¿■^c't aifa» i i ■Ba MALARIA GERMS ■¿AM» ASHLAND CLIMATE Cahhot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. The Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL. XLVII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. COOLIDGE IS WORRIED BY PARTY ROW JORDAN VALLEY WATER PROJECT IS KILLED ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1923 AIR FORCES I SAYS REPORT N( ). 69 CHARGE JAPS PORTLAND BANK HAD W ORTHLESS “ P A P E R ’ SALEM, Nov. 21.— The Jordan j PORTLAND, Nov. 21. — “ Pa­ valley irrigation district has no I per” held by the State Rank of ! legal existence, according to an ' Portland of a face value of ap­ opinion w ritten by Justice Rand i proxim ately $900,000 on which ‘ and handed down by the Oregon j little more than $100,000 was col­ i suprem e court here today. lected in liquidating the Institu­ , The suit was brought by W il-1 tion was analyzed before the jury Sends Secretary to Confer liam Weber, a land owner and ! 80 Per Cent of Planes Avail­ Charges of Barbarous Cruel­ in the trial of Anthon Eekern at Black Face Show to Be Put taxpayer within the district, to W ith Leaders of W ar­ adjournm ent time yesterday. Eck- able Are Unfit for ty Are Filed W ith State determ ine w hether the p ro je c t! on bv Lithians One ring Factions. ern, who was vice-president of Service. Department. was organized in compliance with Day Only. the bank, is on trial on a charge the laws regulating the form ation y ik V V E L k X MESSAGE DR. TOMPKINS ACCUSER of having perm itted deposits af­ OCTETTE A FEATURE of irrigation districts. Attack was F U N D S INSUFFICIENT ter he knew the institution was A dm inistration L eaders Alarm ed, made upon the notices of the G eneral P a trick ’s Report P ain ts i A llege T hat 2 5 0 K oreans W ere insolvent. election, which were held to be R e c e ip ts o f Event Will lie Expen­ K now ing Country A w aits Gloom y P ictu re o f C ondition Round, Covered W ith Oil The largest group of question­ insufficient by the suprem e court, | ded in G iving P ublicity C oolidge D eclarations. o f A ir Service. able notes and collateral was th a t and Burned. in th a t they were published over to A shland. taken by the bank from the the signature of the p e titio n e rs.1 WASHINGTON. Nov. 22.— The WASHINGTON, Nov. 22— Ap- I , WASHINGTON, Nov. 32.— Stock Assets company. It totaled The m instrel show to be given T h e o p in io n , w r itte n by J u s tic e p ro x im a M y 80 „ „ cpnt row between the Republican reg­ Charges th a t make the blood run $218,000 and collections from Rand, reverses Judge Dalton ulars and the progressive Repub­ airplanes now in service in the cold have been filed with the this source were said to have been by the Lithians December 3 is a licans in the house has grown so Biggs of M alheur countv. arm y would be totally unfit for coming event commanding no lit­ State D epartm ent against Jap an ­ nil. Bevere th a t President Coolidge is use in actual w arfare. tle interest, and promises to be ese officials and their subordin­ expected to take a hand in the The present peace time organ« ates in connection with the one of the lending amusement affair and attem pt to m ediate the ization of the Air Service affords slaughter of the defenseless K or­ num bers of the w inter season. difference in order th a t the house not even the foundation upon eans. The sensation complaint was A rec e n t d ecision w as rea c h e d can organize and sta rt legislative which a war time air force could filed by Dr. Floyd Tompkins, by th e L ith ia n s to hold th e show business on scheduled time. he built. president of the Friends of Korea o n e d ay ouly. It w as fo rm e rly The W hite House is already Efficient operation of the Air association, and charges th a t b a r­ P rim e T u rk e y s a n d M erehandis«. a n n o u n c e d Hint tw o p e rfo rm a n ­ alarm ed and much concerned and Service has become impossible be­ barous cruelty was practiced upon G uani M em bers W ill Hold Open W ill he A w a rd e d to W in n e rs ces w ould be given D ecem ber 3 the President has sent Bascom cause of continued reductions in H ouse am i Program for helpless Koreans by the order of o f V a rio u s E v e n ts . and 4. Slemp, his secretary, to the Capi­ every class of personnel. G eneral Public. Japanese officials, who took ad­ O c te tte a F e a tu r e tol for conferences with the quar­ The establishm ent of new flying vantage of the disorders and rio t­ The Ashland Rod & Gun club fields to fulfill the strategic re ­ The famous Lithian octette will reling faction leaders. The annual opening of the a r­ ing following the recent devasta­ i I will stage the first shoot of the quirem ents zof national defense stage a vaudeville act th at will May D elay M essage ting earthquake and fire to put mory will be sponsered Novem- be one of the features of the even­ The factional war th at bag season Sunday and many local has been practically impossible to death the unarmed and unsus- her 26 by members of the 484th been increasing in intensity makes j scatter Suu a rtists and rifle ex- due to lack of funds. pecting Koreans. ! Co. O. A. C. with a big, free pro­ ing. It will be remembered th at possible a lengthy delay in getting pprts a r® Re ttin B ready for the the octette visited Salem during These sensational revelations 2 5 0 Burned gram brim ming with stunts, the P resident’s forthcom ing mes- event. the recent State F air and made a were contained today in the an­ The charges filed state th at sage before congress and is caus- ' Sunday’s event is hilled as a tu r- nual report of M ajor-General Ma­ decided hit in booster songs of speeches and drills. Mrs. Cora La Forge, 4 3, of East St. Louis, Illinois, who after Americans were eye witnesses in lng adm inistration leaders grave kpy shoot- however, merchandise son M. Patrick, chief of Air Two state officials are slated to Ashland. This will be (lie first concern. Voters throughout the of various kinds will he awarded ' Service, to the Secretary of War. picking thirteen lemons in the garden of Yove m aintained her as­ one specific intsance w here Jap- public appearance of the octette sertion th a t there were some “ nice men in the w orld” by going to anese bound 250 Koreans hand bp here for the ceremony. Adju- in the home city. Daily rehearsals country are holding back indiv- !to w inners as well as a large n u m -, General P atrick, in a lengthy the a lta r with Henry La Forge, husband No. 14. Her attem pts to and foot, applied oil to their ta n t General W hite will present! are being held and the members Idual and party commitments un bpr of turkeys, \ylii< h are prim e : r eport, painted a gloomy picture be “ happy though m arried’’ previously led Airs. La Forge through clothing, Applied matches, and medals to men who have the long-1 will apepar in a num ber of new til the President Is heard in his ior Thanksgiving. I of existing conditions in the Air twelve divorces and one annulm ent. burned them alive. The scene and est records of service in the, songs, ballads, comedy The shoot will he staged at th e lService a nd laid the blame sole- first mesage. and pep savagery of the act is said to be guard. A letter of p resen ta tio n 1 songs. The octette if c lu b s grounds near Jackson iy to jack of fund3 He will lead Dem and R eform s s com nosed of beyond description. of credit for one of the highest the following: Carl Loveland. The progressive leaders are de Hot Springs ami will begin a t a strenuous compaign during the Orders W ere O fficial. places in a contest of state mo­ director and first tenor; Andy Mc- m andlng several reform s in the 9:00 ° ’c,ork >» the forenoon. i coming session of Congress for re« Dr. Tompkins states th a t offi­ bilization last w inter, will also gee, first tenor; Win. Briggs and ronduct of house affairs and are 1 bprp wil1 ,)p various events for jje f ¡n tbp form of greatly increas- cials of Japan sent out an order he given by the official. dem anding recognition of their rifles and shotguns, and it is pos- Pd appropriations*, It. L. Burdic, second tenors; S. I during the earthquake “ to kill The last visit of Major Jam es legislative program . Unless given that events will he added i A. Peters, Jr. and V. D. Miller, W ar Planes Go to Pieces | as many Koreans as possible.” S. Dusenbury, senior instructor in Acording to General Patrick a first bass; Dr. Phetteplaee and recognition, the progressive Re- for pistol shots, depending on the! Ed. C. Easton, Head of the NEW YORK, Nov. 2Z-—At mid- It is believed th a t the sensa­ artillery, will occur at this time. H arry Tomlinson, second bass. publicans threaten to block the num ber expressing a desire for grPat m ajority of the air planes American C arburetor Co., passed . night on November 15th, the clos- tional charges filed against Jap ­ ; th a t c la ss of sp o rt. organization of the house. now on hand were produced dur- through Ashland yesterday en ing date of the contest, 22,165 anese will be investigated at an Major Dusenbury leaves soon for The members or the* octette will Ft. Monroe, Va. to continue high­ appear in their new uniforms. I The events for shotgun artists ing the w ar and are rapidly de­ route from Seattle to San Fran plans had been subm itted for the early date. er education in artillery branch­ will consist of various n u m b e rs, tP rioratjng _ and evPn conv cisco. Easton is driving a Stude American Peace Award, created V a r i o u s musical numbers, MOVING RETORT T o ___ wbPn ____ __ es. S H A L E O IL B E D S1 ° f. < lay p,gpons and P a rtic ip a n ts pietely reconditioned have but a baker Special and is m aking a by Edward W. Bok, for the “ best dancing specialties and skits will A contrast in the m anual of be staged in addition to Hie num ­ ---------- j will be divided into classes ac- very short life. Accordingly, it test economy run between the two practicable plan by which the EXTENSION OP YREKA RAILROAD IS URGED arm s as given by a soldier of the bers to lie rendered by the octet­ The mile of planked road w hich <<” d in '- *° lost in t h e , declared th a t in tim e of w ar such are made and sworn to by the one authors or special mesesngers. mills entering the vast tim bered race with death as she neared ! an industry would necessarily be sealing th e hood and gas tank Although American citizens only motion at eight o’clock. Open Kee, vice-president and general night it is stated. areas west of here. Yreka Monday afternoon. She J the backbone of the procurement and this record is presented to are eligible, plans have come from house will feature the rem ainder m anager of the California-Ore­ of the evening passed away in the autom obile in program . The solution of this the succeeding inspector or seal­ all other countries of the world, „ gon Power Co., has purchased 50 SCOTT VALLEY FARMER BOY IS BITTEN BY her husband’s arm s on the high« J problem> h e says, lies in the de- er. tickets for the event. from Brazil, Holland, Japan, SUICIDES; LEAVES NOTE A W O . N I.E I. CO YO TE I p , , , . , ™ lx v E S T I n A T I S C _____ _ way in Shasta canyon’ i ust a few . velopment of commercial aviation 1 ______ r Easton carries credentials from China, Canada, Greece, England, HAINES. 22.—G arred B E E R J ^ A b ’ « U .IN C R FO U R MEN H U RT IN LAKEPORT, Nov. 22.— Frank 1 n expressm g the h o p e ( through the tim ely enactm ent of the W ashington Automobile Club India, Italy, Germany, Roumania, Meades. Scott Valley rancher ¡! \ <-ouhl see the southland 8Ujtab ie legislation and in the ju and stated to a Tidings reporter Switzerland, France, Bolivia. Aus« PECULIAR ACCIDENT Coles, 14, while attem pting to * ' ’ b e fo re s h e d ie d . CHICAGO, Nov. 21.— One of dicious expenditure of such funds th a t from Seattle to Ashland he tria, Uruguay, Esthonia, Mexico, kill a coyote which he had wound­ committed suicide near here Mon­ MARSHFIELD. Nov. 21.— In a as may he appropriated for the was m aking an average of 24 Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, France. ed by shooting, was bitten on the the greatest police investigations day by ¿hooting himself. He plac­ PEDESTRIAN AUTHOR in Chicago history led detectives peculiar accident at the Coos Bay Abbreviated plans have been w ir­ support of Government areonautic miles to the gallon of gas. ed the muzzle of a gnn in his hand by the anim al, and since it HERE FJJR TWO DAYS al activities. Logging company’s camp near through the underw orld labyrinth ed1 and even cabled. m outh and pulled the trigger. The has been determ ined th a t the Leonard Day, fam o u s a u th o r Delmar today, four men were in­ 1 trom the Pacific Coast, where Contiuing, the report says: ORDER MOTOR LICENSE bullet tore off the top of his head. coyott was afflicted witli rabies. I they groped for the perpetrators w ho is w a lk in g a ro u n d th e “ r im ” jured, one seriously. The train The operation of a irc ra ft for EARLY, SAVING DEI, A Y Farm yard on Main S treet— A note stuck on a bush nearby The boy is under P asteur tre a t­ of th e U nited S ta te s to p ro v e to i commercial purposes" i n ' ¿ ¿ 7 ^ 7 - had a car of irpn pipe and when of the million dollar looting of Pedestrians near the noon hour ment. said. his p u b lish e rs th e tr u th of h is j Pd States has unfortunately ad- W erner Bros. W arehuse, the m ur­ one piece rolled to the ground, Application blanks for securing this afternoon were startled when “ I am no good any more. Can- not do the right thing. Nerves all ¡ !v ',r (,enpro8‘ ! yanced little, if any, during the 1924 motor vehicile licenses have the noise of a bawl from a cow der of Lewi8 Ilauschild, attorney thp pipe swiped lh<* four men for the beer runners, m ortally from the car. gone. Notify George C om archo.' iv ... a i . " i .' ' “p ar | last year. The A eronautical been mailed by the Secretary of struck tender notes. It w asn’t! ¡F A V O R C R E S C E N T (T T Y AS REFUGE HARBOR j grounded in W isconsin; and the Alexander Kalmakoss Is at the San Francisco. Please help my / ' n,’“ n ,[,-*. Rohon Improving*— P U T UN DER GUARD AUTHORITIES RELEASE ures. Mrs. Rhoda Ferrill, a crippled ' San Francisco concludes Nhe jour- three more horbors of refuge on , Mrs. T. K. Bolton has been ill S. P. BANDIT SUSPECTS widow. Police and firemen have nev of over 10,000 m iles. the coast, and favors Crescent 1 for the past few days' but is im- OROVILLE. Calif., Nov. 22— _ , The office of Dan O’Connell, S L E E P G F K IN G TU T begun a searching investigation City as the location for one of j proving now. Day ■» a g u e s t o t th e F ire b e - ' rhie( inspeetor of the S. P.. ad- As the result of the announce­ IS A G A IN D IS T U R B E D to determ ine the motive of the partm ent today, but will be en- them. It would be necessary toi ment that Oriental hangings and vises this afternoon th a t th e two LUXOR, Egypt, Nov. 21.— A flre. The widow was not at home | tertained by others while there sever- extend the seawall KLAMATH ATTGNEY IS Inlaid furniture in the Chinese hlazo wss di« 1 1 r* • ' ........................ Ash' ! niP<1 held at Eureka and siWspec- BERLIN, Nov. 22.— H undreds a at t the the time tim e e the the bla tim the blaze was dis- land. It is expected th a t he will ted ag be5ng two of the D>A utre. detachm ent of Egyptian soldiers al thousand feet. CLEARED OF CHARGE. joss house here were valued at arrived today to guard the tomb of persons have been killed and covered by neighbors. $150.000, the ancient temple has '. * ' t a ‘1(iress tonight at niont brothers, wanted in connec- of King Tutankham en, following wounded in a terrific wave of vio- V isit in th e South KLAMATH FALLS, Nov. 21.— been pitf under guard probablv ' ,e ' ,ning ‘ tion with the Siskiyou holdup, the discovery by Howard C arter lonce in the Rhineland in the past To Winter in San Francisco^— Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tucker left A not tru e bill was returned by for the first time since its erec­ j have been released. Although the of a plot by native grave robbers hours. Communists, Socialists, Mr. and )Jrs. A. B. Chapman, House Guest Arrives— today for Richmond, Cal. to visit the Klam ath county grand jury tion in 1856. ! two suspects resembled th e D’- to enter the tomb, and steal the Separatists and A nti-Separatists. accompanied by Miss E dith Chap-J Mrs. Thomas L. .Sorrell aiul A utrem onts they were not Iden­ The announcem ent was made by relics. C arter said the inner peasants and police have been in-! friends’ They may sppnd some tonight in the case of C. C. Brow­ man, left early this afternoon in 1 daughter Ruth, have arrived from tified w’ith th e crime. time in the south. er, district attorney of Klamath the committee in charge of the volved. shrine, containing the mummy, th e Chapman m otor for San F ra n ­ Norfolk, Va., to spend the win­ county, who was arrested last N orthern California Orange and Since T u ^ ija y 130 Separatists J No indictm ent has been retu rn - would not be repoened until the cisco, w here they plan to spend ter with her aunt and foster- ed by the j acbson county grand July on complaint of Fay MorrilP Olive Exposition, w hich«had re« in t h e ! GOVERNMENT TO SELL Egyptian governm ent renders a were beaten to death the w inter. Mr. and Mrs. Chap­ m othej. Mrs. Henry G. Gilmore, j j ury against the D’A utrem onts. an office assistant of Brower's S E A T L E S H IPY A R D S quested the use of the draperies Honff region, and hundreds were decision on press news rights. man have planned this trip for Mrs. Sorrell is the wife of Lieu- The ju ry is not in session today, who alleged the district attorney and furnishings for stage settings severely injured. The bloody several m onths and will undoubt­ te n a n t T. I.. Sorrell, of the U. S.>bnt will convene tom orrow at WASHINGTON. Nfcv. 22.— The struck him, breaking his glasses, during the final night of the ex« fighting continues. Many stores L arge Farm h as Tractor— edly retu rn home in the spring Navy, who has been ordered to which time it is believed all evi- United States Shipping Board has following an argum ent over the position. The Chinese acquiesc­ are being looted and property loss A Fordson tracto r has been benefitted from th eir change in the new ship, “ The West V irgin-! dence wiii be presented and an in- bought by F ran k Davis to help ed. decided to sell the /S inner Eddy resignation of Morris. heavy, clim ate. The Chapman farm is be­ ia” , which will be commissioned ( dictm ent returned. Judge C. F. Stone, form erly lo­ At the tim e the temple was er- in the farm ing of his 315 acre A wild mob attacked a motor shipyards at Seattle t<5 the city ing left in charge of Thom Chap­ December first, and which will j farm in the Valley View district, j bus> killed 28 of the occupants of eSattle for $600,000, it is of­ cal circuit judge, was appointed rected, the Chinese population of man. Several dinner parties have join the Pacific fleet some time! Columbia Pottery Co at W ar- The Ford garage provided th e ; a a d then m utilated th eir bodies ficially announced, Equipm ent in by C ircuit Ju d g t Levitt as special Oroville was g reater than the been given preparatory to their later. Mrs. Sorrell's coming will renton to resume operations the wards is to be placed on sale prosecutor in this case, in which num ber of white persons. machine th at has proved popular a horrible m anner d ep artu re and others planned give great pleasure to Mr. and a t a later date. It is expected the D istrict A ttorney Brower was dis­ ^vith farm ers and road workers. th a t could not be given on ac­ Mrs. Gilmore and th eir friends equipm ent will bring about $200,- qualified to a ct by v irtu e of his Philom ath College putting on Pelican Bay to have $15,000 A storia— October evports to­ count of lack of tim e. w’ill be glad to meet her. drive. 000. taled $975,000. • a $15,000 drive. position In the caA. Classified Ads Bring Results - TO PERFORM DECEMBER 3 0 F KOREANS i ANNUAL OPENING OF ' 026 MAKING GAS ECONOMY 22,165 PLANS FILED TEST RUN T 0 FI - ■ it J