AgâtÀftfo b W »ÖböiöM Wedthrôfôÿi Soi ember Si, iuad Classified Còlu inn tioh. Beaverton and Banks let con­ "A ir power, 'Tike sea power, tracts for w ater supply systems. Classified Column Rate». m ust be intrinsically based on a (She cent the word etich broa,d reserve of commercial ef­ PARIS, Nov. 2 i — À symbol Of time. fort and achievement. flame hag béen proposed for the by the To run every issue for one “Progress of service aeronau­ Soldier’s grave under P » /» Unknown ~...... O Biave month or more, the word HUNTSVILLE, Ala.. Nov. 20. Are you satisfied with just tics since the war has amounted h a tn e r 0/ tha great Arc de Triomphe a t t h e , each time. — A rthur Gwathuey, 60 years old • to little more than the develop- Etoile. It has been suggested j bread or are you usiug and a cripple, who has been a ¡ íí¿ , ment of types in existence in 1918 MISCELLANEOUS that a flame be kept burning tenant farm er all of his life. LONDON, Nov 20.— B ritain's to a stage at which they can be night and day, a vestal light as a ß E R .N A K « BOARD AND ROOM in private h. 11 tl!1 his own acres- a ir forces have steadily deterior- produced in quantity.” Franklin’s M A C FAD DEN/ symbol of sacrafice and eloquent “ Sheen” Is Off College Men family. I l l Third St. C8-2* proud pos- ated until today she is practically and. Girls Because of 1 at ney is now ‘he uos- trib u te to the dead— a flam e that Superior Bread sessor of 100 acres of “ re a l” j defenseless in the air against at 1 here are five superstitions in re­ This, He Says. never dies. The grave of the LOST— Near Community Hos­ farm land, least one power, declares Major SPORTS 2,887-PIRCE Soldier has pital pair light rimmed spectacles. lation to fresh air that have no ex­ French Unknown le time tii We use nothing hut the best Some ago Gwathney heard General Sr Frederck Sykes, M. P.,f cuse for existence. CRAZY-QUILT SUIT made the famous Arc more than FOR SEX INSTRUCTION F inder retu rn to Tidings office. n e a r^ o rm e r Director of Civil Aviation. calls for help from a road The first of these is that night air of m aterials and make them up 68-2 is injurious. \\ hile there is possibly one of the most beautiful m onu­ his home. Upon reaching the spot' “ The war left us with the fin- DENVER, Nov. 21— Downtown Morality on Campus Due m ents in the French capital. It WANTED -TO ..LEASE., with not as much oxygen during the night has now become a place of pil­ Only to Girls; Raps Boys he found W. W. Fox, prom inent ps‘ flying service in the world, Denver traffic was congested when in a clean sanitary m anner. citizen of Clanton, and his wife I declared General Sykes. “ We are A. T. Vandeventer, 70-year-old privilege of purchase, two or time, owing to the absence of sun­ grim age to which representives or Who Seek “ F u n ” Alone pinned beneath their burning now aerially defenseless against/O klahom a former, paraded Sixtee-: light, there is still nothing harmful three room house. Must have OUR CAKES every visiting nation turn to pay In night air, but it is full of life and automobile, which had skidded i at lp»st one power. In war the a ir th street wearing his “crazy quilt" SYRACUSE. N. Y„ Nov 20— shade trees, Address Box B, care silent tribute. The spot has al­ health giving properties. are giving the best of satisfac­ Curiosity in wrecking America’s, and overturned. m ust strike before the arm y and sui‘ °f clothes. of Tidings. 67-6* most become sacred ground. The second superstition is that ______ youth. ; Though physically unable to of- the navy and will immediately V andeventer was accompanied tion, they will please you also. WANTED— W ashing. 248 1st damp air is injurious. Many people From now voi ra m . So charged Dr. Allyn K. Foster J fer aid> Gwatliney summoned oth- suffer heavy casualties. by his wife, who informed the fit. 62-2mo.* have had it instilled into them that 1 a l by “ scientific m inister.” in address-1ers to the 3Cene- When the res All is not well with British I curious ‘hat she made the suit damp air is harmful. This is a your lonesome in the little mono­ Open Sunday’s cuers, fearing an explosion of the a ir power. The experience of t h e l herse,f« which consisted of 2,887 ing Syracuse U niversity's student FOR RENT serious and foolish mistake. Damp plane taxis which have ju st ap­ body. gasoline, hesitated to approach Pas‘ five years emphasizes the pieces- It took her six weeks and , 10:30 a. m. to 12:30 aud 3:00 air is no different from any other ait peared on the P aris streets. They the burning - car — he called uponJ fac‘ ------ ‘hat — it — is - by research auu and op-, o p -' three days to accomplish the FOR RENT — Seven r o o m , . “ If young people load their ---- — “p u n ,----- j . up-, sprightly little except that there is a certain amount are to 6:00 p. m. n,.a»,C minds wi‘h rotten thoughts they’ll | them t0 ’‘follow me.” Inspired by oration th a t progress can best be gaudy affair, house. 348 H agardine. Phone of moisture held suspended in it. sm aller, but powerful enough for " " s u f f e r . The sheen is off thousands i the o,d m an’s example the re s -' m aintained. Yet real aeronautical 455. The third superstition is that drafts riding about the city, and what are injurious. Most people are is more im portant, they are 50 of college girl«, and boys in th is^ CUers quick,y raised the car and Progress has been practically at FOR SALE afraid of drafts. The popular idea per cent cheaper than the larger ‘Flapper Age’ because they don’t extricated the injured couple. A a standstill since 1918. “ In European w arfare it will be TWO SPECIAL BARGAINS OF as to what is a draft is simply that ones. It has been found th at 80 control th eir instinct of curiosity,” moment later the gasoline tank exploded. impossible, until air superiority E. E. PHIPPS, Real Estate Brok­ it is a current of cold air coming per cent of the persons who en­ declared Dr. Foster. Mrs. Fox died from her in ju r­ has been gained for fleets to er: “ Curiosity can lead you in the into a warm room. There is no more gage taxig are alone, and there ies but Fox recovered. move, arm ies to mobilize and op­ 1 Building lot half block off need to be afraid of such a change is therefore little need of so many uplands of culture, refinem ent and Fox, in gratitude, has deeded erate, or for the organization of th e Boulevard, near H aw thorne titan there is of going from a warm large ones taking up space on the beauty or drag you down*into the a farm of 100 acres, worth close reserve resources of m aterial and School, 60 ft. frontage, for quick room into cold atmosphere. too-crowded streets. Only th ir ty !,mnck of ¿«gradation. Curiosity The .fourth superstition is that cold to $10,000 to Gwathney and says man-power to make headway cash— $175. of these small ones have appeared J leads young boys and girls away air is more injurious than warm air. ' he is getting a larg er retu rn for “ The percentage of fighting Ford Touring Car, 1916 model. so far, but hundreds are promised from the influence of m other’s apron strings because they haven’t this property than any he hAs men in the Royal Air Force is O riginal purchaser still owns it. Instead of this being true, the reverse for the end of the year. is the fact. Warm air does not have sm all; only a fraction of the total power to resist and they haven’t ever sold. Has never had a bolt or nut re- For a limited time only we will give eight Gwathney is the fath er of sev- air establishm ent do any day-by-j moved since it c u e from factory, ¡ “ "æ “ M “ Yes, I shall not get m arried to­ sense enough to be afraid. Plato says ‘courage is an opin en children. Both him self and his j day work in the air. We have no never repaired, never has run bars of CRYSTAL W HITE SOAP AIÎSOI.E- Again It Is believed that It Is in- day, sang Coulanges- T h o u sau r-; t 6,000 miles, mechanically good jurlous to sleep in a draft. The only j is before his trem bling bride, Ger- ion of w hat to fear and what not wife are feeble and the family | reserve of trained personnel to IL IA FREE with each purchase of as new. Will sell for $125.00. to fear.’ People are brave when had always been in ra th e r needy fill the gaps. way to sleep healthfully is to sleep j niaine Fardeau, and all h er at- See E. E. Phipps, Real Estate in a draft. Instead of shunning a tendan‘a who were w aiting in the they are scared. A girl won’t go circumstances. “ Vast supplies of aircraft m a­ Broker. 67tf. draft, the sensible, wise person, who h “ ’e church of Brie for the priest I i“ t° wrong when she is frightened terial m ust be prom ptly forth-j 7 Bars Crystal White S o a p ... MEN-XURSES FALL $ .35 of the results. coming. The British aircraft in­ FOR SALE— Apples. S. J. wishes to be restored to health, or to to perform the solemn ceremony. FOR CREAM PUFFS dustry, the greatest and best- “ Morality on the campus is due 3 bars Creme O i l ............................. 25 Evans, Phone 10F-13. 49-lrao.* maintain the health he has already The wedding bells were ringing equipped in 1918, has shrunk to secured, will so arrange his bed that out when the fath er of the fu tu re to the actions of the girls only,” dies and cream puffs were respon­ attenuated, ill-nourished p r o- 1 box Beets Washing Pow der..........40 FOR SALE— Plymouth Rock the air, winter and summer will have husband called him to one side he continued. “ They can keep a sible for the dismissal of 202 stu ­ portions, while th a t of France h a s ’ place good or let it go bad, but 1 the freest possible opportunity to blow and spoke a few w o rd a jn to his pullets and im perial Plym outh $L00 dent nurses from training schools j beent retained^ at a considerable Rock cockerels. Call 4F-12. Mrs. directly over him. ears. Ju st w hat he said no one wish I could lay my hands on the in the state because of physical size. Ventilation—No form of ventilation knows, but it fellows who only see fun in young J . E. Ramsey. 64-6* was of such im p o rt-' disability, if charges made by Is worth while unless it accomplishes “ In w ar there will only be time AMOUNT TO EACH CUSTOMER UNLIMIT­ ance th a t the bridegroom then and, g irl’s companionship. delegates at the annual m eeting FOR SALE— Seven room mod­ to carry on in production with de­ and rapid/ hangC °f th e i ‘ber* e n o u n ce d his m arriage of- „ F ° 8ter Went ° n t0 explain ern house in first class condition. air in the room, in fact sufficiently ; ferinK to nav all t ,.„ _vnan ’ . th a ‘ ‘he fifteen instincts which of the G raduate N urses’ Associa­ signs which have been produced ED. GET YOUR SUPPLY TODAY N ear Ju n io r High school M° 8 ti i . ? at. , i e- at^ 0SpherC. h nearly . or I the ceremony, even to r e i m b u r s - “ P maChin®ry m ake or tion are correct. and tried out in peace. Compara-! A num ber of graduate nurses tlvely little has been done in this scenic location in town. Cash ac­ practically as fresh and pure as that AT break his whole life. He claims mg the wedding guests who had claimed the habit of student n u r­ ceptable, or substantial pay m en t; to be had outdoors. This means im portant aspect, while operation­ th a t “ speed is th a t process of come from a distance by train. down, balance by the month. S e e • open windows. missing as much as possible from ses constanly eating cream puffs al experim ent also is stagnant. Man originally lived out-of-doors, Mrs. Lane at Tidings after three the startin g point of a journey” and candies instead of sticking to America has taken the lead in No smoking allowed— by the and in a climate in which it was o ’clock. 62-12 and speed in life makes you miss plain fare prescribed by the dieti­ experim ent and France in opera- AT ENDERS BIG STORE comfortable to be outdoors and u n -' WOmen’ T1,is means on the ter-! tians made them unfit physically all the good on the way. FOR SALE— Four room cot­ sheltered. , races of certain large cafes in the to follow training. Classified ar. Credit given in broken ankle. She was injured on High School. Phone 341-J 53tf th e old Edgewood road, when the PIANO TUNING m achien in which she was riding PIANO TUNING— $3.50. Trade crashed into a stum p. The car at home and have your piano tu n ­ was badly wrecked. ed by Carl H. Loveland. Studio 135 E. Main St.; Phones 134 and Claseided ads bring results. 465, A Society girl marries the family chauffeur, a poor music piaster’s daughter weds a mil­ lionaire. WHAT HAPPENS? Thurs., Friday SINCLAIR LEW IS Celebrated Novel "MAIN STREET 99 With Florence Vidor and Monte Blue back to hig home in Saint Flor | last week to find th a t his wife was no longer his. Jean Flout | became a soldier several years I ago and aparently went off and forgot his wife. Having heard nothing from Jean for such a long time, niadam e decided th a t she was a widow and became the wife of another man and su b -J sequently the m other of two i children. The other day Jean | came back. A utum n strollers in the Bois de>| Boulogne realize th a t the fam o u s' deer have gone th e way of many good old things. Only about forty J are left. They are the descend­ ants of the original ones placed J in the Bois de Napoleon III. The first herd jvas eaten by the s ta rv -1 ing comm unards in 1871. In 1897,1 several more hinds and a stag were put in, but their ranks have,' been greatly thinned by the num ­ erous m otorcars in the woods. The | old keeper who feeds them says there will be no more in twenty | years. The bright lights of the cars dazzle th eir eyes and make! them fall easy victims to the m otorists. Eugene— Ten carloads products shipped daily Eugene Fruit Growers' Assn. This offer only holds good on C-T-C’s bought from authorized C-T-C dealers before January 15th, and as you will need new tires by Spring anyway—get in on this unheard offer NOW. C-T-C’s are the longest wearing tires, the best for non-skid, best for traction in mud and sand, best for crushed rock roads, and have the toughest tread, strongest sidewalls, most expert hand- workmanship and can be driven safely at low inflation. In spite of their GUARANTEED SUPERIORITY, C-T-C’s cost NO MORE than ordinary tires. T IR E S il D* <1 1> I TUBES Sold i1#?, X Leedom’s Tire House Beaver Block Corner Ashland, Oregon