ïfflO AifciAfch »Aft* föätöma - RECDWiENttS FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS ______; “Vouf inedicine worked â mir* arle for ine,“ writes Mrs. - C¡ Bi- ron> 140 Fayette Street, Lynn, Mass. “I was all run down, had a cough all winter, also kidney! trouble and after taking a few ' boxes of your medicine my cough and backache left me. I can eat and sleep well. I canvass and rec- “ Don’t Fear Poverty/’ Says I ommend It at every house I en­ Preacher, Telling How to Select Mate. ter.” Prompt relief secured from kidney and bladder irritations, rheumatic pains through using LAUDS HUMBLE START Foley Kidney Pills. Insist on the Pick Partner on Same Level and genuine— refuse substitutes. Sold Eschew Other Fields, He everywhere. Urges Both Sexes, MARRY IN OW ‘CLASS' IS ADVICE! Classified Column (Saturday, Ñ^V^ihbvr A4, jyüd Thu Ladies ÀÌ4 Meet»*-» Mrs, Hedkinson was hostess on Classified Colomn Rote* : Wednesday of this week to the Oh* cent the word each PHYSICIANS Laides Aid society of the M. E. time. ichurch. To run every issue for one DR. MATTIE B, SHAW— Resi­ Her home was beautifully dec- month or more, tyc the word dence and office, 108 Pioneer by th e i orated for the occasion. The rooms each time. avenue. Telephone 28. Office were bright with autumn leaves hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 MISCELLANEOUS and great bowls of chrysanthe- Phone items to her at 345-R, between 10 A. M„ and 2 P, M. p. m. only. J mums, and baskets of fruits, Indi and evenings. WANTED— Young girl, seven­ ; eating that Thanksgiving time I DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ teen, reliable, wants to take care 8ER.NAR.K I was drawing near. tice limited to eye, ear, nose and of children, by the day or hour. M A C F A .D D E N The earlier part of the after­ Calendar of the Week— awake class is Mrs. Habberly and throat— X-ray including teeth. 220 Garfield Street. 70-6* Saturday, November 24— C. E. the secretary treasurer is Mrs. E. noon was spent in the formal bus­ Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to In the fighting of disease, fresh, iness meeting, at which Mrs. Til­ pure, vitalized, sunladen air is one LOST FRIDAY AFTERNOON— ¡convention, Grants Pass. Dougherty. 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland. of the greatest and most potent in­ 100 pound steel anvil, somewhere Ore. Saturday, November 24— Dist­ Among the things discussed ton presided, during which the fluences for good. There is no di- in city limits. Reward for return rict convention Rebekahs, Grants also were plans for their Christ­ plans for the year's work were »ease for which fresh air and sun­ light are not the best kind of medi­ DR. E. It. ANGKLL-—-Chiropractic to J. W. Mills. 195 Skidmore Ave. Pass. mas party, December 18, at the completed. cines. Nothing has delighted us more ¡Old Electro-Tlicrapv. Office With the exception of a short 69-6» Monday, November 26— Ash­ church to which the husbands are in recent years than the tremendous phone 48; residence 14 2. First program, the meeting was a pure­ land Study club; Hostess Mrs. to be invited. and growing interest manifested in WILL TRADE— Splendid five- National Bunk building. WATERTOWN, N. Y„ Nov. Burdic. While the pleasant visit of the ly social one and the time was the cure of consumption by open-air passenger touring car, run less methods. Twenty-five years ago 22. — ‘‘Marry in your own class if mo8t enjoyably Monday, November 26— Music afternoon was in progress fingers : Tidings than 10,000 miles, as first pay­ ^ 7 “X ” .7." DR. HAW LEY— Above There was a full attendance.! 6 « you would insure married happi­ club at Miss Wallace's studio, were busy in tying comforts. office. Phone 91. ment on small place near Ash­ rid your system of Catarrh or Deaf­ ness.” evening. There were perhaps thirty pres­ there being at least fifty present , ,n ° ur statements of the benefits to be land; or will sell on very easy ness caused by Catarrh. for the pleasan t afternoon. derived from the open-air treatment DR. ERNEST W. SMITH— Chiro­ That is the advice offered to- Sold by drvggiiti for over 40 yean Tuesday, November 27— French ent for the pleasant meeting with terms to responsible party. W rite'5 practor, near Postoffice. Hours The hostess served delicious re- ; J-CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. OhM ¡d&y bV the Rev- Dr George F. club; Mrs. F. D. Wagner, hostess. a number of little visitors. A. B. care Tidings/ ■' 1111 • Shepherd, pastor of the Asbury 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. Friday, November 30— Enter At the close the hostess, as­ freshments of cake and coffee, j ¡ng ourselves upon the great help that assisted by a committee of Mrs. ■ wc bave_been-,0 *audable move- Methodist Episcopal Church of WANTED— Washing. 248 1st tainment for Farm Home, Presby­ sisted by Mrs. Manley Brower PLUMBING M. W. Wheeler, chairman, and the > v e ' s.id on ¿ T . u t ^ ur i £ this city and one of the best terian church. St. 62-2mo.* served lovely refreshments. - _________________________ i known divines of that denomin­ Mesdames Van Natta, Vestal, Me- years has been widespread and has JER R Y O’NEAL— Plumbing. 207 « ♦ « Tuesday, December 4— Covered FOR RENT Chocolates Gee, Marske, Leavett, McCracken undoubtedly influenced thousands of ation in New York State. East Main. Phone 138. Dish Luncheon, Civic club, 12:30. P. T. A. Meets— people—physicians, magazine and and America call eradicate the and Lennox from Valley View’. « • « FOR RENT PIANO— Robison’s newspaper editors, and li „ - , . - — l*y»en gen­ The Hawthorne circle of the P. MONUMENTS divorce evil by observing three Civic Club— These meetings are most de- erally— to look upon this movement Confections Garage or phone 432-Y. 71-tf T. A. met in the Hawthorne Li­ things, the clergyman declares. ones and are planned for greater favor than they would The program of the Civic Club brary on Tuesday of this week. lightful M ONU M ENT— M A K K E R S , .. otherwise have done. FOR SALE My first suggestion is, do not on Tuesday of this week provided each month. , Great and jnfluential medical ag_ Lowest Prices There was a rather important • * • fear poverty,” he says. “Too many one of the very interesting meet soclations have joined this movement, ASHLAND GRANITE CO. FOR SALE— Apples. S. J. I and a few years ago, even the NeU 3rd and E ast Main St. of our young people think it is ings of the year. Interesting be business session preceding the Card Club Meets 223-6m o. Evans, Phone 10F-13. 49-lino.* Yo^rk Medical Society, one of the most necessary for them to start in cause« of the vital Importance of program. The Elk Ladies Card club met conservative and reserved of bodies, The opening number of the pro­ at their club rooms on Thursday P le a s u re Isla n d ASHLAND GRANITE where their parents left off. It is the subject considered, and in the FOR SALE OR RENT— Six | came out with the most generous en- gram was a piano solo pleasingly Chocolates MONUMENTS of this week, with a full attend- jdyrsement and advocacy of the open- not necessary when you start in manner of its presentation. room modern house near Junior rendered by Mrs. Aikins. anpe ?,r treatnQeat in case of consumption, A New Gift P ackage Oregon G ranite Co. on your married life to have four High. Also ranch near Gold Hill.) Miss Devereaux is an easy ’ freely confessing that drugging meth- Rev. P. K. Hammond gave the S. PENNISTON, Salesman. or five well-furnished room, with $ 1 .5 0 347 Almond St.. 71-3 The afternoon was spent d e -' ods were practically of no benefit. speaker and her heart is fh her address of the afternoon. It was Res. 470 Laurel Phone 444-Y Turkish rugs on the floor. It work. Her subject was one that lightfully In bridge, of which there I can assure my readers and the Library P ackage $ 1 .5 0 particularly well received, and FOR SALE— Fat hens lficts, medical profession that the assertions would be better for a good many appeals, and one of which many w’ere seven tables played. F u ssy P ack age $ 1 .5 0 I’lA M M i MILL or dressed 20 cts., delivered. Airs. of them to start in with a rag on do not have first hand knowledge was a very thoughtful, forceful Mrs. George Rose was accord of this distinguished medical body spply not only to consumption, but Gray Package, A ssorted effort in line with the thought ed first honors on this occasion. Salsbury, Phone 7F3. 71-2* the floor, an old cook stove and practically to every disease known to JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET In Miss Devereaux’s discussion Educational Week. < hocolates a few stools, and build up their Delightful refreshments were man- WORKS, Cor. Helman and FOR SALE— Seven room mod- i she gave the requirements of the 50c and $ 1 .0 0 A number of Miss Mannel's The pure oxygen of the air it of own home thrugh hard work. Van Ness. 194tf era house in first class condition. county nurse, how the work was pupils gave a very clever little served at the close of the pleas­ greater imoortance to all people Wed Own “Kind.” ant afternoon, by the gracious Near Junior High school. Most financed, the scope of her work playlet that closed the program. who are tick than to those who are “ My second suggestion is, mar­ and the field. hostesses, Mrs. D. Perozzi and well and strong. Not long ago wo j TRANSFER AND EXPRESS scenic location in town. Cash ac- | There was a good attendance picked up a medical journal ana read W h ittle T ransfer & Storage Co. ry your own kind. Do not marry ceptable, or substantial payment Her work takes her to every and keen Interest shown in the Mrs. F, G. Swedenburg. for SERVICE. outside of your own class, creed district in the county aside from There were tw’o guests from where a physician gave his experi­ 77ts Drug Star* down, balance by the month. See ence in the treatment of whooping meeting. Experienced movers and pack­ or color. I know there are ex­ making special calls. Her aim Medford. Mr9. Lane at Tidings after three cough in compressed air. He had a * * ♦ ers of household goods. Deal­ * • * cabinet, into which the sufferer was amples of where it has worked is to prevent disease and ill health o’clock. . 62-12 ers in coal and wood. Phone placed and so arranged that the im­ out all right, but if you follow rather than to cure it, for in the Delightful Dinner— District Convention C. E.— pure air was carried away to the 117, FOR SALE— Four room cot­ i the majority of cases through to territory that she covers it is prac­ Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Wheeler There is a meeting of the C. E. outside, and the only air he was Office 89 Oak St. near tage, closets and garage— nice lo­ the end you will find that in the tically impossible to be on hand w’ere gracious host and hostess at Union of this district at Grants allowed to breathe was the com- Hotel Ashland cation. Lot 50 by 125. Cash ac­ long run it is better to marry often in an acute illness. a pleasant dinner party Friday at Pass in session today. A number ressed air forced into the cabinet. ‘his compressed air contained a I 7 ------- ' your own kind. ceptable, or payment down and Miss Deveraux gave a detailed which Mr. Oleson was the com­ from Ashland are in attendance. largely increased amount of oxvaen. r,lA>|SI'ER AND EXPRESl . — oaygen, balance by the month. See Mrs. ad at as the ' patient remained in the ‘Marry on about the same level statement of the districts visited plimented guest. A good program is planned and and cabinet from two to four hours each T. L. POWELL— General Trans- Lane at Tidings after 3 o’clock. ' where you are. Girls, do not think of the personal work done, of the Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler had in­ the social feature is always pro­ | that the boys that you will find clinics held, and something of the vited a number of friends to meet vided for at those gatherings. The day, he found the liaeaae quickly sub­ fpr— Good team and motor jugated and th« normal health ra- FOR SALE— Seven room house 1 trucks. Good service at a rea­ in some other church, or in some needs, which are many. Mr. Oleson, who is a returned sessions are held at the different covered. with bath. Close in. 2 blocks from iljisoline sonable price. Phone 83. i other city, are any better than I cannot too strongly emphasize Very little did she Ray of the missionary from China, and who towrns in which there is a city Post office. Cheap for quick sa le .; •■y assurance that in every disease Oils an SWith disc rubber tired ! guson, A. E. Mallicoa/, W. F. — v bloomer. _ I This notice is given by publi- locality who will help him Intro­ There was a good attendance gwheels, and a fine finished! Ball, Malinda James, M. E. Lari­ : cation thereof for thirty days and at the close of the interest­ A garment uiai that iu m u o l u ld s 'to the curves o f the figure with duce it Write him today for full P— p itbodv, sturdily made. - O u t , e r Karments set, srnoothly and beautifully “ previous to said session, in the ing address tea was served by the mer, O. H. Spaulding, Ada E. particulars. Also ask him to e x — Ashland Daily Tidings, a public hostesses, Mrs. P. S. Engle and Clark, Jennie Hammond. E. A. plain how to you can get the AH Sizes Allen, C. S. Marean. C. F. Wertz. ' newspaper printed in Ashland. Mrs. A. Marske. agency, and with out experience or Lee Jammerthal. T. ,T. McCoy. Oregon; the date of first publica­ • * * money make $250 to $500 per John B. Hair, W. H. Worthing- i ■namiiim tion being November 24th, 1923. “Who Dos” Meet— month. Ko. 1 ton, Jennie Gilbert. Adeline Clary.; CHAUNCEY FLOREY The home of Mrs. I. A. Dow’ w’as Mary Johnson. Alice Jillson and I "2-5 Sat. County Clerk. Trinity Episcopal Church To Visit S is t e r - the scene of the last meeting of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Billings. Vicar the Rev. P. K. Hammond “Who Do” class of the M. E. S. Miss Georgianna Clift left this After a happy visit with the Holy Communion at 8 a. m. Flowers to be Made— S. hostess in her delightful home, morning for Klamath Falls to Sunday School at 9:45. Monday Paper flowers will be made At the business meeting among the guests departed with hearty spend the week-end with her s is - ! The !nrl eSL / ^ ! U/ h;! o ? ? !;1! ! afternoon at the Metho­ the many things considered was service and sermon at 11. On congratulations for this milestone ter, Miss Panline Clift, and oth­ and wall paper store in South­ Thanksgiving day, service will be dist church. Eeveryone is invited the appointment of the decorating and a hope that they be permit- er friends. ern Oregon. held at 11 a. m. Strangers and “ to come and learn to make them. committees for the chuch services. ted to offer loving good wishes visitors cordially welcomed. »■»♦♦»■»♦>»♦♦♦»»«■«»»♦♦♦♦•♦» Bring your scissors. The president of this wide on many another. Classified ads bring results. i H21G00DS , M U h o m o o + o m h h S o c ie ty PROFESSIONAL bait. Glints Mrs. Grace E. Andrews, Editor Father o f P hysical C u lt u r e H a ll’s C a ta rrh Medicine WHITMAN’S Quality Group for Quality Folks McNair Bros. Ashland Service Station P Associated i Tires: Accessories: Lap Robes: Parisian Ivory The Genuine Pyralin Both Plain and DuBarry Estate S P Dr. Oeser & Son Heatrola ELHARTS Danger Is A Quick Traveler PROVOST BROS Supreme Comfort Footstools New L a m p Burns' 94 Percent Air Billings Agency Bewitching Grace L OVERLAND Coaster Wagons : It’s Better For Furniture PEIL’S CORNER Valentines “Val spar” J. O. RIGG © Fo_o m e i? s •