page rôtît Wednesday, Ñoyember ¿i, iosfà M tuw ia», : LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES I A VOX KA RD R O FF W ILL FORM NEW CABINET AÎ THE CHURCHES Novem ber 24, mained in perfect health-. Hisf before he completes the iinpar-I MORE THAN PAYS THF weight is about the same as on j alleled trip. 1 COST OF S V B S C fU P tto X ! the day he etartedi BERLIN, Nov. 24.— Merr Eleg- fried Von K ardroff has accepted Identity Unknown 8 F irst C ongregational Church Trip is E d ucational. the invitation of President Elbert The real name of the man is Boulevard and Main street. Sun- local interest. Day is a keen observer and is to form a new German cabinet. He Has it ever occurred ft storing up a tund ot knowledge Le° “ “rd Day is the, H to the reader of the Tid­ 8 is a menmber of the German day sch° o1 at 9 ■ 45 a. m„ with clas­ th at will serve him welt in the ' “ " “ 7 “ ° ' " T h ,,l «« I Thanksgiving in Porlland- Peoples' party and immediately ses for all grades and ages. Bring ings th at the saving ef­ 8 Moved to T alent— years to come, and will w rite , e » - : ? , „ Gpneros">' » ' «he a your Bible. Morning service at began the work of forming the fected in taking advant­ 8 Mr. and-AIrs. L. V. Lindley, who ! Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Ambrose American People” . He cast aside :j 11; subject “The Spirit of Thanks­ new cabinet. eral books covering various sub-' age of the money savitlg 8 have been liviing at the S u n crest1 plan to leave here Monday morn- both his real and pen names and giving.” Junior Christian Endeav- ! jects. 8 induc«‘m ents of Bargain 8 orchard this summer, have moved ing fo r Portland to visit close , Meeting Postponed assumed the role of Leonard Day. , or at 4 p. m. C hristian Endeavor 8 Day ads and in availing 8 to Talent. . .. H om e for Christm as. j relatives over the Thanksgiving At the proper time the revela­ On account of the Chamber of at 6:20. Evening service a t 7:30. 8 themselves of snaps offer­ 8 i time, and will retu rn to Ashland Day is scheduled to leave Red tion will be made, but not until Commerce supper and sm oker a t The Annual Union Thanksgiving 8 Our famous Tam ales are al- following their trip, Bluff December 10, and if no im- after he is home and has proven, g ed in the Classified col­ 8 Hotel Ashland Monday night, the service of the churches of Ashland ways good. Try one-w-Rose Bros. , pediments are met he will arrive which he will do, the tru th of h is j.. umn will equal more than 8 usual Tuesday noon luncheon will will be held in the Congregational 69-tf Fresh fru it cake and mince not be at his home in San Francisco in ! story. Day is unm arried, hut let it .. the cost of an annual sub­ 8 on tbat day church next Thursday at 10:30 scription? 8 m eat ingredients— brown ’«gar,, time for Christmas, and residents be known th at somewhere in San , -------- a. m., the sermon will be preached Every day there Is ad­ 8 Pay night dances at the Orien- citron, spices, orange peel, Jem on Large lo a f - q u a lity bread 10c. by Rpy R c Mi, of th a t city will doubtless accord Francisco a young lady is anxious- .. vertised in the Tidings a »-»^1 so forth. V" De­ k — BOH Toil ° 8 tal Gardens are very attractive nool peel, wrolwiiln w alnuts « and him the welcome a man of his ly aw aiting his retu rn , and whose i g 34"tf i tist church. The public is cordially bargain for someone, and 8 affairs— There combined with the j tricks. We deliver. 59-tf nerve deserves. charm s he will claim at the sam e ' g Maple squares- -30c. Bon Ton. ! invited to all these services. both old and new sub­ 8 pay envelopes, you will f in d ' ----------- When he departed from the city th a t he calls for the $6,50«. W. Judson Oldfield, m inister » scribers can effect re ­ 8 beauty, color, melody and best of Not only do lovers q uarrel__ by the Golden Gate it was with The public is cordially invited Something of the observations ;; m arkable savings during 8 all, happiness. often times the m arried folk find to attend a free lecture on Chris- ! the expectation of returning in a and experiences, including his e x -' :: M ethodist E piscopal Church the year by giving close 8 themselves out of tune. Patch up tian Science to be given in the year. He estim ated th a t he would periences with shoes and clothing 8 S. J. Chaney, Minister attention to the offerings 8 I have made a special study of your grievances by attending the new church edifice on Pioneer make an average of 30 miles a > and their adaptability to walking 8 The Sunday School will meet at made in the display and 8 autom obile insurance: get my Oriental Gardens dance tonight. Avenue, Monday, Nov. 26th, at 8 9:45. Classes are provided for all day. Instead of a year, two years and comfort will be given in a 8 classified columns. 8 rates first. Yeo, of course 21-tf There only love and beauty pre- oclock P. M. H a rry Myers and more will have rolled around , subsequent Issue of the Tidings. 8 72-3 j ages and all are welcome. The pas- : 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ! vail. /¿The Brass B o tt lé’ tor will speak at both the morn- ! Mrs. Spencer Improved— ---------- Try our fresh kippered salnjon ing and evening church services. ! i Mrs. D. II. Spencer of 765 East Vacation this Month— Det ricks. 53-tf There will be special music by Main street, who lias been quite j Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mathes _ ' the chorus choir. The evening ser- ill is much better ai present. ' left today for a m onths’ vaca- Loveland’s O rchestra will be at ¡vice win be evangelistic. Miss Evpected Home Tonight— tion in California. They plan to the Lithia dance Thanksgiving j C atherine Parsons is the leader Q 4S S E E N B Y «POPULAR c A f E C H A N ICS c A iA G A Z IN E Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Provost visit in Redding, Red Bluff and n ig h t- ” 2-4 for the Epw orth League meeting are expected home tonight from i San Francisco and will spend tires. If the rims are perfectly plain «1 which begins at 6:15 Sunday eye- the split it will be necessary to drill tw an extended visit with friends and Thanksgiving with relatives. Mr. Lithians A ttention— ning. All are cordially invited to P ed estria n nears 5-srin. boles about 4 in. from Qw, END OF JOURNEY relatives in California. They a r e ' and Mrs. Mathes are managing All L ithians are invited and all the meetings at the Methodist Two pins are riveted or welded to U m m aking the trip by motor. the Suncrest Orchard and Mr. atfd urged to he present at Hotel A sh-¡church. end of the hinge and each end is tbsn Continued from’ page 1) Mrs. Steel of Sidney, M ontana are land Monday night, November 26 bent as shown. The pins are « We deliver the goods. Service to run the cook house during at six p. m. to greet the Com­ into the holes drilled in the rim and tbs The Salvation Arm y except m atches and w ater. He was tinge is pushed down with the foot, is our m otto. Detricks— phone th eir absence. m anders of the N ational Guardi Meetings Tuesday, Thursdays, also prevented form w earing a thus spreading the rim. If th en are 62. 53tfj and assist the local company in Saturdays, and all day Sunday dur- eoat and hat, and compelled to studs on the rim, the hinge can he uaed ---------- ! Try “ Mrs. Jew etts Delicious entertaining them. The time will ing the week, meetings commence without pins, by simply hutting tbi walk the entire distance. “ Not until you know your fel- Mayonnaise' for your Thanks-1 he from 6 to 7:30. at 8 p. m. Sunday morning service & W alk s .1 0 ,1 3 7 M iles low man, can you truly know giving Salad. For Sale nt Groccr- ‘ at 11 a. m. Holiness Sunday School When Day arrived in Ashland yourself,” was the text of a fam- ies & M arkets. 72-4* Iii- h Homemade Candies at at 2:30 p. nt. Evening service at Thursday afternoon he had wafk- Rolling Dice By Airplane Latest Of Sports ous Chicago m inister. Meet a n d , ______ • ltose Bros.. 69-tf 8 p. nt. T here’s welcome always. ed a distance of 10,137 miles. know your fellowman by going to Limlas to Boise— m&dC material, aviators now play the game of dice VIEW OF HINGE SHDWIMO On December 3 and 4, Staff Dilring the long and trying jour- from tLeir airplanes as one of the latest American sports. Placed in front of the the Medford O riental Gardens to -' A ttorney B. F. Lindas has re- Don't forget the Lithian dance Gapt. W est from the Hawaiin ney he has kept faith with the H m Pr°Pel,lpr * ‘"¿-led, and the rush of air sends the dice rollmg down night. j moved to Boise, Idaho, where hd Phnnksgiving night at the Arm- Islands. He gives babies away? the field with the plane in p u re u i^ The cubes are then placed in positio/again contract, asked for nothing to eat, ---------- i has established a law office and ory. 72-4 W atch the paper more details nothing to wear, taking only th a t It costs nothing to get my in- expects to rem ain. Mr. Lindas re- SOFTOOL later. Come to our cottage prayer which was volunteered by friends Suction Cup Holds Ruler Ship Found on Big Iceberg surance rates. Yeo, of course. 21-t sided here for several years and The R etort is M oved__ oper A tío H Against Blackboard meetings. and adm irers. Although he states Reveals Mystery of Sea Have your clothes cleaned at showed considerable versatility, I Every hit of the retort is on Officers in charge: Capt. P orter th at he refused in money a sum For teaching classes in subjects that Paulserud’s. Phone 119. having practiced law, occupied top of the hill resting near the For centuries mystery ships have and Lieut D. C. Dye. require accurate drawings, a black­ sailed the seas, guided only by the ends against the s tu d s ,______ th a t would provide a dollar for the pulpit and lecture platform foundation points nnd only one board has been provided with a draw- winds of chance. One of them was ends if nccesaary to prevent tbs . each of the more than 10,000 See M any S igh ts— from slipping. and contributed regularly to the truck loaded with heavy pieces I Presbyterian Church found by a steamer captain rounding • • o miles, he has never accepted a Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Neese and newspapers. He was candidate for was stuck en route. Foundations the Horn recently. While groping his “Anchoring” the Cow’ s Tad . . j Rev‘ w - McCulhagh of theJ penny. On a num ber of occasions daughter, Hazel, who are living mayor at the last city election.__ way into the open, a gigantic mass of medlsTetv lm- M oreland Presbyterian Church o t the police have picked him up and at 777 East Main street, have ju st Medford Clarion. Anyone who has milked ice carrying a large three masted y> Portland will occupy the pulpit subjected him to a thorough suffered from the j returned from southern Callfor- j ______ schooner, with its boats still in the the animal switching ito tail j „ . , , j at both m or»ing and evening s e r - !search for money, hut at no tim e 1 defts, was sighted. Efforts were made nia. They visited Long Beach, Los ! Our hand dipped Imperial If you shoot a gun you can w in ! vices, as a candidate for the p a s - ' were they rewarded. On his ™ chase away the fisea. This I to find the survivors but no trace of Angeles, C atalina Islands and o th -! Chocolates represent the best__ som ething at our Shoot Sunday, torate. All members of the con-j to Ashland a m otorist of this citv them was discovered. Another sea e r interesting points. W hile in Los Rose Bros. 69-tf tragedy was added to the already long Nov. 25 all day and Thanksgiving gregation are urged to be present. I stopped to converse with hi Angeles they visited the temple! _______ im on list of those as yet unsolved when a morning. , „ . T„„rs . Sai, Sabbath school. 10:45; Ju n io r ,he r„ad and „ " Z t l him of which Aimee McPherson is the Out-of-town Visitors__ Greenland whaler came upon a strange a dollar _ / • E ’’ 4 p‘ m,: Senior c . E .,-6:30 The monev was refused. head. They report th at each of! Mrs. E. R. Grieve looking derelict, battered and wi t h er, of Horn- Shoot for Turkeys, Sugar I p. m.; W estm inister Guild, 6:30. worn, apparently built in the last the 40 weekly services. the house brook, ,s among nnt-ol-town visit-1 Hanl, Bncn'n. Flottr. Coffee, hi nmeU “g in c' a^ge o’ , Missed Few Reds century and ioe bound for years. A is «tied capacity „1,™ the ors. J. A. McCalvey. o, Gold H ill., fact your Thanksgiving D in n e r - ,„ e T eacher’s Training ciasa Wed , Although an object of charity ing set that can be instantly nitether} boarding crew found in the cabin the doors are closed. by a suction cup, from which the in­ body of a young woman, preserved by was an out-of-town guest y e ste r-¡ Sunday. Nov. 25 and Thanksgiv- nesday evening a t 7:30. ¡ he missed sleeping in a bed onlv struments swing on a pivot, permitting the arctic fruHts. Near a long dead fire «lay. Lee Anderson and ^wife, of ¡ ing morning. 70-Thurs., Sat. i ' j seven nights on the long trin. Hr the use of protractor, divider, T-square, The Secret Is out— Dec 3rd is j Corvallis, are among recent arriv-l • missed approxim ately Go m eals.' rule, and angles. The force of the wan the remains of a young m»n „till ______ Church o f th e N azarene. holding a flint and steel. the Lithian M instrels. o , ,, , . , Tbo longest period w ithout food 6S-tf ais. M. O. Faulk and wife of Hal-i Service Station has A ddition__ suction is sufficient to hold the set to • • • Sahath day s e n . « » as usual. ’ „a» M hollrB >nd isey, were visitors from out-of-! The Ashland Service Station the surface of the board for L5 minutes, s. S. at 9:45 a. m. Classes to r all have been provided, ns w ell a» when the outfit may be removed or Rim Spreader for Changing A t McGees— town yesterday. H. A. Culp a owned by Dr. Oeser and son »is be prevented very ea Tires , ages. Bring your Bible. Subject of shoes and einthi™ replaced a t the same point. Being Miss Alice Brown is the newest Southern Pacific man from Duns- , » old bicycle tire lying laving an additional shed built ¡Sunday morning serm on: “ Filled every society i n t nr n e a r,y | vertical, this device may bo seen from A eommoD 8-in. barn-door hinge can employee at McGees. She will take m uir was a guest, at the flotel Co­ on the re a r of the service ro o m .; The tire is amply , he Spirit." Subject tor Sun- j satiou ’ u the nut n e” ” “ ' “ KZ Part °f »room, andm abw ikeM ier be aaed to good advantage for apread- care of bookkeeping and prob- lumbia last night. George Adams oowJ a back as d a m for the lee taser to iBastiate his subjaete. ing antona «baie rima when changiag P o u r ears will be sheltered under day eveuine: "T he twotold test ot ■ n o ta ry and Klwan"s c h L “ om been tried firanri ably be here this w inter. is among late arrivals from Rose­ the addition when it is completed R,e "r'!',°e ’ O Y“ '" ‘K P” Pl“ n’e<‘“ n s ! mCTl™' »'•«»"iKitlons and tire burg. affording additional space where a t. 6:30. Special Missionary ser- departm ents have been his friend- Are you hard to fit? Have your machines can be worked on dur- Vices. Mrs. Arpha I-arder, leader. ; suit tailored to m easure at Paul- Tillamook cheese, cream cheese, | ing wet w eather with a degree of W ednesday night, meeting nt tltej w ith hut few exception, he has serud’s. It costs no more. cottage cheese, milk and butter, i comfort. Sewell home 167 Garfield s tr e e t,. reeetred excellent treatm ent, hut We sell the best. D etricks. 53tf ________ on Friday night. Special meeting ; adm its th at in a few towns he wa« O ut-of-town G uests__ Oh Boy! Dec. 3rd is the L ith­ for children. Saturday atternoons ; received w ithin a chilly atm os ' The Misses Cecile and Mebel The public is cordially invited ian M instrels. * 6 8 tf;a a t t 2:30. A cordial welcome will „here. In New York he was the Moore are business vistors from to attend a free lecture on Chris­ he given to all attending onr s e r - ! g„e8t , he tam o„ s Pe„ nsylvan. th eir home in Medford. The young tian Science to be given in the Ready-to-wear suits and over­ vices. v i™ Come with ns and we will ,a Hotel (0„ r or (,vr women were also visiting friends new church edifice on Pioneer coats a t Paulserud’s. do thee good ns is Miss Ruth Fifield. who is Avenue, Monday. Nov. 26th, at , ing afforded a suite of rooms. He Louise Pinnell, Pastor , has been entertained by many home for the week-end. 8 o’clock P. M. 72-3 INDICTED BY GRAND JURY prom inent men in all walks of B ap tist Church The public is cordially Invited Field Secretary Visits— life, and the trip has afforded an Continued from page 1) Sunday School 9:45 sharp. Rev. to attend a free lecture on Chris­ unexcelled opportunity for obser­ Paul Brown, field secretary of tian Science to he given in the Oregon? W ashington and Califor­ Eugene. A little more than a Ferris will speak in the morning. ving human nature. new church edifice on Pioneer nia for Christian Endeavor work, of D’A utrem ont brothers had G ather at 2:30 sharp for meeting His journey through Oregon! Avenue, Monday, Nov. 26th, at 8 was a visitor yesterday at the connection with the crime. W ork­ at W agner Creek. will be completed w ithout the B. Y. P. U. in the evening at loss of a meal or a nights lodg­ o'clock P. M. 72-3 ing on this theory, additional home of Mr. and Mrs. O. W inter 6:15. Rev. Otto Olson who has ing. on the Boulevard. Mr. Brown is evidence was secured almost been holding meetings during the Nothing conveys thoughtfulness D esert a B arrier attending the d istrict convention daily, some of it of a dam aging week will speak in his original and cheer like a Christm as por- today in G rants Pass and has re­ nature. Although the crime was The Yuma desert offered the I way in the afternoon at 3 o'clock * tra it. D arling Studio. 70-tf turned from a business trip in the committed October 11th it was and in the evening a t the usual most trying time of his trip but was negotiated w ithout suffering, not until October 21 that circu­ northern part of the state. hour 7:30. Don’t miss hearing despite the fact th a t w ater is ob­ Dont’ forget the Sale of ladies lars hearing photographs and des­ I this man and his message. coats and suits at Sugg's Millin­ tainable only at a distance of criptions of the men were mailed. Do it now get therq la te r— save ery. Nov. 26. 27 and 28. 72-1 fi om 1 i to 20 miles. He encoun­ In other words, 11 days elapsed $1.00 to $4.00 on a doz. portraits. T rinity Episcopal Church trom the date of the m urder until tered a tem perature of 126 de­ Darling Studio, For P o rtraits that Vicar the Rev. P. K. Hammond grees at the w arm est point of the P ictu res are Show n— Please. 7o. tf the first circulars were mailed,! Communion a t 8 a. ni. journey, and bucked th e snow Moving pictures showing the giving the bandits more than a '„ Holy , growth and development of the week the sta rt of officers in the S" nday Sch° o1 &t 9 :4 5 ' Monday banks and blizzards of Wisconsin service Shrine H ospitals for crippled A ttending Convention— actual work of running them r„, , and sermon at 11. On and the Dakotas at 13 degrees Two machine loads of delegates children were shown yesterday down. News of the holdup and rhanksgiving daY- service will be below zero. afternoon at the Vining Theatre left this m orning scheduled for m urder has been heralded to all &t 11 a ’ Strange? and H ealth P erfect to a committee of local lodge G rants Pass to attend the district parts of the country and to a ° rS cordially welcomed, Although he has hit the road members. It Is possible th a t the C hristian Endeavor convention num ber of foreign alm ost daily for 734 days, aver­ countries! ’ pictures will be show’n here for held there today and tomorrow. through the mail, by telegraph,!/ F irst Church of Christ S cien tist aging 17 miles a day through Pioneer Avenue South the public and also displayed in Many of the delegates will return telephone and by radio, yet n o ! snow, sleet and rain, he has re- this evening and other will stay Sunday Services at 11 o’clock. G rants Pass and Medford. Twelve definite opinion prevails as to th e ' Subject of Lesson— Soul and Body. units of these hospitals are al­ tomorrow and retu rn tomorrow ; location of the D’A utrem onts. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ready established with the initial evening. Sessions begun this af­ The young men wanted in con­ Sunday School at 10 o’clock. Wed­ FOR SALE— A roll top w riting building at Shreveport, La. Tli ternoon and continued through­ nection with the crime are from nesday evening meetings at 8:00 desk and chair, also a Davis and pictures are intensely interesting out the 2 days. E ntertainm ent is week following the crime, Paul o’clock. Reading Room open daily and comprehensive of the work being provided for out-of-town D’A utrem ont, fath er of the boys, from 2 until 5 p. m. except Sun- a W hite rotary sewing machine, visitors. being done. nearly new a t Icenhower’s new 1 days and Holidays. was brought to this city and __________ _ I and second hand store. 3.89 East questioned by officers. It is re ­ Main St. Phone 171. 72-3 Consignment of latest styles in ported th a t he identified cloth­ TH R E E MEN STEA L CAR; We use artificial light in all ladies suits and coats at Sugg’s CAUGHT AT REDDING p o rtrait w ork— If more conven­ ing and other articles as having W ANTED CHICKENS__ P 1 y- Millinery. Nov. 26, 27 and 28th. ient make appointm ent for a sit­ belonged to his boys. He expalin- m outh Rock or R. I. Reds or both. . 72-1 ting in the evening, b a rlin g ed however, th at on a trip north, I The Chevrolet touring car own­ Address R. F. D. 1, Box 66. Or Mrs. Mack HI— Studio. g9tf a few weeks before, unknown i ed by W. H. Mowat which was re­ call at house opposite Old Nor­ parties had robbed the camp of moved form the place where it m al B ldg. 72-1* his sons and stolen some of their was D parked . in front of his home Mrs. Norman E. Mack has been Here from Klam aili F alls— clothing. He declared the act to '™ enU® laSt eVeniDg &t FOR • SALE— Ford touring car. 111 at her home on Liberty street Elm er Hogue of Klam ath Falls have been a subterfuge to throw ° ’Cl° Ck’ W & S f° Un<1 thiS Good condition. See E. P. Schwab, and has necessitated special med­ is visiting friends here this week. the officers from the trail of t h e 1^ 0” 11" 8 &t R edd,ng’ CaL and Hotel Ashland. 72-2* ical care real perpetrators. The fath er h a s ' ® beiDg held there Hour is Set— WANTED TO LEASE with p ri­ m aintained th a t his boys are in Pending the action of authorities, Have a fit a t Orres. Tailors for The hour of 2:00 Monday af­ nocent and anonunced ' that a s ' W arrants J ere issued this af- vilege of purchase two or three men and women. U pstairs. 4-tf ternoon K. has been set as the date so°n as they heard th a t they were 7 ° ° ” tO Ctfl®f ° f P ° liC6 McNabb room house, m ust have shade on which paper flowers will be wanted in connection with . and “ is thought th a t th e ma- trees. Address P. O. Box 161— T o V isit F rien ds— 72-2* made at the Methodist Church. crIme fhey would appeflr and , chine will be returned here, to- Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. J L. Greenwood Everyone is invited to come and tablish an alibi. Forty-four days g®tb e rJ With the men ^ P i ^ t e d . LOT W ANTED— If you have a planned to leave today for Rogue is asked to bring their own have elapsed since th e holdup cheap lot for sale with some shade j n t jje annuaj ciassjc between • River to visit relatives over scissors. and m urder k occurred, trees, address P. O. Box 161, City. u Ut the Yale and H arvard, the form er Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. ' I'1 1* D A utrem ont boys have never ap- v.»tn„ ini,.A . Charles B utler are to be th eir vanquished the la tte r by a score Swifts— Bacon, Boiled Ham, peared, nor has a persistent : of 13 to 0 host as Mrs. B utler and Mrs. Chipped beef and lard. Get it at search revealed the least in fo rm a-, ' _____________ _ Greenwood are sisters. Detricks. I t’s the best. 53 tf tion as to their probable location. 1 C lassified ads hring resu lts 1 C lassified ads bring resu lts. 1 ’ 1 ¡ D aily C hronicle of th ose w h o coine and go, and even ts of m m . Today Only What fíie World Is cDoini¿ Advertising is "Salesmanship in Print” What Else? Is it a science, an art, a business or a profession? It is all of these. Science is in the knowing); art in the doing. So far as the principles of advertising can be understood and laid • down, it is a science; it is a vital force in business; and men follow the practice of advertising' as a profession. Business men invest in it as a part of their business which gives information that leads to sales and growth in business Since the early days of mankind, men have been making known information to each other by publicity methods. Advertise­ ments first were hewn in stone. The “town crier” of a hundred years ago was an advertising man who marched up and down the streets. Nowadays, the best and most economical advertising is printed salesmanship which is carried to the home in the local news­ paper.