PA G E FO UR > >>♦♦■« » M A shland 'M » r»*»»* > ♦ >« m « i i > n > i > i » t > m daily tidings »»> » Union Service Thursday Morning » • « « » » • • > • » » • » • » » ♦ » ♦ « > » » ♦ » T uesday, N ovem ber 27, 102.1 NEW WEEKLY PA PER IS Portland lum berm an, is head, has t i te r's field, Mrs. Caroline Deeds, ESTA B LISH ED AT W EED the contract and 50 men and 15 j 75 and blind, today became an in­ team s are at work. It is believed mate of the county infirm ary, The Weed Review, published by ■ - ' ------------------------ — —---------- =--------- =— | | Thursday m orning at 10.30 th a t the rails will be laid on the j Mrs. Deeds paid for a casket, H. B. Cartm ell and F. H. Living } ¿ .D a lly Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of ♦ ¡ o ’clock at the Congregational l grade this w inter or perhaps early ' steel vault and a burial dress and ’'“ ‘■i in terest. * church. local ston, is the name of a new paper church Rev. B. C. Miller, of the next spring. the cost of digging the grave. established at Weed. The new i B aptist Church, will be the 3peak- t > t I I M » » ' “ W here shall I have this out­ paper made its initial bow Novem­ SPENDS LAST PENNY Head of Sales D epartm ent Visits— er for the morning. Housewives fit delivered?" the undertaker SYRACUSE, N. Y„ Nov. 22.— K n igh ts Tem plar Jesse B. Berson— “ Bobbing ber 24. Weed has been w ithout a E. J. B arrett, head of the sales are a9ke< * t0 P’lt th eir turkey in FOR CASKET AND GRAVE asked. Does a bride take the first step holds more wives than it loses, M alta Com m andery No. 4 M all departm ent of the H artm an Syndl- the oven and attend th e meeting in losing her husband when she wives; no m an's wife whose hair paper since the suspension of the "Ju st keep it until it is called M asonic asonic H H all Review two years ago. Best wish- cate arrived here Sunday night. for interesting features have been bobs her hair? Or is the barber’s POMEROY. O„ Nov. 26.— After for,’’ Mrs. Deeds replied. “ It is is off is w orrying about her be- es go with the publishers in their Special conclave, Tuesday even-iM r. B arrett is from Portland, planned. j inveting her savings with an un- for myself. I want to make sure bobbing fee the best and ch ea p e st; ing behind the times. He may sue efforts with the new Review ing, Nov. 27. Red Cross work, where his offices are located, ; dertak er to make sure that she that I am not buried in the pot- husband-holding insurance she her, but he’ll stav in love.’ * It costs nothing to get my in­ in the p o t-ite rs ' field." , would not be buried four candidates. Supper served at can buy? Which? H arrison J. McDermott— " H a ir , RAINS TO HALT WORK surance rales. Yeo, of course. 21-t seven o'clock. Visiting and so­ Do bobbed-haired wives, in oth ­ is a woman’s crpwning glory. Don’t forget the Lithian dance ON EUGENE HIGHWAY journing Sir K nights courteous: Thanksgiving night at the Arm­ er words, appear as divorce court Most men are as opposed to its ' Have your clothes cleaned at ly Invited. plaintiffs more frequently. Tor j being bobbed as Ihey are to hav ory. 72-4 P aulserud’s. Phone 119* - EUGENE, Nov. 26.— The work F. H. JOHNSON. E. C. their numbers, than th eir un- ing their wives smoke. It may of resurfacing the old grade of W. B. DAY, Recorder. shorn sisters? Or don’t they ap- help th eir appearance, but it the Eugene-K lam ath Falls line Bounty Still On— j Week-end Visitors— pear at all? j doesn’t h4lp th e ir domestic bliss of the Southern Pacific above Bounty is still being paid on Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Holmes Guests Y esterday— Syracuse lawyers today say i any." Oakridge will cease with the ad­ Cassius Johnson, Mrs. M erritt were house-guests at the home of wild anim als and will continue to they know, but— don’t agree. j Frederick A. Brown— “ Bob- for Your vent of heavy rains, according to Randles and Mrs. Lulu Van W e-¡M r. and Mrs. H. P. Holmes over run until at least the first of the Answers to a group polled bing m ay be ‘o u t’, but it certainly word received here yesterday. They motored to Ash- year. Three dollars is bounty on a gen were guests at the home o f , Sunday land from th eir home in G rants I male coyote, four dollars on a fa- "Bo™ it a n T lost Y r ’ A n d ! ™akeS R° me women ,ook better. The W estern Construction com­ Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gall In Bell 11 to uod it and lost it. And Neat and trim wives hold th e ir pany, of which George H. Kelly, late Sunday, male, two dollars on a cat, an d , , a n a i r , m w i v e s h o l d tl Pass and returned view Sunday. ’ , m il wolf T h J S° m e 8 a l,,: Bob 11 and 1,611 husband«. There arc few trim di- twenty-five dollars on a wolf. The! you. I ~ vorce case plaintiffs. Many seem person killing the animal m u st ac­ Rose Bud is a product of our own Ice Cream Factory Fresh fru it cake and mince Here are the opinions of Syra­ careless of th eir appearance.” The Secret Is out— Dec. 3rd is company the hide to have an af-: and lias no Superior. It is Delicious, Refreshing, H ealth­ m eat Ingredients— brown sugar, cuse’s attorneys who handle di­ 68-tf fadavit prepared, according the Lithian M instrels. ful, and Invigorating— any flavor. Brick or Bulk. FOR KITCHEN S ta rr G. Taylor— “ Husbanda to vorce cases: citron, spice«, orange peel, lemon know’ th a t some women bob be­ Roy P arr, deputy game warden. peel, w alnuts and so forth. De­ A rth u r B e n s o n— “ I n e v e r Coles Safety Can Opener Recent A rrivals in Ashland— cause they are too lazy to comb. tricks. We deliver. 59-tf brought a divorce sut for a bob-j Alter Dinner Mints—Salted Almonds, etc. A. Vinland of Helena, Montana FW-esli Homemade Candies at bed-haired woman; I never de- Besides, bobbing— like smoking P aring Knives 15e to SSc was a business visitor yesterday. Rose Bros.. 69-tf fended one in a divorce case. But I I cheapens a woman in her hus- T o McCloud— I g Param ount A lum inum w are Say it w ith a I mjx of our C hocolates Miss Velta Ackley left yester- 1 F U. McMahan, of Sal?m. is I have named them as co-respon-1 an<^ 8 re Rnrd. It takes her off Are you hard to fit? Have your dents day on No. 13 lor McCloud where lote « '• »■“ > M>'9- j her pedestal." A lum inum ami L is t Roasters ,l,o will spend Thanksgiving week i A- WWt*. wore guests at suit tailored to m easure a t Paul- _____ w ith friends at her form er home the Hotel Ashland yesterday from serud’s. It costs no more. SLOW, STEADY PROCESSES ______ I Salem. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Loomis ---------- are late arrivals from A udusan,! R irth— OF THRIFT PAY IN THE END A B u sin ess Visito: Laurence Anderson of Day-j Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. J. Grissom of Climax, was Cal PARIS, Nov. 26.— Frogs fell BY S. W. STRAUS, a guest at the E. G. Davis home ton W ashington, is among out-: W arren' Nov. 24, 1923, 561 C visitor of-town guests. O. L. Small is ¡street, a son. m ysteriously from the skies dur- President American Society for Sunday and a business among recent arrivals from Lis­ Thrift ---------- ing a recent violent thunderstorm In town yesterday. He left on bon. N. Dakota. P. M. Snider is a Nothing conveys thoughtfulness at Osnes, In the Ardennes. When ElECEN TLY a man in New York 6406609960959873294632069710251287633948667 No. 13 for Weed to attend to bus- and cheer like a Christm as por- the sky cleared hundreds of frogs * * City was sent to prison be­ iness m atters and later to retu rn | business -visitor from Tennant, trait. D arling Studio. 70-tf were jum ping about in the streets cause he had stolen his firm's to his home. money. As the ---------- : and hopping into th e houses. Ready-to-wear suits and over- solemn words ; i Big Crowd H ears Speaker— : where the housewives chopped off Try "Mrs. Jewretts Delicious coats at Paulserud’s. which meant Standing room was at a pre- th eir legs and popped them into Mayonnaise” for your Thanks- --------- - his incarcera­ j mi uni last night when C hristian j the frying pan. It was a “ big tion in Sing giving Salad. For Sale at Grocer- Moves H ere from Koite— Scientists met in their new ed ifice! day” for the inhabitants of Os- Sing were pro­ E2-4' ies & M arkets. The D. C. Crimmins are among nounced he to hear John Randall Dunn. M em-! nes. As a m atter of fact the newcomers to Ashland w’ho plan bers of the sect declare the le c tu re ' "French froggies” as the soldiers said to those H unters Find Many Ducks to live here indefinitely. My. standing near, to have been one of the finest ever j named them , know little of the F ran k Murphy and J. J. Deakin crim m ins has been doing truck “ W e ll, it spent the w eekend in K lam ath work Keno, but has finished delivered here. Beginning Wednes- delights of this rare delicacy, doesn’t pay!" out of County near Merrill, where th e y !and plans to bo here with his day, Nov. 28th, F irst Church of High prices put them No. it did- Christ, Scientist, will hold services reach and the American is about not pay him found any am ount of ducks. De- fam jjy when he was in the new church edifice on South the only one who can enjoy frogs’ Bplte the fact th a t hunters are ______ . Pioneer Avenue. The regular j legs in a P aris restau ran t. getting along m aking use of the good season,! well, saving Tells of Cal.-Stanfortl Game—- Thanksgiving service will be held ______ 8. W . 3TR A U S quantities of ducks are on hand. money and ad Mrs. J. A. Booth and son Ed , Thursday, Nov. 29th, at 11 o’- Bread prices continue to go u p ly an cin g steadily with" his firm, “to win, of Roseburg, were guests last dock a ,n and down like a barom eter. W hen I begin making investments that were Swifts— Bacon, Boiled Ham, night at the Hotel Columbia. They, I __ flour goes up the bakers insist up- supposed to yield abnormal returns. Chipped beef and lard. Get it at were re tu rn in g -to tlieir home in I We deliver the goods. Service on higher prices for th eir bread One dollar can no more be made j Detricks. I t’s the best. 53-tf the Umpqua valley from Berke­ is our m otto. Defricks— phone They want to make the price au- to do the work of many with safety ley, «where at- ...-.rr they mej, motored to »v-'62. 63tf . tom atically variable with the rates and honesty than one brick can be Tillamook cheese, cream cheese, 1 made to fill the place of many in a j tend the C a l i f o r n i a - S t a n f o r d !, .. . . . . ----------- ■ for flour, but their request has wall that shall be safe and sound. | cottage cheese, milk and butter. The Auto Top shop gjves you ' been refused a t least for the mom- It did not pay this man when, We sell the best. D etricks. 53tf match Saturday. Mrs. Booth told, of the seventy-four thousand j e8timat(13 on all kinds of w o rk ,) ent. One may think th a t a m atter after losing his savings in crooked people seated in the stadium for : good m aterials, lowest prices. We ¡of one “sou” or two on a two- stock deals, he tried to recoup his Sale R e p o r t e d - the game, the impressive and have everything in stock f o r ; pound loaf is a little thing to losses by risking additional funds, i Through the agency of the well preform ed stunts, and the every line of work. Oldest reliable haggle over, but the thrifty And It did not pay when, to secure ' Beaver Realty company, property crowds of people outside the shop in ciay, near Park Garage. French housewife who has many these funds, It was necessary to belonging to Mrs. A. Bell Ander-i juggle the books of the company he stadium , who were not allowed ---------- mouths to feed knows th a t the worked for. Also when lie found ' son has been sold to I. N. Neese, j standing room but who stood on R eturns from Visit— extra sous soon make a franc or that money could be obtained newcomer here. a nearby sloping hill. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Oslin and two. For bread is really the staff easily In this way it did not pay ! sons arrived late la3t night to of life for every Frenchm an and him to begin leading a life of reck­ Have a fit a t Orres. Tailors for less extravagance. Our famous Tamales are al- visit friends and relatives sever- France w ithout bread would mean men and women. U pstairs. 4-tf Benjamin Franklin once wrote a ways good. Try one— Rose B ro s.1 al flays. The Oslin's are well a revolution. little story of his boyhood days 69-tf known here, but have been liv- ---------- when he “paid too much for his Speaker Prov<««l I n t e r e s t i n g - whistle.” ing lately in Santa Clara. They Speaking about high prices, they Members of the Presbyterian | All those who are lured from drove here in their machine. have brought about a curious church were addressed Sunday i A ttend Lecture prudent paths by the desire to pile ---------- change of customs. Instead of up unearned riches invariably pay m orning by Rev. W. S. MeCul-J party consitslng of Mrs. E. Thomas and Large loaf—quality bread 10c. ¡flowers it is now quite the fash- too muoh for their whistles. No, it hagh of the Sellwood Presbyter- i Reft» Dana, Mrs. 3 4-tf ion to send a basket of luscious does not pay. ian church in Portland. Ills talk 1 Mrs. D Jeanelte motored from Ron Ton. The path of thrift is a safe one to G rants Pass last night to attend ---------- fru it to the " s ta r” at her first proved very comprehensive and travel. It may not seem to carry the lecture given -a t the Chris- Property Sold__ j perform ance. F ru its in season or eloquotion beyond reproach. Mr one into those enchanted places The Billings Agenpy reports th e ! those out are always desired and where money is to be found grow­ McCollough has returned to tian Science church. Several oth ­ er residents of G rants Pass were sale of 10.5 acres on the N o rth ! infinitely “tore useful than the ing on bushes, yet it is to be noted Portland. here last night for the same oc- side of the Pacifc Highway ad- loveliest flowers, which fade w ith­ that almost without exception the i men in America who have amassed joining B anker Adamson’s tract in too short a time. We use artificial light in all casion. great fortunes have laid the founda­ at Frederick, to Andrew T. Mc­ p o rtrait work— If more conven­ “ Lingere de la Princess Mary’ tions of their wealth in habits of Mahan and wife. ient make appointm ent for a sit­ Visiting P arents— reads a little sign in a cocquettish th rift Mrs. R. E. Teague and two ting in the evening. D arling Those who are content to acquire I have made a special study of lingerie shop in the fashionable possessions slowly and steadily a r^ . Studio. 69tf children, of Leona, Oregon are visiting with Mrs. Teague’s par- automobile insurance; get my Rue St. Honoré. The ingenious Indulge only In such pleasure^ M ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Johnson rates first. Yee, of course. 21-tf proprietress, realizing th a t every­ they can afford, will never stand- T o E u gen e— body can not be the "F u rn ish er amidst the wreckage of a ruined ---------- Miss Thelma H eer motored to at 1224 Iowa street. They will: Copyright 1933 Oregon City Woolen Mill» ! to the Queen, by Special Appoint- life some day and exciting fo their Cliff Payne makes truck bodies. Rogue River over the week-end spend Thanksgiving here. despair, “Well, it d o p an t a sy i” i m ent,” etc., etc., has chosen the and was joined by Miss Gladys I Princess Mary. She probably hopes Our hand dipped Im perial Window is Typical— member. The new budding is ex- ■ Sandry and father, who accompan­ A clever m iniature football j th a t some day the distinquished pected to help fill is,, this gap and : ied her to Eugene, where they a t­ Chocolates represent the best— 69-tf team, probably representing the j lady will pass by the little shop is reserved exclusively for women tended the big Homecoming fes­ Rose Bros. smile, walk in and make a small registered in P aris schools. The ‘ team s who are to play here Thurs-! tivities. Miss H eer returned home i day, has been laid in th e window purchase* wblc" w“ ‘ 1,er rooms are frw h and light with Sunday. Guests Yesterday— much „ BW clea„ , urnlshlng8 There is , a Mr. and Mrs. John R a n d a ll' o t the Sehnerman Grocery store. to l’ri" 'u r*' 1 coveted diploma. Oh Boy! Dec. 3rd is the L ith­ Dunn, of Boston, Mass., were Accurate in every detail and restau ran t which offers well-: cooked food at a minimum price, i ian M instrels. 68tf guests yesterday of Mr. and Mrs. uniquely conceived are the play- The first attem pt at a kind of and on top of all is a delightful Louis Dodge. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn ers as they are placed in the win- R eturns from V acation— ; Women Students’ Dormitory has terrasse-prom enoir with gardens are friends of Mrs. Dodge form- ready for a scrimmage, ! ju s t.b e e n completed in the old and loungoes overlooking a quaint E. M. Meeks, Southern Pacific erly from St. Louis, Mo., where • ---------- brakem an, has returned from they became acquainted se v e ra l; Latin Q uarter. Women students section of the stu d en ts’ quarters, CHRYSAN THEMUMS Spokane, W ashington, where he years ago, but are touring t h e ; attending the Paris University and ' ---------- visited his parents lately. other colleges are less fortunate coast this w inter, and Mr. Dunn The A ristocrat of Fall Bloom- An eye or a tooth?— th a t was than American girls, who have ls giving a series of lectures simi- ing Flowers are now blooming Maple squares— 30c. Bon Ton. * pleasant houses on the campus to the question in the curious case of i lar to th at delivered last n ig h t.! in great profusion. an eye-tooth and even m o la rs1 live in. French girls have rooms They departed this morning for Our Potted plants were never! P ark Owner Visit.« here and there near the schools growing upyard and issuing from Roseburg and on to northern B etter. the socket of a French girl in C. W - Clarke, owner of the pro­ cities. Now is the time to plant Roses! and take th eir meals in cheap Southern France. Her right orbit fessed prettiest camp ground on restau ran ts nearby. This means — ' > ' ^-3F We have ju st added a great many; the coast with the exception of th a t there is little of the jolly was literally fringed with teeth of the choicest varieties to our H ere from Port Orford— Ashland was a business visitor to­ : dorm itory life which all girls re- and the excrescences soon led to stock. Good Clothes H. M. Axtell, of P ort Orford, is day from his home in Prospect. 3 such trouble th a t it was necessary ASHLAND GREENHOUSES to decide between the eye or the Mr. Clarke declares th at his park in Ashland a f°w days looking TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY over business prospects and t h e ! Foot Oak al*d Helman St., Phone teeth. A surgeon of the French Is the prettiest w ithout exception shale deposits. Mr. Axtell states 12°- 69-4 Academy of Medicine performed of any other In the three states ALL SEATS 23c FOR th a t progress on the R oosevelt: ---------- i an operation which proved to be ! and has invited Ashland to visit CHILDREN TONIGHT , a complete success and the g irl’s Highway is gratifying and th a t R eturns from D unsm uir__ his place often. Pecks Bad Boy the big fun . eyesight is now perfectly restored, Port Orford is experiencing p ro s-1 Miss Irm a Bess has returned to | perity. He says the shale o p e ra -, her home from a short visit with show at the Armory tonight, will j adm it any child to any seat in the Special for W ednesday— Mar- ’ tions are promsing here and he relatives in Dunsmuir, Thrice named and then some house for 25c. The curtain will celling 85c, H airdressing, 35c. I sees no reason why their future Will i ysit-C 3r-nh .wrctD ETAI is the record of the Place de la rise at 8:10 P. M. sharp. 74-1 - Powder Puff Beauty P arlor, 35 is not vouched for. Mr. Axtell Concorde, which has changed nom- Second street. 73-2 accompanied E. J. B arrett from Will Visit Canneries m Cal— I*OR RENT— Furnished three j enclature seven times in the course Portland. Fred H utchings, superintendent room apartm ent. Adults only of a little less than two centuries. ---------- | of the Ashland Cannery, during Give’ possesion about December From 1757 to 1772 it was called A n other D eal R eported— Do it now get them later— save the past season, departed last 6th. Inquire Mrs. C. E. Lane, at “ Place Louis XV.” In 1792 it be­ Mrs. Susie Allen reports the sale of property belonging to Mrs. $1.00 to $4.00 on a doz. portraits, night for Sacramento to spend the Tidings after 3 oclock. 74-6 came “ Place de la Revolution," Jennie Gridley to Bertha Laack. Darling Studio, For P o rtraits th a t coming month on business. Mr. “ Place de la Concorde” in 1795, LOST— Between postoffice and • 70-tf Hutchings plans to visit all the The property transfered in the Please. back again to “ Louis XV" in 1814, ---------- large canneries in California and Enders store valuable box con­ “ Place Louis XVI" in 1826, “ Place | deal is located on Ohio street. Mr. H ardy In the Store__ wil1 retu rn with valuable ideas taining Lithian M instrel Show Louis XV" for the third tim e ioi costumes. Finder retu rn to John Try our fresh kippered salmon J. H. Hardy greeted patrons sained in his inspection. 1828, and “ Place de la Concord»"; Enders. Reward. 74-2 “ D etricks.” 53-tf Monday in the store for the ---------- for the second and last tim e in first time in several weeks. Mr. In 14 cities of Oregon, W ash- FOR SALE— Lum ber in barn 1830. This is the name it still Loveland’s O rchestra will be at Hardy is not working very m u ch ,! ington and Idaho, total of $4,- size 16x24, 16 ft. wall loft in bears, but sharp eyes can diatin- i the Lithia dance T hanksgiving. but is glad to be able to be in the 973,195 of building perm its were nain part, shed on same 12x24. guish in faint letters beaeath Copyright. 1923 Oregon C ity W oolen M ill» night. 72-4 store. issued in October. 10 Laurel St. phone 451J. 74-2*^” P lace Louis XV.” 5 LOCAL AND. PERSONAL NOTES T * rX ‘ $ hat Shall Bobbed-Haired Ladies ♦ Do W hen Lawyer Experts Disagree? Rose Bud Ice Cream Thanksgiving Dinner NEWS LETÏER RO SE BROS PROVOST BROS TOMORROW Wesley Barry in “Heroes »< me Street” A thrilling plot with the tempo of an express train. The picture with a whirlwind rush of mystifying action and romance. Overcoat Weather Snappy Evenings— Frosty Mornings Overcoats that are good inside and outside. (Sylish on any Avenne). Our Coats made of Pure Virgin Wool will look well next year. Style Begins with the Fabric There is style in our Oregon City Coats we are showing which is more than the modeling of designers or the skillful fashioning of tailors. It is style that begins with the fabric itself. Every Style—Every Model §25 to $45 Hart Schaffner & Marx All fhe newest in Fall styles— Nobby English Models Plain business Suits Buy Better Clothes- Save Money See our Suits at $35 to $40 ■rm