PAGE TWO A shland SB A S H L A N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S WE have daily tidings an invitation to dinner satisfactory to you business men such a quick relief even to fiery on the W est Coast. (E stablished in 187«) Ol special flays there is no end, but of sensible ideas eczema, th a t nothing has ever ______ “ I feel confident th a t we can ------ *— about special days there is hardly a beginning. been found to take its place. Published Every Evening Except Sunday by SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 28.— S“ e y° U ,service approxim ating - There should be a special welcome, therefore, for the Because of its germ-destroying THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. real V intelligent, interesting, imaginative idea about’a win properties, it quickly subdues the B ert R. Greer ..........................................................................................Editor itching, cools the irritation and special «lay which is proposed by the Near East Relief. W arm G. H arding died, is to be- ? " ° De WhIch y° U Can dopend OFFICIAL CITY PA PER ......................................................Telephone 39 heals the eczema right up, leav­ You will have a Thanksgiving dinner, of course. Your come p art of the luxurious home upon ju st as you now depend on E n tered at th e A shland, O rtg '-a. P o sto ffice a s Second C lass ing a clear, smooth skin iu place will eat as usual on the Friday and Saturday following, of a m illionaire society woman. ............ the Railway Mail Service.” Mail M atter of ugly eruptions, rash, pimples and your breaktast of the first Sunday in December will be W orkmen are now engaged in Just the moment you apply or roughness. Subscription Price, Delivered in City Shipping and entering and de­ One M o n th ................................................... .......................................... $ .65 the ordinary abundant ttroothsome breakfast of th Am- transform ing the suite into part M entho-Sulphur to an itching, parting from San Francisco con­ 1 ou do not have to wait for Three Months ........................................................................................ 1.95 erican tradition. But dinner! That’s where the idea of the t,ermanent home of its tinues to increase steadily, the burning or broken out skin, th e !, Six M o n th s......’................................. „ .................................................... 3.75 itching stops and the healing he improvement. It quickly shows. iwealthy rentor- One Year ................................................................................................. 7.50 comes to the front. first 10 months of the current gins, says a noted skin specialist.: You can a little ja r of Rowles By Mail and Rural R outes: 1 !< ; ? e a l t ' a s t R e l l e f h a s «O.«» orphans to keep alive. L,«. wln w Bet aside m the note, year showing an increase of 6,- This sulphur preparation, m ad e’ M entho-Sulphur One M o n th ............................................ ................................................. $ .65 at any drug 186,793 tons over the corres­ Three Months ........................................................................................ 1.95 it teeds them just what it must; not what it would like! as the Presidential suite. . into a pleasant cold cream, gives store. No. 4 Six M o n th s............................................................................................... 3.50 to have. It knows to the last ounce how much will keep Mrs. Florence Letts, of Los ponding period of 1922, accord­ ing to statistics compiled by J. M. One Year ...................... 6.50 the children fairly nourished, and that’s what they get A n g e l e s , one of C alifornia’s Daily, m anager of the m arine de­ DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: and no more. Every day, mind you, with very little var- w ealthiest women, who recently partm ent of the Chamber of single insertion, per Inch ................................................... .30 came into possession of the $15,- I iety in the hill of fare. Commerce. Y early C ontracts: 000,000 estate of her husband, One insertion a week ........................................................... .27% Very well; at Sunday dinner on December 2 we are form erly a Los Angeles m erchant, A rrivals with all classification Two insertions a week .......................................... ...... ;..... .25 , all invited to sit down at meat with these 50,000 orphans; is the lessee of the hotel a p art­ of cargo from domestic and for­ Daily insertion ..................................................................... .20 • to cat a like ration, and no more. They do it all the time.’ m ent and she plans to spend six eign ports during the first 10 months of the year numbered R ates F or Legul and M iscellaneous A d vertisin g of each year in k ie r new ; r r n . . .. Wc can do it once, to the great benefit of our imaginations, months F irst insertion, per 8 point l i n e ................................................... $ .10 hom e.'She la „aid to h a w a simi- r ’? . 4 , “ « « » « .M l. Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line ................................... and with no permanently had results to our constitutions. ’ .05 a total of 11,305 vessels arriving lar apartm ent in the Biltmore Card of Thanks ................................................................................. 1.00 and departing. The 11,305 ves­ And then—this is the part of the idea which makes hotel, Los Angeles. O bituaires, per line ......:................................................................ .02 % 24,54*3,420 tons. the occasion truly what it is called, a Golden Rule dinner The quarters to be occupied bv sels , represented , , , WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING T .. . , . A rrivals during the first 10 L etts have been closed since “ All fu tu re events, where an admission charge is made or a —the difference betweey the amount your usual Sunday Mrs. n -j , Tr j, months of 1922 numbered 4 718 collection taken is Advertising. President H ardings death in Aug- . b and the departures were 4,632. a dinner would have cost and the amount this “ we-and-the- No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. ust. orphans” dinner has actually cost, is to be contributed ‘‘The apartm ent is to be mod­ total of 9,350 vessels. The vessels DONATIONS • represented IS ,336,627 tons. estly furnished,” said Mrs. Letts, No donations to charities or otherw ise will he made in advertis­ toward other dinners for them! The years’ shipping from the ing, or job printing— our contributions will be in cash. Is it not an intelligent idea? And interesting? And who came here to supervise the first of Jan u ary has been un­ imaginative? Let’s make it productive.—Epworth Her- ' work of transform ing ihe suite precedented, each succeeding NOVEMBER 2« 1 into her home, ‘‘as my tastes are month registering an activity th at THE JOYFUL REW ARD:— Well done, good and faithful "serv­ aid. NEWS LETTER oiM ire extrem ely sim ple.” an t; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will m ake thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.— Mat­ thew 25:23. Sucker creek is a great feeder for Easy street. San Francisco is vitally inter- ested in the form ing of the nation- In crack the whip the ultimate consumer always plays al budget this year, especially as end it affects the post office d ep art­ THANKSGIVING IN ASHLAND ment. Business interests here and Thanksgiving day, 1923, finds Ashland a beautiful au thorities are behind two It’s hal’d to tell whether a girl has color in her face civic little city of over 50(X) happy, contented and healthy people. projects involving b etter postal or on it. service. The first is inauguration Few’ towns in the Northwest boast as beautiful a setting of regular night flying service in as that which Ashland enjoys. The Siskiyou mountains, N o S< loner is the transcontinental aerial .mail s a new road tinished than it clogs up with immense in proportions, towering in height, beautiful in cars. service, aftd the second is the perpetual green, form a hack-ground for the city that is! construction of a new post office unsurpassed. Mt. Ashland, highest of all of Siskiyou’s on the Em barcado, near the F e rry ' peaks, with its snow-white cloak stands in sharp contrast nJ Building. Bids have been opened for the porposed F erry post of- to the prolific and verdant valley below. Roses are still rd fice at a cost of around $3,000,-j in bloom in many yards. A man has just passed the win­ SB 0 0 0 .'T he present q u arters at the dow with an armload of beautiful chrysanthemums, pluck­ F erry Building, where all incom­ 2 S S S H 5 a5 Z S 2 5 H S 3 5 ed from the outdoors. A row of palm trees comes into ing and outgoing mail is handled, view, all indicative that Ashland is blessed with one of i are inadequate, and buf one avail- I able site rem ains on the E m bar­ the most equable climates to he obtained in any country. Like some strange exotic bird of cadero for a new building. For Ours are a happy people. There are no flags warning 1 plumage appears Madame at the this reason every effort will be Ball or Opera in this evening wrap of contagious diseases. None are suffering with the pains , oi orchid Cheney velvet, whose high made to secure favorable action and fever ot typhoid. A pure atmosphere swept down upstanding collar is reminisct reminiscent of .... „ by General H erbert M. Lord, bud­ the r ruff -’“ of * I'“ ' ■ ■ Elizabethan days. We from the mountains in gentle breezes, cold, sparkling, don’t get director, on this project. don t know whether Sir W alter mountain water, and bright, sunny days combine in bless­ Raleighs famous Mudguard Model -f -?kS . I s gorgeous as this, Action of the local Chamber of ing ns with a climate and health conditions that are all hnt2 hut it it had been, we can’t imagine Commerce in calling attention of but marvelous. We are a happy people because we are a wo™an would have had the heart to walk on it. More probably President Coolidge and General prosperous people. The larders of Ashland homes are H w n f Bess~ L Ilow'ag the psychol­ Lord to the desirability of having well tilled with all ot the necessities ot life, and in most ogy of women from the days of Eve n ig h t flying by air mail pilots -w o u ld have halted the entire pro­ of them luxuries abound. We are al the close of a bounti­ ceedings and commanded her court | brought word from the post of­ dL7pS imafker \° C ° Py the cloak ’’nine- fice departm ent th at regular ser- ful harvest. Bams, cellars and storage houses are. full. R ? , s i . f? r -.,he nex.‘ court iunction. 1 vice between New York and San There are no cries of distress. The dinner of tomorrow’s cock I. ?n ’ v ay> Madamc P«- ! Francisco in th irty hours is the U ln f tI?,s wraP at all formal Thanksgiving in the most humble of our homes will ft'nehons of the season, with a firmly goal. seated conviction of superiority. f6r afford a greater quantity and more delicacies than found effde i Paul Henderson, second assis- o f \ aO,°nS° rCd« by the ^nner in the average home of tlie average community. , tan t Postm aster General, concern­ circle of shade fashion, favorite in and the orchid c o n s is e n thp t i n g the air mail service, said: The day will find a community of happy homes and for evening jvear. Certain it is that ‘‘I really believe th a t if it Is contented fathers and mothers will sit down with happy en.olded in such becoming luxury ts is o n V S ^ ke hist° ^ ’ ^ ^ n V ff possible for this departm ent to children. Good will and cheer will prevail, and surely procure an appropriation of ap­ variety7 Tt,-the pcr?onal memoir the thoughts o f all will turn to the great Jehovah, thé 'ariety. This wrap happily unites proxim ately $3,000,000 for this the vogue for circular flounces to Giver of all good things. service for the fiscal year 1925 The *!nquenc,hable urge for plaits Thanksgiving day in Ashland will be one of marked red wffh yt°ke andcol,ar are equipi we will be able to make our sketch n transcontinental route from New W .ith- c,ose Plaits of the accor- contrast to the first day of thanksgiving observed by the I v X y î’an ftIU d CHEMEy York to San Francisco function with nar- Pilgrims way hack in Massachusetts. With ranks I of s£uir,rej- ~Madame“£ ! in a m anner which will be very thinned by disease, cold and hunger; with barelv suffici- f- - m £ » • „ A ■ L v . almost certain that it is Iame’ for Henri * Creange j The Dallas plans construction ent corn tor the coming year’s planting; with no meat, he “ of new 10-room school building in other than that which roamed the forests; with no con lini” e or Ä I west end to revive congested con­ veniences of life; and illy clad, they sat down to a mod­ dition of present school system. ¡r age Sir Walter Raleigh est repast. But thanksgiving was in their hearts. They poured out to Providence their heartfelt thanks for His guidance and provision. Our blessings have been in­ creased an hundred fold. Let us increase our thanks in proportion. ( ( The Lady From the Sea” ' —--------------- EASIER. Wesley Barry sm am o in F U lJ "Heroes of the Street” Thanksgiving POWER and ’PR0IK3ED ENGINE HI MILEAGE —Zerolene gives thorough lubrication from the first turn of the motor—no un­ necessary drain on the batteries; —the motor is not held back by congealed or so­ lidified oil on the bearings; —no scored cy lin d ers, w orn bearings, prem a­ turely diluted crankcase oil or expensive repair bills as a result of poor winter lubrication. —c o r r e c t l u b r i c a t i o n m eans full pow er and maximum fuel mileage; T h at’s why we say—use Zerolene “cold-test” oil of the grade recommended for the w in te r lubrication of your car. Consult the Zerolene Correct Lubri­ cation C h art—w herever Zerolene is sold. S T A N D A R D O IL C O M P A N Y (California) C H A M B E R L A IN ’S C O U G H REM EDY Every user is a frie n d Zerolene No. 1, No. 3 and Ibsen’s mournful heroine might No. 5 are all good “cold- have worn this dress to symbolize her longing for the sea, for there it teat” oils. something distinctly mermaiden^y If you have trouble shift­ about it, with its straight, clinging: slip of Mandarin blue Cheney velvet ' ing gears, use Zerolene and its pointed insets of black satin I Transmission Lubricant panne. We don’t know whether! “B” — it remains fluid at there are Chinese mermaids, but ii low temperatures and there are, they would certainly wear permits ready shifting of BWitli disc rubber tiredl this color, which is one of the new Chinese blues launched by Paris at |wheels, and a fine finished! gears. the Blue and Gold Grand Prix Ball. This dress has a demure bateau Sbody, sturdily made. neckline in front, but when Madame turns her back on us, there is re­ vealed a deeply V decolletage in the back, coming down almost to what was once the natural waistline. The iwwijiBit»iiBHiiHiiiiiiniiiu!i!iiii?!i:!ittmaii:Kicin’iiiiimi':'miiiiiiiiiiitHiniitianiiiitiiS opening is slightly filled in, or as ^fJTR you might say, Sumnerized, by a band of the satin panne. It is, by i l!IK the way, a marked feature of the new evening gowns, to be cut The famous Police Do^ rather high in front, arid low, very low, in the back, so that one is" Directed by CHET FTMNKUN coming to a dinner, and going to a ball, if you get what we mean. This dress exemplifies to perfection the W atching cannot always see W here the word of man is no most favored silhouette in Paris to- | longer law, danger ahead. Dodging cannot day—the straight slim slip widened foi- Your at the bottom by godets or flounces. W here life depends upon fangs always miss it. It comes like A 8reat many of these dresses are and claw, a flash— does its dam age— is beltless. This particular one con­ W here nothing is heard but the gone. cedes a girdle of the satin panne, cold wind's roar. mediaeval in line, and finishing with T hat’s <> an interesting carved buckle. Black Insurance against such risks satin panne also softens the front “ W HERE THE NORTH guards you from loss at all Rose Bud is a product of our own Ice Cream Factory neckline, BEGINS." times. and has no Superior. It is Delicious, Refreshing, H ealth­ W here many a man reaches liis - ful, and Invigorating—any flavor, Brick or Bulk. journey’s end. Only insurance can give you W here strong men stand and constant financial protection. weak men bend, Consult your insurance agent W here truly a dog is “ m an's best After Dinner Mints—Salted Almonds, etc. TA K E S POISON friend” as a specialist in protection. T hat’s PORTLAND, Nov. 27.— As the “ W HERE THE NORTH Say it w ith a box o f oui’ Ub(M*olat< resu lt of poison, which th e coron­ BEGINS.” er said was taken with suicidal! Continuous Performance Real E state and Real In­ intent, Mrs. Helen P ark er, pres- surance. (Estab. 1883) ident of the M ajestic Motion Pic­ Phone 211 41 East Main Thanksgiving 1 to 11 p. m. tu re th eatre an ow ner of local billiard parlors, died here today. ADMISSION 10c and 4Oc ^O VERLAND | Coaster Wagons we Worthy IPEIL’S CORNER f Begins S ketch by devoid of fnction, the duties that looked mountain hi«h CMENEy dwindle down to hill-like proportions, and all because some one has been nice enough to say a word that made von leel at peace with the world and yourself. And since unkindly critisism hurts so much, and since praise leaves such a pleasant, impression, let us all turn over a new leaf commencing with Thanksgiving season j and he nice to each other as we journey along. • ♦ m d°eS I t matter ‘some one accuses us of. ‘ ‘ joll v- i mg. M e are lug and strong and can stand having that said to us when we know that we are infusing a little SURVIVES YOUTHFUL FOLLY cheer into some one’s life. . MORRISTOWN. Ohio. Nov. 28. So let us from now on, , , T is James Whitcomb Riley ¡ — David Tracy here a few days says in his familiar poem, Just lie Kind." ago ate apples from a tree from . A n d here’s what that means for your car__ Last Times Today Hard on child—hard on parents. Control dreadful whooping and coughing, help to quiet sleep w ith i REELY in , zero weather — atAUTiru. - TMC theater WHOOPING COUGH ssasasEsasESEsasa.^ A pleasant feeling for yourself helps you to get tlirn I th in g S g H d e a lo n S 011 w h e e ls | IZ P o rtlan d — Crown W illam ette Paper Co. to build dam and hydro­ electric plant on Youngs river. LET US “ JUST BE KIND , • J ¥ouldn’t this be a nice world people made only! kindly speeches to one another instead of indulging in ill-tempered remarks and mean criticism? Even the bravest of us, the most self-reliant, those of us who are most liberally endowed with common sense, ! have our moments of yearnings for sympathy, the periodsI when we want some one to tell us the we are just the nicest creatures that ever happened. Of course we won’t believe it, nny of us, but it makes us feel good just the same, and it helps us to work a little harder, aad to be a little more diligent, ami to postpone for a little longer tlie day that just seems to end every- thing. Families often indulge in unkindly critisism of one another. Kind remarks are as unheard of in some as'two Sundays in a week, and natures that would bloom into, new beauties and broader development under the influ-1 ence ot praise, are starved and dwarfed and stunted for d e v n ,A lV f V - ° ; k has kept port facilities taxed in m eeting the requirem ents. The comparison shows an in- crease of 1.955 vessels for the 10-nionth period of 1923 over 1922, these 1,955 ships represent­ ing 6.1S6.793 tons. The month of October register­ ed 623 arrivals^ and 634 depar­ tures, the m ark being exceeded only once during the year, and th a t was scored during August. The October arrivals represented 1,283,667 tons and the 634 de- p artures represented 1,323,051 tons, a total of 2,606,718 tons for the month. which he picked fru it 60 years One thing humans can learn from the wild ducks afi°" Tracy said the on,y differ- Handling traffic would he a cinch if everyone moved in the ence in taste was th at, as a young­ ster, he ate the apples while they dame direction. were green. Danger Is A Quick Traveler R.IN-TIN-TIN Rose Bud Ice Cream Thanksgiving Dinne Billings Agency R O SE BRO S JiiLlthUiilMHl