 1 0 c .!fBeted upon Richner may have
sale there will be a candy booth, street, has been sold to Mrs. Day- Bon Ton.
34-tf been done in revenge for some
o tea room and Dutch k itc h e n ton Bussy, of Klam ath Falls. The
! crim inal act committed againjst
Everything good. Held at Clyde Ashland Realty Company reports Mine Being Developed—
j some boy.
The annual budget election
H all.
75-1 the deal and states th a t Mrs.
The Taylor Brothers, who have
R ichner was on the operating
Bussy will take possession as soon leased the Skyline Mine fr^m T. table for two hours, th a t time be- held yesterday by the school
Cliff Payne make Bug bodies. as the place is vacated. The house M. Anderson, are taking out over in£ necessitated in removal of the board for the school budget fund
Is to be entirely remodeled, re­ one hundred dollars w orth of gold stick from his body.
of 1924-25 resulted in a vote of
H om e from P ortland—
painted and renovated by the own to each ton and expect to drop 1
106 for and 69 against. The a-
A. C. W lllhite, Bulck dealer, er.
ount of the budget as it now
a double departm ent shaft three ¡JOH N F . M YERS OUT OF
has returned from a short busi­
hundred feet to determ ine more;
STATE INSTITUTION stands is $59,018.25.
ness trip to Portland.
Swifts— Bacon, Boiled Ham, fully the property. The Skyline
The budget fund has been
Chipped beef and lard. Get it at Mine is one of the most sourceful
SALEM, Nov. 28.— U nfair treat passed by the directors, the bud­
V isited H ere—
Detricks. I t ’s the best.
53-tf in the country and its develop­ m ent by the Board of Control with get committee and the county tax
Mrs. Omur W illy and young
ment is watched by other miners. regard to hiring employes for the comission and approved by all
daughter have returned to their Aid Sc-'iety W orking Hard—
institution w ithout consulting his three, and by the voters yesterday
home In D unsm uir after visiting
The Presbyterian Ladles Aid
The most im portant factor pass­
Fresh Homemade Candies at wishes, was given as a reason by
here at the home of her m other- Society have donated $50 toward Rose Bros..
on yesterday by voters was an
69-tf John F. Myers n his resignation
in-law, Mrs. Laura Willy.
the sustenation fund of that
of $900 to be spent on a
as superintendent of the Oregon
church which provides salary for B an k ers M eet in M edford—
State Employment Institution for play shed to be put up on the
Try “ Mrs. Jew etts Delicious •retired clergymen.
blind, at Portland. R. Good­ Ju n io r high school grounds. This
The Josephine-Jackson County
Mayonnaise” for your Thanks­
Bankers Association met last win, secretary of the State Board varies very liXUe from the am ount
giving Salad. F or Sale at Grocer­ Tillamook cheese, cream cheese,
night with th eir m onthly meeting of Control, will tak e tem porary of last year’s appropriation.
ies & M arkets.
72-4* cottage cheese, milk and butter.
held at the Hotel Medford. An­ charge for blind, Governor Pierce
We sell the best. Detricks.
53tf drew Miller, field secretary of the stated today.
Ashland Rod & Gun Club’s'
M oved from T alent—
tomorrow will begin at 9!
Oregon Bankers Association spoke
A. L. McNabb is occupying En­ T o Stay H ere In d efin itely—
interestingly to the members of
° ” r hand dipped Im perial o’clock and be over a t 1 o’clockj
canto H eights, the country home
H. C. Sheldon arrived yesterday the association who were there Chocolates represent the best— in time for Foot Ball Game. 75-1
of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Yockey. Mr. from Rochster, Minnesota to visit last evening. Sev>n rep resen ts- Rose Broa-
Myrtle Point — local cannery
Hood River— Forest service to '
Oregon— Portland stands four-
and Mrs. Yokey has move to Nob indefinitely at the home of his
tivs went from Ashland and en­
Get your tickets a t Rose Bros, turned out 7,629 cases this year, construct extension of Mt. Hood th among Pacific Coast cities in
Hill for the w inter following th daughter, Mrs. H. O. B utterfield
joyed the entertainm ent at the R ally T onight—
for children’s F arm Home pro-
Brownsville may get fully loop road to Cloud Cap Inn i n , issuance of October building per-
sum m er spent at their home near
A big pep rally with lots of gram.
Medford Hotel.
surgical hospital.
1924 at cost of $90,000.
Have a fit a t Orres. Tailors for
mita with total of $2,566,335.
yells and songs, serpentine and
men and women. U pstairs.
Have your clothes cleaned at j spirala la planned for tonight by
Remember the Farm Home pro­
Paulserud’s. Phone 119.
; the high schol student body In
gram Friday, 8:00 P. M. at P res­ O ut-of-tow n V isitors—
preparation for the game tomor-
byterian church.
W. K. Fletcher, of Stockton, is Mr. Mack Arrives—
row. One of the biggest enthusias-
among late arrivals. Charles H or­
crowds of the history of either
M ining Man V isits—
ton Is a business visitor from the home of F. II. W alker for an BChool is expected tomorrow and
C. A. Rickets, a mining enthus­
K lam ath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. A indefinite stay with Mrs. Mack extra P°Hc© are to be added to
iast from Kirby, is in Ashland to­
Young, also of Klam ath Falls, and her relatives. Mrs. Mack’s ill­ care for the arm y of machines
day as a business visitor.
were business visitors yesterday ness is not so serious as it was th a t will crowd the streets of the
R. F. Davis and K arl Starkland but she is not fully recovered.
high school. A bonfire should
It costs nothing to get my in­
axe among out-of-town
roar tonight sending echoes to
surance rates. Yeo, of course. 21-t
from Cove, Ore. Mr. and-M rs. M.
Try our fresh kippered salmon ¡ the heavens.
E. T uttle, of Bend, are among 'D etricks.”
We deliver the goods. Service
recent arrivals.
Don’t forget there will be an ­
Is our motto. Detricks— phone
shoot in the morning begin-
To G rants P a ss Tom orrow—
We use artificial light in all
Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'O glesby! n,ng at 9 o’clock
p o rtrait work— If more conven­ plan to spend Thanksgiving with ■
Home from O. A. C.—
ient make appointm ent for a sit­ Mrs. Oglesby’s relatives in Grants
Newberg— W ashington street
Burton W innie is home from
ting in the evening. Darling Pass
be Improved.
O. A. C. to spend Thanksgiving
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Do It now— get them later. PRIME BIRDS AT 22
W. Winnie. W’hen seen this m orn­
G rants P a ss G irls In Y reka—
Darling Studio for p o rtraits t h a t 1
ing he was disappearing in the
The G rants Pass basketball please. Phone No. 8.
region of his home with the la rg ­
girls are to play th eir first game
REDDING, Nov. 28.— The bot­
est turkey procurable
from a
Friday evening in Yreka. The New York V isitors H e r e -
tom has fallen out of the local
local m eat m arket. He is a mem­
G rants Pass girls have been under
Mrs. C. T. Sanford and Mrs. W. m arket for turkeys. Housewives
ber of the Kappa Theta Rho.
the guidance of Coach Brown and
season —
J. B urnett, of New York city, are bid fair to have this
---- ----------
are said to have a fine working house-guests at the home of Mrs. cheapest Thanksgiving feast for
The A uto Top Shop gives you
H. S. Sanford on Gresham street. years-
estim ates on all kinds of work,
1 They expect to rem ain here a part
A farm er yesterday sold tw enty
good m aterials, lowest prices. We
D arling Studio— Sittings even­ of the w inter and social functions
turkeys in prim e condition at
have everything In stock for
ings by appointm ent. Phone No. 8 will doubtless center about these 22 cents’ The m eat m arket th at
every line of work. Oldest reliable
75tf eastern guests. Mrs. C. T. S a n -, purch^sed them is retailing the
shop in clay, near Park Oarage.
ford is fam iliar to friends here > ,owla a t 25 cents a pound. Dres-
Oh Boy! Dec. 3rd Is the Lith- as she has visited at other times. ■
turkeys may be bought almost
E xpected Today—
ian M instrels.
in Redding at 30 cents
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wells and
The Secret is out— Dec. 3rd is
Mr. and Mrs. H arry Ackley are G rants P a ss to P la y E u gen e—
expected here tonight from Klam­
The G rants Pass high school the Lithlan M instrels.
ath Falls to be guests tomorrow football team left today for E u­
with Mrs. Jam es F. Wells and oth­ gene where they play the high Ashland» C lim ate ..Likene<l
er relatives. They will retu rn to school on Thanksgiving day. Ac­ H eaven—
Clark Sheldon, of Rochester,
th eir home over the week-end, it cording to the coach, several of
Is though^.
who Is the guest a t the
his men are in ra th e r bad condi­
tion, hut he hopes to hold the home of his daughter Mrs. H. O.
Many beautiful gifts at Dar­ Eugene near even. The Eugene B utterfield, likes A shland’s cli­
ling Studio.
75-tf high team defeated Salem, which mate very much. The resident of
later defeated Medfcird and as Rochester has said th a t the cli
Mr. B illin gs R ecuperating-—
Medford won from G rants Pass, mate very much. The agent of
Homer Billings, has been con­ it would appear that Eugene has heaven of any place he ever knew'.
fined at his home several days the edge.
However, he probably h asn ’t ex­
w ith a strange disease. Mr. Bill­
perienced one or two of the cold
ings says it is a flat tire th at
Maple squares— 30c. Bon Ton. nights Ashland has had this week.
keeps hi moff his feet, hut doctors
m ight term it a “cracked heel” . B a m B ein g E rected—
Ready-to-wear suits and over­
An oepning In hla heel resem bling
a t P aulserud’s.
J. V. W right, of Moutnain Ave­
chafed cracks h u caused much nue is building a new barn on
_ fe a tu re d in
Xm as F or K iddies—
suffering and an infection has ag­ his dairy ranch.
—- r \ V A « N E R B r o s
¿Where the North Bejn«
gravated the wound. His condi­
The entertainm ent to be given
tion is Improving.
Special for W ednesday— M ar­ Friday night at the Presbyterian
celling 85c, H airdressing, 35c. church to make a Christm as for
I have made a special study of Powder Puff Beauty P arlor. 35 the homeless little ones at the
: BUinvw
automobile insurance; get my Second street.
73-2 Farm Home promises to be well
rates first. Yeo, of course. * 21-tf
attended. The program will be in­
teresting and varied.
To L ittle S h a s t a -
D eparted Y esterday—
Mrs. Bert H aight returned to from a11 the Sunday schools are
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dickison de­ L ittle Shasta Valley Sunday after se,lin£ tickets. Everyone in te r­
parted yesterday for California to a few days spent in Ashland ested In unfortunate, friendless
FOR R ENT— Do you w ant to
spend the winter.
orphans are n rg « l to bo on hand llTe iM Ipens,vely, We have im a l,
visiting relatives and friends.
F n d a y night.
' cozy apartm ents. Some and see
Mi-O-Na. thats the name of the
Do it now get them later— save
, them. 153 G ranite St. Phone 411-
beat prescription ever written for $1.00 to $4.00 on a doz. portraits.!
° Ur fam ous Tamales a ft al- r .
Indigestion or stomach distress. D arling Studio, For P o rtraits that! ways good- Try one— Rose Bros.
_______________ _____
Guaranteed by McNair Bro«.
4. Please.
6 9 - t f C la s s if i e d ads bring results.
Repeated Tonig'ht
T h e G reat F u n S h o w -
T h e F u n n ie s t
P la y in 25
If you laughed at “Twin Beds” and “Fair and Warmer
you w ill scream at this one
< i is a Iload S h o w -N O T a Movíe
Tonight when accompanied by Parents— Any Seat
C u r ta in at 8 P. M. S h a r p
Now ready for delivery
Two carloads to be received this week
One of the most complete lines built by any one manufactory
T ouring...............
R oadster...............
Sport Touring (M aroon). $1150.00
Special Sport Touring
(Green) ...............
Sport R oadster...........
Coupe (4 pas.)
Club C ou p e___...........
Club S ed a n .................
122 N. Main
Sedan ..........................
Traveler S e d a n .........
Phone 18
All Prices L o. b. Medford
Thurs., Friday
Oregon-California Auto Dist. Corp.
Successor io A W. Walker Auto Co.