» ¿ e sto fe ^ 2 ? iSÄ L A K b DÀîLfc TÏÎ)ïNG8 $♦»♦♦>»»» « » m»»« » » » »■»■» »'*4 W »»■»'fc » thur»d»y, •’ «»vein ber 23, it>$à »»4 S?Ofl >t£ ND8 FOLEY enjoy the deUeldtis repast; The i WALTON td& fiS IN clohs fepast; LOSES f/^CI • »<♦ KIDNEY PILLS ; afternoon was shent Iti the happy CHECKMATE"EFFORTS len ds and relatives. n tff.A U n \tA CITY, c it v k - w »- 21.— o-i __! i visit Of Close friends relatives.: OKLAHOMA Nov. “Yocr medicine worked a mir­ PHYSlCTAXS Classified Column Rates The fortunate guests were Mr. Another attempt of former Gover-j acle for me,” writes Mrs. C| Bi- Ob« tent the word each -and Mrs. D. L. Glenn, Mrs.Ida nor Walton to checkmate the leg DR. MATTIE H. SHAW— Resi­ ¡ ron, 140 Fayette Street, Lynn, time, Neil,- Miss Anna Hargrove, Mr. islatlve impeachment failed today dence and office, 108 Pioneer Mass “I was all run down, had a To run every issue for one and Mrs. T. H. Simpson, Glenn when the Federal District court avenue. Telephone 28. Office cough all winter, also kidney month or more, %c the word Simpson' and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. sustained the motion of the state Women appreciate the quick trouble and after taking a few hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 ! each time. Carter and children. p. m. only. of Oklahoma to dismiss the ap­ action of simple glycerine, buck-! boxes of your medicine my cough Phone items to her at 345-R, between 10 A. M., and 2 P. M. ♦ * » MISCELLANEOUS plication of Walton’s attorneys thorn bark, etc., as mixed in Ad- and backache left me. I can eat and evenings. i DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ for an injunction. Walton will lerika. Most medicines act only and sleep well. I canvass and rec­ A Complete Surprise— LOST FRIDAY AFTERNOON— tice limited to eye, ear, nose and Mrs. Wm. Nelson of B. street aPPeal to the United States Su- on lower bowel but Adlerika a e ts 'ommend it at every house I en- 100 pound steel anvil, somewhere throat— X-ray including teeth. on BOTH upper and lower bowel, ter.” Prompt relief secured from plans soon to make her home in Preme court, his attorney said. Calendar of the Week—— able meeting. In city limits. Reward for return Office hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to and removes all gasses and poi-( kidney and bladder irritations, Klamath Falls. Because of the I i ------- ------------------- - Wednesday, Nov. 21— Upper • • » to J. W. Mills. 195 Skidmore Ave. 5. Swedenhurg Bldg., Ashland, nearness of her going, her clos­ Valley Community club; Mrs. Aid Society Meets— Klamath Falls has added the sons. Excellent for obstinate con -! rheumatic pains through using 69-6* Ore. stipation and to guard against ap- Foley Kidney Pills. Insist on tha Gowland, hostess. The Aid Society of the Baptist est friends to the number of forty Klamath News, weekly, since Nov. pendicitis. Helps any case gas on genuine— refuse substitutes. Sold WANTED ..TO ..LEASE . with DR. E. II. ANGELL— Chiropractic Wednesday, Nov. 21— Presby- church held an all day session on j five planned a very ^ m plete and 2. stomach in TEN minutes. T. K.j everywhere. privilege of purchase, two or and Electro-Therapy. Office terian Missionary society; Mrs. Wednesday of this week. A fea- delightful surprise party for her. Bolton, Drugist. No. 3 •----------------- -— ------ - three room house.- Must have . phone 48; residence 142. F irst1 Van Sant’s. ture of these meetings is the de- K was a c° 3t« “ e Party- and — — -----------------—--------- C lassified ads bring results. shade trees. Address Box B, care PAGE THEATRE National Bank building. Wednesday, Nov. 21— Embroid­ lightful lunch that the ladies pre­ many and varied and most un­ of Tidings. 67-6* ery club L. A. to B. o tR . T.; Mrs. pare and which is served at noon. usual were the costumes worn. Medford DR. H AW LEY— Above Tidings A program was planned that Monday N ight, Nov. 2 0 . L. C. Dunn's. The day is occupied in work, WILL TRADE— Splendid five- office. P h on e 91. 8 : 3 0 Curtain ___ Wednesday, Nov. 21— A11 day but with it is the social part, would have done credit to finish- passenger touring car, run less for while busy fingers fly, friends | ed Performers- they came P rices In clu d in g War Tax: than 10,000 miles, as first pay­ DR. ERNEST W. SMITH— Chiro^! meeting Aid Society, Baptist may have the happy visit. .| disguised, the program was given Low er F loor $ 2 .7 5 , praetor, near Postoffice. Hours church. ment on small place near Ash­ The week is a full one at the in their assumed characters. Thursday, Nov. 22— Elk Ladies 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. B alcony $ 2 .2 0 , $ 1 .0 5 , $ 1 .1 0 , $ .5 5 land; or will sell on very easy Baptist church, for aside from the ! “S,las” «nd ’’Miranda” sang, , Card clnb; Mrs. D. Perozzi and terms to responsible party. Write PLUM BING Mrs. P. G. Swedenborg, hostesses. regular meetings. Rev. Otto Ole- t0Ui hingly Put on A our Old Gray A. B. care Tidings. Thursday Nov. 22-24— Epworth son, a returned missionary from Bonnet”. “Sophronia Perkins” ! JERRY O’NEAL— Plumbing. 20: WANTED -Washing. 248 1st League special meetings, M. E. China Is giving addresses every recited “Going to Grandfather’s' E ast Main. Phone 138. House on Thanksgiving Day.” j St. church. 62-2mo.* evening. Steel Dye Engraved, Embossed, Lithographed, and Hand I “Matilda Hanks” sang a selection 1 MONUMENTS Thursday, Nov. 22-24— Special Painted Cards furnish assortment for tin* most discriminating FOR RENT from the light opera, Martha. A; meetings at Baptist church. taste. Fellowship Luncheon— MONUMENT MARKERS particularly taking feature of the Fridf|v, Nov. 23— Women’s FOR RENT— Piano. Call 84 2 Tuesday evening of this week a j Lowest Prices Auxiliary, Friday evening, Arm­ ’Fellowship Luncheon” was the ! entertainment was the Cake Walk Cards for Friends, Relatives and Acquaintances Boulevard. 69-5 ASHLAND GRANITE CO. by the distinguished artists “Ras- ory. feature of the “Win My Chum l p to December 1st we can guárante«* prompt delivery 223-6mo. FOR RENT— Furnished house, 3rd and East Main St. Friday, Nov. 23— Aid Society, Campaign” being put on by the tus” and “Johnnie Pumpkin.” on your Personal Engraved Cards, but please put in your adults. 47 Union. Phone 332-J. Presbyterian church, 2:30 p. m. Methodist church every where this “Sambo” gave a clog dance and an ASHLAND GRANITE order at once. • 69-tf “Orchestra” composed of four ar-j Saturday, Nov. 24— Dist. con­ week. MONUMENTS I tists rendered beautiful selections.! Our card prices from lc to 75c each vention Rebkah Lodge, Grants Oregon Granite Co. FOR R ENT — Seven r o o m At the luncheon the speakers “Sis Hopkins” and “Priscilla' See Them At Pass. S. PENNISTQN, Salesman. house. 348 Hagardine were: Misa Catherine Parsons, Phone Peet,” sang a duet and “Silas Monday, Nov. 26— Music club, who spoke on “Witnessing for Phone 444-Y 455. 65-5 Res. 47« Laurel Miss Wallaces’ studio Monday Christ in High School;” Oliver Jones” gave a reading as did A rthur PLANING MILL “ Peggy Harris.” FOR SALE evening. Anderson on “Witnessing for OF TWO CON' During the evening a party of Tuesday, Dec. 4— Covered Dish Christ in College;” J. O. Rigg, FOR SALE— Apples. S. J. JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET with M r .& M rs . COBURN friends brought a lovely box of * * « « » M I I M ♦ » Evans, Phone 10F-13. WORKS. Cor. Helman and Luncheon, 12:30, _CIvic Club “Witnessing for Christ in Busi-j 49-Jmo.* delicious candy for the guest of ness;” Mrs. Ruth Mitchell, “Wit­ Van Ness. 194tf house. honor of her friends. FOR SALE— Seven room mod­ nessing for Christ in Devotional After the old fashioned Virginia I? TR A N SFER AND E X PR E SS ern house in first class condition. Civic Club Moeting— Meeting,” and Rev. Mr. Chaney on j reel in which all joined, the self Near Junior High school. Most W hittle T ransfer A S torage Co. The Civic club program of “Witnessing in the Home.” E. constituted hostess served a lovely for SERVICE. scenic.loeation in town. Cash ac­ Tuesday was one of more than O. Smith was io charge. two course luncheon of the most Experienced movers and pack- ordinary interest, and a full ac- ceptable. or substantial payment On Monday there were thirty salads, sandwiches, down, balance by the month. See ers of household goods. D eal-jCOunt will appear In Saturday’s visitors from the Medford Ep­ delicious cakes and coffee. — ers in coal and wood. Phone issue Mrs. Lane at Tidings after three worth League as special guests 117. Before leaving, Mrs. Nelson was o’clock. 62-12 The local health committee is that evening. presented with a very beautiful Office 89 Oak St. near headed by Mrs. C. F. Tilton and There is something very speci­ FOR SALE— Four room cot­ ! Hotel Ashland all those who wish to help in thio al and very worth while every j silver cake basket, in token of the tage. closets and garage— nice lo­ F-YPRESg ’ I very necessary work may do so evening this week for the young love and esteem in which she is cation. Lot 50 by 125. Cash ac­ TR A N SFER AND j held. ---- ;____ _________ _____ __i by giving her the necessary fee people at the Methodist church, ceptable, or payment down and i t £ Mrs. Nelson goes to a pleasant POWELL— General Trans- of fifty cents for membership, in line with this campaign that is | balance by the month. See Mrs new home soon in Klamath Falls, fer— Good team and motor' being carried on in all the Method­ Double Fleeced, beautiful 00 Lane at Tidings after 3 o’clock but she holds her friends very dear E xtra Heavy Quality, trucks. Good service at a rea­ Music Club Meets— ist churches at this particular designs, Special at, y d .............. 62- ■ and will never forget the delight­ sonable price. Phone 83. Pretty Patterns, v d ........... The Music club will meet on time. ful surprise given her by them. FOR SALE— Seven room house T R A N SFER AND EX PR E SS— Monday evening of next week in- with bath. Close in, 2 blocks from O. E. S. Meeting— King's Transfer, general hauling. ! stead of this week as was plann- At the regular meeting of thej Burns New railroad to reach Post office. Cheap for quick sale. Permanent finish, 60 count a» .30 x 32 inch all colors Dry wood for sale. Phone 113, i ed. Alpha Chapter, O. E. S. thero * * ere by Jan. 1. Inquire at 9 Granite St. 67tf Friday and Saturday, y d .......... 1 The meeting will be held at the Plaza Pool Hall. 45-tf Special at, y d ............................. ---------- 1 studio of Miss Imogene Wallace were present as invited guests. FOR SALE— Reasonable pric­ Rainier Rural free delivery PIANO TEACHER and as there are important mat' fifty members of Reames Chapter es: few Duroc shoats; one Jersey 54” No. 66 from Medford. Their of- i mal1 route to Hudson, Fern Hill, Mrs. J. R. Robertson, certified ters to be considered all mem' heifer nine months old; one ram ; « I-ace and Embroidery trim- 00 piano teacher. Credit given in bers of the organization are urg' fleers exemplified the initiatory Apiary and adjacent territory Genuine Indian head Linen Lukes place. Talent, Ore. 68-3* worjt authorized by U. S. postoffice med, Extra special choice, ea.. . ■ High School. Phone 341-J 53tf ed to make a special effort to be finish, white only at, y d .......... "- * 1 1 ■ The social committee whose¡department. present. Ashland is very inter' FOR SALE——Honey bees $4. ---------- ested in the success of this club personnel consisted of Mr. and per colony. Also Mammoth Bronze Mrs. G. W. Loosley, Mr. and Mrs. Roseburg votes $15,000 bonds as the work it hope8 to accomp' turkeys and R. I. Red cockerels ‘ Chappie Coats for Ladies just in Imported linen lluck toweling, satin lish is one that is of vital Import' H. C. Stock, Mrs. Everton, Mrs, for new fire engine. from prize winning stock. Prices | sjiecial at 15 percent Discount. Maxey, Mrs. Winne and Mrs. Aug- i ance in the musical life of the reasonable. 695 Terrace St. Phone finish, beautiful patterns 25 community and of keen interest ust Schuerman, had planned a de­ 261-J. 69-3 All colors and all sizes Specially priced, y a rd ............. licious repast and had spared no BE PREPARED FOR COUGHS to every music lover. « • • ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May pains to beautify the dining room Do not wait until an attack of as 3 From Our Dept. K., Friday and Saturday Only and banquet tables. communicate with Ensign Lee Covered Dish Luncheon— “flu” is upon-you. Take..care of g of the Salvation Army at the ’ Great baskets of fruit and nuts Glass W ater sets, 55c; Large W ater Pitchers, 98c; 1 gal Stone Jugs, 29c. "Covered Dish Luncheon” Is the the little cough or cold and pre- g WhlteShield Home, 565 May- feature of the December the four' graced the tables, and autumn fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. leaves and greenery brightened vent the big one, or an attack of J th meeting of the Civic club. “flu.” Bear in mind Foley’s B 10-lyr. The luncheon wil be at 12:30 by the vivid scarlet of laurel her' Honey and Tar, the safe and sure g TEADY, safe and and it is hoped that every mem­ ries, added delightful color to Dressmaking remedy for coughs, colds, bron- H table and room. sure is th e pace ber will keep the date in mind. Dressmaking 121 Bush. Artis­ At least one hundred and fifty chial and throat troubles and ¡3 of a car equipped The afternoon is purely a soci- coughs resulting from “ flu.” F o l- ! l tic as well as plain things. 67-5 w ith Goodyear Tires al affair and there will be music friends, members and guests, en- joyed the most satisfying repast j ey 8 H°ney and Tar the largest jg w ith th e fa m o u s to enliven the occasion. DRESSMAKING— Work guar­ All-W eather Tread. prepared for them by the e ffic i-! SpBing cough remedy in the * * * anteed. 147 Factory St. Mgs. B. T h e h ig h , th ic k , world— free from opiates. G e ti( ent committee. Woman's Auxiliary Meets— from our already low prices. We have as complete a stock of mens shoes as you will find in any Van Hardenberg. 67-lmo. sharp-edged blocks the genuine— refuse substitutes. Is never The social feature The 'Woman’s Auxiliary of the city store. Standard known lines like Ralston.TUCs, Beacon’s, Chippewa and Lion Brand. o f t h a t p o w er fu l neglected and everyone had a most i Sold everywhere. American Legion will hold its first All reduced 15 percent for two Days tread provide th e u t- For a smooth shave, ___ . meeting in its new home at the thoroughly good time and tr u st; cz____ m o s t in g r ip p in g and quick service, go Armory Friday evening of this that many more of these delight-' traction. T hey give to the Shell Barber ful meetings are in store for them, i f W * y f c week. you security all th e Shop, across from De­ • * » It was decided recently to ar­ tim e, and prom ote pot. Grinding of all No. 1. Kid leathers with wool felt linings. Brown and Black kid trimmed th e efficient, eco­ range the room occupied by the Guests forn‘ oZ} Grants Pasg from ten a. m. all eye and satisfying to the palate. Only insurance can give you Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rose were seconds. Snow-white, highest ïh is Prescription does not ruia day; closing with the evening constant financial protection. heart1"' Eat"an inea^and’ noSd-* meetinS and a banquet. Many the favored guests on this oc­ purity, never irritate or burn. Consult your insurance agent One of 200 Puretest prepara­ casion. p X tfp V m V o ^ to attend from Ashland. tions for health and hygiene. as a specialist in protection. » - in s no m ercury • • • a a lic y la te soda, oil W intergreen or While here, Mrs. Edythe Kel- Every item the best that skill n arcotics, but p o sitiv e ly overcom es and conscience can produce. any kind o f rheum atism or g o u t on ley was the guest of Mrs. J. Z. Delightful Dinner— earth . W hat m ore do you w an t? P rice 2 0c, 3 5 c and $ 1 .0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glenn were T here le n o th in g ju st a s good, and Wing and Mrs. Mary D. Moss it is im p o ssib le to g e t so m e th in g was entertained In the homes of gracious host and hostess at a better. The g r e a te st uric acid s o l­ Real Estate and Real In­ ven t k n ow n and a lso a su p erior her relatives, the L. A. Moss and most delightful chicken dinner at surance. (Estab. 1883) l it e r lueiiicine. their country home near Talent T runk's P rescrip tion s e lls for $1.75 W. J. Moore families. myMThpan^-CrS °f CornlnR Cal- 8ay». "thia la the beat comedy that ever played Phone 211 41 East Main or 3 for on ly $:> 00 at drug stores, The Lodge feel that this was a last Sunday. such as East Side Pharmacy, Prices: 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 plus tax Seats on sals at Plaza Confectionery very successful and most enjoy- There were fourteen ¿resent to Classified Column PROFESSIONAL Glycerine Mixture S o c ie ty Many Women Use Mrs. Grace E. Andrews, Editor Xmas Greeting Cards We invite you to call and look ov ver our _- iht ELHARTS Friday and Saturday Specials 36” Bath Robing d*4 5 ■ 36” Lonsdale Cambric 9 A OUC 36” Outing Flannel JP- «O C Jap Cotton Crepe 29c Fancy Dresser Scarfs Sheeting d* 4 Brushed Wool Coats 50c Linen Toweling C 1 3$ ■ M ENS SH O E S R E D U C E D S Friday and Saturday any Man’s shoe in the store at a reduction of 15% Ladies’ and Men’s House Slipper? Specials M e d ic in e W ,H do what a C«>25 <£ 4 i Estate Heat rola good W ear Stop Coughing PROVOST BROS Danger Is A MORTON HOSPITAL does a spinning top stand 9 ° One Night, Tuesday, Nov. 27th The BiR City Road Show “Peck’s Bad Boy” For over 25 years the funniest play ever written Quick Traveler RHEUMATISM Ashland Armory Auspices 484th Co. A. C, A ‘B u/ieteoV Aspirin Tablets All star cast with Arthur Van Slyke featured comedian with Kolb and Dill Billings Agency McNair Bros. Store Special Orchestra