t*Àôfe fttËÊS ASHLAND DAÎLŸ îît)îXG8 Classified Column PROFESSIONAL ►♦■»< M M M I > > »■*■» » » Tuesday, November M , lOflS » > « * M » » » » sisted by Mrs. P, C. Homes. LOGGER DIËS OF INJURIES Classified Column Rates urgan,zati0D8>' pressions of Oregon climate, and From past experience the en-| •ABERDEEN, W ash., Nov. 27— °dges’ cluba and l u r c h e s of the ¡m any in the east. It was said, be- PHYSICIANS One ceut the word each teftainm ents given by Bellview; - ____ i-» » ♦ i ___ time. perform ers are very well Wotth Thomas M. Don, a Clemons camp ^tfl e To abo^ -^ what th e cham -,L eve that Oregon is a land of To ru n every issue for one HR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ while, and, since it has been an- ,Ogger’ who was injured Thurs- .,J? ei5l? red 18 an odioU9 name, j perpetual dence and office, IOS Pioneer month or more, %c the word day by the falling of a tree, died j V btoot’ the resolutions de- with long, dreary w inters and lit- i nouneed that a play is to be given avenue. Telephone 28. Office each time. i (probably on the regular P. T. A. yesterday at an Aberdeen hosni-1 C a re ' has led to unfavorable irn- tle sunshine.’ hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 evening) many are planning to tai. Funeral arrangem ents are! FOR SALE p. m, only. * * * * * * ......................... Phone items to her a t 345-R, between 10 A. M a n d 2 P. M. attend outside of Bellview district w aiting word from his m o th e r.! who lives in Nova Scotia. • ♦ « FOR SA L E-lA pples. S. J. HR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac- and evenings. Evans, Phone 10F-13. 49-lm o.* tice limited to eye, ear, nose and ** n * »». "»♦"*•«*»»*♦ + .............. « ........................................ ‘ W ednesday Club Dee. 12__ th ro a t— X-ray including teeth. The W ednesday Club have two j NORTH BENI) SUGGESTS FOR SAFE— Victrola and rec-' Calendar of the Week— Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to RAINBOW’ FOR ’WEBFOOT’ Gamas, the rem iniscent visit of treats in store for the public in ords, easy term s. Robison’s G ar­ Tuesday, Nov. 27— W. C. T. U., old friends who had enjoyed so the near future. 5. Swedenhurg Bldg., Ashland. age or phone 432-Y. 73tf Library. Ore. Since the last meeting there NORTH BEND, Nov. 26.— Sub­ many pleasant experiences to- Tuesday, Nov. 2 7 - French club, gether, music th at naturally led to have been re P*ated calls for an- stitution of the word “ Rainbow '’ " FOR SALE— Cedar posts, also DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic Mrs. F. D. W agner, hostess. cord wood, rick wood. All deliv­ daneing as a finale, brought to a i other dem onstration of the dainty for W ebfoot,” in reference to and Electro-Therapy. Office W ednesday. Nov. 28— E lks’ close this delightful affair. articles that skillful fingers con- Oiegon, Is asked in resolutions ered. M. R. Scotti, Siskiyou, Ore­ Eastern C ran b e rries........T. .20c lb., 2 lbs. 35c phone 48; residence 142. F irst Thanksgiving Ball, W ednesday , trived under the efficient leader- adopted by the North Bend cham- gon. 7.3-3* National Bank building. evening. E ntertained a t Dinner— ¡ship of Mrs. Ellis and she h a s 1 ber of commerce. The cham ber Heinzes M ince-m eat................................... 25c lb FOR SALE OR RENT— Five Thursday, N o v _ 29— Thanks­ Miss Florence Allen, Miss Edna i klnd,Y consented to repeat this petitions the Oregon State Cham­ DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings room modern house near Junior giving services. Congregational Goheen and Miss Gertie H aanj in stru ftion at the next meeting ber of Commerce, and through it Best Bulk C o c o a ............................ 7c lb office. Phone 91. church, morning. High. Also ranch near Gold Hill were dinner guests and spent t h e i whieh is December the 12th. the state legislature, various com- Raisins, large parckage......................... 2 for 25c 347 Almond St.. 71-3 1 DR. ERNEST W. SMITH— Chiro­ F: ¡day, Nov. £0— Ladies Aid, evening with Mrs. H. W. Andrews L ater in the month the second Presbyterian church. practor, near Postoffice. Hours and her sister Mrs. F. H. Conner tre a t is scheduled. Dr. Mattie B. FOR SALE— Modern 3 room Bulk R a isin s..................................... 3 lbs for 35c Friday, Nov. 30— E ntert-R j- who is here for a few weeks’ Shaw has promised th at she will 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. • bungalow, acre ground, garage n e n t for Faim Home children; S visit with Mrs. Andrews, before give her dram atic recital of “ The Pettite Prunes, the best that ever grew 3lbs 25c chicken h ouse, lots of fruit, good PLUMBING p. m., Preshyreilan church. House of Rimnion” for the going to her new home in Elko location. Price $1200. Robison &•! Saturday, Dec. 1— King’s Her­ No. 1 California W alnuts. 30c lb., 3 * lbs $1.00 W ednesday Afternoon club. Those Wilde. 73-tf JERRY O’NEAL— Plumbing. 207 alds at Donald Vestal’s, North Nevada. * * • East Main. Phone 138. who have heard Dr. Shaw in her Main. Home grown W a ln u ts ............................20c lb. FOR SALE— A roll top w riting readings, will aw ait the en ter­ P. E. O. Meets— MONUMENTS Tuesday. Dec. 4— Covered Dish desk and chair, also a Davis and 1 Chapter AC of P. E. O. Sister tainm ent with much pleasurable Cured or Money Back New Almonds, soft shell.. 25c lb., 4 * lbs $1.00 Luncheon, Civic club, 12.30. • a W hite rotary sewing machine, hood held its regular meeting on interest. More will be said later MONUMENT— MARKERS “After about 8 year* of suffering Tuesday, Dec. 4— R egular meet­ nearly new a t Icenhow er’s new Fi,berts ......................................................20c lb. Saturday afternoon, November Van Dyke’s m asterpiece and of with Pile*, I wa* treated by you and f Lowest Prices ing P. E. O. Tuesday evening. I and second hand store. 389 East Dr. Shaw’s interpretation. can truthfully w y that I am cured.” J 24, a t the home of Miss Evange­ ASHLAND GRANITE CO. * • ♦ : Apples—Spitzenburg, Baldwin and Newtons Main St. Phone 171. 72-3 3rd and East Main St. line .Poley on B Street at which 223-6mo. ♦ Thanksgiving Dinner in Oakland- This and hundreds of other time plans were made for a sale RENEWED TESTIMONY ..................................... $1.10 a box, 5 boxes $5.00 : FOR SALE— Seven room house Mr. and Mrs. Otto W inter left ASH L A ND GÇANITE letters have been received from of needlework to be held early in ♦ with bath. Close in, 2-hlocks from Monday ’for Oakland, Cilifornia, * Pop Com that pops, Van Camp’s Oyster Cock­ MONUMENTS No one in Ashland who suffers grateful patients. They are on file December. The proceeds from this ♦ Post office. Cheap for quick sale. to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner Oregon G ranite Co. tail sauce; Fresh Lettuce; Celery, Cabbage and sale will go toward the philan­ headaches or distressing urinary in my offices and will be sent any­ with the children. Inquire a t 9 Granite St. C7tf S. PENNISTON, Salesman. one w ho wants proof o f my non- ills can afford to ignore this Ash­ everything you will he wanting for tin* holiday Miss Mabel Russell may ac­ thropic work of the organization. Phone 444-Y ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May Res. 47« Lau tel Over fifty years ago, in Iowa W es­ land woman’s twice-told story. It surgical, painless m ethods o f cur­ festivities. company them. Mrs. W inter is Is confirmed testim o n y . th at no ing Piles. communicate with Ensign Lee leyan College, at Mt. Pleasant, PLANING MILL taking masses of beautiful chrys­ I g u a r a n te e to cure of the Salvation Army a t the ( Iowa, P. E. O. had its beginning. Ashland resident can doubt. Turkeys, Chickens, Ducks and Geese. anthem um s in pink and white, you or refund your W hiteShield Home, 565 May- JORDON'S SASH AND CABINET Mrs. S. C. McDonald, 685 B. St., At first a college sorority, it has and nu t cups to m atch for Mrs Fresh and cured Meats of all kinds WORKS, Cor. Helman and money. W rite today says: “ I know from personal ex­ fa ir Ave., Portland, Oregon. B ourne’s dinner table; a touch of gone fa r afield, with a present for FREE BOOK. Van Ness. 194tf perience Doan's Kidney Pills can­ home as well as the home folks m embership of about 30,000, DRESSMAKING— W ork g u ar­ not be equaled for kidney trouble. reaching from coast to coast. One present. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS anteed. 147 Factory St. Mrs. B. I have taken them on several oc­ The W inter’s may go on to Los of the chief purposes of this n a t­ Van H ardenberg. 67-lm o. W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. PORTIAND.OREGON casions for a lameness through for SERVICE. Angeles to visit th e ir other ch ild ­ ional organization of women is to aid young women who desire my kidneys nad it only required L O S T— Between Main and Experienced movers and pack­ ren before retu rn in g home. an education which they cannot a few to relieve me of the misery. • • • Iowa St. on Gresham, one Chev­ ers of household goods. Deal­ Doan’s have also proven a splen­ obtain w ithout assistance. rolet erank. Finder please return ers In coal and wood. Phone King’s Heralds Meet— The regular m eeting of the did remedy for another member 117. to Icenhow er’s second hand stode. The K ing’s H eralds will meet of the family who had consider­ on Saturday, December 1, at two- local Chapter of th e P. E. O. 73 Office 89 Oak St. near able trouble with his kidneys.’’ th irty p. m. a t the home of Don­ Sisterhood are held the first Tues­ Hotel Ashland March • 15 FOR RENT day evening and the fourth Sat­ (Statem ent given ald Vestal on North Main St. 1916.) TRANSFER AND EXPRESS__ Every member is urged to be urday afternoon each m onth, at FOR RENT— Furnished house­ On March 19, 1920, Mrs. Me the homes of the members. keeping rooms. Phone 353-L or T. L. POW ELL— General T rans­ ! there and to bring some one with Donald, said: “ I seldom have any * • • call m ornings 316 H argadine. fer— Good team and motor ! him. Don’t forget the date nor Indoor Picnic— sign of kidney trouble and give - i i the hour. 73-3 trucks. Good service at a rea­ » ♦ • On account of the inclem ent Doan’s the credit.” sonable price. Phone 83. Price 60c, at all dealers. D on’t FOR RENT— 8 room, two story w eather Saturday, the Ju n io r » i Covered Dish Luncheon— simply ask for a kidney remedy furnished house, garage, large TRANSFER AND EXPRESS— A “Covered Dish’’ luncheon is a High school teachers were forced lot, on Fairview St. Call al 2 31 K in g s Transfer, general hauling. ^eature °I the next m eeting of to take refuge in the cafeteria of — get Doan’s Kidney Pills— the same th a t Mrs. Me Donald had. Gresham St. 73-2* Dry wood for sale Phone 113, the Civic club. It is planned for the school building for .their pie- Foster-M ilburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, Plaza Pool Hall. * 45-tf December the fourth at 12:30 and nic lunch. FOR RENT— Furnished a p art­ N- Y- No. 40 The la tte r p art of the day how­ every member is asked to bear in m ent. five rooms and bath. All PIANO TEACHER- mind the date and arrange to be ever, was made very enjoyable modern conveniences. 155 7tli. Mrs. J. R. Robertson, certified ( there, indeed, by drives to K ingsbury New power transm ission line of piano teacher. Credit given in It will be a purely social affair Springs, Medford and other places Calif. Ore. Pr. Co. between Rose­ High School. Phone 341-J 53if 1 and ladles may bring th eir needle of interest. FOR SALE— Household goods burg, Riddle and Myrtle Creek ----- work. There will All voted to have these “ Get- completed. w Range and heater, dining table, The choicest Fowls th a t th e m a rk e t affords, you will be music to enliven the hours. to-gethers often, since this one 0200530200010000480223010102000200020001160102000002022702010102 chairs, rockers, oak buffet, china For a smooth shave, find h e ie freshly dressed and aw aitin g your choosing * • ♦ had proved so enjoyable. closet, bedsteads, springs and and quick service, go to the Shell Barber * » * Horlal at the Congregational m attresses. Singer sewing ma'- fo r T hanksgiving. C hu rch- Mrs. Malnigren E ntertains— chine, large linoleum rug, g ar­ Shop, across from De­ Last W ednesday evening th ere Mrs. T. J. Malmgren was g ra­ den hose, tubs and many other pot. G rinding of all Take your pick of Turkeys, Ducks, Geese or Chickens from Ibis kinds. C hildren’s work cious hostess, in her pleasant was a delightful gathering of useful articles. Also small brown over one hundred a t th e Congre- home in Phoenix, Saturday for Leghorn pullets. 515 Liberty St. a specialty. display and you will have a good Thanksgiving Fowl. ; gational church for a get-acquaint- luncheon and dinner at which she 73-3* W. A. SHELL, Prpo. F o r F u r n itu r e : ed meeting. entertained Mrs. W. II. Mowat, 532 A. St. Ashland, Ore MISCELLANEOUS Committees had been appoint­ Mrs. Elia Mills and Mrs. Eliza­ ed to arrange for a program and beth Van Sant of Ashland most WANTED— C hristm as Cactus. V a le n tin e s for refreshm ents, and of course charm ingly. At a late hour, the 155-7th. 73-3* every one was a committee of one guests departed reluctantly, hav­ 'iitWiniiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiimiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiiiiihiuuiiiiiiUiiiiiiiimiiiHHimiiiiiiiniiii'iihiiiiinniiiiiijiiitiijiiMun; WANTED— •Several cords four to visit with his neighbor and to ing spent the en tire day in a most foot body fir. Phone 401. 73-2 see th at th a t neighbor visited delightful visit. * * * with his neighbor. WANTED— Young girl, seven­ Music, both vocal and in stru ­ Upper Valley Community Meet__ teen, reliable, w ants to take care mental, made up a very enjoyable The Upper Valley C om m unity,“ The largest exclusive p a in t/ of children, by the day or hour. A ssociated and wall paper store in South-;: program. It was furnished large­ club met last W ednesday at the 220 Garfield Street. 70-6* • ly by the young people of the pleasant home of Mrs. Ed. Gow- / ern Oregon. Gasoline church. land, who with Mrs. Avery were LOST FRIDAY AFTERNOON— Oils and Greases Mrs. Leggett gave two in terest­ gracious hostesses on this occa-1----------- 100 pound steel anvil, somewhere ing readings, th a t were very much sion. es the charm ing home of Mr. and real producers. W rite today to This closed th e form al program , Roast Leg of Pork— Apple- blucher, “ No K orn” last, Douglas cork welt, F ree Crank Case Service ^,r s ' McGee on V ista street, and tfie rest of the afternoon was learn how we train beginners sauce Friday evening of last week. w ithout experience to earn big IS sq. inch full double sole, W ingfoot rubber given over to the pleasant social Conscientious and Pleasant Vegetables : money. This is a real dignified group of friends— Mr. and 1 hour th at is always a feature of heel, Wearproof lining, for winter wear. Service Snowflake Potatoes Mrs. J. H. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. F. these meetings. buisness with rear people. W right Creamed Cauliflower A- Co., 616 S. Michigan Ave., Chi­ M e A\ ant Your Business C. Homes, Prof. I. E. Vining and At the close of the happy a fte r­ Candied Sweet Potatoes cago. 73.3 Mr. and Mrs. J . H. McGee, at noon, the hostesses served tea, All Prices Reduced whose hospitable home the p arty with all the charm ing accom pani-! Salad: RE PR EPA RED FOR COUGHS was given, were the hosts and meuts of such a pleasing fu n c tio n .! Plaza Special Do not wait until an attack of hostesses. The serving of the refreshm ents i “ flu” Is upon you. Take care of The complimented guests were at these meetings now assume the Dessert: the little cough or cold and pre­ Date Pudding with W hipt Mr. and Mrs. J. G ruelle and Mrs. guise of a silver tea, and the or­ vent the big one, or an attack of Cream Oeder. ganization will rejoice in the add­ Men’s Tony Red Calf, whole quarter blucher, flu. Bear in mi^d Foley’s A Good Thing - DON'T MISS IT. A two course luncheon was serv­ ed fund in the treasury. Pum pkin. Mince, and Apple Winton last, genuine brown kid lining. Wing- Honey and Tar. the safe and sure ___ Sen<’ y°',r name and address plain!) ed a t seven, with covers laid for The rehearsals for the en ter­ Pie rem edy fdr coughs, colds, bron- V ? ? * / 2 geli’er. " ith 6 cenls (aod **»« ten. foot rubber heel, for winter wear. tainm ent planned as a dual per­ chia, and throat „ .„ M e . and Ice Cream and W afers The table had been arranged form ance of the P. T. A. and the coughs resulting from “ flu.” Fol- >rial containing Chamberlain’« most artistically. The flowers Community club are in progress Coffee Milk ey’s Honey and T ar— the largest ior ®°»«hs, colds, croup. used were French m arigolds, and j and they hope to have the Tea aHHag rough hrtoedy the the color scheme was an harm on­ play sometime in December. The Served Thursday from 11:30 to w orld— free from ' ’ ‘ ~ — . r . for - stomach trou- opiates. Get and Liver — Tablets ious development of th a t motif. date will be announced later. The 3:00 and from 5:30 to 8:00 When you purchase W. L. Douglas shoes you buy good shoes, well made of l £a8sy pains that crowd the genuine refuse substitutes. ,b Sheeny satin ribbon in gleam ing money so raised, howrever, is to Uie heart, biliousness and constipation; the l>est materials, and you get true value for the price. Good style and good Reserve your table now! Sold everywhere. Chamberlain’s Salve, needed in eveiy yellow depended from the chan­ be given to the P. T. A. for its taste are inherent parts of W. L. Douglas shoes. Where vou get them is — family for burns, scalds, wounds, piles, delier, and were carried to the use. and skin affections; these valued family medicines for only 5 cents. Don’t it corners of the perfectly appoint­ ^M rs. W. L. Moore is chairm an of ttops croup ed table. th e en tertainm ent com m ittee Mothers want it. tor it quickly Lionel O. Grossman— “ Don’t cJearaiaw “y the choking phlegm Candles in the deeper shade, which is assurance of the success stops the hoarse congh, gives rest: bob it; he'll tire of you because lent th eir soft brightness at either of plans made. rid your system of Catarrh or Deaf ful sleep. Safe and reliable he’ll tire of your looks. I t ’s not ness caused by Catarrh. end, and gay m arigolds added The next m eeting of the Club Sold by d r u u a tt for o vtr 40 yearr n atu ral. Be n atu ral and hubby th eir cheerful note in th is h a r­ will be in January, with Mrs. Cor. Oak and Main J. D. Mars, Prop. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio will follow suit and stay tru e .” mony of happiness. Mary Homes-Tucker hostess as- So e i e t v Mrs. Grace E. Andrews, Editor Thanksgiving Cash Specials PILES PLAZA M A R K E T DEAN. M.D Freshly Dressed lor Thanksgiving It’s Better Brown’s Cash Market Ashland Service Station “Valspar” J. 0. RIGG Three Fine Styles of $1.00 P L A Z A ’S Douglas Shoes Special THANKSGIVING Dinner Massasoit ■- $7.50 Style 595 Dr. Oeser & Son Style 557 H all’s Catarrh Medicine ^ 7 ^ Overland Shoe Shop COU£ H REMEDY No Narootice