Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, November 26, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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    PACK « H it S
stantly boiling and steam er close
ly covered.
Cranberry P ie
Fill a pastry-lined pan with
cold cooked cranberries.
strips of pastry across the top,
lattice fashion, then ad ju st a rim
of pastry around the edge; bake
in a hot oven. Serve cold either
plain or with whipped cream.
Mond*»* i November 2Ö,
add the juice of one lemon. Boil
cne q u art of w ater and three cup­
fuls of sugar about tw enty m in­
utes. Add cranberries and strain
all through a cheesecloth. Cool
thoroughly, then freeze, using
three parts of finely crushed ice
to one p art rock salt. When the
sherbet is half frozen add the
stiffly beaten whites of two eggs.
Serve in sherbet cups with the
Deep Dish P ie
Fill large or individual glass
dishes with strained
sauce; cover top with flaky pastry
and bake in a hot oven. Serve
warm with table cream poured
over each service.
Cranberry R oly P o ly
Make a biscuit dough of
west coast sawmills, for week
ending Nov. 17, m anufactured
112,273,511 ft. of lum ber; sold
106,030,134 ft., and shipped 101,-
926,366 ft. Production was 26
per cent above norm al and new
business 6 per cent below produc­
Delicious Boxed Candies of your own
selection or in assorted combinations, made
fresh especially for Thanksgiving.
As a gift for anyone you wish to make
happier on Thanksgiving Day this Candy
is ideal.
G ifts fo r
only half full. J u st before dinner
is served unmold. The jelly m ust
be thoroughly chilled or it will
not be firm , so it should be made
at least tw enty-four hours before
serving unless it is chilled on ice.
Cranberry P ie C olonial S tyle
C ranberry Pie Colonial Style is
a combination of raisins and cran ­
berries. Use two cupfuls of cran ­
berries, one cupful of seeded or
seedless raisins, one cupful of
sugar and three tablespoonsful of
flour. Mix all these ingredients
and pour into a pan lined with
pastry. Cover with a top crust and
place in a hot oven, reducing heat
to m oderate after the first ten
minutes. It will take about th irty
m inutes for this pie to bake. If
this combination is preferred in
an open pie, omit flour, add two
cupfuls of w ater to fru it and
sugar and cook slowly until mix­
ture thickens. Cool thoroughly be­
fore pouring into a baked pastry
shell. Make a m eringue of the
whites of two eggs, spread over
top of fru it and brown slightly
in a very m oderate oven.
Roast Ì our
Best Quality
Best Service
Cranberries in Many Ways
Mrs. Belle DeGraf
There are so many uses for
cranberries in addition to the reg­
ulation cranberry sauce. Of course
the cranberry sauce or jelly
served as a relish with turkey or
chicken is the popular favorite,
but no means is it necessary to
confine the use of this delicious
fruit to sauce. There are pud­
dings, steamed or baked, pies and
cobblers, all p articu larly p a lat­
able due to the peculiar acid fla­
vor of these berries.
C ranberry jelly can be made
and stored in sterilized glasses,
ju st as any jelly or jam. If made
before the holidays there will be
th a t much out of the way for the
busy housewife who plans and
cooks the holiday feast.
If you wish the jelly to be firm
enough to unmold, do not use
much w ater when cooking the
berries. For each quart of berries
allow one pint of w ater; cook
berries ten m inutes after boiling
has begun, then add one pint
of w ater; cook berrier ten min­
utes after boiling has begun, then
add one pint (two m easuring cup­
fuls) of granulated sugar and
cook six m inutes. Turn into wet
moulds or sterilized jelly glasses
and set aside to cool. This gives
a clear jelly in which the berries
are imbedded. If the sauce is de­
sired strained, rub through a
coarse sieve after the ten m inutes
cooking; retu rn to fire, bring
again to the boiling point, add
.sugar and cook six m inutes. Both
these jellies will retain their
shape when unmolded. For indi­
vidual service which is most a t­
tractive, use small tim bale molds
or custard cups, filling either one
Cranberry Puffs
One egg, one-half cup sugar,
one cup sifted flour, two' tea­
spoons baking powder, one-puar-
te r cup milk, one teaspoon vanilla
two tablespoon melted shortening,
one cup cranberries. Mix dry in ­
gredients, reserving some flour
to dredge fruit. Beat egg, add
milk, combine m ixtures, add flav­
oring and cranberries. P our into
buttered iu sta rd cups and bake
in a m oderate oven about th irty
m inutes. Serve hot with a vanilla
Cranl>erry C abinet P u d din g
Fill a buttered pudding dish
with altern ate layers of soft bread
or stale xake crumbs, having top
and bottom layers of ' crumbs.
Beat one egg, add one-third cup
of sugar, one cupful of hot milk
and bake until custard is firm.
Serve hot or cold.
Steamed Cranberry Pudding
Use the recipe for cranberry,
puffs. B utter a pudding mold or
custard cups. Fill tw o-thirds full
of b atter and steam over hot
w ater until firm in the center,
keeping w ater underneath con-
Freshly Dressed for Thanksgiving
The choicest Fowls that the market affords, you will
find here freshly dressed and awaiting your choosing
for Thanksgiving.
Take your pick of Turkeys,
Geese or Chickens from this
display and you will have a good Thanksgiving Fowl.
Brown’s Cash Market
One w a y to
h e l p mother
that will win
her instant ap­
preciation is to
g iv e h e r a
T hanksgiving
Gift that will
make the prep-
a r a tio n of
meals easier.
The crowning
event of the
T hanksgiving
Dinner is passing to your guests a box of ( ’¡gars
from Nininger & W arner that have been kept in
perfect condition by their new tobacco humidor.
No m atter what their Cigar Taste you can choose
Heie are the best Gifts you could select for that
a blend that will please and satisfy them.
shape and blend you prefer.
Phone your order and we will save a box of the
Sporting Goods
Eastern C ran b e rries..............20c lb., 2 lbs. 35c
Heinzes M ince-m eat................................... 25c lb.
Best Bulk Cocoa .......................................7c lb.
Raisins, large parckage....................... .2 for 25c
Bulk R a is in s ..................................... 3 lbs for 35c
Pettite Prunes, the best that ever grew 31bs 25c
No. 1 California W alnuts. .30c lb., 3 * lbs $1.00
Home grown W a ln u ts ............................. 20c lb.
New Almonds, soft shell..
25c lb., 4 1* lbs $1.00
Filberts .......................................................20c lb.
S p e c ia l F o r T h a n k s g i v i n g
Apples—Spitzenbnrg, Baldwin and N ew tons...
..................................... $1.10 a box, 5 boxes $5.00
<>nr dinner will be incomplete without one o f
our delicious Ice (Team Cake’s to finish on.
(hi telephone orders up to Wednesday evening
Regular 50 cent cakes 40 cents.
Whipped ( ’ream Pumpkin Pies 40 cents.
Home Made Mince Pies 35 cents.
Pop Coni that pops, Van Camp’s Oyster Cock­
tail sauce; Fresh Lettuce; Celery, Cabbage and
everything you will be wanting for the holiday
Turkeys, Chickens, Ducks and Geese.
Fresh and cured Meats of all kinds
12:30 and in the evening from 5:00 to 0:00.
cupful ^ f flour, two teaspoons of
baking powder, one-fourth te a ­
spoon of salt, one tablespoonful of
shortening, and about one-third
cup of milk. Roll into a rectangu­
lar shape about one-fourth inch
thick. Sifread
w ith
sauce; then roll up like a jelly
roll, join edges firm ly and bake
in a hot oven. Serve with a hard
cranberry sauce.
Laundered Ihe “ Home-Way
H ard C ranberry Sauee
One-third cup butter, one cup-
powdered sugar, one egg white,
one-half cup strained cranberry
sauce. Cream butter, gradually
add sugar, beat well, add cran­
berry sauce slowly to prevent
curdling, then fold in stiffly beat­
en egg white.
I l i g i 2 ^
\ p
If you possess an ice cream
freezer, a cranberry sherbet may
be served with the roast turkey.
It offers a change in a very a t­
tractive form. The berries for the
sherbet may be prepared a day in
advance, so th a t freezing would
be the only operation on the holi­
day. Cook one quarte of cranber­
ries in one cupful of boiling w ater
until berries are soft and broken;
ru b through a coarse sieve and
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