PAGE TWO — > A SHLAND ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS D A IL Y (Established in 1876) T I D I N G S i sometime, Published Every Evening Except Sunday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. B ert R. OFFICIAL CITY PA PER E ntered at th e A shland, TUesdaj, Kovemher 27, ibis J ................. ...........................Telephone 39 Oreg a. P ostoffice Muil M atter as Second Subscription Price, Delivered In City One M o n th .................................................................................... ......... Three Months ..................... Six M o n th s.................................................................................... One Year ................................................................................................. By Mali and R ural Routes: One Month .............................................................................................. Three Months ........................................................................................ Six M o n th s.................................................................... One Year ................................. .................... ........................................ DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: single Insertion, per inch ............... ............................................... Y early C ontracts : One Insertion a week ..................................................................... Two Insertions a week ............................................................... Dally Insertion ............... ................................ Class $ .65 1.95 3.75 7.50 $ .65 1.95 3.50 e .50 .30 $ .27% .25 .20 R ates F or Legal aud M iscellaneous A d vertisin g F irst insertion, per 8 point l i n e ................................................... Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line .............. Card of Thanks ........................................................................... O bltuaires, per line ............................. the highway over which hitiat travel all that is L To know Sood’ n°hle, desired iu life. how good a cig arette re a lly can be mad< Where good highways are, there is a good civiliza­ you m ust try tio n . Where are poor highways, are usually ignorance, poverty, disease, lawlessness, lack of culture, poor stand­ ards of living, misery. Investment in highways means investment “in civiliz­ ation! Mars cares not who gets the dressing if he can have the turkev. .05 1.00 .02% WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING “ All future events, where an admission charge is. made or a collection taken is Advertising. No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. Roomy, wdl-hcated and ventilated equipment makes traveling on the Southern Pacific a pleasure. The answer to the ancient theory that what you don’t know won’t hurt von is moonshine. Oblivion is a place populated in large part by the win ners of nonstop dancing marathons last spring. PILES ARE ABSORBED NEVER TO RETURN , • . !d a,"' ■ ° nC’ nothin8 OTamPs the Style ta o w n doctor. « 1» 0 a blatherskite, like election to some responsible office, ¡been found th at win -------------— ion h a , actually heal , Piles and absorb them never to The chief objection to a lot of politicians who claim ’ return‘ they are willing to die for the people is that thev hardlv man °r woman need suf£fir I ever do " ‘ I an o t^er hour with any discom- the most united family circle and the most bountiful din- INDIANS A T T E N D F F A C T Mass was a11 run down’ had a ner of the week, every family is asked to think of the _____ cough a” winter> als0 kidney trouble and a fte r taking a few hungry orphan children in the Near East and to share new Y ork , Nov. 27.— Pos- boxes of your medicine my cough with them the bounty God has given. sibly because of the Longfellow and backache left me. I can eat One of two ways is suggested; First, that the usual influence, . . which descended uponI , and sleep well. I canvass ____ and rec Sunday dinner of several courses ............ and . manv delicacies h e ' “ 8 m a hlghly im pressionable tim e • ommend it at every house I en « ¡ v e il UD f o r tin » o n ,. ,l „ v to »-e t i « th o u g h ,, conjured te r.” Prom pt rcllo , secured from ;iven up for this one day, and that the family join the up in our minds a t the mention i kidney and bladder irritatio n s, children ot the Near East in a very simple meal costing of Thanksgiving ________ D nowadays have rheum atic pains through using as their meal costs, an average of four cents for each per- to do with Miles Standish, Pris- Foley Kidney Pills. Insist on the son, and that the difference between this cost aud tire cost cilla’ Jobn A,den and the rest, genuine— refuse substitutes. Sold of the usual Sunday dinner be given as a contribution and 7 hereupon we conchlde that the everywhere. thank-offering for the purchase of food for the orphans of b°r" ‘h<,n " d the Near East; or, second, that, if the usual bountiful Snn-i A,'a m a tte r o, ta ct ■■Th.uks- day dinner is served, the total cost he reckoned, and the giving” goes back many, many difference between that and the four-cent meal he-given. years before th e . Pilgrim fathers How little a thing to ask; how little a thing to give! evPrr Ianded at Plymoutb- Is there anywhere in this w ho! ceremony was first won,d refuse: Is there onJ prosperous fa,' lly v. ho land can one dine faniilv In and abundance and he satisfied to stop with this little in- Hsh “ harvest hom e,” and in its dulgenee in the practice ot the Golden Rule? How many cb’e^ characteristics and signifi- would prefer to extend it also to a share in the cost of cance dlffered very »«le from gasoline for an automobile trip, tickets for a theatre, and that observance. The la tte r in turn is derived from a world many other indulgences, not for a single day, hut for a cycle of “ in-gathering” feasts, to whole week ? which the Bible refers in several Ibis special Golden Rule dinner offering is needed!plaee8, ^or example, Judgeg, ix , to meet the emergencies of the moment. It will noi snf-l27, prespnts the following: fie for longer support of the Near East, work The remilar *‘And they went out ,nto the Christmas offerings and annual and m onthlvsubserintions' T an<] gathered ? heir vine* S i e T ' B T f 5 “ t r ed “S T 11’ n " ’ canno‘ safe>y 1« dim- m ade'm "™ /Id' weh,r“iPn,h "to shed. But lor this oue day, December 2, let there he house of their God and did eat a universal demonstration of international fraternity, good and d rin k .” So far as the records show, the will and sharing in full and glad obedience to the Golden Rule, and let Americans lead the way. We appeal to all Pilgrim s conducted no special re ­ our readers to join with the same noble 'unstinting spirit ligious services in conjunction with th eir first Thanksgiving. they have ever shown in responding to the call of the child­ The regular m orning devotions ren.—Literary Digest. were discharged, and grace was Mt T ■ Greeting Card Assortment Ask agent f»,|. Southern P a cific tim e table and for in* form ation regarding fares, etc., or w rite Young small dressed Turkeys, 30c per Pound Large dressed fat A sst. Turkeys, :15c per Pound Market JOHN M. SCOTT Passenger T r a ffic M anager Portland, Oregon Southern Pacific Lines Ashland Armory Auspices 484th Co. A. C. A One Night, Tuesday, Nov. 27th The Big City Road Show “Peck’s Bad Boy 99 For over 25 years the funniest play ever written Handsome Engraved G reet­ ing Cards for Christm as also Religious and Humorous. 5c to 50c Gift Stationery Each one is distinctive and each one is put up in an attractive holiday box. ‘ 75c to $10.00 See our Advance Showing of Gift Suggestions. McNair Bros. Mgr. Rodgers of Corning Cal. says, “ this is the best comedy (hut ever played my T heatre.” Prices. 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 plua tax Zfte «ffexoli Drug Store Seats on sale at Plaza Confectionery $695 F.O.B.Toledo CHAMPION ram By special arrangement! Y our opportunity to make a personal inspection and have a complete demonstration of each remarkable ieature of the wonderful new Overland Champion —“America’s most versatile car. Sweeping public interest and demand lead us s to to hold a a Champion Champion u start to fin ish Red Crown has said before meat. A monument has been dedicated ill on know that irrespective of rain, tog, snow or other unfavorable conditions, the train can lx* dejx*n- ded upon that efficient and cour« Icons Southern Pacific men will look after your comforts A fter years of p atient, pains- ORIGINATED BV OUR P IL G RIM FATHERS SACRAFICED CHILDREN COMFORT and SAFETY p I u s DEPENDABILITY Reduce the cost ot travel 1 fort, pain or soreness arising from i rectal troubles— Piles— now that DONATIONS \\ hat constitutes a good tracking snow in the country 1 this wonderful prescription known No donations to charities or otherw ise will be made in advertis- is merely something to he shoveled off the walk in the citv. as MOAVA can be obtained for a ing, or Job printing— our contributions will be In cash. | m oderate price a t any first-class d ru g store on th< the money back if NOVEMBER 27 F v o n o n r d ,l F o o L l ™ • 1 , * • , ibven an o.Ki-tasnioned 1 erirl hates x to think n mon mm. I « , THAT WHICH SATISFIES:— W herefore do ye spend money f o r ’ r ie d her for nothin^ hot o tolonf f, # 7 • raar- dissatisfied plan, which is not bread? and vn„r , flhn„ X 11Ot* ' hut a talent for m anufacturing means.! You’ll be amazed to see how th a t which is not bread? and your labour for th a t which satisfieth T F ere o ^ r . Followed a n T ^ T ^ ? B’essed re,ief often • not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye th a t which is good, and |T i iod of privation, during which the T . n n T let your soul delight itself in fatness.— Isaiah 55:2. ___ ______ J strictest o,.„of.-^ was strictest cnnC conservation neces­ of long standing with profuse bleeding, really w onderful results sary in order th a t there m ight be have been accomplished. LET AMERICA LEAD THE WAY plenty of seed to plant the fields Simply ask your druggist for a the following season. Sunday, December 2, the first Sunday after our na­ small box of MOAVA SUPPOSI­ tional Thanksgiving Day, has been proclaimed throughout TORIES, being careful to follow RECOMMENDS FOLEY’ the world as Intem ationl Golden Rule Sunday for the spec­ the simple directions th a t come KIDNEY PILLS in each box. E ast Side Pharm acy ial purpose of making a generous and practical application will supply you. No. 6 for one day of the Golden Rule lor the benefit of the hund­ Old Traditions Dates Back "Y our medicine worked a m ir­ to Early Biblical Times, acle for me,” w rites Mrs. C| Bi- red thousand homeless orphans of the Near East. Records Indicate. _______________jro (hi this day, when families gather for what is usually n , 140 Fayette Street, Lynn, —-------—-------------------------- Take the Train Low Round Trip Fares One man in two in the w orld’s population is a farm ­ er and the other tells him how. , . ? . .. $ .10 To Fresno Today— Mr. and MrB. C. A. Dickson plan to leave in the morning for Fresno, where they will attend to ‘ business relative to their proper-1 ty owning in California. Mr. and i Mrs. Dickison have been here a month, having come form erly I front Sherwood, Oregon. It appears th at they had been ¡exceedingly short of rations ju st T , ' busi,,ess ‘hOT° " « hfa- "<■ «»• m g th e m sc n p tm n : by the very few of th etr num ber ‘-In memory of child life, sacrafieed on the who had been ab,e to resist the altar oi of nasie haste ana and recklessness recklessness.” ” ravages rtuai ravages of oi disease, tnsease, and £ by con- So far this year, 32 children have been killed hv auto i P"“”,lns corn th a t mobiles in St T nni« auto- they actually needed for fo o d ,. r records o n stw lc And U 1 tbn ? / e i.Clties horrible iney they were were blessed wll an ample! “ " 7 have their own norriDie blessed with . « ? 5 , ' 2 a e e i d e n ‘ e SO r ‘Sht on. i harvest, aad straightw ay Invhed i > anted that children should have other places to tbe Indlans to partake of th eir play besides public thoroughfares; granted that they ,ea8t » should be taught to look earefullv before crossing •, strep? „ gerat ChiPf Massasoit and and should start across onlv when traffie ; l g v 1 01,1 90 of bIs men re«ponded to 11 WUen traffic IS clear. Even the invitation. It appears, how­ so, all the responsibility for such accidents cannot be plac­ ever th a t the Pilgrim lard er was ed on the little ones who are killed or injured hv them m aterially augm ented by the In ­ hirnsZif“ "¡°,t'.'nSt sce'ng <‘hil‘l--en on the sidewalk holds dians who sent out a num ber of lnmself and Ins car ready for emergence and does not their most expert hunters, who brought back five deer. speed past tiie place. ’ The ensuing feast was not for A 111011111,lent dedicated to children killed in traffic a day, but for a week. Nor did st u"0' °«e ° W " Cl‘ a C' ty Can point with Pride- K >t can this ' mean th at th eir sufferings tin„ln<\ h 'e f omm“nit.v ln‘o improvement of such condi!" tions, then there ought to lie a monument in even- citv where children have been sacrificed to haste and rockiest XW _ UulBIl I dem onstration IVeek Nov. 0,0. to Nov. OO ¿inclusive plus every other requisite o f quality winter now to come in ! Learn all about this first real all-purpose closed car ! G et acquainted w ith its unique benefits for the salesman,.the merchant, the farmer and the family! Free demon­ stration! N o charge! N o obligation! Come in! Quicksiarung withlOO%power for all speeds, all loads Danger Is A Quick Traveler CIVILIZATI0N AND good roads That Civilization owes a great debt to the highway builders can he understood by reference to history The first European highways were those which went out from Komc, that the Roman soldiers might have easy and quick- access to the remotest hounds of his great empire. With him went law and order. Later, over the highways, wenf the school master and the college, th e education, the insti- lon and its teachers. The missionary of the Cross used the high«a> the church spread its doctrine over the “"I ,‘° da>> ,1,C g,eat Ph“ r(>hes> «•’»«-Is. col- th T c J d if’ r for the amelioration of f ^ u i X ! « i,re fonnd .................... — a " ay the hiahwav T1.“ ?1' ,uadc eity, not the.citv he h ig lm aj. It is he highway which make the demand to r the railroad, which is hut a steel highway for cai-s of steel, ft is the highway over which all freight must move & STANDARD OIL COMSANY (C A llIC M ttA ) Front and rear reata ad­ justable forward aad baqfc foe tall aad abort paopla. Insurance against such risks guards you from loss at all times. Billings Agency Real E state and Real In­ surance. (E stab. 1883) Phone 211 41 East Main Seata and uphnlatrry make into comfortable bed full length of car. Qet ci\Jree dem onstration o f America's fatesi and Qreatest cdutomobile Sensation W atching cannot always see danger ahead. Dodging cannot always miss it. It comes like a flash— does its dam age— is gone. Only insurance can give you constant financial protection. Consult your insurance agent as a specialist in protection. 50 cubic fa rt Ina dins apar» bx rem ovioc rear aeat and upbolaaety. QUICK T h e Overland Champion was introduced only a month and a half aga It La« taken the whole N ation by storm t Demand ha« nearly swamped the factory! T h is is the car thousands and tens of thousands have been waiting fori / Steel body. W ashable blue Spanish long STARTING Overland Garage with no sacrifice tfPower grain upholstery. Trunk at rear at small extra price. Triplex springs ( Patented') — rides like a big, heavy car! Bigger new engine—loads of power! W onderful eoonomy. Famous Overland reliability. Come and see how truly this sensational car w ill fit your needs! Don't miss this opportunity. Dix & Son, Prop. East Main Street Phone 116