ASHLAND D A IL Y T ID IN G S Most men on the road to riches ignore ih t scenery. (E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 6 ) Who can remember when Europe wasn’t on I’age One everv dav? Published Every Evening Except Sunday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. Bert R. Greer ......... *........................ .................................. ..................Editor OFFICIAL-CITY PA PER L - .......................... ................. “ .T elep h o n e'38 Entered at th e A sh lan d , O regon, P o sto ffic e Mail M atter as Second Subscription Price. Delivered in City Su* V............................................................................................. th re e Months ........... ............................................................................ Six M o n th s................................................................................. .......... One Year ...................................... ........................................................ Class $ .65 6.50 .30 .27% .25 .20 ? .10 .05 1.00 .02% WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING ‘ All future events, where an admission charge is made or a collection taken is Advertising. No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. ♦ME THEATER BtAitTIfV Today and Tomorrow ’ The next diplomat to he picked from the West might ; very well he the Missouri editor who advised his readers the other day that their poetry was entirely too valuable ; to waste on his columns. It s a great tribute to American something-or-other that foreign politicians of all breeds and stripes can visit i us and leave for home thoroughly convinced that we are ' with them heart and soul. NEWS LETTER brevtated. Already the 1923 gridron season has rolled «hr tike „• th ,,.,, i, apparent t h a î ^ t d L Ï “e around the eve of the Thanksgiving final when will be - ‘hr a , „ t™ , ” p a l n t t ^ C ’ “ decided the pigskin championships and the All-American the hills with a s’eaming gold ' tUre, you know. line-ups, and when ’twould be seeming that i ‘t T ” ,h X ’ cuntc of the S c iic M Sinclair lewis’ Celebrated Kotfe? 'MAIN ! Deliciously humorous, tensely dramatic,— y e t r e a lis tic ta le o P a sm all town g irl w ith metropolitan id e a ls- with Florence Vidor and Monte Blue in the lead­ ing roles - v Directed by HAW BEAUMONT .i • F * GUI ing tile foolish. There should be a gen- the subdued light of the movies th e i1 a b sO n e e f r o m t h e ,e r a l clean-up.”— Judge E . E . P o r t d offers an irresistable tem ptation. ‘ 1 ‘ 1 GlO contrary it IS conjectural whether erfield, of the Juvenile Court. | ______ tilt lootbail gam e is not more a lashioil displav than ail “ The laxity of m orals in young| a committee of prom inent club II athletic demonstration. 1 people is alarm ing. Spooning in women was appointed to visit the given ««'•M additional eon th eatres is one of the greatest i th éâtres and see for themselves ... I he 1!»23 , toot ha 11 season has also O*’'** 1HVIKII ((III- lm nation ot the Great American Sport. Football attend- violations of convention. That Just w hat about It. W hat about it below proved a lot of holding hands, a ance records are equalled bv baseball only durine- tbo moral standards . • are away , W orld »Series nam es 6 ‘ rcst'iuraiit ' * a e '' is ‘•Father and Son Week” amt the nuinose is to encourage closer association between fathers and their hasn-t , '‘‘ ,a S0<“n ia r‘,her- Jt is l’rol’os« 1 th«‘ if a man tiasn t a son he will seek out a. hov who hasn’t a father and try to establish the same association. ' n n n n 'iril'’1 tlle .»'“«sons why-American youth lias fallen . I " a- s ls liw'«>"«e American lathers are so busy ; For preventing fall/.while washing windows in the home,*7? safety seat has been made which swings on two chains attached to hooks in the window' frames. A strap stretched between the chains supports the worker's back Bl<5 Blimp to Circle World in comfort, at the same time acting as a guard against loss of balance, leaving the body free for movements required in the cleaning. vice used for the work, he claims, has saved liirn many hours of labor as' well aa numerous painful stings. The device is simple to make. It consists oi a circular rim and a sup* porting fork made of >i-in. iron rod, and a cone-shaped screen-wire basket attached to the rim as shown. A stout cane fishpole is used for a handle, mak­ ing the device light and easy to handle. When the bees swarm, they usually alight in one of the trees of the orchard/ and often at such a height that it is almost impossible to capture them. Aa soon as the swann ia located and fairly settled, the basket ia raised under the swarm and shaken so that most of ih» bees will drop into it. Of course, many bees escape but they will return to the swarm and cluster on the outside ci the basket. When all is auict acaln the bosket is lowered in front of empty hive and the bees are induced to enter their new home without much trouble. Ç It takes 61 days’ work a year to pay the taxes of every producer in the United States, it is estimated. In 1921, taxes consumed 16.7 ÿf all value pro­ duced in this country. * THE CAMEO COMEDY ¿41 "Heads Up’ .9? R egular Admission Max wel 1 1924 Model Now ready for delivery Two carloads to be received this week One of the most complete lines built by any one manufactory I hey had burglarized a äraimed flits i t “ e rfn ALSO G unng I lit par can be visualized by all who little of w hat they called “ neck­ attend th eatres.”— Mrs. Geo. W. ing” and some sporadic kissing. Davis> president, of the W omen’s “ Sporadic kissing” Is simply a Ronnd Table of Presidents, lesser degree of the terrible and ' If conditions are as described unseemly crime of soul kissing. by many club women 1 am sure They were shocked and h o rri­ 3,1 lninister8 of Kansas Citv ^u id fied and rose in protest. P retty girls of K ansas City, of & ni?.vement toward a every stra ta from the society sub- e ral investigation and clean-up.” — Ralph C. McAfee, executive deb and the debs of several sea­ secretary of the Council of sons past the sub class, say they will not organize a cunter-revo- Churches- “ Something m ust be done im- lution, but will simply keep on mediately. Spooners in -theatres loving when it seems rig h t and ------------- ...____________ em barass everyone sitting near proper for them to love. Ju st w hat will be done about LADS AND DADS them . Kissing and loving in pub- kissing at the Union Railroad \ Y im tb z»P i f * • i p , • . lic ls disgusting.”— Mrs. Geo. W. gon tr,n *” US ‘ ° 1,1 S o n ,ll o r n W el8h’ ^ a ir m a n of the motion Station h asn ’t been disclosed. j picture committee of the W oman’s Much kissing, it seems, is indul­ ged in there, quite publicly, occa­ A hoy hut little older, on Puget Sound, slashed liis Round Table’ sionally by men and th eir own I,.-«91,vr » ,,I, a knife, n,„l it „a s „„ lack of intent that ---------- -- wives. It is assumed this situation w> tened the subsequent charge front m urder to felonious Then came 3 f,aPPftr:‘ will be overlooked and no effort assault. ‘ “Ju st a little love, a little kiss— made to cause the passage of . A l,„| ,,f If, an,I Itis brother a little older were caught ' ”y '°r laws to restrain this crime. a'bo d t'la s L , “ '? ‘r S r d a ^ T b e y W ere ! s" " - »>•- ’ « • * Safety Seat Prevents Falls While Washing Windows ingredients, are sold annually, V isitors Last N ight— says a well-known druggist here, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Callaway because it darkens the hair so were guests at the A. M. Beaver naturally and evenly that no one home last night. Mr. and Mrs. can tell it has been applied. Callaway are traveling with Those whose hair is turning friends to southern California to I t ’s Grandmother’s Recipe to gray or becoming faded have a spend the w inter and are form r Bring Back Color and surprise aw aiting them , because erly from Ohio, where they were after one or two applications the acquainted with the Beaver fam ­ Lustre to Hair. gray hair vanishes and your locks ily. Having closed business deals dark and in Hillings, Montana they are You can tu rn gray, faded hair become luxuriantly beautiful. i beautifully dark and lustrous al- . possessed with the w ander-lust I most over night if you’ll get a This is the age of youth. Gray­ i and travel extensively. bottle of W yeth’s Sage and Sul-' haired, unattractive folks aren't J phur Compound” at any d r u g ’ wanted around, so get busy with t store. Millions of bottles of this W yeth’s Sage and Sulphur Com­ some hair and your youthful ap­ old famous Sage Tea Recipe, im­ pound to-night and you’ll be. de­ pearance within a few days. proved by the addition of other lighted with your dark, hand- No. <3 ’ " . 1 ><>u aie one ot those whii-liave not yet seen the point ot the game, ask any high school lad or college nil dm graduate and learn what an important factor football plays in the mod« rn pursuit of the elusive education It might be discovered that without football there wouldn’t b^ n u c h use for schools and colleges, which prove iust this t b n t i.H.nx- , ♦ • ,, „ *G1 ( i m u JUS1 n i l s . lllen’ esP°nt ot love ‘The catty old m aids.” she Scappoose now has modern commented under her breath. electric lighting and power system “ Snoopervisers, th a t's all they furnished by the P. R. L. & P Co Touring $965.00 R oadster........................... $965.00 Sport Touring (Maroon) $1150.00 “ 0 ‘ a l l ° " tlla « ‘^ l v Special Sport Touring greatest pleasure ot growing up with their sons Aot to know where the hoy was, used to imply that n p t l ° U d hl mt.° ne,ghb°ri»ood mischief which would he ithc! very serious nor very wholesome. But the boys (Green) .. $1170.00 Sport Roadster $1075.00 Couj)e (4 pas.). $1395.00 Club Coupe ... $1125.00 Club Sedan . w. $1250.00 Sedan .............. $1510.00 Traveler Sedan $1795.00 u J t t r ? f n r i ' n t'i'a t i 0 ,n g , ;0 ' ' ' ' UP ‘“ ° r e q u i c k l y t h a ” ‘ with theta T ‘r r “ “ h a" dS f " " ,ryi,‘S *° k“ p pace i them. J hey learn complicated mechanical th in g s' kt meeti ical motors, automobiles and the radio Mis directed energy gets them Into m ischief There are a l ^ hose who stand by the way hoping to exploit the hov md capitalize his impulses toward waywardness, n - m /,: fathers not to he „„Is with their sons O„ t h e ^ S , ^ ,,vo‘,o "L ta " . o i aT OTe.5atistyin« lile ‘han to keep keep on the on the progressive thought plane of his hoy.—Oregon Daily Jourua 1. MAIL ON TIM E-SHOP EARLY The ” not later th an ” directions for mailing Christ mas packages, just issued by the post office departm ent ulncii range trom three to fourteen davs before December 2o are offered in the public interest. I f the postal service ! is to deliver the mailed m atter on lime, those mailing must eo -o p ern te-th at impending congestion may be avoided. in emiuection with these directions-is to be read the mlvme ot the merchants to shop early. This last also runs I tn tlm pubbe interest (■’,„■ early shopping means more satistae 013 sitM ce It also means diminution of the bill'd- en that holiday trade imposes on all who work behind the eo'mters and in distributing and delivering departm ent»- for it distributes that burden. to C alifornia on sa le d aily SAN C9R50 FRANCISCO 50 ANGELES * O ! L0S «SI F in al R eturn L im it May 3 1 , 1024 Stopover w herever you wish. Four train s daily. Through sleeping cars from Portland to San Francisco and Los Angeles make the trip convenient, in te r­ esting and instructive. Ask your agent for infor­ m ation regarding fares, etc, and copy of ilustrated booklets, or w rite John M. Scott, Asst. Passenger Traffic Manager, Portland, Ore. All Prices f. o. b. Medford Oregon-California Aulo Disk Corp. . Successor to A W. Walker Auto Co.