t'ÁGE tfetätä ASHLAND bAlLŸ TIDINGS Friday, November 23, 1923 Classified Column ClaMUfcd Column Rates One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one m onth or more, the word each time. MI8CELLA NEOUS LOST FRIDAY AFTERNOON-— 100 pound steel anvil, somewhere in city lim its. Reward for retu rn to J. W. Mills. 195 Skidmore Ave. * 69-6* LOST— Post office inspector’s badge. Finder please turn in at post office. Possesion of this j badge by unauthorized persons is unlawful. 70-2' | Oklahoma stand approxim ately 200 derricks— alters of hope upon which are heaped countless pray­ KANSAS CITY, Nov. 22— Motor ers for riches— idle today, but WANTED ..TO ..LEASE., with privilege of purchase, two or car dealers always get the first ready to begin work again “ when tim es are b etter.” a v .c e , |check- th ree room house. Must ...uol » h .» ■ shade trees. Address Box B, c a re ' A canvass of the largest finan-! Knowing not w hether better « i-S .-c to l instil,, lion of ,1,1s city, hand-I “ * * " me“ to* resum ption of of Tidings Ilog the bulk of the transactions ,lrllllnB' wl" “ alM them m llll°"- ■ WILL TRADF— Splendid five tor the Mid-Con,ioen, oil industry ! °r m ultitude passenger touring car, run less revealed this to be the unanim ous! " " o9 t|n g npw ! well», always assum e th e result Tires. Your bound to get a new land; or will sell on very easy weal, b )B So„ th(.rn R ; will be success and m ake prepar- tire free which ever tire runs the term s to responsible party. W rite Oklahoma’ 1 ation9 for the fu tu re accordingly, farthest. A. B. care Tidings. • ft was said Come rig h t in to Wood’s get a “ In nine cases out of ten.” onel . , . . .. . , . . . . i A very large percentage of those WANTED— W ashing. 248 1st b a n k e r sa id , th e firs t chock to be nv v > - Pennsylvania V » u acuum v u u m .C .v u up p Tire m e. who become w ealthy by reason of «»»,„_ „„„ , .. , Then get any other make tire of St. 62-2mo.* drawn on the new bank account, oil are the men who owned the the same size, and put it on the after the pipe-line company makes land before oil was found. O thers FOR RENT opposite wheel, and if the Vacuum the first payment, goes to pay to r are prpm oter, of schemes to block Cup isn’t a-going and going good an expensive autom obile. I , he aercage and d r ||, , he pew FOR SALE _ ! Only one exception to the rule if any, records show have ever when the other tire is completely . FOR SALE— Apples. S , r» ninrvls» , . . 1 I — 4 1. ...... ..1. A _ i all in and out. Bring it back and J. ' was found. That was where the mOrir\ Evans, Phone 10F-13. 49-lmo.* newly wealthy was bearing a mort- made a single dollar through the get a new Vacuum Cup Tire Free purchase of stocks in “ w ildcat” But why take a chance? Buy 1 here thp companies, but millions continue FOR SALE— Seven room mod­ gag, in th, ’m m ... P. V. C. Tires of Woods and be ftrul check went pay off t h o , ,o place confIdenM „ s„ ch cop. ern house in first class condition. , — safe. No skidding, less gas, more N ear Junior High school. Most ' SPC° nd Caring f° r I daily miles per dollar. No worry. Not i « ■cenlc location in town. Cash ac the car. _ ! Such promotions now are barred high priced. The haberdasher comes in f o r , in many States by strict “ blue eeptable, or substantial payment WOOD, ASHLAND. adv. his share of the success of^the oil sky” boards, which investigate oil down, balance by the month. See NEWS LETTER LU ’S MAKE’EM MATCH Ü S -?- YOU CAN’T LOSE Daily Fashion Hint ON MONDAY EVE. HERE'S HOW! ä es: few Duroc shoats: one Jersey heifer nine m onths old; one ram Lukes place. Talent, Ore. 68-3* FOR SALE— Honey bees $4. per colony. Also Mammoth Bronze tu rk ey s and R. I. Red cockerels from prize winning stock. Prices reasonable. 695 Terrace St. Phone 69-3 ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May com m unicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the W hiteShleld Home, 565 May- fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. 10-lyr. ________________________________ Dressmaking D ressm aking 121 Bush. A rtis­ tic as well as plain things. 67-5 35 years of tin- failing service o n b ak e -d ay lias madeCALUMET TKEWORLBS g reatest B A K IN G pQW DER DRRSSMAKING— W ork g u a r-! anteed. 147 Factory St. Mrs. B. Van H ardenberg. 6 7 -lm o .1 R etain s its great le a v e n in g F o r a smooth shave, and quick service, go to the Shell Barber Shop, across from De­ pot. G rinding of all kinds. C hildren’s work a specialty. strength in every c lim a t e t o t h e very last spoonhU. A lw a y s depend- a b le a n d p u r e . W. A. SHELL, Pepo. 532 A. St. Ashland, Ore Estate »? Heatrola Old Stoves for New— scuttles and zincs Saj. PROVOST BROS If the well “ came in,” as it seldom did, stockholders were ad ­ vised to hold th eir stocks, the price of which was advanced, while additional thousands were netted by the men behind the ; scheme. Fake oil stock prom ot­ ers have th eir field so well cover­ ed persons are becoming skeptic­ al of all oil enterprises, i On the other hand, the legit- , im ate prom oter has pursued fo r­ tune or failure evenly, drilling the twenty-five feet daily and always praying for the well to “ come in.’’ Sometimes they have gone broke; in many instances adver­ sities clouded th eir future, but others made fortunes. They are the ones whose checks were de­ posited w’ith the autom obile deal­ er. wtvtfcW/ AN E M P IR E EDINBURGH, Nov. 2 2 — Re­ tu rn s today from 10 Scottish boroughs which had conducted local option elections Tuesday, showed all voted “ w et” . Two of them had previously voted “ d ry ” by revised the earlier stand on prohibition. Classified ads bring results. pd by many as unwise, bankers who mildly critisised the ju d g ­ W hile such action may be class- ment of the newly rich for early expenditures on motor cars adm it­ ted th at these fo rtu n ate persons rarely invest money in securities foolishly or carelessly. “ We have a great many custom ­ ers who have made the wisest in­ vestm ents with money so sudden­ ly brought them by the Goddess of F o rtu n e.” a financier declared. For Apples! Fine Pasteries and Cakes for . Thanksgiving Order Now « I OVERLAND Coaster Wagons! ¡With disc rubber tired ¡wheels, and a fine finished! ly, sturdily made. F* Phone 59 Libby ’s Plum Pudding Libby’s Mince Meat Purkee and Premier Salad Pressing Gold Medal Flour Plum m er’s Exclusive Roasted Bulk Coffees 33e and 3Kc Tillamook Cheese Always In Stock Royal Club Catsup P L U M M E R ’S 53 E. Main Phone 59 Ducks Beef Roasts Veal Roasts Lamb Roasts New Cluster Raisins, Figs, Pates, Basins, Citron, Lemon and Orange Peal now in. Remember Our Saturday Specials—Still Greater Success Each Saturday. P LA ZA M A R K E T If. A Stearns 61 N. Main St. is our aim, in making our line of bakery goods. Don’t forget you are invited to G r o c e r ie s inspect our shop and work at any time. Hot rolls and our delicious August Schuerman cream and lemon pies before noon every day. 201 E. Main Phone 155 Franklin Bakery We Deliver 20,htentnryGrocery 28 Stores -Oth Century thinks the big thought the next few days will he Thanks­ giving Punier. To the housewife it means something more than preparing a meal—“ What to serve and where to buy it.” For quality of tood and economy of buying, it is natural to turn to the 20th Century stores. Because ol their tremendous buying power, they are able to greatly reduce prices. Prices quoted in this ad are good Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 24th, 26th, 27th, and 28th. ( urrants, Twice cleaned Garge Package . “V Wesson Oil Pints 28c RCc Quarts .......... WWC Pop Corn Year Old, 21bs, 15c, 4 lbs. Cocoa, In Bulk Pure 9C 4 Pounds ___ Cranberries Very fine Stock,Ih 17’/2 c Cheese—full cream, not c ’ to str°ng Pound CRISCO, 1 lb. 27c; 1 * lbs. 38c; 3 lbs. 75c; 6 lbs. $1.43; 9 lbs. $2.13. Campbell’s Soup New Pack, any *| Q Kind, C an. q Mince Meat Best Quality P o u n d ............ C vC Leman or Orange Peel Flag Brand Pound............... w w C N uts 30c Tuna Fish, Light Meat Medium Cans OC a E a c h .............. fcOC Citron Peel P ou n d ......... 60c special attention as to quality is always given to this Geese _ Petite Prunes, the best that ever grew, 3 lbs. for 25c. A nd F a n c y line— A p p le s ! Delicious for $1.25, $1,50 and $1.75 Biit How GOOD Thanksgiving Turkeys Spitzcnburg, Baldwins and Newtowns for $1.10 per box or 5 boxes for $5.00 ASHLAND FURNITURE COMPANY 04 N. Main Not How Cheap 28 Stores Chickens Velour, tapestry and Mohair covered Foot­ stools L in e o f S t a p l e K IM O N O For Thanksgiving O v ® r R iq m t L ook O ver O ur SCOTTISH BOROUGHS VOTE TO STAY WET Footstools iPEIL’S CORNER ViCTO XlAV ROSEBURG TURKEYS SELL . Fashion goes to the Orient for this LIMIT IN COOS COUNTY simple kimono of crepe satin. It may however, be duplicated in many other ROSEBURG, Nov. 22.— The materials. The closing is at the center front, the V-shaped neck being Thanksgiving turkey m arket was finished with a two-piece collar. At­ opened Monday at a price of 30 tached to the lower edge of the waist cents. A special lot of birds were is a three-piece skirt trimmed with pockets of fanciful shape. Picoting brought in to fill a p articu lar or­ or hemstitching, embroidery or con­ der and the grower received 30 trasting material may be added as cents a pound, with the raise decorative tones, if desired. Pictorial Review Kimono No. 1544 clause, which will entitle him to Sizes, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52 inches additional money in the event the bust. P rice, 30 cents. m arket goes above the price paid J The bulk of the birds will come RECRUITING STATION IS in Thursday, as th a t is the day CLOSED TEMPORARILY th a t most of the buyers have ad ­ vertised th a t they will receive the? MEDFORD, Nov. 22.— The re­ fowls. cruiting station here will be clos­ The turkeys seen so far this! ed from November 25 to 30, in­ year are in excellent condition and , clusive. Sergeant Owen will leave will bring top prices. The second-j Medford for Roseburg November grade birds in today’s sales went 25 for a period of six days, and for 25 cents. will then retu rn and re-open the local station. L ithia B akery a C o m e in a n d n Mrs. Lane at Tidings after three well, too, it was learned. Usual- stocks, royalties and such other o’clock. 62-12 ,y his is th e apcond check. Travel-! schemes using oil as a cloak to ers checks are then obtained, and separate the credulous from th eir FOR SALE— Four room cot­ the newly wealthy, in the expen- | money. These laws were passed tage, closets and garage— nice lo- Rive automobile, clothed in “ up- j only after m illions were filched cation. Lot 50 by 125. Cash ac-i to-the-m inute” styles, start out to from the unsuspecting. eeptable, or paym ent down and see the world. Before the Inauguration of balance by the month. See Mrs. | _______ these laws it was possible for the Lane a t Tidings after 3 o'clock In the oil fields of Kansas and , unscrupulous to promote all sorts of questionable enterprises in the FOR SALE— Seven room house oil game. Lurid advertisem ents w ith bath. Close in, 2 blocks from , depicting gushers belching forth Post office. Cheap for quick sale. countless barrels of the black fluid Inquire at 9 Granite St. 67tf measured only in dollars never FOR SALE— Good milch cow failed to gain the attention, if and heifer calf. 455 Mountain not the confidence, of persons who Ave. 70-3 had “ a little stored away for a W l rainy day.” FOR SALE— Reasonable pric­ w hirlw inds of wholesome laugh-, of the B riton's idea of what he ter, at the vagaries of the British-!I thinks Americans are like and ers, we see the always good-na­ our erroneous notion of what we tured satirical hum or turned upon have pictured the English, th at 1 the other fellow, and get the provokes - the endless chain of ■ English view point as re g a rd s' laughs. Besides th«* Coburn's— their American cousins, only to the cast includes: Lumsden Hare, find th at under the surface, there M arjorie Campbell, B e rth a j are the same sterling qualities Creighton, Chester Morris. Iseth “ So Tis ig London” , George M. Cohan’s great internatioijal 1 th a t prove the English speaking Munro, Frank Merlin. Pacie Rip­ comedy production, the most suc­ race, on both sides of the broad ple and other talented players. cessful hum orous play in many ' A tlantic, virtually very much a- years, comes to the Page theatre like. It is the continual contrast Classified ads bring results. I Monday night, Nov. 26th. Mr. Cohan will present this laughing hit of two continents with a superb cast headed by Mr. and Mrs. Coburn, and the same company of clever Cohan come­ dians who scored a phenomenal success in the piece last season notably during the record break­ ing run of over four solid months at the Cohan s Grand in Chicago. In this captivating comedy of in­ ternational appeal, we see our­ selves as others see us and, amid Tomorrow Is Saturdaij EAGLE M ARK ET 82 N. Main Phone 107 .............. ........................ ♦♦♦.......... Filberts-j-V erv W alnuts—fancy budded Fran- quettes Cracking almost per­ fect, 100 good ones in 100, lb. 40c, lOlbs $3.90. Pe Pound r l>est qualitv, Pile ........................ CUV Almonds—S o f t Shell, N e w Stock—best grade OC a Pound ........................ fcwC California Number Ones Brazils—'New washed, mediuin Per 4 0 V 2, size, a f Pound .................. wC» Pound ........................ CwC 20th Century Coffee—“ In Every W ay” You know the rest and the price,' pound 35c; 3 pounds $1.00. Tea—if you like Tea and want the best, Royal Garden is it. One half pound i3c—either green or black. Layer Figs, Fancy New Stock, Pound 20c 10 Pound 75 B o x .......... $1 Pastrv Flour N°. 10 4 3 c Sack “ Maraschino” Cherries Small bottle, 15c, 7 oz. bottk 30c Fancy Patent Flour No. 10 S a c k ..................I Bulk Dates llallowoi Brand Pound ............ 15c Swansdown Cake Flour Package E a e h ............................. 37c Raisins— Sumnaid Seeded or Seedless large packages 2 for 25e. Bulk Seedless pound 12c, 3 pounds 35c AshlaBd Medford Grants Pass