» PAGE FöVfi WerinuMÍny, Noi ember iät, í& ÍH a» -»“W * * » » ««9»»»» o h h > > » ♦ > .» » » > TH IEF IS SHOT BY TU O kt stl'ËCÎS HELD vaace only as education advances. 1 we&i, and are hdw oh (heir w * | P ortland policeman for train robbery In a concise m anner he told of The announcem ent states tuat into California territories. It is how each generation has its own j tor two months, from November said by Mr. Alfred A. Aya, gehei*. PORTLAND, Nov. 21.— D arrel SAN FRANCISCO, NoV, 21. civilization, the degree of which j 15th to January 15th, authorized al sales m anager th a t the fleet* A Daily Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of J Perry, 21, was probably fatally Doubt was expressed by agents of is dependent on the present gen- f I C-T-C dealers are to offer to place of many large Northwest corpora4 ♦ local Interest. « wounded by patrolm an Blanchard ft,e sou th ern Pacific working on eratio n ’s capabilities for absorp-! ¡a C-T-C on any wheel opposite any tions now travel wholly on C‘T-0 ■* ,1' l3J noi nlng- Perry, speeding into the Siskiyou train robbery th a t tion of the achievements of each make tire, and that if the C-T-C tires and th at individual purchas- Portland in an autom obile, r e ­ the two youths held for examina- preceeding generation. “ Environ- Malta Commandery No. 4 Meeting is Delayed__ doesn’t outw ear and outdistance ers are increasing in all territo r- W. S. Lemmon, who was beilled fused to halt. A squad of police tion at Eureka are Ray and Roy ment and inspiration are two e f-1 Corporation Perm its Dealers to! * thp comPetltive K nights Templar rnmnDtiliva tire, r* m . ies. a ««1.. new C-T-C gave chase. Perry stopped his car, D’A utrem ont, brothers wanted in to hold a m eeting at the C hris­ fective forces influencing the boys Masonic Hall tire is to be presented the user C-T-C tires are m anufactured jumped out and ran. Blanchard connection with the case. Author- and girls of today,” said the) Give Replacements if C. T. C.’s free. tian church in December w rite Stated conclave, W ednesday The only restriction is th a t ■ by few that more than ninety per Are O utdistanced. that he is detained in Eastern °Ppried Jlre - a bnn^ 1 •;trikl!1g Per- ¡ties said the D’A utrem ont pictur- speaker. “ You can not teach t h e , evening, Nov. 21. Petitions and the user drive the two makes of cent of the raw m aterials for mak- Oregon longer than expected and ,1 t i r > adm itted eg resemble the two suspects, yet young hut you Can place before! reports. All Sir K nights cour­ Taking the tire world by sur- tires continuously under the ; ¡ng tires originated on the Pacific, stealing a car and robbing a I not enough to make Identification them avenupg of learning and an will be on hand for the meeting in , teously invited. . , , , , , 6 Deer Island store, along the low er certain. price, the Columbia Tire Corpora­ same conditions. In its announce-! and therefore can be easily and ~ , . ... ... , inspiration to secure knowledge.” F. H. JOHNSON. E. C. Ashland after Christm as. Columbia River Highway. tion has announced th a t C-T-C ment to dealers of this guaranty economically laid down at the The speaker decried efforts to im ­ the Columbia Tire Corporation doors o f 't h e Pacific Coast tire W. H. DAY. Recorder. The above report was received pose on the young generations the tire dealers will be perm itted to Say Merry Christm as with your points out that C-T-C tires have m anufacturers. The men respon- DR. COOK GITLTY by the Tidings at 1:30. At th at same code of ethics and the same guarantee C-T-C tires to outw ear X" 4 ^ ap ter 21 photograph and let us make it fo r* proved their ability to w ithstand ! sible for the building and equip- FORT WORTH, Nov. 21.— Dr. hour the office of Chief O’Connell I set rules as followed by those of any other make of tires a custom- , ------- you now. D arling Studio. e r w ants to match against them, R 18 teSt' a ° d that the move shou,d ping of day evening. Talks were given by the Litinän M instrels. 111 Boulevard. 69-5 8 1-2 to 10 1-2. stitch. both Mr. and Mrs. Jov discussing curling iron T<> R eturn Home FOUND— C hauffeur’s license club work. vacuum cleaner Mrs. W ill Dodge was scheduled to Owner n,ay have same by PaVing arrive home this m orning from a i for ad- Tidings- Swifts— Bacon, Boiled Ham, Size 68 x 68 all Pure Linen Size 70 x 70 Pure Irish cooking range Chipped beef and lard Get it at nionth ’s visit with relatives in good assortment of Pat- Linen cloth in fine assort­ LOST FRIDAY AFTERNOON— D etricks. I t ’s the best. 53-tf Portland. washing machine erns to select from 100 pound steel anvil, somewhere ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES i I GUARANTEE PLAN S P E C IA L 8 Crystal White Soap Free 1 Peets Washing* Machine Soap 7 Crystal White Soap 3 Cream Oil Soap All for 00 J Plaza Market • « Thanksgiving Sale ' Ï Thanksgiving Sale of Dresses if ifs Dresses Priced shares $9.95— $13.45- $17.75 $21.75— $26.75 $29.95 in enjoying it~ H A N D K E R C H IE F S 20c - 25c - 29c - 35c - 39c - 50c - 55c Extra Value s In Hosiery Silk and Wool $1.98 Pair Wool Hose $1.00 Pair Thanksgiving Sale of Fine Linens Linen Cloths Linen Cloths $6.95 Fancy Balli Towels r in city lim its. Reward for retu rn Have your clothes cleaned at to J. W. Mills. 195 Skidmore Ave. C hristian E ndeavor Convention— Paulserud’s. Phone 119. 69-6» The Union convention of the C rater Lake C hristian Endeavor FOR SALE— Honey bees $4. It costs nothing to get my i n ­ Union will be held in Bethany J surance rates. Yeo, of course. 21-t I per colony. Also Mammoth Bronze P resbyterian church, a t G rants turkeys and R. I. Red cockerels Pass, Saturday and Sunday, Nov. from prize w inning stock. Prices 24-25. Rev. Gordon H art, will act Rainfall is Normal— reasonable. 695 Terrace St. Phone During the montlUbf September as chairm an of the convention.! 261-J. 69-3 P aul C. Brown, Pacific coast field , Ashland experienced fifty per cent secretary from Los Angeles, will more rainfall than Medford. The ( ’ONVA LESCENT H O M K— be present. Thi3 convention in- norm al average for the months of This is the tim e to make your eludes K lam ath. Lake. Jackson October and September were 1.34 reservation for m aternity inches and .88. D uring the month winter. Terms reasonable. and Josephine counties. ______ i of October 3.09 inches of rainfall Granite. Phone 411-R. Try our fresh kippered salmon WaS PerciPitated. Southern Oregon FOR RENT— Furnished cabin ‘D etricks.” 53-tf witb Asllland in p articular, had ! more rain than P ortland during cozy place for small family, also 153 Granite. the fall. This has not been ab­ two apartm ents. New Bread Machine Added— normal or subnorm al here, hut Phone 411-R. Falling in line with their other ra th e r a lack in the northern part FOR RENT— Furnished house, achievem ents in the baking line, j of the state adults 47 Union. Phone 332-J. th e Bon Ton Bakery is install­ 69-tf in g m achinery necessary for the Fresh fru it cake and m in ce, m aking of salt rising bread. Lov- m eat ingredients__brown sugar. W ILL TRADE— Splendid five- ers of this old-fashioned product citron, spices, orange peel, lemon passenger touring car, run less: will find a h earty and delicious peel, w alnuts and so forth. De- than 10,000 miles, as first pay-! creation on the m aiket next tteek, tricks. We deliver. 5 9 -tfjm en t on small place near Ash-! w hen it Is expected th a t the Bon land: or will sell on very easy! Ton will have the m ach in ery ! allowa county shipping car-, term s to responsible party. W rite ready for operation. i load of stock daily. A. B. care Tidings, i sewing machjne ironer heater pad F or the Early Xmas Shopper who wants a large assortment to select from you will find it here— Kxtra Value Priced Each 39c - 50c - 69c - 75c - 98c Thanksgiving Sale of Silks You can give n o th in g m ore thoughtful th an som ething electric — be it for its w onderful convenience or its welcome sav in g o f m uch hard work. See y o u r deal­ er today w hile his stock is at its best. ____ . TOUR PARTNERS IN PROGRESS _ ^Ihis fihrifhnas let Electricity ao the worKL, Panam a Crepe $2.05 Yard 36 inch the much wanted silk and Wool m aterial for dresses. Buy your Dress P attern now. Crepe de Chine $1.05 Yard 40” wide all the new and wanted colors for w inter wear Sold Regularly at, yd......$2.25 P rin ted Crepes $2.OK Vard New patterns in Printed Crepe De Chine so popular for W aists and Dresses. Costume Velvets $3.25 Yard 36” fine quality Costume Vel­ vets— come in black, brown and Navy. ment of Patterns to select Sold Hegularly at. . .$5.98 from Sold Regularly a t . . .$7.50 Table Damask $2.19 yard 70 inch all pure Linen Damask in Beautiful Patterns Sold Regularly at .......... $2.4K 70 inch Extra Heavy Pure Irish Linen Damask, two patterns to select from Sold Regularly a t........... $ 3 .7 5 Table Pride Damask $1.00 yard C4 inch Mercerized Damask Extra fine Linen finish— good P atterns to select from Sold Regularly at, yd......$1.19 Outing Flannel Gowns for Women made of good Quality Outing, price 98c Each Table Damask $8.48 yard Linen Napkins $5.98 doz 22 x 22 Full dinner size, all Pure Irish Linen in several new P atterns Sold Regularly at .......... $0.4K Womens Union Suits in winter weight, come in all the styles wanted The Quality Store Price Suit $125