PÀtîË ÏWO '• M Ü ÎflK A S H L A N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S A säl AS d a w iX 'te a m . " 'e dáiía tibnroS <«"100 ANO SYSTEM TRUE *i»uunlaj, November 24, M U D U N SÀ IV IR STR EET GRADED ' HALF H UND RED MEN of accépta&ce of the bid. AND GV ARD RAIL REMOVED SEEK TAX POSITIONS - Bidders must examine the The idea of throwing moral support behind local or- BASIS OF PERSONAL THRIFT ---------- ground in order that no tntsund*r- Published Every Evening Except Sunday by DUNSMUIR, Nov. 22.— The SALEM, Or., Nov. 23.— More ! standing may exist. ganizations and local instutitions is a good one. It will THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. guard rail along what was deris­ than 50 aplications tor positions The council reserves the right td 8. W. STRAUS, develop loyalty. Town loyalty is a requirement in Ash­ President BY American ively known as “ F ort Duns­ in the state income tax d e p a rt-' reject any and all bid», Society for Bert R. Greer ..................................................................... ....................Editor land. It is needed for the football team, for the commerci- m uir,”' the paved fill at the head m ent have been received by Earl Thrift The contract price is to be paid official city paper ................................. ....................Telephone 32 a | organizations, civic societies, industries and business CAN’T understand why I am of Cedar street on the state high­ Fisher, state tax commissioner, from special assesm ents for bene- E n tered at the A shland, O regon, P o sto ffic e as Second Class always behind in my personal way, has been taken down. The while others have informed the ' fits accruing from such sidewalk firms. Get the habit of boosting everything in and around Mull M atter financial affairs,” a man who earns lower side has been filled to a commissioner that they will re-1 to the respective properties, ' Ashland. Get behind, and push with all your might whether a h a n d so m e level with the paved part by dirt i quest recognition later. Subscription Price, D elivered in City All bids should be addressed to salary said to One M o n th .............................................................................................. $ .65 in a football game or in securing a million dollar industrv. donated to the city by Jack W yatt In most instances the applicants J the City Recorder and m arked th e w r ite r Three Months ....................................................................................... 1-95 who is excavating for a garage. : have informed the state tax com- “ Proposals to Construct Cement some time ago. Six M o n th s.............................................................................................. 3.75 The typewriter has about finished the mailed list. Rock will be put on this new I m issioner that they were suppor- Sidewalk.” One Year .................................................................................v-............ 7.50 When asked if By Mail and Rural Routes: he kept a rec­ portion as well as on Cedar street i ter of Hie income tiyrlaw and as a By order of the Coinonin Coun- One Month .............................................................................................. I G B ord of his ex­ hill which was graded by the dirt result should have preference, « ¡I ot the City of Ashland, Oregon. i ’95 j Gov. Walton began life as a barber, but isn ’t having Three Months penditures, he from the same source. G ertrude Biede, Recorder. 72-1 six M o u th s.............................................................................................. 3.50 many dull moments right now. replied that he ADVERTISEMENT FOR PRO- One Year ................................................................................................ 6.50 was too busy INKS ALS TO CONSTDl< T I ♦♦♦♦♦♦, to be bothered D E FIN IT E POLICY FOR DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: ’ First thing he knows Poincare will be talking about CEMENT SIDEWALKS AVIATION IS PROPOSED with such de­ .30 single insertion, per inch .............................................................. ' WASHINGTON, Nov. 22.— T he' ---------- tails. “Try the divine rights. Y early Contracts: experiment for adoption of a definite aviation R ecorder’s Office, Ashland, Ore. One insertion a w'eek ..................................................................... $ .2 7 ^ a month,” sug- policy for the United States Naval Nov. 24, 1923. Two insertions a week ................................................... ............... .25 A flapper’s idea of a complete knowledge of cookery writer,6 ^“a n d Reserve with the view of supply- Daily insertion ................................................................................. .20 S. W . S T R A U S NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN is three kinds of salad dressing. From your Home th a t sealed proposals will be re­ you will have the answer to your a sufficient num ber of train R ates F or L egal and M iscellaneous A d vertisin g ed naval fliers to complement the ceived by the Common Cuoncil f question.” F irst insertion, per 8 point l i n e ................................................... $ .10 Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line ................................... .05 Storage turkeys should be stamped, showing in what The plan was tried. Every penny aircraft squadrons involved in the City of Ashland, Oregon, until A\ e have five everv Card of Thanks ................................................................................. 1.00 of expense was jotted down, and at the Navy’s “ w ar plan” it is offi- 8 o’clock P. M. Tuesday, Dec. 4, decade tliev were stored. week and they are all O bituaires, per line ........................................................................ .02.% “ Î » ' ‘he “ onUl “ “ d a ily announced. T he' plan -pro- 1923, to furnish all m aterials and for you. found that he had spent about . p WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING 1100 more than he had thought VKles for the establishm ent in labor necessary to construct ce­ Maybe the name of a late fiction work, “ Bunk,” was was his custom. “ All fu tu re events, where an admission charge is made or a ! each naval district a reserve ment sidewalks on Nob Hill Street Personal bundles collection taken is Advertising. given it by a reviewer. That explained the reason why aviation unit capable of turning between High and Almond Streets, No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. Rough Dry or he was always in a quandary out 10 pilots annually. where not already under construc­ about his personal affairs. ' ___ _____________ DONATIONS Finished Family Work tion or the building thereof con- i To make winter pass swiftly, sign a 90-day note. When he was brought face to No donations to charities or otherw ise will be made in advertis­ O rlando R ose Dead— tra d e d by the respective property face with conditions he began to ing, or job printing— our contributions will be in cash. The burial of Orlando Rose, owners. The wicked not only drive in slippery places, hut skid. change his habits, and his situa­ who (lied at his home on Apple- tion improved in like proportion. A certified check for $25.00 I Send d NOVEMBER 24 There are, no doubt, many such gate Nov. 18, took place in the payable to the City of Ashland , THE INFINITE P R O T E C T O R I f I take the wings of the m orn­ persons as the one referred to Jacksonville cemetery Tuesday! must accompany all bids, which is ! ” who constantly are running behind ing, and dwell in the utterm ost parts of the sea; even there shall thy afternoon, under the auspices of to be forfeited to the City in case Yes. We always iron the flat and cannot understand why. hand lead me, and thy right shall hold me.— Psalm 139:9,10. the I. O. O. F., of which he w*as a the successful bidder shall fail to pieces. The very first step must be a member. He was born in Illinois I execute a contract and furnish an dally record of expenditures. We Articles of tim ely interester daresay that the majority of those j December 8, 1849 and spent n e a r-' approved bond for the faithful ASHLAND LAUNDRY are welcomed under this head. WELCOME THE STRANGER who begin this plan will soon be ly all his life in the Applegate perform ance of such contract 31 W aler St. Phone 165 Communciations m ust bear the Despite the fact that the Tidings is possessed of a signature P eck ’s Bari B oy W ill B e ' ““ " ^ - J a c k s o n v I H e P o s t | w hbi„ five d a y , a lte r notification At of the author. (E stablished in 1 8 7 6 ) I B anish W ashday THE FORUM M A R CASI; MUSIC Arm ory, T u e s d a y pride in being well acquainted with local conditions, an month. N ovem ber 2 7 . intensive campaign initiated for an increase in circulation Figures do not lie. You can’t How come? Mr. Speed Cop; yon spend your money and have it. If has revealed the fact that there are more new people in you want to spend constructively seem to think all th at is required “ Pecks Bad Boy” for over th ir­ Ashland this fall than during any other preeeeding year of you is to grab some one who is and save wisely you must elimi­ ty years one of the funniest plays during the past decade. The number of new families who in a bit of a hurry and happens ever w ritten will come to the nate the little wastes. Above everything else you must have come to Ashland to make their homes is all hut to run a little over 30 miles per local Armory for one night, know what you are doing. You startling. < Ivor two hundred subscribers have been added hour. cannot build yourself tip on the Tuesday, Nav 27th. shifting sands of ignorance or in­ This is the big Road show to the circulation of the Tidings during the past month and Any ° ne who drives knows th at difference. in cheeking over the names it is revealed that approxima- that is not what causes 80 many th a t has an open date, via P o rt­ It may seem like a waste of time and will be staged under and effort to keep a strict record tely seventy per cent are comparatively new in the com­ accidents.accidents. It is the hone- land, heads cutting corners, stopping the auspices of 4 84 Co. A. C. A. of every penny you spend, but it is munity. This is th e new modern version the best method of getting on the on the pavem ents and turning This condition calls to mind an important duty of w ithout giving the proper or no of the famous story, and the gro­ right track in the management of personal affairs. men and women who have resided in the city for any signals at all. But the greatest cery store with the bad boy is said your Personal thrift, like business ef­ considerable length of time: that of extending to the danger is caused by the nut by press and public to be one ficiency, is a m atter of method and stranger a hearty welcome and a sincere greeting. Wel­ traveling on the highway at night ' scrfiam from first to last act. system. It must be foundationed with out any lights at all This Tkere are more laughs in t h i s ! on complete knowledge of one’s af- come tin* si langer, dieret him to our points of interest; applies m ostly to bicycles and play than any three comedies ever 1 fair®* show him the improvements and institutions in which we , horse draw n vehicles. In coming w ritten says Mr. Miller of Wil- -------------------- _ _ _ _ _ hold a pride ami lie will experience an entirely different i up from Medford a few nights liams, Cal. A large cast of well Seat Sale On __ feeling toward the town and its people. a R° 1 passed or met fohr horse known fun m akers- will appear The reserved seat sale for I here in the big show together with ,, ------------------------------ ------ • drawn vehicles, and two bicycles THE COMMON THINGS IN EDUCATION at. be,tw, on 7 and 8 °’cl6ck- None of which had any sign of lights “ No race,” wrote Brooker T. Washington, “ enn pros- j at all, and when you have to per until it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling dim your lights to pass a machine a field as in writing a poem;” and upon this principie the y°11 can’t possibly see these rigs Tuskegee Institute was founded. until you are right on top of them. Thirty-eight years ago Brooker T. Washington bought I narrow ly missed hitting* two of these. As it happened I was an abandoned farm in Alabama for $500 and borrowed m eeting a machine and had my $150 with which to make the first payment. An old, blind lights diram e# at the time I came horse was the live stock, <, a leaky shanty and an ancient uP°n them and the only thing lienhonse the buildings. mildings. Thirty men and women com- ; that ,liat saved savo(1 a smash up was that my hold good prised the student body. Washington comprised the faeul- my brakes brake® hold s°0(1 and enabled ty. I he henhouse was the recitation room and the shanty W *° St°P qu*ck^y- This hazard j could be elim inated if those nuts the donnitory. were pinched and fined a few To-day the livestock numbers many hundreds of times for not having proper lights. Do your stuff speed cop and horses, colts, cows, calves, oxen, hogs, and pigs, as well as give us a little protection. a large number of sheep and goats. Thousands of acres Signed I WAS SCARED of laud are now under cultivation and there are 40 indus­ tries in the instutition. Last year the school reported over 3,000 students and a faculty of over 200 teachers. Gt the early policy of the school, Washington rem ark­ Would Honor All ed, “ We had to have something to eat, so we began with Mothers - In-Law tarm ing.’’ He summed up his convictions regarding edu­ cation in these words: “ My experience l i a s taught me that the surest way to success in education is to stick close to the common and fam iliar things—things that concern the greater part of the people the greater part of the tim e.” Pecks Bad Boy” , to be given j a special orchestra and musical Tuesday evening at the Armory i num bers. under the auspices of the 484thi Reserved seats on sale at Plaza Co. C. A. C. started yesterday at ! Confectionery. Children are ad­ the Plaza and will continue until , m itted for 25c. the evening of the play. A m oder­ ate sale of tickets is reported. POSTM ASTER FIN E D FO R SELLING LIQUOP. BEND, Nov. 24.— F. M. Cleaves, justice of the peace and post­ m aster a t Crescent, pleading quilty to a com plaint which he himself had signed, was fined $500 today by Justice of the Peace Gilson of Bend for selling liquor. Cleaves ad­ m itted parting with a q u a rt of whiskey, receiving five dollars for it from a state operative, but de­ clared th a t he did it merely as an accommodation, th a t it was liquor ! purchased originally for his own use and th a t in selling it he asked exactly the sam e price as th at which he him self had given. RED CROSS SEALS 1 here are numerous pleas in a general way and in each community in a particular way for worthy causes but there is none more worthy or quite so unobtrusive as the annual sale ot Christmas Red Cross seals, and returns from which arc used for the fight against tuberculosis. Inxestment in these seals requires only such a sum «is the individual requires to spend from one cent upwards.! L \en the poorest may have a real part in making up a fund that in other years has done so much in relieving suf- f 0 feieis and in lighting the physical toe of so many persons.! * 1 he penny seal speaks eloquently of the power of small things when they are gathered together and applied in the mass. The child of benevolence. Plans should he made early for the distribution of the Christmas Seals and this distribution shoul he as wide­ spread as possible. Not only will this plan increase the revenue to the organizations engaged in fighting the white Keystone View Co. plague, hut it will enable more persons to receive the bene­ W ILL ABANDON ST R EE T fit that comes from participating in raising the money and for the educational value that accompanies them It is Mrs> Clara A' Griswold who CAR LIN E AT ASTORIA imiKiitiiiit ,h » t the attention of the public he called period- “f if tT w o n ASTORIA, Nov. 21.— The P a­ ?* ' ° !* 1H1I«’Gance ot adopting methods of prevention women for the establishment of a cific Power & Light company is in the warfare on tuberculosis. national Mothers-in-Law Day, has i planning the abandonm ent of its The Ch list mas seals stand for better health which in,iorse.i . the, n'Y . f f I street car lines in this city, rath er comes from better living conditions ami proper sanitr ture' Mothers-'n-Law- wluch' proper sanita- mes^e ‘h„a" bpar » ' ’ 15»v tion. The seals should be sold by (be millions this yea. _______ _ U IU ,B 1Inu y e a r she would like to bring into every , ” “ essary '» streets — Mothers-in-Law Day 'a lo n g its rig h t of way, W. H.j m on ei that the excellent work made possible through home. The their sale may not he curtailed hut extended everv where Association was inspired by a re- Galveni, chief engineer of the —_____________________ * cent remark of Mrs. Lemira Good- company, told the city com m is-! sion. Asked by the mayor if the ^company would reconsider its de­ cision if the city agrees to bear the expense of filling and paving t»u,ln I.«- a ,« i « a « i i • 1,1 chapter in New York City and in the company’s right of way ini , . ‘ ' e' en may not he as brilliant as hope eventually to extend their or- the burned section, Mr. Galveni tnat ot some ot the other teams of the state, yet it is ? L > -, - I f ¿ A ¿i 1» A V” uBriyht Lights of Broadway" Here on the thoroughfare of smiles and sighs— flaunting, flashing, flam ing— gleaming and glaring— tu rb u len t with turm oil and tinsel trium ph —vaunting its vanity— is unfolded a melo-love-drama — an epic of a woman’s soul. 1 ’ I This remarkable factory Guaranty obtains chi C-T-C’s bought only from authorized C-T-C deal­ ers between November 15th and January 15th, and is the strongest backing any tire manufac­ turer has ever put behind his product. “ Kick O ut” Classified ads bring results. For over 25 years the funniest play ever written Mgr. Rodgers of Corning Cal. says, “ this is (he best comedy that ever played my T heatre.” INCOME TAX ROOKS B U R N ED , IT IS HINTED PORTLAND, Nov. 23.— Has Cyril G. Brownell, president and tre a su rer of the State Income Tax Referendum league, destroyed the record books which officials of the Oregon state grange have been dem anding the right to scru­ tinize? This question suddenly projected itself into the hearing before Presiding Judge Evans of I the circuit court yesterday, on Brow nell’s motion to dismiss the w rit of m andam us ordering him to show the books to the grang­ ers. “W hat would be your attitu d e if you were told th a t Mr. Brown- , ell had destroyed these books?” asked Judge Evans of A. H. T an­ ner, attorney for the grange com­ mitteemen. That would be a very danger- ous piece of business,” replied Mr. Tanner. > Bad Boy” T IR E S AND Leedom’s Tire House TUBES