PAGE TWO ASHLAS't) DAILY TIDINGS t ’rld aj, -Koveniber 2 3 , 1 0 2 # im fr iitw A SHLAND D A IL Y T ID IN G S « simple task, yet it would afford tin? city required in- income tax law has * three times during the night. RESULTS ARE UPSET (E stablished in 1876) formation, not only as to the character of construction, lead of sic votes E ither consult a good, reliable in NORTH. DAKOTA but as to the amount of money being expended in that physician at once or get from your . P ublished E very E v en in g E x cep d su n d a v bv Nov. 23.— The state line. Visitors are frequently inquiring as to the amount s SALEM’ pharm acist about four ounces of! 1 T r e r, .. THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO income tax law which was passed Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in FALLS, S IL Nov. 22— Bert R. G r e e r ................. .................................... .................................... ot buiIdmS Permits issued tor the year and for preeeed- by the legislature e at its last ses-i a glass of w ater before breakfast ! ” J ° hn9OD and HeDry Ford - —- ------------------ --------------------------- — ,nK years. The information is not available, and when sions was approv approved by the v o te rs1 Savs Backache O f te n Mean«? for a few days and vour kidneys WlH the candidatPS of the two OFFICIAL CITY PA PER .................................................... ^Telephone 3S oays naCKacne Ulten Means mav thon A _ a n e j s , m ajor parties for president in of the state at the recent special you advise the stranger that such information is not avail­ E ntered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffiee as Second Class may then act find. This famous able he looks at you with an expression that is anything election by a m ajority of 516 You Have Not Been Drink­ I salts is made from the acid of North Dakota has Its way, accord­ Mail M atter votes, according to official re­ ing Enough Water. hut complimentary. | grapes and lemon juice, combined ing to incomplete returns from Subscription P rice, D elivered in City- tu rn s as checked by the secretary On* Month .................................................. ........................................... $ .65 ' with lithia, and has been used for the state proposal m eetings held Severe restrictions are not necessary . iic v c so u i v n and u u the m e u or r - of state. Tuesday, upsetting the earlier and Three Months .................................................. ..................................... 3A5 dbiai^ce ean provide for a nominal fee for the issuance ofj There were 58,647 votes east When you wake up with back­ ! years to help clean and stim u la te ' much heralded reports th at Mc­ Six M onths........................................................................ ache and dull misery in the kid­ sluggish kidneys, also to neutral-! One Year ................................................................................................ 7.50 permits. In fact the cost of securing permits ought not in favor of the tax, while the neg- ney region it may mean you have ! ^ze acids in the system, so they no Adoo and Coolidge had won. By Mail and Rural R outes: ative votes numbered 58,131. been eating foods which create j ,onSer irritate, thus often reliev -i-------------- — ----------------- ----------- - to be more than a few cents. One Month ................................................................... ........................... $ .65 Jackson county, which was the Three Months ........................................................................................ 1.95 acids, says a well-known author- inS bladder weakness. i Drink r, • , lots . . of soft w ater. By all ' last voting unit in the state to Six M o n th s.............................................................................................. 3.50 (rov. \\ alton opened with a barbereue and may close report to the secretary of state, ity. An excess of such acids over­ Jad Salts is inexpensive, can ; means have your physician ex- One Year 6.50 with a erow. works the kidneys in their effort not injure and make a delightful, j am ine your kidneys at least twice carried the ta r by 32 votes. There \ to lt trom (he b|ood KIDNEYS ACT BAD TAKE SALTS q zs t v w at j iw i DISPLAY ADVERTISING KATES: single insertion, per inch .. and effervescent were 1559 votes cast for the tax they become sort of paralyzed and Venus is said to be drawing close to Jupiter, Well, in Jackson county and 1527 ! .cloggy. When your kidneys get Y early C ontracts: One Insertion a week . against. th a t’s their affair. sluggish and clog you m ust re­ Two Insertions a week lieve them, like you relieve your Dally insertion ............ Christmas is Says Pil?s Heal UP and bowels, removing all the body's When it comes to Dad and bis dough, R ates F or L egal and M iscellaneous A d vertisin g urinous waste, else you have Dissappear Forever a real separatist. F irst insertion, per 8 point l i n e ........................................... $ backache, sick headache, dizzy Each subsequent insertion, S point line ..................... Seldom Fails To (Jive Absolute spells; your stomach sours, ton- Card of Thanks ........................................................... j .00 Relief from All Pain and Suf- gue is coated and when the O bltuaires, per line ............................. Flying Trip is Made .02% fering. G uaranteed by East Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carlson re-! w eather is bad you have rheum a­ WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING Side Pharm acy and All Good tic twinges. The urine is cloudy, turned yesterday from a flying Druggists. ‘ All future events, where an admission charge is made or a 08814683 collection taken is Advertising. full of sedim ent, channels often trip to the northern part of the No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. get sore, w ater scalds and you state th at included C ascade1 Many sufferers- from Piles or Locks. Mr. Carlson Is employed H em orrhoids have become des- are obliged to seek relief two or DONATIONS in the back room of the Ford g a r - ! pondent because they have been No donations to charities or otherw ise will be made in ad v ertis­ ing, or Job printing— our contributions -will be in cash. led to believe that th eir case was ! hopeless and that there was noth­ NOVEMBER 23 Classified Ads Bring Results ing in the world to help them. H uge P olicy W ill A ggregate Not 1 PHYSICIANS CHOOSE Y E :— Abhor th a t which is evil; cleave to th at which To these people we say, “ Go to L ess Than Q uarter of your druggist and get an original DR. MATTIE B. SHAW — Resi­ is good.— Romans 12:9. M illion. box of MOAVA SUPPOSITOR­ dence and office. 108 Pioneer IE S.” One of these inserted into avenue. Telephone 28. Office PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATIONS san francisco , Nov. 21— the rectum according to direc-l hours. 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 tions will be found to give im -: p. m. only. In the recent past the interest of parents in the schools Juan Martinez, Mexican of m ediate relief. They reach the was not a very close or vital one; it was lar^elv an acad- humbIe parentage, today received source of the trouble and by their DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ soothing healing antiseptice ac- i tice limited to eye, ear, nose and j th ro a t— X-ray including teeth, j tion first allay the pain and sore­ Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to ness and then by direct contact 5. Swedenburg Bldg.. A shland,; peculiarly American in its origin and conception. The im- Pacific company and he is to j with the ulcers and piles cause Ore. I them to heal up and disappear portanee of this progressive movement is manifest to all sbare with a11 his fellow workm enj I forever. who are really interested in the public schools and their whether laborers’ clerks- traffici DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic I t’s simply wonderful how problems experts or departm ent executives,! and Electro-Therapy. Office ,, ' . , . . . 1 in the record group insurance pob j I speedily they act. Blessed relief phone 48; residence 142. F irst 1 arents and teachers are now organized in every State icy taken out by the big ra ilro a d .! ! often comes in two days. Even in N ational Bank building. in the I nion, in Alaska, Hawaii, and the Philippines, like-1 it may be stated quite frankly j I cases th at have steadily resisted all known treatm ents, marvelous DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings wise in Cuba, Mexico, Canada, Bahama Islands, China, tbat J,,an was puzzled and, ini results have been obtained. MO­ office. Phone 91. India and South America. The two most important factors fact almost frightened, when f ir s t1 AVA is one of the wonderful dis­ in the guidance of children are working together in each I IKnformed, ¡hat ,beeaU8e he had i coveries of recent years and any DR. E R N E ST W. SMITH— Chiro­ country named to insnre the right kind of men and women ! » 7 j practor, near Postoffice. Hours sufferer from Piles or H em orr­ • 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. toi lu tllie citizenship. | become beneficiary to $500 policy hoids who is disappointed with its in 4b States in the I nited States there are branches v-ithout cost to him and th at, use can have (heir money refund- PLUMBING ed. of the National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher partial cost, this could be increas- No. JER RY O’NEAL— Plumbing. 207 Associations. At tile twenty-seventh annual convention t0 *1509' E ast Main. Phone 138. of tins organization held in Louisville, Kv„ it was reported , ThHMI&UGKt , This and hundreds of other 1 letters have been received from grateful patients. They are on file in my offices and will be sent any­ one who wants proof o f my non- surgical, painless m ethods of cur­ ing Piles. I guarantee to cure you or refund your money. Write today for FREE BOOK. DEAN, M.D ______ N PORTUND.ORECOH T H IS i SIMPSON HARDWARE Mrs. J. R. Robertson, certified N o cure”—Kht helps to re­ duce paroxysms of coughing. , piano teacher. Credit given in High School. Phone 341-J 53t f avenue tlllU a character comedian with Kold ; vhicli information is available as to the amount expended and Dili. annually in building operations. o tis Oliver from the Oliver The adoption of an ordinance providing for the issu­ Morosco stage success “ Please Get ance of building permits, and requiring that they he obtain Married” is another wel1 known ed before proceeding with construction of new buildings i player. We have several distinctive patterns of Stainless Steel Carving sets from which to select. Why not get yours this week. PAPER W HEN W R IT IN C Tliis is tfie same big cast tliat played Oakland, San Francisco and Los Angeles. All star cast with Arthur Van Slyke featured comedian with Kolb and Dill Mgr. Rodgers of Corning Cal savs my T heatre.” ' 7 ’ Prices: 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 plus tax Special Orchestra “ this is the best comedy th a t ever played Seats on sale at Plaza Confectionery