PAÖfi POVft *” « Wednesday, Ñovémbet Öl, iôââ ...........♦ ♦»«■>< ♦■»■> «» »> *» » W W ♦ ♦ ♦ f l »J ü 1 ♦ LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES ! »»• &üy Fash,on Hmt * A D aily 4 « ♦ ♦♦ C hronicle of th o se w h o com e and go, and even ts of local interest. « « « ♦ > > ♦- Monday, November sk), I mm ) ONE kitítE D THREE h pbt ÍN ACCIDENT • • • • • • (Continued irdm page 1) TUESDAY how many times the car turhed over. WEDNESDAY and ♦ W 't 'é 'A b ¿ a .A A f t t t t t t t t t t l i —' t < A dm ission ____XX THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL R eg u lar O’B rien W ell K nown Home from Business Trip— The dead man had been em­ of the George T reiren has returned ployed at the Ashland Iron W orks Masonic Hall ' G'om K lam ath Falls from a short at intervals during the past few i business trip. ! years and was quite well known Special conclave, Tuesday even- -------- -- J in Ashland. Since Ju n e he had lng, Nov. 27. Red Cross work. Cliff Payne m a k es window ! been in charge of the moulding four candidates. Supper served at I screens, departm ent at the foundry and is seven o’clock. V isiting and so- • said by his employers to have journlng Sir K nights courteous­ Fresh fru it cake and mince i been a steady and efficient w ork­ ly invited. m eat ingredients— brown sugar, man. His exact age is not known F. Hx JOHNSON, E. C. citron, spices, orange peel, lemon here but is said to be around 30 W. B. DAY, Recorder. peel, w alnuts and so forth. De­ years. His family, consisting of tricks. We deliver. 59-tf : father, mother, four sisters and Our famous Tamales are a l­ with two brothers, reside a t Sacram en­ w ays good. Try one— Rose Bros. Swifts— Bacon, Boiled ITam, to. O’Brieu was form erly a ball 69-tf Chipped beef and lard. Get it at player and is reported to have Detricks. It's the best. 53-tf ! played in some of the minor lea- Ready-to-wear suits and over­ ' gues. coats at P aulserud’s. Here from K lam ath F a lls— W atson a Stranger ---------- j Mr. and Mrs. D. P. McAuliffe, W atson, although known to a ' The kind of a picture In E u gen e for T h anksgiving— of Klam ath Falls, visited friends “ Freckles” Barry as F in ish in g Today Action, Thrills, Path­ % few people, is practically a strang- j Miss Mabel Hager, who lives a t jin Ashland recently. They were "The Bright L ights Mickey Callahan is a you have often wished er in Ashland and is said to be a ' of 427 Scenic Drive, departed y e ste r-; accompanied by Mrs. Alice Mor- os, A d v e n ture and A SPORTS COAT picture that will linger resident of Los Angeles. He is a Broadw ay” day m orning for Eugene where ris, m other of Mrs. McAuliffe. for but seldom see. and long in your memory. j The season has a full quota o fp ro fe s s io n a l boxer and came to Sparkling Comedy. she will spend Thanksgiving with "K ick Out" I .. ta . materials in which this sports coat! Ashland several days ago to par- relatives. She is expected to re ­ Try “ Mrs Jew etts Delicious may be developed. They range from ! . • • . » .x / B pa » ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ * ♦ » ............» ................................................... ♦ -w-».*-» ........... H t t i l H ................................ " .................................................... tu rn home Saturday. M ayonnaise" for your Thanks- the sturdy tweeds to that delicate i tlc,pate in th e sm oker staged Sat- velutinous new fabric called peau de ’trday night by local Elks. Al- ---------- giving Salad. For Sale at Grocer- peche. his philosophy of life. The features that charm par- | though he received a severe scalp Large loaf— quality bread 10c. ios & M arkets. 72-4* ticuiarly are the large armholes, the I ..... „ , . . . . . . 1 Laborites have often been char­ rolled collar, and one-piece sleeves WOlind and other «“ Juries, reports Bon Ton. 34-tf ged with a lugubrious outlook on ■nr« finished The with mo(kJj straps would of the be same jna- We use __ artificial , is light in all ter;.j. life, but MacDonald belies the Our $24.75 all wool Suits and I have made a special study of p o rtrait w ork— If more conven- :n Sahara camel’s-hair in light shade charge. autom obile Insurance; get my lent make appointm ent for a s i t - i ,JGUn^ w’t’1 (' ra^ brown grosgrain Overcoats made to your measure u 11 “Certainly three is ample joy n ^ arling i m ^ j ! yar(j3 nbb? n^ sX e ^ i r e s 3% — and fit and w orkm anship guar­ 21-tf ting in the evening rates first. Yeo, of course. D 54.jnc}1 material. in life if we do not deliberately anteed— will m ake an Idea! ! Studio. C9tf Pictorial Review Coat No. 156 forbid it as an unwelcome guest,” SLcs 16 to 20 years, and 34 to 43 Christm as present for your father, V isiting in Creswell— ------ MacDonald declared, in setting inches ' is*. Price 35 cents. I son, or brother. See them at H enry Van Troyenn is spend- Pays Penalty for Laxity— LONDON, Nov. 26— The joy of j Orres tailor shop— upstairs. Over life is not in outw ard things, and forth his recipe for joyful living. ing this week in Creswell, Oregon Billy O 'H ara, of Medford, came 1 Suffering from Sprained Ankl There is joy in a pipe and the 500 samples to select from. Get therein many of the present gen­ with his parents. He will spend into Judge Taylor’s court in Med-) A. II. Hays, who resides at the your order in now' open road, the Labor leader de­ Thanksgiving in the W illam ette ford Saturday and pled guilty toi corner of Nnrqftrv and Scenic 7 ” n ° W' eration make th eir great m istake. clares, and there is joy in work. valley at the home of his parents. | killing quail out of season. I I e lD rivo, has been suffering from a Thus Ramsey MacDonald, lead­ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY “ Some people find joy in lugu­ er of the Labor Party sums up ¡paid a fine of $35 and costs. severe spvained ankle for aev eral| briousness, so when they speak Fresh Homemade Candies at H E L P W ANTED days. we ought not to m isunderstand today state th a t he is recovering 69-tf Rose Bros.. Our hand dipped Imperial them ,’ MacDonald said. Ambitious man to act as our and his condition is not serious. Chocolates represent the best— Maple squares— 30c. Bon Ton. dem onstrator for the W right P u rely A ccidental "I have ju st had joyful days in It costs nothing to get my in­ Rose Bros. 69-tf , Check Protector, which sells for Due to the shock of the tragedy the hills tram ping in rain and surance rates. Yeo. of course. 21-t th a n k sg iv in g S tories F eature— ¡ $7.75 and gives the same protec- and the excitem ent prevailing mist, in company with a band of Have your clothes cleaned at Have a fit at Orres. Tailors for “ about w u v tin n v jo » L I «A U “ Stories turkeys, cran- tion as the $50 to $100 machines. during the few brief seconds of young folks who enjoyed every Paulserud's. Phone 119. men and women. Upstairs. 4-tf , . - . „ p 11 berry sauce and mince pies fea- Sales people devoting entire time the accident, the two young drenching equally with every tured in the Story Hour held Sat- are earning $10 to $25 daily. ladies are somewhat doubtful as hour of glorious sun, and who Phone 57 W eek-end G uests— 36-4 First St. Mr and M r^ O hn W inter i l ulday a flernoon at the library. ; opuro m ue representatives representatives mak malt- to ju st w hat caused the car to go Spare time spent as jolly a night in a bed of W. C. Yoran and wife of E u­ AS” : „ r i “ v ' ° ," ° c X i u M± “ <,M ,ired th a t the ,n e » « *• » ’ • a " « -'» ■ over the bank. The road where heather under a stone on the hill­ gene were guests in Ashland last , children were anxious for Thanks-i sive franchise will be given to this accident occurred is narrow, side as beneath blankets at home. '1 < 1 T H O vi r« . night. II. M. Axtell of P ort Or­ « h ero they plan to spend Thanks- giving stories and were not filled! real producers constructed of dirt and is ex­ W rite today to "This generation is allowing it­ ford is among late arrivals. Mr. tw o"w eeto ° ” <1 bC g° n<' " ' l8 “ m0 80 th a ‘ » « I¡ le a rn how ws trem ely dangerous, and it is train beginners self to tru st too much to outward that thousands of the most de­ humor and lyrical love, a novel and Mrs. J. P. Aylward of Albany be given next week concerning w ithout experience to earn big barely possible th a t the outer things for joy. A good walking cent of my fellow beings have to or two like ‘Tristam S handy/ are recent arrivals. Mr. and Mrs. the same subject. Forty young money. This is a real dignified edge of the road gave way. O'­ stick, a pipe and any w eather are bear in these times, and we are Burns of the Elizabethans, an E rnest Flem ing and child of Tillamook cheese folk m il x .. . cheese, .’ cream cneese, heard the stories s _ a tu rday. buisness with real people. W right Brien was driving slowly and th a t enough; any pocket treasure like miserably selfish creatures if we honest days work behind one and Seattle, W ash, were guests at the cottage cheese, milk and butter. & Co., 616 S. Michigan Ave., Chi­ he was exercising due caution is ‘The Open Road* or one of the forget. But joy elbows no other decent memories around one, with Hotel Ashland last night. C. A. We sell the best. Detricks. 53tf cago. . 73-3 substantiated not only by the Golden Treasury volumes add sentim ent out of our hearts when perhaps a youngster Bleeping in Oh Boy! Dec. 3rd is the L lth­ is Reed of W ashington, D. C ian M instrels. 68tf ladies, but by the tourists whom luxury to the elements. it enters into possession itself. It the corner— what cloud can keep among out-of-town guests. Not Many A ttended H onieeoining L O S T— Between Main and they met. Is an extra, not a substitute. “ Get our people away from the joy out of that? Few people from Ashland a t­ Iowa St. on Gresham, one Chev- Loveland’s O rchestra will be at pettifogging vanities and the ^ipp- W ill In vestigate. “ All luxurious aids to joy are We deliver the goods. Service tended Homecoming over the ‘ And then, there is the great­ : rolet crank. Finder please retu rn ty w ilderness of towns, get tftem. Is our mo»to. D etricks— phone week-end in Eugene. Tho there the Lithia dance Thanksgiving substitutes. ‘Provide thy ser­ Mayor C. L. Loomis, whose car est joy of all, the Joy of working 72-4' to Icenhower’s second hand stode. 62. 53tf are several Oregon graduates and night. was wrecked, has requested a away with n ature from self-re­ vants, I beseech thee, ten days; so th at all our people may posses 73 sym pathizers here, none were thorough investigation and if it garding and sighing introspection, and let them give us pulse to eat, the circumstances and capacity to Mollalla to have new school The Secret is out— Dec.* 3rd is able to make the trip. FOR SALE— Modern 3 room is found th a t it was unavoidable and they will find joy abundantly., and w ater to d rin k .’ Then at be full of joy themselves. Don’t building. the Llthian M instrels. 68-tf bungalow, % acre ground, garage on the p art of the driver and due I know the awful canker of worry* home, our old Scott songs of gay talk to me of a cheerless life.* The public is cordially invited chicken h ouse, lots of fru it, good to the dangerous road it is likely Bend—Construction of $15,000 location. Price $120«. Robison & th a t legal action will be in stitu ­ On th e R egister— to attend a free lecture on Chris­ Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hughes tian Science to be given in the i brick ap artm en t house under way. Wilde 73-tf ted. Last n ig h t’s accident is said were guests yesterday in town new church edifice on Pioneer to be the fourth fatal wreck on l-'OR RENT— Furnished house­ th a t section of the Pacific high­ from H ornbrook. P. M. Snider Avenue, Monday, Nov. 26th, at OREGON LEADS registered from Tennant, Is a- 8 o’clock P. M. OTHER STATES keeping rooms. Phone 353-L or way this year. 72-3 call m ornings 316 H argadine. mong business visitors. A rth u r L It is not known how badly 73-3 damaged the car is, but It is be­ Coggins, of Dunsmuir, and L. II (Continued from page 1) Get your suit and overcoat or Coggins, of Igerna, are among dress cleaned and pressed for — 7“7—7----- ------------ 7— —• FOR RENT— 8 room, two story lieved to be all but a total wreck. f h,gh 8Ch° ° 1S: out-of-town visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Thanksgiving at Orres ta ilo r1 Go to Yreka. w enty-th.rd in average expendi- furnished house, garage, large W alter N. Polley are among late shop upstairs. Phone 64 Mrs. C. L. and Wm. Loomis and- Interested V isitor R eturned— L SCh° ° ’ ag6; lot, on Fairview St. Call al 231 arrivals from Susanville. 73-2* others left this forenoon for i tw enty-first in average expendi­ Gresham St. Yreka, where they will see th a t ture per teacher employed; tw en­ The public is cordially invited FO R RENT— Furnished apart- proper attention is given to W at­ B. W inchester, shale oil promo- ty-eighth in in expenditure expenditure per o* i . '.»-ciRiiiu to attend a free lecture on Chris­ ter rrom St. Per Johns, New Bruns- » 4 j ment, five rooms jand bath. All son and where they will attend á ',‘,rposes M b « «>*■> m odem conveniences. tian Science to be given in the wick, is a visitor with friends 155 7th. the inquest to be held over the Sa' al" ‘S: s« enl« ” ‘b new church edifice on Pioneer o f t h o H artm an S y n d i c a t e ' 73-3* rem ains of O’Brien and render all wincis . • ’ expenditure per teacher employ- Avenue, Monday, Nov. 26th, at 8 Mr Mr. W inchester was interviewed ,.rt to r saiaries. possible assistance. WANTED— Christm as Cactus. oclock P. M. 72-3 on a recent visit concerning th e W ild R um ors F ly In addition to all of which 155-7th. 73-3* development of the new industry ei. . wmen, Many rum ors concerning the m inistry ¡ Churchill points out, Oregon Are you hard to fit? Have your hprp FOR SALE— Cedar posts, also accident were afloat this forenoon ranked first of all states of the suit tailored to m easure at Paul­ cord wood, rick wood. All deliv­ One report was widely circulated x a». ! un,on in the literacy test given serud’s. It costs no more. Do it now get them later— save * -a . 8 ered. M. R. Scotti, Siskiyou, Ore­ th a t Mayor Loomis was in the car, »1 | to recruits to the the nation's ii.u o to $4.00 on a doz. p o rtraits xa- gon. 73-3* and th a t the man killed was Jas. noriincv o» it ,v r, ! Dghting torces during the World The public is cordially invited Darling Studio, For P o rtraits that wqr McGuire; also th a t Miss Loomis FOR SALE— Victrola and rec­ was seriously injured. The fore­ 7o. tf „ ± 1 ____________________________ to attend a free lecture on Chris­ P ’ease. ords, easy term s. Robison’s Gar­ tian Science to be given in the going are the facts of the acci­ age or phone 432-Y. 73tf new church edifice on Pioneer Em broidery Club M eet__ dent, which comes as a shock to Avenue, Monday, Nov. 26th, at 8 AV .ANTED— Several cords four the community. The O. E. S. Em broidery Club o’clock P. M. 72-3 will meet to-morrow (Tuesday) foot body fir. Phone 491. 73-2 afternoon in Masonic Hall. All WANTED— P arty to take care N othing conveys thoughtfulness visiting Eastern Star members of small baby for two or three and cheer like a Christm as por­ cordially invited. Hostesses__ weeks. Call or phone Room 103 tra it. D arling Studio. 70-tf Mrs. Hal McNair, Mrs. L. S. Ashland Hotel. 73* Brown. Business V isitors in Medford— FOR SALE— Household goods Rev. S. J. Chaney and Rev. W. R eturns from Klam ath Falls__ Range and heater, dining table Judson Oldfield are attending the chairs, rockers, oak buffet, china Mrs. A. L. Harvey r e t i r e d A cozy, attractive interior has been achieved district m eeting of the Rogue Saturday from a weeks visit with closet, bedsteads, springs and in the Ford Four-Door Sedan. River M inisterial Association in her daughter, Mrs. Nate O tter­ m attresses, Singer sewing ma­ Libby’s Plum Pudding Medford today. These meetings bein in Klam ath Falls. Mr. O tter­ G E N U IN K chine, large linoleum rug, g ar­ Broadcloth upholstery, soft brown with a Libby’s Mince Meat are held once in two m onths with bein is one of the proprietors of den hose, tubs and many other slightly darker stripe, harmonizes with the Purkee and Premier the present one convening in the The K lam ath News, a newspaper useful articles. Also small brown lighter shade in (he bead lining. Silk poplin B aptist church in Medford. Salad Dressing DURHAM Leghorn pullets. 515 Liberty St. issued there two times a w-eek. shades are provided. Gold Medal Flour TO BA C C O 73-3* Try our fresh kippered salmon Royal Club Catsup Your Christm as Suit and Over­ Ornamental interior fittings including door ’D etricks." 53-tf coat order should be in now at handles, dome light base, window regulators Plummer’s Orres Tailor shop, upstairs. and shade mountings are finished in nickel. E xclu sive R oasted Bulk D ont’ forget the Sale of ladies C offees 3 3 c and 3Hc coats and suits at Sugg’s Millin­ Ashlnnders Speak at Convention Doors are made of one solid sheet of heavy Tillamook Cheese Always ery, Nov. 26, 27 and 28. 72-1 aluminum, very light and strong. Copper In Stock Rev. W. Judson Oldfield and k n ig h ts Tem plar , M alta C om m ander) No. 4 WESLEY BARRY M. P. COGITÂTES ON HOW 10 GET Hit the » Trail for Hiltson for Stndebaker Cars At Medford, Ore. j t xt GOOD CIGARETTES £ For F o u r-D o o r S e d a n I n t e r i o r F e a tu re s T hanksgiving ’Phone 59 “BULL” AVeek-en