Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, November 22, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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    ÏA të töUM
ï i ednesâay, November à i, llrfiÖ
To Livè in Ashland-—
: A D aily C hronicle o f th ose w ho com e and go, anil ev en ts of
local Interest.
J. L. McNabb, originally from
Idaho, but who has boén living
In Gold Hill this fall, plans to
move to Ashland soon to locate.
Small farm ing plots interest the
form er E asterner.
Leaves YOU Forever
f t di sflátj Àovèuiber
time hatlon In the world, while
England, despite the fact that her
i Constructioti Ih the world is $41.
Construction of ships propelled
A lthough England leads the
ship construction is less a t pres- by Internal combustion engines world in total tonnage now Bulld-
D iesel E n gin es Popular
at any tlme in thp iast also 18 On the increase, the fig- ing there has been a sharp fall-
the e ¡urea
| ures showing
years, is w
aning m
snowing th at the tonnage ing off in shipbuilding activities
shipbuilding activities, o f vessels of this type now being in the United Kingdom during re-
♦ »♦
♦ ♦ ♦ -» ♦ ♦ «
“ 1
To" “^
S isk iyou Chapter No. 21 , HCre for th e W inter
.Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McDonough
1 have lna-de a special study of
rheum atic sufferer th at if a full throughout the world is 2,377,697 per cent of the steam tonnage un- England and Ireland during the
R. A. M.
der construction.
three months ending September
Following is the second install pint bottle of A llenrhu, the sure
living at 830 Iowa street, have re- autom obile insurance; get my
tons. This figure, however, in-
amounted to only 239,373 dur-
21-tf m ent of instructions
cently returned from a trip to rates first. Yeo, of course.
M asonic H all, A shland
., „ . on how , to , conquerer of rheum atism . does eludes 325,000 tons on which tween 10,000 and 20,000 tons are ing the second q u arter of the
prepare and mail Christm as pack- not show the way to stop the
G rants Pass, where they visited
work has been suspended, so that
N otice o f M eeting
their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Mc­ In terested in A shland—
agony, reduce swollen joints and construction work is actually pro- being built in the world, and 10 year. Work was started on only
Special convocation, Thursday
Frank Stullenburger, Mr. Gos­ When to Mail Christm as Parcels do away with even the alighfest j ceedin g on only 2,052,697 tons vessels, with a tonnage exceed- 29 vessels, while during
Donough own property in K lam ­
evening, Nov. 22. Royal Arch
ing 20,000. The total num ber of quarter ending June 30 construc-
Christm as gifts addressed to twinge of rheum atic pain, he will
ath Falls and spend their sum ­ nell and Mr. Gray are guests at
Thls is less by 1,393,697 tons ships, exlucing vessels not ac- tion work on 77 vessels was in-
degree. All Companions invited
mers there, but are in Ashland the Lloyd Cole home on North points w ithin one day’s travel gladly retu rn your money with- than the pre war record of 3,446,-
Come early. Supper at 6:30.
tually started and all those of augurated. In the March Quarter
Main street. The party is from the should be mailed not later than out comment.
for the winter.
less than 100 tons, now under ,431 ships were begun.
northern part of the state and a r e ; December 21; w ithin two days’ : A llenrhu has been tried and
In Great B ritain a total ton­
AV. H . DAY, Secretary
Maple squares— 30c. Bon Ton. old friends of the Cole family, travel, not later than December tested for years, and reallv m ar-
nage of 1.029,000 is actually un
They are interested in the shalel lS : within tl,w days’ travel, not | velous results have been accent-1
O il
fin d
W ijto n in < r
o o o lA n m n n ic
b iio n in o n B a p a m h iir I
n n r n n f o i n ltn k n r l In
k -
w atching n developments
later than December 16; - i fo
r more j plished in i the
most ________
severe cases I ' B ritain i> buildin a roxi J
kMalta Commanders’ No. 4 W orking on th e H ighw ay—
Pr x nia e J
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hoxie, new with keenness. It is hoped th e y 'd is ta n t points, not later th a n ' where the suffering and agony' 1,271,195 tons of ships,
K nights Tem plar
but con­
December 14. Parcels for local was intense and piteous and
residents of Ashland are living at wil1 decide
remain here.
tons 1
Masonic Hall
delivery should be mailed not later ¡w here the patient was helpless.
770 Iowa street. Mr. Hoxie is a
Special Communication, Friday truck driver, and is w orking be-
We deliver the goods. Service than December 22.
Mr. Jam es H. Allen, the discov­
A m erica Low est
evening. Nov. 23. second degree. twpf.u Ashland and Medford this is our m otto. Detricks— phone
PARCELS MAY BE INDORSED erer of Allenrhu, who for many
The startling contrast between
Visiting brethren cordially wel w eek.
53tf “ PLEASE DO NOT OPEN UNTIL years suffered the torm ents of
in England and in
accute rheum atism desires all
is emphasized
K. P. NIMS. W. M.
Fresh Homemade Candies
sufferers to know th a t he does
W . II. DAY, S e c re ta ry . Rose Bros..
Mrs. Susie Beaver, widow of
Christm as stam ps or stickers of not w ant a cent of anyone’s by the revelation th at America’s
the late W ilbur Beaver, brother any character m ust not he placed money unless A llenrhu decisively total tonnage of vessels under
If you shoot a gun you can win B u siness V isitor—
of John and A. M. Beaver, is visit-¡on the address side of mail m atter, conquers this worst of all dis­ construction is only 99,383. E ng­
som ething at our Shoot Sunday,
instructed land, it will be seen, is building
AV. S. Kee, of Medford, was a ing relatives. Mrs. Beaver is a Posters or stickers resembling eases, and he
Nov. 2 f> all day and Thanksgiving business visitor in town yester- bearty adm irer of Salem and is postage stam ps are not permiss- druggists to guarantee it as 1,171,812 tons more ships than
70-Thurs. S a t. day j^ir. j^pe lias re t urne(i lately convinced th a t there are few cit-jib le on mail m atter. In using above in every instance. East the United States. Great Britain
from a business trip in W ashing- ies
Uke calibre, tho she likes j Christinas stickers they should be Side Pharm acy can supply you. a g a m atter of fact, is shown by
H ere from P ortland
(ton and the northern p art of Ore- Ashland and has enjoyed being so placed asm ot to seal the parcel,
No. 1 the report to be building more
i than half the total tonnage of
Miss tia r a Costley was a guest gon. Mr. Kee is a relative of Dr. here.
M atter N ot M ailable at Parcel-*
ships now’ under construction
yesterday of friends in Ashland. Buchanan anfl family. 'w h o are
P o st R ates
throughout the world.
Miss Costley is home from Port- n ving in Eugene and were visited
It costs nothing to get my in- > W ritten m atter in the n atu re of
Next to England, Germany is
land for a vacation with her par- j)y Mr. Kee.
surance rates. Yeo, of course. 21-t personal correspondence can not
active in the m atter of ship
ents in Talent»and is taking ad -|
_______ _
! be inclosed in parcels.
construction. In Germany and
vantage of her visit to reacquaint
T ry o u r fre sh k ip p ere d salm on " ° ° d C au ses R ack A che—
Miscellaneous printed m atter
Danzig 345,985 tons are being
herself witli school friends.
“ D etricks.”
Wood, and the process of un- weighing NOT MORE THAN 4
built. Italy is next, with 145,423
j loading it, has caused G. O. Ogg POUNDS can not be mailed as
tons, and then follows France,
We use artificial light in all Roseburg Resident Visits—
serious com plaint with his hack, parcel post. Such m atter weigh-
( Regular Price $1.75)
ith 142,660 tons; Holland, with
p o rtrait w ork— If more conven­
Mr. W. G. Davis of Roseburg Mr- Ogg complains th a t two car- ing OVER 4 POUNDS may bu
104,491 tons, and the United
ient make appointm ent for a sit­ is a business visitor this week, loads of wood contain many pulls mailed as parcel post.
ting In the evening. Darling!
States, with its total of less than
and hauls and a lot of pitch. Be-; Communications attached to
100,000 tons.
Swifts— Bacon. Boiled
Ham. log lately engaged in the wood
parcels: A le tte r placed in an
The im portance of oil as a
Chipped beef and lard. Get it at business, new experiences are envelope, addressed to correspond
Oil th e R ounds—
Detricks. I t’s the best.
53-tf found in the burning industry, i with the address on the parcel, world has reached the lowest total w ater-borne commodity is em ­
R. R. Brown and wife of Eu
—— —
and fully prepaid at the first-class figure recorded since 1913, ac­ phasized by the figures in Lloyd’s
gene are among out-of-town Reaver R eports Sale—
Have your clptlies cleaned at rate, may be tied or otherwise cording to retu rn s compiled by report showing th a t 2S ships, with
Lloyd’s register J o r th e -q u a rte r an aggregate tonnage of 178,590, |
guests. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Calla-
The H. J. Boyd place on Alida Paulsernd’s. Phone 119.
! securely attached to the outside
Septemlier 30. The United are being built throughout the
way and Mr. and Mrs. R. F. H e rie , stre et was sold recently to Wil-
At Enders Big Store
I of the parcel in such m atter as
the report reveals, is world to transport oil in bulk,
of Billings, Montana were guests liam R einhart. A. M. Beaver of Fine Sale is Made—
to prevent separation therefrom
building the smallest am ount of Fourteen of these “ tan k ers” are
yesterday at the Hotel Ashland, the Beaver Company put th ru the
F. W. Copenhaver has purchas
and not obscure the address on
tonnage of any m ari- j being built in Great Britain.
Wm. Clarke from Tacoma Is a deal.
| ed the G. B. Woodson 12 acre
business visitor. Mr. and Mrs. C.
chicken ranch at the head of
Special-D elivery Service
E. Barclay are guests at the Hotel
Your p o rtrait— a gift
th a t . , Straw berry Lane and Mr. Copen-; . Special-delivery service is ob-
Columbia from Philom ath. Mrs. money cannot buy. D a rlin g S tu d io I haver has taken ,,oa»es«ion. The ta|ned „ a f„ xlnt. ,
Ada McKee is among out-of-town -—P o rtraits th at please.
G2-tf sale was made through E .E.
I al-delivery stam p or 10 cents'
guests from Montague.
Phipp’s agency .
¡w orth of ordinary stam ps in ad-1 HH
P a s s e s T h ru A sh la n d —
to the reg u lar postage. =
McNair Bros, pay the cost of a
H. . O. . Cox,
Miss Ger-
----- cousin
-------- of ------------
The Sei*ret is out— Dec. 3rd is;
When ordinary stam ps are used.
trial by refunding your money if trude Cox, form er resident of Ash- the Lithian M instrels.
68-tf ' the words “ SPECIAL DELIV-
Hyoraei fails to relieve th at land but new of K lam ath Falls,
i ERAT” m ust he w ritten or printed
cough or cold you have.
has been in Ashland a short time. Convention Announced__
t ! n i J han
.fo u rteen
world in
Every druggist in this county
«• a u t h o r e d
to e , « y „
Oyster Shell
For One Week Only We Will
Sell Eastern Oyster Shell
.45 PER 100 LB. RAG
Hardy Bros.
The Morning Honrs
d>*rectlv below . BU T
The Morning Hours
Mr. Cox came to Ashland to visit
The 17th Annual Rebekah Con
THE STAMPS. Special delivery
Im provem ents Being Made—
his cousin, hut finding that she vention of D istrict No. 12 will be
AV. H. Lind, whose home is at is living in Klam ath Falls did held at I. O. O. F. Hall in Grants! is for speed and not for safety.
V aluable mail should be reg ister­
507 Palm Avenue is m aking ini- not rem ain long.
Pass November 24. All Rebekahs
ed or insured.
provements"bn his home. Mr. Lind
are urged to come and help make
sure or R eg ister V aluable Mail
has been in Ashland a short time, | Shoot
for Turkeys,
Sugar the day one to he well remember-
having come here in July from ¡Hams, Bacon, Flour, Coffee, in ed. Mary Hull, secretary of con-1 All valuable domestic parcel-
j post mail should bft insured.
Central Ohio.
fact your Thanksgiving Dinner— vention.
Fees; Value not exceeding $5.
Sunday, Nov. 25 and Thanksgiv-
cents; not exceeding $25, 5
Business V isitor—
ing morning.
70-Thurs., Sat. .A re you Jiard to fit? Have your
not exceeding $50, 10
AV. R. Davis left Monday on No.
suit tailored to m easure at Paul-
cents; not exceeding $100, 25
15 for Oakland on a business trip. W eath er R eport—
serud’s. It costs no more.
He will return soon.
tem perature
fo r
Coin, currency, jewelry, and;
AVednesday was 53, minimum, 34 ¡Coupe Gladdens—
and set maximum 48. C haracter
M. L. Job, of Phoenix, is the arti(des
flm Har value should he
The A ristocrat of Fall Bloom- of the day is recorded as cloudy owner of a 1924 Ford coupe p u i* li!PTlt aS
ing Flowers are now blooming ¡and wind blew from the north- chased lately from the Ford Gar-
in great profusion.
[west. No precipitation for the day age here.
Collect, on D elivery Service
Parcel-post m atter may he s e n t;
Our Potted plants w’ere never is registered.
B etter.
______ _
-—■ Big dance Friday
n igh t at C. O. D. from one money-order;
post office to another.
Now is the time to plant Roses
Oh Boy! Dec. 3rd is the Lith- Ashland Armory.
Fees (in addition to regular
We have ju st added a great many ian M instrels.
sta g e ): Value not exceeding
of the choicest varieties to our
B ig dance F riday n ig h t at
$50, 10 cents; not exceeding $100,
R eturns from San F r a n c is c o -
A shland A rm o ry .
25 cents, to be prepaid with
Bill McMillan has returned
Foot Oak and Helman St., Phone from San Francisco. He will prob­ M ove for th e W inter—
stam ps affixed. The C. O. D. fee
69-4 ably retu rn to his work inDuns-
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Carlson also covers insurance against loss
have taken the F. G. McWilliams! ° r damage UP to
f°r a
inuir soon.
Say Merry Christm as with your
home on Church street for the
photograph and let us make it for
Fresh fru it Ci^ke and mince w inter. Mr. Carlson is foreman of
P arcels fo r Foreign Countries
you now. Darling Studio.
6 2 -tfim é b t ingredients— brown sugar, the shop at the Ford Garage.
Parcels of m ailable m erchan­
citron, spices, orange peel, lemon
To Yreka—
peel, w alnuts and so forth. De-
Rig dance Friday n igh t at dise may be sent (subject to cer­
tain lim itations and conditions)
K enneth McWilliams and A”. D. tricks. AVe deliver.
59-tf A shland Armory.
Miller spent the day in H ilt
by international parcel post to all
as business visitors.
foreign countries except Arabia,
Track is Torn I ’f
Spanish Guiana, and Tristan Da
A short strip of track was torn
Large loaf- -quality bread 10c.1 up a t the Oak street crossing re-
w eighing
Bon Ton.
pounds 6 ounces or lesg may be |
34-tf cently and a crew of men were
sent to Cuba subject to the do­
¡busy working yesterday restoring
G uests in A rcka—
¡rails to their n atu ral order. The
mestic parcel-post rates and con­
ditions. Foreign parcel-post pack­
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Spencer, ac-j w recker was used to set oil cars I
ages should be mailed at the main N
eompanied by Ed Spencer, spent rig h t side up th a t had been up-
office or large classified stations.
Tuesday with relatives in Yreka.! set when the track spread.
Owing to the long sea travel in­
They motored to the California
No train s were delayed Tues- Wood Calls ’Em with P. V.
volved in most instances and cus-
city and returned the same day. day evening when the accident
C. Tires On Tire E n ­
tom s inspection abroad, foreign
durance Offer.
Our hand dipped Im perial
parcels should be m ost carefully
Chocolates represent the best—
Tillamook cheese, cream cheese,
AA’ood calls ’em with Pennsyl- packed and mailed in November.
Rose Bros.
Inform ation
69-tf cottage cheese, mMk and b u tter vania A’acuum Cup Tires. You are
er inform ation on any
* AVe si*ll the best. D etricks.
53tf hound to get a new tire free for
N ew Comers from H erm iston—
which ever tire runs the farthest. of the above subjects or concern­
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Prior of Facilities A ttract—
Come right In to AVood’s and ing any other postal m atter, in­
H erm iston. Oregon are new com- • Education in A shland’s sch o o ls'g et a Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup quire at the proper window; stamp
ers to Ashland living nt 399 Mt. has attracted Mr. and Mrs. C. II. tire. Then get any other make parcel post, money order, registry
Ave. Mr. Prior is working for the Taylor with their daughter to tire om same size and,.put it on etc., or see th e postm aster or one
Southern Pacific.
Ashland. Miss Taylor is attend- the opposite wheel; and, if the of his assistants.
ing high school and Mr. Taylor is Aracuum Cup ain ’t a going and
direction of the Postm aster
Cliff Payne makes pulleys.
interested in ihe Skyline Mine, going good when th e other tire B eneral.
I hey are from Ridgfield, W ash- is completely alk in and out, bring
AA’atch our windows for Novem-j lngton and will probably be in it back and get a new A’acuum F irst A ssistant Postm aster Gen.
her specials. D arliug Studio. 62-tf Ashland perm ancnily, as they are Cup Tire FR EE
'pleased with the surroundings.
But, why take a chance? Buy M isstatem ent Made—
Old Oregon A pp»*ars—
------- :—.
p. v c Tires of Wood and be
w ritu P of the Chamber ! H i
Old Oregon, the alum ni maga-
Our famous Tamales are al- safe. No skidding, less gas. more of Commerce dinner appearing in ' s
zine printed at the University of ways good.. Try one— Rose Bros, miles per dollar. No worry. Not 'W ednesday’s Tidings the s ta te - '
Oregon and containing much of
69-tf higher priced. AVood, Ashland.
m ent was made th a t the High •
the news of alum ni, has reached
Adv. ¡ School orchestra was headed by '
Oregon graduates here and its Modern E levator Going 1
— n , j Mrs. Henry. The statem ent was
perusal Is the cause of more in-
A modern two-story elevator
¡erroneous, is as much as M iss!
te re st. A breath of Oregon is r a -;is being constructed this week at ----------------------------------------------- j M arsters is director of the orch es-,
diated to those who will not be the Plaza M arket by H. A.
I.OS1—-Post office inspector’s ; tra and heads the departm ent of '
able to attend Homecoming fes- Stearns. C. AVeisenburger is in badge. Finder please turn in at music in the local schools. The
tivities over the week-end.
charge of the construction and as- post office. Possesion of this statem ent was unintentional,
i serts th a t the hydraulic pushed badge by unauthorized persons
<0-2* Signboards A re R e-decorated—
Have a fit a t Orres. Tailors f o r , concern will be 3Afcx5 ft. when^*s unIaw ^uI
men and women. U pstairs.
4-tf finished. All danger of falling in-
Practically every sign board in i =
FO R SALE— Good milch cow
' to the pit, when the elevator rests
has been re-filled this
Ready-to-wear suits and over-j on the first story will be allevia- and heifer calf. 455 Mountain^ week and all kinds of advertise-:
coats at P au lseru d ’3.
ted by the use of a neat railing.
ments are flaunted.
Friday Morning
Friday and
Plain white, pink or or­
chid plisse crepe f o r
gorvns and underwear.
Regular 29c quality
24c yd
Until noon Friday if not Sold
out sooner.
29c Turkish Towels
Plain, white or fancy
5 for J*) 00
Until noon Saturday if not sold
out sooner.
'ßa- .o
• Another
Slash in
Coat Prices
M A TC H U S -?-
Saturday Morning
Ladies1 and Children's and Stylish
Stouts'all included
Suit Clearance
■ Probably the most complete assort-
H ment of ladies fine tailored suits in
J the valley. Really good tailoring and
H fine materials.
$19 75 $2975-$ 3 6 75-$ 3 9 75
-$ 4 4 5° -
Coat Clearance
Coats worth up to $34.50
Coats worth up to $39.75
Coats worth up to $44.50
Coats worth up to $54.50
Coats^worth up to $67.50
Select Your Christmas Handkerchiefs Now
We feature a splendid line of
Coats, Suits and Dresses
Stylish stout C oats........$24.50 up
■ Stylish stout S uits........$29.75 up
* ¡J Stylish stout Dresses. . . $22.50 up
30 Childrens and Girls Coats
3 to 14 Sizes
Made by the Sterling people—that
should be enough to satisfy y o u
mothers who have come to know the
merits of Sterling coats.
Priced $4.45 to $16.75